Brad Conway Press Conference 1/23/09

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If I can offer wisdom in him taking a break..This is due to his injury. BC cannot cough to clear his voice like we can. My brother in law is paralyzed just like BC, and he has a hard time doing this. He cannot cough from the bottom of his lungs because he can't control them, only from the top can he do this and it is not easy for him. He certainly wasn't acting.
The I can't help with..

You misunderstood what I said. Earlier up thread someone had said that Conway was all emotional and broken up and had to take a break. I said "he took the break because he could not talk", not because he was acting. The acting part comes in when he is singing the praises of his clients and their pure intentions.
I am aware of BC's medical condition.
You misunderstood what I said. Earlier up thread someone had said that Conway was all emotional and broken up and had to take a break. I said "he took the break because he could not talk", not because he was acting. The acting part comes in when he is singing the praises of his clients and their pure intentions.
I am aware of BC's medical condition.

My apologies for mis reading your post..:blowkiss:
I can't help but think this family is trying every trick they can to avoid being charged themselves.....not all that different from how Casey deals with things. They think that sympathy is the only way LE won't prosecute them. I think they know charges are on the way. I also think there was stuff in the document dump that may involve some nasty family secrets, and they know these are about to come out.

I totally agree with you Bunnyphoenix!
Could it be possible that Mark E was simply saying dismembered when he should have used the word dis-articulated? God, I hope so.

I can't imagine how or why post-mortem dismemberment would have been necessary to put that child in a laundry bag. And even if the kitchen knife found at the scene or in the car was sharp, it does not seem logical that would have been used. Wasn't an axe in the garage also tested with luminol?

The car and the house were both cleared, but did they ever spray anything in the backyard?

However, if that were true, it might explain the delay in examining the remains - if post-mortem cuts were found that is something the experts on both sides would spend time debating.

Gosh, that whole sticker thing was bad enough - if turns out to be true....
It is possible that rigor mortis had set in and Caylee was stiff and Casey could not force her into the container-garbage bag. Disarticulated means literally seperated at the joints, so it is highly likely that this disarticulation occurred quite naturally and perhaps with some animal assistance.

If you are meaning reported missing immediately by her mother, then I totally agree. As far as G&C go, they did report her missing immediately when they found out that she was missing. I suppose the skeptics out there that think they knew all along that Caylee was missing would disagree, but I truly believe that G&C did not know that little Caylee was actually missing until July 15th.
George and Cindy knew a few short days after Casey left the home that she was not allowing them to SPEAK to Caylee-a child with whom they had constant and daily contact. They knew she was missing WAY before they ever reported it.

I didn't catch this show, but a week or so ago, I did hear a media/reporter maybe even a TH...I can't remember, mention a statement pretty much a long the same lines. Nothing else was said so I took it that this person was perhaps relating to Caylees bones being dismembered from her body when found. I think if she was dismembered the ME would not have said there was no trauma to any bones?
She actually said there was no ante-mortem trauma to the bones...this means there was no such trauma PRECEDING death. They told us nothing about what may have happened POST mortem...
I think that BC is doing a good job for the A's. He seems forthright and clear in his role as their lawyer. Seems to understand the needs of the media and comes off as genuine in his communications. I thought he made an important point in commending Sgt. John Allen regarding his response to GA's crisis but....

Damned if you and damned if you don't.

Unfortunately, in a high profile case such as this one, EVERYTHING you say and EVERYTHING you do is under a microscope. Yes, that's unfortunately, part of the job. IMO. He should have left his thanks to LE as thanks. Perhaps highlighting Sgt. John Allen and then FULLSTOP.

If yesterday evening I was a relative of someone who (unlike GA) had to wait 24 hours before a full-out response from LE and my family member died as a result...I would be LIVID. Suffice it to say, I would be suing LE. Why is GA entitled to "special" treatment? And why does BC, as his lawyer, feel entitled to point this out to the media?

I'm sorry but this really pizzed me off!

Looking at this objectively, I think a lawyer should know better than to point out how grateful he is that his client has gotten special treatment not provided to others.

He should have just thanked Sgt. John Allen graciously and left it at that.

