Brad Cooper Pleads Guilty to 2nd Degree Murder of Nancy Cooper

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I think he'll take the plea because he's guilty, he killed his wife, he knows the evidence against him is valid and real, he knows there is additional digital evidence against him that will come out in his new trial and be another nail in his coffin, and this is his golden ticket.

I am no longer going to fight his innocence or guilt.....nothing is ever going to change the way we look at this case.
But, at least, the Rentz family will have the satisfaction that Brad will do some additional time, and
the Cooper family will wait for Brad's release.
The End.
I think he'll take the plea because he's guilty, he killed his wife, he knows the evidence against him is valid and real, he knows there is additional digital evidence against him that will come out in his new trial and be another nail in his coffin, and this is his golden ticket.

Notwithstanding my previous commentary about my belief that he is innocent, if I were him and I were guilty, I would accept the plea.
There are almost no circumstances that I can imagine taking a plea for something that I did not do.

I have to agree with Madeleine74 on this one. Any plea is entirely his choice.

For one thing, Brad would no longer have his original defense team.......any attorneys coming into the case now, are coming in cold....Just to have them catch up could take an additional year, then a trial date, selecting a jury, and no guarantee of the outcome.....By the time, all that happens he will have served even
more time.. I won't change my mind because he takes a plea, because none of us have spent the last 5 years in he has.

I do agree that this is his decision, but we need to remember that he did already turn down one plea deal.

See ya in the morning.....:seeya:

One other thing. If he pleads guilty and he actually committed this crime, I would like to hear him explain:

1. How he made the call;
2. How and where he disposed of the hardware required to make the call;
3. How he transported a body without any physical evidence;
4. How he got the body to the ditch without leaving a footprint or a tire track;
5. How he was able to leave the kids alone in the house while he was out driving around without creating suspicion.

Those are some of the things that have simply made no sense whatsoever in the guilty scenario. I would like to have an explanation to these.

Brad Cooper Expected to Take Plea Deal Tomorrow:

Hearing at 10:am EST.....Judges Gessner, Manning and Hobgood.

Looks like this is it... I feel so bad that he has to do this, but I understand the reasoning,


'he has to do this'? Brad Cooper doesn't 'have to do' anything. If he were innocent, he'd go to trial. Period. If he had evidence that would clear him, he's had years now to line up his expert witnesses for trial. Jay Ward was not an expert witness. He'd never testified at trial before, he'd never been recognized as an 'expert' in his field. People, regardless of their personal beliefs, can't simply show up and deem themselves *experts*. The have to be able to back that up with credentials.
Brad's had new defense lawyers for the last 9 months. Excuse after excuse is now being floated as to why Brad "has to" take a plea. And that's complete B.S. He, through his attorneys, claim to have proof that he was railroaded, proof that he didn't do that Google search. Now that's it's time for him to put up or shut up and show what he's got to prove those allegations, the about-face has predictably occurred. His last trial, as has been pointed out numerous times on this forum alone, doesn't exist anymore. That's over and gone. The "unfairrrrrr" trial has been overturned. This is a whole new chance, with a guarantee that he would be allowed to present all his digital experts to try to sell that story. But now the claim changes to he can't get a fair trial at all, regardless, and because his acquittal isn't guaranteed then he should not go to trial. What a bunch of absolute hooey.

If Brad pleads guilty to 2nd degree murder, he's telling the world he's a murderer. Plain & simple. It's not a formality, it's a huge confession. It has nothing to do with his children; the night he killed their mother is when he showed exactly what kind of father he really is. The truth is he'll be a convicted murderer the rest of his life, even after he gets out years away. He'll never be an ex-felon. He'll never clear his name, there will be no such thing, and that's a legal fact. No matter what excuses are made for him by others, and there will be plenty, he will have admitted his killed his wife and that is totally his choice.
Jay Ward was not an expert witness. He'd never testified at trial before, he'd never been recognized as an 'expert' in his field. People, regardless of their personal beliefs, can't simply show up and deem themselves *experts*. The have to be able to back that up with credentials.

My bolding.

This is simply factually incorrect. Even the court recognized Jay Ward as a Network Security expert. You do not need to have testified at a trial before to be recognized as an expert. He was recognized as an expert in his field. There are very clear guidelines. Jay Ward WAS an expert witness.
Per 6:30 AM News ABC 11 reporting there is a plea deal for Second Degree Murder with 13 to 16 years (he will be given credit for time served).

Far to less time for a murder IMO. But the good news for me is the girls will be old enough to decide what to do regarding their 'father'.

We will know this morning and again nice to see you all here!
Brad's had new defense lawyers for the last 9 months. Excuse after excuse is now being floated as to why Brad "has to" take a plea. And that's complete B.S. He, through his attorneys, claim to have proof that he was railroaded, proof that he didn't do that Google search. Now that's it's time for him to put up or shut up and show what he's got to prove those allegations, the about-face has predictably occurred. His last trial, as has been pointed out numerous times on this forum alone, doesn't exist anymore. That's over and gone. The "unfairrrrrr" trial has been overturned. This is a whole new chance, with a guarantee that he would be allowed to present all his digital experts to try to sell that story. But now the claim changes to he can't get a fair trial at all, regardless, and because his acquittal isn't guaranteed then he should not go to trial. What a bunch of absolute hooey.

If Brad pleads guilty to 2nd degree murder, he's telling the world he's a murderer. Plain & simple. It's not a formality, it's a huge confession. It has nothing to do with his children; the night he killed their mother is when he showed exactly what kind of father he really is. The truth is he'll be a convicted murderer the rest of his life, even after he gets out years away. He'll never be an ex-felon. He'll never clear his name, there will be no such thing, and that's a legal fact. No matter what excuses are made for him by others, and there will be plenty, he will have admitted his killed his wife and that is totally his choice.

Word!!!! If I were innocent there is no way in he double hockey sticks I would ever take a plea. If he takes the deal and gets out in a few years what is he going to do?? He will always carry the felon with him. How is he going to get a job? Provide for himself? He won't be able to see his children because Nancy's sister had them and there is no way a judge in family court is going to allow a parent with a felon in his criminal background access and custody of the girls. IMO
My bolding.

This is simply factually incorrect. Even the court recognized Jay Ward as a Network Security expert. You do not need to have testified at a trial before to be recognized as an expert. He was recognized as an expert in his field. There are very clear guidelines. Jay Ward WAS an expert witness.

And he testified as such in that very limited area.
I checked the FB page for Brad Cooper is innocent. It appears they have about 500 people following their page and they were promoting showing up for the hearing today on the page yesterday.
I see Alice Stubbs is there. Bet Brad gave up the children.

He did it folks.

He is confessing now.

He said he is in fact guilty!

He admitted he strangled his wife and dumped her body off of Fielding Drive.

He GAVE UP his children!!

He is a murdering COWARD.
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