BP Oil Spill Approaching Gulf Coast

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Anderson Cooper will be covering this again tonight...headlines are that BP had all their cleanup crews there while the President was there and soon after the Pres. left BP packed up and left as well!!! WTH is going on here?

Kimberly, I agree with you whole-heartedly...it's disgusting how they seem to be spending more time brainstorming 'who to blame' then 'how to fix'!!!
They need to plug the hole, it's to late to point fingers. The damage is done. We all have to kiss the butts of oil companies because if they want to, tomorrow they can raise the price of gas up to $5 again, or even say they have a shortage. It's like having that one friend that nobody likes, but we keep them around because they can get a discount at your favorite store. I don't completely blame Obama because BP has been telling lies to him as well as us, about how bad the leak really was. At least we starting to wean off the problem using solar, wind and natural gas and cars that don't use gas.
They need to plug the hole, it's to late to point fingers. The damage is done. We all have to kiss the butts of oil companies because if they want to, tomorrow they can raise the price of gas up to $5 again, or even say they have a shortage. It's like having that one friend that nobody likes, but we keep them around because they can get a discount at your favorite store. I don't completely blame Obama because BP has been telling lies to him as well as us, about how bad the leak really was. At least we starting to wean off the problem using solar, wind and natural gas and cars that don't use gas.

BBM ~ That's the worst/scariest part, nobody seems to know how or they would have done it by now.

Someone in a post above said it - have the safety mechanisms in place prior to operation. At least take seriously the mechanisms that are in place.
Now look what's happened and how's that working for you do I dare say, greedy decision makers? A problem today imo is the continuation of cutting corners in order to gain profit above all else. We're all stuck with a bunch of crap and people don't always appreciate what they have anymore. I'm stepping down from my soapbox now.
Honestly no one knows how absolutely pizzed I am about this. I live in Alabama and I have been watching this crap go on day after day after day and nothing is getting done. You can not tell me that Obama is not watching the news and has not seen that there are no BP workers in LA. Obama is allowing this to carry on because for him the longer it does the better for his agenda. Mccain and the republicans were the ones screaming drill baby drill, and Obama was and has been totally against off shore drilling. He is taking this opurtunity and letting it drag on so he can get another trillion dollar stimulous to help fund green technology and ban drilling all together. I'm not trying to be a conspiracy theorist but if this wasnt done on purpose it is at least being allowed to continue to fit his agenda. We can put a man on the moon. Create a vaccine in months to keep us from catching a flu strain never before seen, find ways to communicate to people with in seconds all across the world, and your going to sit there and tell me they can't figure out how to plug a damn hole? Bull I dont beleive it for one second. Obama is creating political career suicide here he is playing with people's livelyhood. He claims this is his number one priority whatever. He should have had every able body down here from the very beginning and get BP out of there, allow someone who is not tied to this fix it we have millions of capable people to figure this out and I'm sure they have better ideas than pumping mud and concrete into the dang pipe, or golf balls a pieces of tires...
The beaches are going to be ruined. Generations of family owned businesses are going to be gone. Animals are dieing, the Gulf may never recover from this and this is ridiculous. Sorry about the run on sentences and the spelling but I am livid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very well said butterfly! I totally agree.
I can't believe all the invective I'm reading that's being hurled at Obama.

The anger should be directed at BP. Dear God, they are responsible for this! It is THEIR responsibility--ecologically and economically.

I am amazed that people compare this to Katrina. Katrina was a NATURAL disaster. No one could be held responsible for it. This OIL VOLCANO is a man-made disaster, and the corporation that caused it should be responsible for all of this.

I agree with Obama that BP should be held responsible. And I believe that they will be held responsible. This will be the demise of BP before it is over with.

Yes, the feds SHOULD step in to protect the coastline. But every cent of clean-up, every dollar lost by every person whose livelihood is destroyed, should come from BP's bank account.

If you want to be angry, read THIS. BP sacrificed safety for the dollar. Blame BP for this disaster. They caused it, and their feet should be held to the fire for every single bit of damage to my state's shoreline that it causes.

I just find it AMAZING and disgustingly hypocritical that the political party of "drill baby drill"--the very party that is to blame for the deregulation of the oil industry--is now pointing fingers at this president, as if he's somehow culpable for what happened.

If the president had stepped in immediately to force a fed takeover of this disaster, the right-wing would have screamed, "See! There he goes again! Another government takeover!"

