Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #9

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Some things may have been purchased (at severely discounted rates) by any of the crew

Anyone in Texas missing an old Camaro? SS now selling...forensics on the car ownership from Texas to SS would be revealing...
You don't want people showing up, staying 5 minutes and leaving. If you have loads of people show up and they each stay for an hour or so, socializing and so on, you won't get the heat.

"Most of its moisture" is 10-15% moisture. No you don't want to buy wet pot that is even higher moisture content than that. There is a sweet spot for everything.

I guess i'm getting off-topic a bit .. but MS is living in Oakville - this ain't the 'hood by any stretch of the word. Granted, 30 Speers Rd (and a few other apartment buildings surrounding it) has a historical record/reputation of having a dealer on every floor (with regular busts/evictions resulting), but i rather suspect that MS was also dealing out of his mothers house in Glen Abbey, and with pre-arranged meets in the community - dime-bagging it would have been the exception, rather than the rule - he was trying to off-load the whole amount of weed .. not just $100.00 worth to Bleach. The witness claiming to be buying a dime or two for 'personal' every day - i rather suspect that there is more to that story, than what he's letting on.. a little bit of dealing using MS as 'his' source wouldn't be surprising at all, and getting the benefit of regular daily personal smoke from 'buddy', being the motivator.

I lived in Oakville for 40 years.. 'dime-bag Darryls' stand out like a sore thumb. Dealing is/was done on a friends and acquaintance network basis. At least it was 20-30 years ago.
Imagine if SS hadn't tipped DM off about AJ's interest in the truck; if MH had contacted police while he still had the locked toolbox in his possession; if CN had contacted police after the night's activities with DM on May 9th. Or if AJ had actually called Crimestoppers on the 8th when he first suspected the truck could be TB's. How different might the evidence in this trial be today?
I guess i'm getting off-topic a bit .. but MS is living in Oakville - this ain't the 'hood by any stretch of the word. Granted, 30 Speers Rd (and a few other apartment buildings surrounding it) has a historical record of having a dealer on every floor (with regular busts/evictions resulting), but i rather suspect that MS was also dealing out of his mothers house in Glen Abbey, and with pre-arranged meets in the community - dime-bagging it would have been the exception, rather than the rule - he was trying to off-load the whole amount of weed .. not just $100.00 worth to Bleach. The witness claiming to be buying a dime or two for 'personal' every day - i rather suspect that there is more to that story, than what he's letting on.. a little bit of dealing using MS as 'his' source wouldn't be surprising at all, and getting the benefit of regular daily smoke from 'buddy', being the motivator.

I lived in Oakville for 40 years.. 'dime-bag Darryls' stand out like a sore thumb. Dealing is/was done on a friends and acquaintance network basis. At least it was 20-30 years ago.

Actually he was trying to unload the gun, which was cheaper, to Bleach - not the pot. And they didn't get around to discussing anything anyway since Bleach only had the hun.

The guy who said he was smoking a gram or two with MS per day (BD) also said that he sold for MS from time to time.

Yes, I agree, you buy from and sell to your friends, not shadowy strangers. The question is, among DM and MS's network, where was the original source of the drugs? In the case of the smelly backpack and the weed MS later ended up with, it seems to be DM.

MS may have been supplying BD, but DM could have been MS's supplier.
If things were being sold for cash, should DM be offering a % of proceeds, not an arbitrary number $50, $100? I'd want a standard valuation, like $50 weed, that I could instantly understand, not something like $50 worth of Bobcat.

LOL $50 worth of Bobcat... and what self respecting 20 year old wouldn't want a few trees as reward for helping a friend in dire need...
I wonder now if MB still thinks her precious son DM is innocent as she previously stated. Funny she could say that even then, handling a small claims court settlement for him.
You don't want people showing up, staying 5 minutes and leaving. If you have loads of people show up and they each stay for an hour or so, socializing and so on, you won't get the heat.

