Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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I was watching the news last night, and something struck me as odd (and for some reason, slightly funny in a hysterical but not humorous way) -- They said that usually the inmates are simply walked across the street to the courthouse, but that wasn't the case yesterday. Apparently the street was blocked off and BSL was transported in a car from one garage area to another to minimize his time "out in the open." My husband snorted and said "well, duh, of course they don't want someone to off him before he pleads guilty." I don't know why but I got a laugh from that, as well as the feeling of "why should they care so much about this monster?"

I can't get it out of my head that Mickey is physically gone, and he's still here. Everything that she hoped and dreamed for, everything her family hoped and dreamed for, taken away by the selfishness of this one person. Of course, her memory will live on, and because of her bravery, BSL is off the streets. It doesn't feel like justice in any sense of the word, though. I know, I know, life isn't fair. That makes me think of this quote from a tv series:

"I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?' So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

I hope that Mickey's family can find some comfort, somehow. I've been upset and trying to rationalize it since yesterday, and failing, and know that they are struggling even more. The tattoo that her mother has is a wonderful reminder of this beautiful woman, and I suspect that there will be an upsurge in people getting memorial type tattoos. I'll admit I considered getting a tiny bicycle done as a reminder of that quote about Mickey staring down the monster, and knowing that I can too.

I'm sorry this post is all over the place. I'm just unable to string things together coherently at the moment. There's so much I want to say, and so little I can do.

Apparently your not alone in your thoughts BayouBecky. My dear friend and fellow websluther, DesignLove mentioned that she was considering getting a small memorial tat as well. At first I thought it was a silly idea beings that we didn't personally know Mickey, but as she explained all of the ways her life has been affected by this whole situation, what the tat would represent suddenly made sense.

It represents a loss of innocence in the streets we walk and drive everyday. It represents our culture as Cajuns to stick together and lift each other up in the tough times and to dance, laugh, and celebrate the good times like they are our last. I can't remember who said it, but I recall someone saying "let's bring our girl home." I think that sentiment speaks volumes about our community and culture.

Personally, Miss Mickey and her beautiful family has taught me that stepping away from the phone or computer just to give my son a hug or a kiss is absolutely necessary, as is always telling him how much I love him. They have taught me to appreciate every moment because we are not guaranteed another one. So yeah, if a tat would remind you of this and Mighty Mickey everytime you saw it, I can totally relate.
And now, here comes the curveball.

I am (and have been) in contact with one of the minor players in one of these murder cases. That person pointed out something to me, and it caused me to revisit some of the facts and theories discussed here, and to re-read the Plea Document. And here's what I found:

The document states that BSL met Lisa Pate "in or about late June 1999".

The document also states that BSL and LP spent several days together before he killed her.

The document also later states that BSL moved LP's body to a location behind a former acquaintance's home, for the purpose of casting doubt and suspicion on the former acquaintance and deflecting suspicion away from himself.

The document states that this former acquaintance died in a car wreck on June 16, 1999.

This is mid-June -- before BSL even met LP, according to the timeline in the document.

It is still possible that BSL may have been involved in the wreck, but it now becomes extremely doubtful that he would have caused a wreck to cover up anything related to LP, as (again, according to the timeline laid out in the Plea Document) BSL had apparently not yet even met LP, much less murdered her.

And also, it pretty much erases any suspicion that the house's occupants were involved in LP's disappearance or death.
RIP Mickey. :(

What angers me and also saddens me most is that tiny little Mickey actually stood a chance against a sick twice her size. And he had a knife.

snipped just a bit....I found myself questioning why God didn't let Mickey win this battle, I mean she got the knife twice and was able to stab him! Last night when I was dreaming I saw an angel, and the angel told me that Mickey DID win the battle. Her purpose in this life was to remove a killer from the streets, and that she had saved many lives. If Mickey had lived and Brandon died, it would have altered the course of Mickey's life, and this was God's perfect will.

editing to add: the angel also told me that Mickey was not alone with Brandon ever, that angels were with her the whole time.

I can't and won't say it was anything more than a dream, but it did comfort me. I don't understand it at all, but it is still comforting.

exactly why i do not mess with pepper spray. i've heard it can blow in your face. i've heard it can not be effective, etc. so i just think you should get a gun and be will trained with it. although unfortunately laws will restrict where law-abiding citizens can have them to protect themselves, but obviously not convicted felons like BSL

My granddaughter used pepper spray in an attempt to protect herself. The wind kicked up and blew it right back into HER eyes, and it made the situation much worse for her. She was now in a precarious position and blind to boot.

I think pepper spray gives a false sense of security, when a person would be better off with a stun gun or a real gun.

We talked about this, but she doesn't have a clue. Too long ago. She did say that was about a mile from where she lived though...