I just have a hard time accepting the blame being thrown at the president from the very people who in 2008 proposed solving America's energy crisis by doing more drilling IN ECOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS.

This is a disaster. A catastrophe. If you want to blame someone, blame BP. If you want to do something about it, volunteer and donate to groups like the Sierra Club. But if you want to politicize it, then please start looking at the party of deregulation of the oil industry--the party of "drill baby drill."

I had really appreciated this thread and checked it frequently, but if it's going to become a political rant thread, then I'll stay away.
And Phil Bryant tells us that we DON'T smell the oil, we must be confused. He says we're probably smelling "the oil from our own lawnmowers"


You must be in the Biloxi or St. Louis Bay area. Beautiful area. I had hoped to go crabbing on the SL bay soon. Don't know if we'll even be allowed on the barrier, though.

I was on the Pontchartrain last week, and I was nauseated by the stench. Anytime there's a steady breeze from the south, you can smell it. God bless y'all on the bay. My friends on the back bay in Biloxi JUST got through rebuilding after Katrina. They've all been through nightmares with insurance companies, and finally some volunteer groups came in and helped them build for minimal cost. They've just begun recouping their lives--and now this.

Very sad to read that workers have been sickened by the clean-up work, coming in contact with the goop. The ecological damage is already evident.

You know, Phil Bryant also said, "This is not the Exxon Valdez." And scoffed at people for overreacting.

He is right about this. It's not the Valdez. It's going to be ten times worse.
This video... this is where anger should be directed:

If 'Top Kill' fails, what's next?
May 28: NBC's Tom Costello takes a look at the viability of other technology options should BP's 'Top Kill' procedure fail to stop the Gulf oil gusher.

Even IF Top Kill works-it may be just a temporary solution!! We need to keep praying-HARD!!

I can't believe all the invective I'm reading that's being hurled at Obama.

The anger should be directed at BP. Dear God, they are responsible for this! It is THEIR responsibility--ecologically and economically.

I am amazed that people compare this to Katrina. Katrina was a NATURAL disaster. No one could be held responsible for it. This OIL VOLCANO is a man-made disaster, and the corporation that caused it should be responsible for all of this.

I agree with Obama that BP should be held responsible. And I believe that they will be held responsible. This will be the demise of BP before it is over with.

Yes, the feds SHOULD step in to protect the coastline. But every cent of clean-up, every dollar lost by every person whose livelihood is destroyed, should come from BP's bank account.

If you want to be angry, read THIS. BP sacrificed safety for the dollar. Blame BP for this disaster. They caused it, and their feet should be held to the fire for every single bit of damage to my state's shoreline that it causes.

I just find it AMAZING and disgustingly hypocritical that the political party of "drill baby drill"--the very party that is to blame for the deregulation of the oil industry--is now pointing fingers at this president, as if he's somehow culpable for what happened.

If the president had stepped in immediately to force a fed takeover of this disaster, the right-wing would have screamed, "See! There he goes again! Another government takeover!"

I just have a hard time accepting the blame being thrown at the president from the very people who in 2008 proposed solving America's energy crisis by doing more drilling IN ECOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS.

This is a disaster. A catastrophe. If you want to blame someone, blame BP. If you want to do something about it, volunteer and donate to groups like the Sierra Club. But if you want to politicize it, then please start looking at the party of deregulation of the oil industry--the party of "drill baby drill."

I had really appreciated this thread and checked it frequently, but if it's going to become a political rant thread, then I'll stay away.


That's the problem. He worries more about what people think of him than what is right. IMO

He should have ordered protection and clean up from the beginning. IMO

I agree BP should pay every penny. But, why did he think a company that skipped out on safety to save money would not skip out on clean up to save money.
IMO the Feds should have taken over from day 1 and handed BP the bill.
Today is the 2nd time that I have seen the peet moss demonstration on oil clean-up...it is simply amazing how it works, it's quick, environmentally friendly, and reusable...these guys have tried everything to get BP too take a look at it, finally they did and they turned it down!!!! WHY!!!?!!! At this point we need to take advantage of any product that has a possibility to clean up without causing any further damage! I pray that some of the Parish's try it independently with great success! The peet moss people are also suggesting that it is safer and more effective then using solvents on the birds, as it will absorb the oil and then just rinse off! Please tell me why this is not being tried...we would all rather have them doing trials on products that will cause no further harm, yet they continue to do burns and throw toxic chemicals into our oceans!
God, I hate to even think that some of these eco-friendly products could be working and these big industries turn their noses up at them because they were developed by some well-meaning hippies instead of some fat-suit ceo that can play the 'scratch my back' game!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHH I am LIVID!
Karma girl - is this what you mean?

