Boulder's JonBenet Ramsey home up for sale, again, for $2.3 million

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It's surprising to me that their house was messy. I would have assumed that Patsy would've wanted the house to be neat; although I'm sure whenever they had a party or a tour, the house was in pristine condition.
It's surprising to me that their house was messy. I would have assumed that Patsy would've wanted the house to be neat; although I'm sure whenever they had a party or a tour, the house was in pristine condition.

Their housekeepers attested to the fact that although they were there to clean, it was no easy task. I am not saying Patsy's home was dirty- I don't think that was the case- but it was messy- which is different from being dirty. There was always stuff around- no one put anything away. If the kids had a snack, the crumbs and whatever they got out was always still on the counter or table where they left it Peanut butter jars, milk, etc. Witness the bowl of pineapple still on the table. Remnants of the R's Christmas morning breakfast was still on the table and counter- Patsy did not clean up after breakfast. She would probably have left it for LHP to clean up when she came a few days later.
Nedra had admonished Patsy, saying that LHP was there to clean, not pick up after them, and LHP spent far too much time putting stuff away. The house did not have a hamper. The kids' dirty clothes, including underwear and socks, was simply dropped wherever they took them off; LE saw evidence if this in JB's pants with fecal matter obviously in them lying on a floor.
JR usually used the laundry chute, but rarely anyone else. Someone unfamiliar with this case might look at the crime photos of the house and assume someone had ransacked the house. Not so. There was simply tons of stuff around. Look at that basement! (Not the WC, the rest of it.)
...I think that also says a lot about PR's mindset...her head in the clouds,an avid reader,maybe some "hoarder" tendencies even? Was it hard for her to let go of things?Was her "messyness" psychological?
I think Patsy thought she was too good to clean the house and pick up things, thats what she had hired help to do. Her task in life was to be the Mother of the beauty queen; although I am surprised she didnt demand more of the housekeeper, I would have expected her to live in a super clean showplace.
Hello everyone! This is an old thread, but the only relevant one I could find. Sorry for resurrecting it!
I never really followed this case because it happened while I was still in highschool and before I moved to Boulder. Today, though, my kids had something a couple of blocks away from the Ramsey home where they would be busy for about an hour so I randomly decided to drive by the house.
There was still a sign out front (Sotherby's I think?) but I can't find the listing on Zillow.
Anyway, the house is creepy as hell. Even if I didn't know what happened there, I still think it would have given me the major heebie jeebies. There was just something WRONG with it...can't really explain. Just a sick, cold feeling looking at it.
After seeing the house I drove a couple of blocks west (less than 1/4mile I'd guess) towards a park/hiking trail because it is gorgeous here today and wanted to take a walk with the rest of my time. I got out and took a couple of pictures of the Flatirons and when I got back to the car to post them on FB, they were heavily obstructed by a large pink and purple orb. In all the photos I took. The orb started up higher on the mountain and moved down closer in each photo. It seriously creeped me out. When I was looking on the web I saw some people had claimed to see a little girl (claimed it was her ghost) at that same trail.
Is there any way I can post pics on the thread? I don't know how to do that.
I guess this is a totally random post, but I'm still creeped out by it. :(
Hello everyone! This is an old thread, but the only relevant one I could find. Sorry for resurrecting it!
I never really followed this case because it happened while I was still in highschool and before I moved to Boulder. Today, though, my kids had something a couple of blocks away from the Ramsey home where they would be busy for about an hour so I randomly decided to drive by the house.
There was still a sign out front (Sotherby's I think?) but I can't find the listing on Zillow.
Anyway, the house is creepy as hell. Even if I didn't know what happened there, I still think it would have given me the major heebie jeebies. There was just something WRONG with it...can't really explain. Just a sick, cold feeling looking at it.
After seeing the house I drove a couple of blocks west (less than 1/4mile I'd guess) towards a park/hiking trail because it is gorgeous here today and wanted to take a walk with the rest of my time. I got out and took a couple of pictures of the Flatirons and when I got back to the car to post them on FB, they were heavily obstructed by a large pink and purple orb. In all the photos I took. The orb started up higher on the mountain and moved down closer in each photo. It seriously creeped me out. When I was looking on the web I saw some people had claimed to see a little girl (claimed it was her ghost) at that same trail.
Is there any way I can post pics on the thread? I don't know how to do that.
I guess this is a totally random post, but I'm still creeped out by it. :(

Here is the house on Zillow:

Were you looking up the old address? 755? The # was changed years ago.