Oh, wow. That stuns me. I hope Ali's PI knows this!

garryb, thank you for sharing this morning. In some fashion, I assume it to be a cleansing for you and your family. A new day for truth, a new day for healing. Might I ask if BSL suffered any 'DRUG' issues?

What I've heard is that Brandon did have a drug problem, way back in 99. "Street talk" says this is how he and Lisa Pate knew each other, but obviously there is no way I can know that for sure. But that same street talk says he has been off drugs (cept for maybe a toke now and then) and didn't even drink, ever since he was released from jail.

It is actually difficult to do drugs when you work in the oilfield industry, because you are subject to random drug tests. It is very strictly enforced.

Shunick Volunteers Looking to Move Forward After Guilty Plea

I sure hope & pray that the Mickey Shunick family & volunteers, continue to reach out to other families of the missing/murdered in LA & beyond. The awareness campaign that they put together was simply amazing and was the driving force that brought Mickey home and the catalyst for swift justice, imo. They are an inspiration to us all, an amazing team. They have amassed a treasure trove of experience and knowledge over the past ninety days.
I have not been reading this forum lately. So I was totally shocked when I visited this morning and found this shocking, heartstopping, heartbreaking description of Mickey's last hours. :heartbeat:

It is actually pretty close to what many here had envisioned, although the gun aspect was a surprise to me. But I was very proud to hear about what Sweet Brave Mickey did to that monster. She did everything right and she fought hard for her life and hurt him as much as she could. In an extremely bittersweet way, it warmed my heart. :star::rose: Rock on Mickey. You are a Cajun Legend. :star::rose:
I cant help but wonder what his "trigger" was for his actions. Why was he out trolling on May 19th? I cant imagine his bump and grab was a random act. He must have thought thru where to dispose of the bike and a body. Does anyone know if something happened in his personal life that was spinning out of control for him? From what I have read he had a good job, owned his home, had a girlfriend (possible fiance) and had reconnected with his birth family. Also, not being from the area, how far is it from the Circle K to where he admitted to hitting her bike?
I feel the need to share with you all the reason for my choice of name - I am a mama of course - but the cat part has nothing to do with my love of cats - and everything to do with the idea of cats having nine lives. I feel truly lucky to be alive, having survived two car accidents, a stalker who tried to coax me into his car, after following me home (I was only 17, had no car and was on foot), and the worst thing of all: being raped at knife-point by a man I was on a second date with, when I was 18. I am ashamed to say that I never went to the police about it or told my parents or friends. I went through a very introverted couple of years after that, and then I slowly gained confidence and trust and was able to fall in love and get married and raise a family. I did not put up a brave fight like Mighty Mickey for fear that I would be horribly wounded or scarred or even murdered by my rapist. I was a coward and God knows if this man went on to victimize more women. I don't know because I moved far away and blotted out the past so well, that to this day I cannot even remember his name, but will never forget that night of total fear. I believe I survived because of prayer, but also because I pretended to really like him and even made plans to see him again, which of course, never materialized. I'd just like to make it clear that back in the days when this happened to me, many women were fearful of going to the police because they were treated very insensitively. Times have changed but the sense of shame still remains often with the victim and that is, of course, wrong. The only shame I feel at this point is that I didn't prevent others from being his victims. I wish I'd had Mickey's courage, but I survived the only way I knew how. I'm sure that if I'd grabbed the knife, I would not be contributing to this website right now. :twocents:
WOW! Today is exactly 3 months! 90 days!
In the whole scheme of things I would call it RAPID justice!
I think whether or not Mickey entered the truck willingly or because she was hurt can be explained by her attempt to call 911. Was she reporting the accident or was she calling for help because she felt threatened!?

Could be she called when she realized he not was taking her home or to the hospital.
I feel the need to share with you all the reason for my choice of name - I am a mama of course - but the cat part has nothing to do with my love of cats - and everything to do with the idea of cats having nine lives. I feel truly lucky to be alive, having survived two car accidents, a stalker who tried to coax me into his car, after following me home (I was only 17, had no car and was on foot), and the worst thing of all: being raped at knife-point by a man I was on a second date with, when I was 18. I am ashamed to say that I never went to the police about it or told my parents or friends. I went through a very introverted couple of years after that, and then I slowly gained confidence and trust and was able to fall in love and get married and raise a family. I did not put up a brave fight like Mighty Mickey for fear that I would be horribly wounded or scarred or even murdered by my rapist. I was a coward and God knows if this man went on to victimize more women. I don't know because I moved far away and blotted out the past so well, that to this day I cannot even remember his name, but will never forget that night of total fear. I believe I survived because of prayer, but also because I pretended to really like him and even made plans to see him again, which of course, never materialized. I'd just like to make it clear that back in the days when this happened to me, many women were fearful of going to the police because they were treated very insensitively. Times have changed but the sense of shame still remains often with the victim and that is, of course, wrong. The only shame I feel at this point is that I didn't prevent others from being his victims. I wish I'd had Mickey's courage, but I survived the only way I knew how. I'm sure that if I'd grabbed the knife, I would not be contributing to this website right now. :twocents:
:grouphug: A GHB incident here! (well I REALLY don't even know THAT for sure!)
I know I woke up on top of a made up bed nude with a blanket over me...