"Most of its moisture" is 10-15% moisture. No you don't want to buy wet pot that is even higher moisture content than that. There is a sweet spot for everything.

Snooper, I am seriously impressed with your extensive knowledge on the ultimate dos and don'ts of maintaining the perfect, shall we say, nature's own medicinal product. Of course, I suspect your expertise comes from a medical condition. <S>
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
I don't know for a fact is DM was a supplier of drugs to his friends, but of all of the ones we know of so far, he has both the means, the connections, and the personality to make it a strong possibility. What I observe in that possibility is DM's ability to create and/or exploit the vulnerabilities in others in order to keep them beholden to him, but ironically, DM would have been lost without all of them, IMO. And IMO he was attending to his own vulnerabilities by both exploiting and tending to theirs. Both DM and his entourage had a co-dependant relationship. DM never acted like he needed them, and I highly doubt he had the insight to realize it, but without them IMO he felt completely powerless, impotent and empty.

All MOO.
I had a whole response typed - it seems i take too long and it logs me out and i loose my log in therefor my response:facepalm: anyway, i tried long ago to check google maps and google earth because i am direction-ally challenged to reference restaurants close by and it looks like the one i recognized called the Bent Elbow could even be done in 15 minutes there (not there and back) but it said to me maybe there is somewhere they could even be regulars. I suppose LE would have seen if they put in a food order on there phones though!
Snooper, I am seriously impressed with your extensive knowledge on the ultimate dos and don'ts of maintaining the perfect, shall we say, nature's own medicinal product. Of course, I suspect your expertise comes from a medical condition. <S>
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Thank you very much: things are better now ;)
Mimimic: Kamille had enlightened me previously on how to avoid that problem and it works! Just go log out and then log back on and tick the "remember me" box. HTH which means hope that helps or happy to help. Kamille taught me that when I first joined here too! :)

All MOO.
In response to Ironwork's post #18. Copy and pasted highlighted sections from my post, in which you quoted within my post. make it more simplified and easier to respond to your questions, please use the appropriate functions when quoting others posts. TIA.

The "portions" taking out of context. HTH.
Me: remaining loyal to dm.
Ironworker: why would bd be "remaining loyal to dm"? He only met him briefly a few times and testified that he didn't like him. Makes no sense imo

Me: jar of pellets on a table),
Ironworker: what does a jar of pellets have to do with a real handgun? Are you suggesting tb was murdered with a pellet gun?

Me: I'm banking on mm to blow this case wide open with truths and clarity.
Ironworker: so far, you refuse to believe a single word anyone involved with dm or ms has said in court. Why on earth do you expect mm to be the one you will believe?

Correct, I should have only implied HM as being loyal to DM.
Adam Carter &#8207;@AdamCarterCBC Apr 7
"Lets go through your statements to show how many lies you tell and how much you protect Mr. Millard," Dungey says.

Why would you assume that is what I was meaning? Did I indicate anywhere in my post TB was shot with a pellet gun...or anyone else for that matter? If you read my full statement, MH claimed on the stand, "I never once in my life ever thought Dellen to be serious with guns." We've seen evidence of a gun(s) in DM's house, pellets (no indication these are for a pellet gun is there? Some shotgun ammo contain pellet/shots. Who's to say DM and/or buddies didn't make ammo :dunno:), an evidence photo found on DM's computer where he is obviously holding a gun. My point being, I don't believe MH when he said never once in my life ever thought Dellen to be serious with guns. Also, IIRC there was a video of DM and buddies "goofing off" with some sort of long barrel gun. One of DM's friends had photos on their facebook of them aiming rifles. I have no idea if those are still out there and who all was in the photos, but I do remember seeing them from very early on in this case, and people identified them as DM and friends. One buddy still has a photo of him holding what appears to be a gun to the side of his head, posted a few years ago. MH testified saying he had no idea there was a gun in the toolbox. MH's text back to DM asking him if guns were in the toolbox, so you believe that was just his "sense of humour" coming out? I don't think it had anything to do with his sense of humour and either doesn't Dungey, and that was why he kept pushing MH. Dungey wants the jurors to know MH knew there was a gun in the toolbox, that he lied numerous times throughout all his statements to LE, and he continues to lie to cover for himself and DM....but that's just our opinions.