You can post the pictures by doing

Do you have a link to where people were talking about the ghost on the trail?

Looking at the Zillow page...what's up with all the different real estate agencies? Five different ones since December 2008.
This reminds me of a local story here in east Texas. Back in 1996, a man went berserk and killed his gf and aunt and and then went up the road and shot up a man's house, and then killed him and his dogs. He then shot a cop, all before being apprehended. This man, (Steven Renfro), claimed he had taken 70 valiums along with liquor. He was found guilty, was given the death penalty, asked for no appeals and refused media requests, and then was executed less than 2 years later. Anyway, the house he lived in is a huge brick monstrosity, right on the corner of our historical district. It has sat empty since 1996. It was reported that he shot his aunt and girlfriend, execution style in their bedrooms, so is it any wonder no one wants to buy that thing? We live just a couple of streets over, so we pass by almost every day, and let me tell you, you can feel the evil come off in waves. I'm not kidding, Pure Evil enshrouds that house, like a cocoon. About 5/6 years ago, it caught fire, (never heard how), and I was like, 'thank God, it'll be torn down now', but no! Even though the whole upper stories burned, it just sat there for years in a burned heap...until recently. I noticed the other day, that someone is remodeling and rebuilding the upper stories! and there's another for sale sign in the yard. So, yes, I believe that the Ramsey house could feel evil.
Here is the house on Zillow:

Were you looking up the old address? 755? The # was changed years ago.

You can post the pictures by doing

Do you have a link to where people were talking about the ghost on the trail?

Looking at the Zillow page...what's up with all the different real estate agencies? Five different ones since December 2008.

They may have changed the address, but everyone knows whose house it was at that a little girl was found dead in the basement. I am sure the creepiness factor is one reason it hasn't sold. And I am sure as each listing agreement expired, it wasn't renewed with the same realtor. Maybe the realtors themselves were creeped out going into the house.
On Zillow, it stated the listing is "not for sale" at this time. The lawn looks unkempt, too, so I am sure the Milners no longer live there.
The elegance of past generations combined with modern updates makes this beautifully updated 1920's home unique! Grand rooms, great light & an oversized gated lot in one of the nicest and most sought after neighborhoods in Boulder! Spectacular gourmet kitchen, 3 fireplaces throughout home, & a large terrace with amazing views! The master suite which encompasses the entire upper level also has stunning vistas of the Flatirons! Nicely finished basement with high end features, wet bar & wine cellar!

CBM Seriously? And they wonder why the place won't sell? Why didn't they just say, "wine cellar where one of the most notorious murders in US history took place"? Plus the asking price was more than twice what any home in the neighborhood is valued.
CBM Seriously? And they wonder why the place won't sell? Why didn't they just say, "wine cellar where one of the most notorious murders in US history took place"? Plus the asking price was more than twice what any home in the neighborhood is valued.
exactly. I think I read that the little room where JB was found has been boarded up/blocked off somehow, but that's even worse! If I was trying to sell that house, I would knock down all the walls and have 1 large room. There's no way I'd board up that room, because it's still there, KWIM? pushed aside and hidden like something that can be forgotten. Out of sight out of mind, doesn't work here. If I lived in that house, thoughts of that room would give me neverending nightmares. Also, that checkered pantry stair area gives me the creeps. So dark and those stairs lead to something evil. I hate that house.
exactly. I think I read that the little room where JB was found has been boarded up/blocked off somehow, but that's even worse! If I was trying to sell that house, I would knock down all the walls and have 1 large room. There's no way I'd board up that room, because it's still there, KWIM? pushed aside and hidden like something that can be forgotten. Out of sight out of mind, doesn't work here. If I lived in that house, thoughts of that room would give me neverending nightmares. Also, that checkered pantry stair area gives me the creeps. So dark and those stairs lead to something evil. I hate that house.