PP We need to remember J Allen and troops have been intimately involved in the A's life for over 6 mos now. I kinda think Allen's actions last night show just an example of the fine man and great cop he is. My guess would be if your relative was involved in any high profile case involving these particular detectives, he would be given the same attention that was given to Geo last night. It also shows one more time Allen's commitment to the people he works for. AKA the public.

According to BC, John Allen got up out of his bed after 11pm to come to the A's home. He certainly didn't have to do that! He was off the hook when he told Brad to call 911. On the other hand, if LE hadn't responded the way they did and anything had happened to Geo because they followed policy and said they'd be back in 24 hours if he hadn't returned, can anyone say career suicide?

Even though Brad was not involved with the case during the A's verbal attacks on OCSD, it makes sense to me in a backwards kinda way he would feel the need to be heard loud and clear that the A's are grateful for their swift response and excellent outcome.
PP We need to remember J Allen and troops have been intimately involved in the A's life for over 6 mos now. I kinda think Allen's actions last night show just an example of the fine man and great cop he is. My guess would be if your relative was involved in any high profile case involving these particular detectives, he would be given the same attention that was given to Geo last night. It also shows one more time Allen's commitment to the people he works for. AKA the public.

According to BC, John Allen got up out of his bed after 11pm to come to the A's home. He certainly didn't have to do that! He was off the hook when he told Brad to call 911. On the other hand, if LE hadn't responded the way they did and anything had happened to Geo because they followed policy and said they'd be back in 24 hours if he hadn't returned, can anyone say career suicide?

Even though Brad was not involved with the case during the A's verbal attacks on OCSD, it makes sense to me in a backwards kinda way he would feel the need to be heard loud and clear that the A's are grateful for their swift response and excellent outcome.

Actually, he probably did, and probably wasn't at all happy about it (who wants to get woken with a work call that time of night?). As one of the lead investigators in the case, he no doubt would want to be there to collect evidence etc. As I understand it, they did collect evidence from his room, and I'm looking forward to finding out what it was.
i think LE knows ga loved caylee .. and i do think they feel for him .its ca they have more of a problem with imho
You know Dawn Treader, you are absolutely right, the Anthony's called this attention to themselves. Instead of keeping to themselves and a low profile, they appeared to be on a campaign to keep Casey in a positive light of innocence. They fought back at every point. Doing an about turn on the odor in the trunk. Striking back at the press insisting there wasn't a body in the trunk. Refusing to cooperate with searchers looking for a dead or alive Caylee. Not supplying an item of Caylee's for the search dogs. Physically confronting people who demonstrated in front of their home. Made appearances on talk shows to insist their daughter loved and cared about Caylee, but never publically appealed to so-called kidnappers to return their granddaughter.
I don't wish harm to George or Cindy. I do wish from the very moment this became national news that they would have stepped back and refused to discuss this case in the public.
It's very clear to me they began this war and it has not helped Caylee or their daughter's case. The only help they seemed to have was from ill-informed and unprofessional assistants who they welcomed into their situation at hand.
I see Cindy and George as very shallow combative people who have absolutely no mature sense of how to handle problems. They are arrogrant, selfish and poor representatives of how parents should behave in order to keep the publicity at a minimun.
Guess I've said enough. JMO
they didnt begin this war .. casey did .and i dont see ga as being shallow or arrogant .he was trying to protect what family he has left ,he shouldve done it differently yes . but how do you act in a situation like that ? when everywhere you go you have a microphone and webcam stuck practically up your wazoo ? and they have been incredibly patient with the press protesters and ect .. sorry but i wouldve probably knocked a microphone out of a reporters hand and broke that webcam ,and gladly gone to jail for it
They said on LK it wasn't really about a missing person but an urgent need to find someone they knew was about to commit suicide if it wasn't already too late..That makes all the diff & I think if ANYONE else was in the same situation they'd get the same treatment by LE..If not, something is very wrong with the system!
It is possible that rigor mortis had set in and Caylee was stiff and Casey could not force her into the container-garbage bag. Disarticulated means literally seperated at the joints, so it is highly likely that this disarticulation occurred quite naturally and perhaps with some animal assistance.

George and Cindy knew a few short days after Casey left the home that she was not allowing them to SPEAK to Caylee-a child with whom they had constant and daily contact. They knew she was missing WAY before they ever reported it.