Wayne Millard's shotgun death in November 2012 was originally deemed a suicide.

molly hayes &#8207;@mollyhayes Apr 7
"Never thought in my wildest dreams DM would own a gun. I would never have expected him to pass it to me of all people," he says.

Adam Carter &#8207;@AdamCarterCBC Apr 6
Hagerman says the "hah full of guns" text was a joke, because the situation felt so weird

Adam Carter &#8207;@AdamCarterCBC Apr 7
Millard responds, a tool box. Hagerman responded "ha ha full of guns?" Hagerman says he was trying to be funny, wasn't expecting guns

Adam Carter &#8207;@AdamCarterCBC Apr 7
Millard responded "..." and "2." "I never once in my life ever thought Dellen to be serious with guns," Hagerman says.
After repeatedly trying to get MH to admit he knew there was a gun in the toolbox.
Adam Carter &#8207;@AdamCarterCBC Apr 7
"Sir, that's just nonsense and you know that's nonsense." Dungey says.

Yeah...very ironic don'tcha think?!
Adam Carter &#8207;@AdamCarterCBC Apr 7
Hagerman says he made a joke in a text that guns were in the toolbox. "It's become a very ironic joke now," Hagerman says

Ironworker: "So far, you refuse to believe a single word anyone involved with dm or ms has said in court. Why on earth do you expect mm to be the one you will believe?"

An exaggeration on your part. ;) I suspect MM has the least of any of the friends to lose. She likely knew both the accused well enough to know what was going on. Although it would be considered as hearsay, no doubt MS confided in her much about DM and his other friends and what they were all up to over the past while, prior to TB's murder. Guns, thefts, drugs, money exchanging hands, being around the hangar working, seeing things. Why wouldn't she tell all and the truth if she wasn't involved in serious, illegal activities like all the other friends including CN? ALL MOO.

Nice comeback, swedie and well worth repeating! :) You'd make a good lawyer! I think we already have enough judges! :judge:

All MOO.
I don't know for a fact is DM was a supplier of drugs to his friends, but of all of the ones we know of so far, he has both the means, the connections, and the personality to make it a strong possibility. What I observe in that possibility is DM's ability to create and/or exploit the vulnerabilities in others in order to keep them beholden to him, but ironically, DM would have been lost without all of them, IMO. And IMO he was attending to his own vulnerabilities by both exploiting and tending to theirs. Both DM and his entourage had a co-dependant relationship. DM never acted like he needed them, and I highly doubt he had the insight to realize it, but without them IMO he felt completely powerless, impotent and empty.

All MOO.

What gets me on the drugs is MS has absolutely nothing to show for it, if he is dealing big time. He should at least have a tricked-out bike or something. He shouldn't be wearing the same clothes all the time (and isn't that a bit of a heat score, anyway?) He's living at his momma's, eating her food, and has no car expenses. His pot habit is probably only in the mid-hundreds per month, if he is smoking 2g a day like his buddy, so it's not like his habit would be eating up everything. Where's his stuff? He had no cash when it was time to seek a lawyer and it seems he tried to sell stuff he got off DM to make the money he needed. I just don't think he is a big-time anything.That's why it struck such a chord with me to hear there was a knapsac full of weed coming from DM.
Do we have any clues about why DM had lost his license? I know it's been asked before, but not sure if I've missed any discussion...
What gets me on the drugs is MS has absolutely nothing to show for it, if he is dealing big time. He should at least have a tricked-out bike or something. He shouldn't be wearing the same clothes all the time (and isn't that a bit of a heat score, anyway?) He's living at his momma's, eating her food, and has no car expenses. His pot habit is probably only in the mid-hundreds per month, if he is smoking 2g a day like his buddy, so it's not like his habit would be eating up everything. Where's his stuff? He had no cash when it was time to seek a lawyer and it seems he tried to sell stuff he got off DM to make the money he needed. I just don't think he is a big-time anything.That's why it struck such a chord with me to hear there was a knapsac full of weed coming from DM.