I don't know why it can't be used at least in conjunction with other methods. The marshlands and all everything surrounding them need all the help that's possible!!
Also, those who volunteer and live close need to take precautions to guard their own health!
Ultimatley this is BPs fault, and nobody else's, but how the government has reacted is this administrations fault. Its like every other event that has happened since Obama has taken office,he is slow to react. (AKA,attempted Christmas bomber). Only this is far worse and has taken far longer.It is too bad this has become so political,but who else can we turn to? And when the person who is supposed to guide us is paying us lip service,of course we are angry. I have never liked James Carville,but I have a new respect for him. He is trying to be patient with the President,but even last night after the president's visit,he can't control himself. He knows it was a photo op,and not enough is being done. He made a very good point. Why didn't the President set an example and change his holiday weekend plans and have his family vacation in Louisiana? Show the country its safe to go to the beaches there, that things are still happening there? These states need tourists and will need everything and anything to help the economy. If he can't do anything else, set an example and spend time on the gulf. Show his support. Three hours doesn't cut it.
Karma girl - is this what you mean?

I don't know why it can't be used at least in conjunction with other methods. The marshlands and all everything surrounding them need all the help that's possible!!
Also, those who volunteer and live close need to take precautions to guard their own health!

YES!!! Thank you essies, this video needs to go viral, not these stupid pop tarts getting boob jobs and reality shows!!!! Thankyou so much for sharing, I am going to link video to FB and Twitter and I ask you to all please do the same! What a shame that we are not at least trying these other approaches, for the life of me I cannot understand!!!:banghead::banghead:
I can't believe all the invective I'm reading that's being hurled at Obama.

The anger should be directed at BP. Dear God, they are responsible for this! It is THEIR responsibility--ecologically and economically.

I am amazed that people compare this to Katrina. Katrina was a NATURAL disaster. No one could be held responsible for it. This OIL VOLCANO is a man-made disaster, and the corporation that caused it should be responsible for all of this.

I agree with Obama that BP should be held responsible. And I believe that they will be held responsible. This will be the demise of BP before it is over with.

Yes, the feds SHOULD step in to protect the coastline. But every cent of clean-up, every dollar lost by every person whose livelihood is destroyed, should come from BP's bank account.

If you want to be angry, read THIS. BP sacrificed safety for the dollar. Blame BP for this disaster. They caused it, and their feet should be held to the fire for every single bit of damage to my state's shoreline that it causes.

I just find it AMAZING and disgustingly hypocritical that the political party of "drill baby drill"--the very party that is to blame for the deregulation of the oil industry--is now pointing fingers at this president, as if he's somehow culpable for what happened.

If the president had stepped in immediately to force a fed takeover of this disaster, the right-wing would have screamed, "See! There he goes again! Another government takeover!"

I just have a hard time accepting the blame being thrown at the president from the very people who in 2008 proposed solving America's energy crisis by doing more drilling IN ECOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS.

This is a disaster. A catastrophe. If you want to blame someone, blame BP. If you want to do something about it, volunteer and donate to groups like the Sierra Club. But if you want to politicize it, then please start looking at the party of deregulation of the oil industry--the party of "drill baby drill."

I had really appreciated this thread and checked it frequently, but if it's going to become a political rant thread, then I'll stay away.

:clap::clap::clap: Thank you!
Effort to Plug Well Faces Another Setback

Published: May 29, 2010

HOUSTON —As BP engineers failed again to plug the gushing oil well on Saturday, officials said that the company was eyeing other options to stem the flow spreading into the Gulf of Mexico

BP made a third attempt Friday night at what is termed the “junk shot,” a procedure that involves pumping odds and ends like plastic cubes, knotted rope, and golf balls into the blowout preventer, the five-story safety device atop the well. The maneuver is complementary to the heavily scrutinized effort known as a “top kill,”which began four days ago and involves pumping heavy mud into the well to counteract the push of the escaping oil. If the well is sealed, the company plans to then fill it with cement.