She actually said there was no ante-mortem trauma to the bones...this means there was no such trauma PRECEDING death. They told us nothing about what may have happened POST mortem...

G & C knew KC was preventing them from having contact with Caylee, while maintaining contact on almost a daily basis from KC herself. As far as the A's knew KC and Caylee were together, they had no reason to doubt this and at this time there had never been any reported neglect of Caylee when she was alone with KC.

In the weeks around CA's vacation, KC had been gone for days at a time, with Caylee in tow.* On the week CA was on vacation, KC returned Caylee then made herself very scarce. Not coming home to take the little trip they had planned, not even calling CA on her BDay. Causing Cindy to tell KC she was a lousy mother, selfish and probably several other choice words. Once CA's week of vacation was over, KC reappeared, again packed up Caylee and left (thus causing CA to get June 9th stuck in her head as the last time she had seen Caylee). KC did return Caylee as they had pre-arranged to visit ggrpa on Father's Day, June 15.

So, even though it was a fairly recent change in living arrangements, KC had developed a habit of disappearing with Caylee prior to June 16 and had always come back.

*during this time, any night that Caylee wasn't at home KC claimed she was with Zani but has been confirmed that KC and Caylee were sleeping at Richardo's house.
They said on LK it wasn't really about a missing person but an urgent need to find someone they knew was about to commit suicide if it wasn't already too late..That makes all the diff & I think if ANYONE else was in the same situation they'd get the same treatment by LE..If not, something is very wrong with the system!

Many times there is something wrong with our system when it comes to missing persons. But ITA, this was not special treatment it was a special circumstance.
I think that BC is doing a good job for the A's. He seems forthright and clear in his role as their lawyer. Seems to understand the needs of the media and comes off as genuine in his communications. I thought he made an important point in commending Sgt. John Allen regarding his response to GA's crisis but....

Damned if you and damned if you don't.

Unfortunately, in a high profile case such as this one, EVERYTHING you say and EVERYTHING you do is under a microscope. Yes, that's unfortunately, part of the job. IMO. He should have left his thanks to LE as thanks. Perhaps highlighting Sgt. John Allen and then FULLSTOP.

If yesterday evening I was a relative of someone who (unlike GA) had to wait 24 hours before a full-out response from LE and my family member died as a result...I would be LIVID. Suffice it to say, I would be suing LE. Why is GA entitled to "special" treatment? And why does BC, as his lawyer, feel entitled to point this out to the media?

I'm sorry but this really pizzed me off!

Looking at this objectively, I think a lawyer should know better than to point out how grateful he is that his client has gotten special treatment not provided to others.

He should have just thanked Sgt. John Allen graciously and left it at that.


The quick response wasn't any kind of special treatment. Police don't treat a potential suicide the same as a routine missing persons report.
Do you think he was wildly speculating? I hope he was talking out of his bottom end because I don't ever want to "go there" regarding Caylee. I think the heart sticker was the straw that broke the people's backs. I know I won't be able to take it well if she was also dismembered by a human.

There is not a single drop of blood in evidence to even speculate that Caylee was dismembered. He's talking out of his bottom, alright!
There is not a single drop of blood in evidence to even speculate that Caylee was dismembered. He's talking out of his bottom, alright!

I highly doubt it six months out in the elements and rain and flooded water their would be any traces of blood left if there was any.
This is the best for George. He needs to be alone for a time without the energy of other people possibly further conflicting his need to grieve. Solitude is wonderful for finding a center.

What a thoughtful post. I'm afraid the "supervision" BC promised will provide George neither solitude nor even privacy.
Oh, and, isn't it interesting that Conway will be running for a Judge seat – didn’t he say how disgusting it is for anyone to profit from Caylee’s murder????

:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

Really ? Where did you hear this ?
It's hard not to like him when he says the things he did today & in the manner that he did.

I've been wondering all along if some are less likely to look at him as a 'bad' guy just because he's disabled..Opinions please.

No. What you are seeing is a good lawyer in action.
Somebody e-mail the guy who talks about dismemberment and the host who lets him get away with it and let them know that these are not the known facts of the case and if he says it, he better back it up.

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