At today's prices, maybe the cigarettes were the more costly habit ... :crazy:
Just a thought but could it be that when the SUV left the hangar at 12:42 am, Millard went to drop off CN or someone else? I would think that if they went to pick up food there would be footage of them at a gas station or fast food restaurant.

I wondered too but CN lives quite far from the hangar for that 30 min gap. If there was footage, it would be taped over by now IMO. I have speculated a propane run as there is a filling station within the area. Or could be any other number of things. I suppose if she had a friend close--like the person they left the red truck at, she might have hung out there.IMO
Do we have any clues about why DM had lost his license? I know it's been asked before, but not sure if I've missed any discussion...

I was wondering that also.. because the media had noted MS's previous convictions, including DUI. That isn't the only reason to have a license suspended, but surprised that hasn't been mentioned in the news.
Smich's sister and brother in law work for Google in California, I am pretty sure. Even if his family is not publically supporting him in any way it may be possible that they have made it possible for him to have a decent lawyer. Public knowledge, I am not connected to the case or family.sorry if that sort of info is not permitted here. I came across it after a few minutes of research into smich. Longtime lurker, first time poster. This whole case is so horribly baffling and heartbreaking, and I want to thank you all for your comments and insights throughout the trial so far.

ETA I was replying to a previous commentor who was wondering how smich is managing to afford TD
Do we have any clues about why DM had lost his license? I know it's been asked before, but not sure if I've missed any discussion...

Speeding? Shane said he was a crazy driver, Also, neighbours have said the same. Wasn't he also into drag racing?
Actually he was trying to unload the gun, which was cheaper, to Bleach - not the pot. And they didn't get around to discussing anything anyway since Bleach only had the hun.

The guy who said he was smoking a gram or two with MS per day (BD) also said that he sold for MS from time to time.

Yes, I agree, you buy from and sell to your friends, not shadowy strangers. The question is, among DM and MS's network, where was the original source of the drugs? In the case of the smelly backpack and the weed MS later ended up with, it seems to be DM.

MS may have been supplying BD, but DM could have been MS's supplier.

A thought just popped into my head, regarding sequence of events immediately before DM was arrested.

He was tailed to a TD bank (?) in Cambridge or area, withdrew a large sum of cash - $3000-3500.00 rings a bell. He then headed towards home-turf - Etobicoke - and was arrested on Mississauga Rd, when he was surrounded in a high-risk takedown.

I know there has been supposition that the $3000.00 was to pay off the Colombian worker .. I don't know if that would rank up there in order of priority for DM, considering the rapid unfolding of events since he'd been interviewed at the hanger.

Meanwhile, around this same time frame, coincidently (i think not, IMHO).. AM has a theoretical 1 lb of pot in the trunk of his car, sitting in DM's driveway. $3000.00 is around street value for wholesale on that weight. Assuming this thread's working theory that DM might well be involved in an active drug distribution ring, Is it possible that AM also had a very active role in procurement? Would it not make sense that if DM owned the pot, it would be in or on the property of DM, rather than in AM's trunk of the car? Police show up to do a search warrant, AM get's told to scram.. I wonder why the investigating police didn't have a drug-dog on scene while serving a warrant for evidence, to check it out first?

I always assumed the $3000.00 was "making himself scarce money" ... but in the grand scheme of things, that wouldn't get DM much beyond a plane ticket out of country.. what then? I'm thinking DM was still very confident he was skating from this, right up until he got busted.. perhaps he was in process of framing up MS.. but i'm having my doubts he was actively looking to escape justice at this point.

Wild-arsed IMHO/Supposition...
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