The technician working on the project said Saturday pumping had again been halted and a review of the data so farwas under way. “Right now, I would not be optimistic,” the technician, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the effort. But he added, that if another attempt at the junk shot were to succeed, “that would turn things around.”

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,more at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I can't believe all the invective I'm reading that's being hurled at Obama.

The anger should be directed at BP. Dear God, they are responsible for this! It is THEIR responsibility--ecologically and economically.

I am amazed that people compare this to Katrina. Katrina was a NATURAL disaster. No one could be held responsible for it. This OIL VOLCANO is a man-made disaster, and the corporation that caused it should be responsible for all of this.

I agree with Obama that BP should be held responsible. And I believe that they will be held responsible. This will be the demise of BP before it is over with.

Yes, the feds SHOULD step in to protect the coastline. But every cent of clean-up, every dollar lost by every person whose livelihood is destroyed, should come from BP's bank account.

If you want to be angry, read THIS. BP sacrificed safety for the dollar. Blame BP for this disaster. They caused it, and their feet should be held to the fire for every single bit of damage to my state's shoreline that it causes.

I just find it AMAZING and disgustingly hypocritical that the political party of "drill baby drill"--the very party that is to blame for the deregulation of the oil industry--is now pointing fingers at this president, as if he's somehow culpable for what happened.

If the president had stepped in immediately to force a fed takeover of this disaster, the right-wing would have screamed, "See! There he goes again! Another government takeover!"

I just have a hard time accepting the blame being thrown at the president from the very people who in 2008 proposed solving America's energy crisis by doing more drilling IN ECOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS.

This is a disaster. A catastrophe. If you want to blame someone, blame BP. If you want to do something about it, volunteer and donate to groups like the Sierra Club. But if you want to politicize it, then please start looking at the party of deregulation of the oil industry--the party of "drill baby drill."

I had really appreciated this thread and checked it frequently, but if it's going to become a political rant thread, then I'll stay away.

You are correct BP and transocean are the ones that are to blame for what happened 100%. They were greedy and acted inresponsible, and possably even criminally. So whats the logical thing to do, let them fix thier mess... OF course!! We Should also put burglars in charge of solving bank robberies, and mrderers solve murder investigations.(<---INSERT SARCASM). See how much since that DOESN't MAKE!! Yes BP should pay the costs to clean this up, they should pay for everything, however it is the job of our President to insure the safty of the American people this land and the environment, and he is not doing it! Yes Katrina was a natural disaster but the lack of responce is what Bush was blamed for in the begining just like Obama's lack of responce to this!!! Look at the response we had to the earthquake in Haiti, yet our government sits on thier hands and let others deal with the oil spill, those others being the ones responsible for the disaster in the first place.
The reason this is a political rant is because our President should see this is an assult on our homeland as well as the people this is not something that the President of our country should take so lightly. BP has the wool pulled over this governments eyes, what if we had Al Quida clean up the mess of the Trade towers? I'm not excusing the republicans for there part in in deregulation, however our current president is the one who is in charge now and he should be using every resource available to stop this.

My heart breaks and I physically get ill seeing the images of dead dophines and sea gulls covered in oil. The beaches empty and businesses closeing, the wetlands turning brown and covered in oil. This top kill method if it was going to work should have worked by now, its time to try something else. Hurricane season is just around the corner and I can't even imagin the disaster we are going to be facing when we get our first tropical storm muchless a hurricane. The Governors of the Gulf states should be allowed to do whatever they can to protect the coastlines.. Let them build the barrier islands to keep the oil off the coast, sometimes you have to break the rules, and now is one of those times, sometimes its easier to ask forgiveness than permission. As far as Bp goes, I have not gone to a BP gas station since this started, I have joined the group Boycott BP and yes I hope that this is the last we see of this company after thier first disaster in Texas the company should have been gone.
BP is holding a news confrence right now on CNN. BP: Top Kill is not working and they have been unable to stop the leak.
Coast Gaurd: We ar disappointed this has not worked.. We will Continue to fight this fight aggressively. There is no silver bullet to stop this leak. People are working behind the scenes to fix this. They hope to start another method in 4-7 days. We are sampling seafood and the waters , we are doing our best. If you look at the oil that has been spilled verses how much has reached the cost we are doing a good job.

That is some of it, I have to stop for now

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