ITA dodie! Funny, my line of work involves the very thing you speak of and that's the first thing I thought of when I saw the diagrams of the layout! Too many small, broken up rooms. It makes the whole basement feel chopped up and uninviting! Open it up and incorporate the WC into the rest of the basement. But whatever you do, DON'T specifically mention the WC in the description of the house! :banghead:
Here is the house on Zillow:

Were you looking up the old address? 755? The # was changed years ago.

You can post the pictures by doing

Do you have a link to where people were talking about the ghost on the trail?

Looking at the Zillow page...what's up with all the different real estate agencies? Five different ones since December 2008.

Thanks!!! Let me figure out the picture thing. Here is the link, it's in the comments by someone named Andy. She said her mom was hiking in the snow and came across a little girl on the trail without a coat. She questioned the girl and she said "I always wanted to come here, but they would never bring me" or something similar. And then she was gone. I didn't read that story until after I saw the orbs in the photos and googled if the house was haunted.

My guess about the multiple agencies is noone will touch that creepy place. Heebie jeebies I tell you. Apparently the current owners were unaware of the history.

I'll try with the pics. Does the pic have to be posted on the web for me to share it here?
Thanks!!! Let me figure out the picture thing. Here is the link, it's in the comments by someone named Andy. She said her mom was hiking in the snow and came across a little girl on the trail without a coat. She questioned the girl and she said "I always wanted to come here, but they would never bring me" or something similar. And then she was gone. I didn't read that story until after I saw the orbs in the photos and googled if the house was haunted.

My guess about the multiple agencies is noone will touch that creepy place. Heebie jeebies I tell you. Apparently the current owners were unaware of the history.

I'll try with the pics. Does the pic have to be posted on the web for me to share it here?

Really? 'Cause this article with the current owners makes it sound like they knew the house's history, and didn't mind it:

Hence, she and her husband began house-hunting -- and when a friend suggested they take a look at the onetime Ramsey residence, a 1920s-era dwelling at 749 15th Street, which had sat vacant for several years, she was initially reluctant.

It's interesting to me that they bought the home in 2004, and started putting it on the market in 2005. Makes me wonder if weird things started happening, but they don't want to share that.

And what is up with the family complaining that every time the media talks about the case, it makes it harder to sell...yet they have done numerous interviews with the media about the house.

And yeah, the picture needs a URL to be shared here. You can go to and upload the image.
I've been working on getting this picture posted, and I'm actually surprised I figured something out. If it doesn't belong, just let me know and I'll delete or have it deleted. Anyway, I play a lot of pogo scrabble against the computer 'robot' because real people quit too often, and this is a recent game that grabbed my attention. Some of the words that jumped out at me were, 'yolks, ( choke-hold), vino, (wine), pica, (to eat things not meant for consumption, including feces), la la , (kinky or perverted), crested, (top of something), tee, (golf?), sally, (a sneak attack), ma, garoted, Fleets, jeep'. No, I'm not claiming to be psychic, just thought the content of this game was interesting.
Speaking of Boulder, CO....

Today in class, we watched a video made by the Colorado Department of Transportation to promote riding your bike to work. I am not sure when it was made, but it looked like the mid-late 90s. So in the video, the guy is riding his bike when he is stopped by two cops on bikes, wearing short shorts, who inform him that he always has to use his hand signals and stop at sign signs. Then, the camera pans to the patch on their shirts--It's the Boulder PD! Later, in the video they stopped him because he didn't have a reflective thing on his bike. All I could think was...Don't they have a murder to solve?

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