I have a phobia of sleeping in the nude! ALWAYS have can't sleep unless I am clothed!
(scared the house will catch on fire and all the neighbors will "see" me!)
Don't remember anything! Not even sure I was raped! I was not injured...
I lost like 18 hours...

I did drink that night but only 3 mixed drinks.
I was too stupid to realize it until months later! And it was too late to prove anything.
Don't beat yourself up! You survived for a reason.
I feel the need to share with you all the reason for my choice of name - I am a mama of course - but the cat part has nothing to do with my love of cats - and everything to do with the idea of cats having nine lives. I feel truly lucky to be alive, having survived two car accidents, a stalker who tried to coax me into his car, after following me home (I was only 17, had no car and was on foot), and the worst thing of all: being raped at knife-point by a man I was on a second date with, when I was 18. I am ashamed to say that I never went to the police about it or told my parents or friends. I went through a very introverted couple of years after that, and then I slowly gained confidence and trust and was able to fall in love and get married and raise a family. I did not put up a brave fight like Mighty Mickey for fear that I would be horribly wounded or scarred or even murdered by my rapist. I was a coward and God knows if this man went on to victimize more women. I don't know because I moved far away and blotted out the past so well, that to this day I cannot even remember his name, but will never forget that night of total fear. I believe I survived because of prayer, but also because I pretended to really like him and even made plans to see him again, which of course, never materialized. I'd just like to make it clear that back in the days when this happened to me, many women were fearful of going to the police because they were treated very insensitively. Times have changed but the sense of shame still remains often with the victim and that is, of course, wrong. The only shame I feel at this point is that I didn't prevent others from being his victims. I wish I'd had Mickey's courage, but I survived the only way I knew how. I'm sure that if I'd grabbed the knife, I would not be contributing to this website right now. :twocents:

You are most precious MC.
I cant help but wonder what his "trigger" was for his actions. Why was he out trolling on May 19th? I cant imagine his bump and grab was a random act. He must have thought thru where to dispose of the bike and a body. Does anyone know if something happened in his personal life that was spinning out of control for him? From what I have read he had a good job, owned his home, had a girlfriend (possible fiance) and had reconnected with his birth family. Also, not being from the area, how far is it from the Circle K to where he admitted to hitting her bike?

I think it was random, though, in the sense that if he was seeking an escort and for some reason, could not get one that late or whatever, and lo and behold, there is Mickey, riding by...
Mickey is my hero.

If I ever go missing, I'd like each and every one of you to help find me. It is amazing how close some of you were. From where she was abducted, to how he got back and forth, his work schedule. Some great sleuthing!
snipped just a bit....I found myself questioning why God didn't let Mickey win this battle, I mean she got the knife twice and was able to stab him! Last night when I was dreaming I saw an angel, and the angel told me that Mickey DID win the battle. Her purpose in this life was to remove a killer from the streets, and that she had saved many lives. If Mickey had lived and Brandon died, it would have altered the course of Mickey's life, and this was God's perfect will.

editing to add: the angel also told me that Mickey was not alone with Brandon ever, that angels were with her the whole time.

I can't and won't say it was anything more than a dream, but it did comfort me. I don't understand it at all, but it is still comforting.

My granddaughter used pepper spray in an attempt to protect herself. The wind kicked up and blew it right back into HER eyes, and it made the situation much worse for her. She was now in a precarious position and blind to boot.

I think pepper spray gives a false sense of security, when a person would be better off with a stun gun or a real gun.

Oh, wow. That stuns me. I hope Ali's PI knows this!

What I've heard is that Brandon did have a drug problem, way back in 99. "Street talk" says this is how he and Lisa Pate knew each other, but obviously there is no way I can know that for sure. But that same street talk says he has been off drugs (cept for maybe a toke now and then) and didn't even drink, ever since he was released from jail.

It is actually difficult to do drugs when you work in the oilfield industry, because you are subject to random drug tests. It is very strictly enforced.

But why couldn't she have killed or injured him enough to escape, instead...that would still be taking a killer off of the streets and her life would not have to be forfeited so that he can live out isn't fair and it contributes to my already increasing doubt in matters of faith...anyway, do NOT want to start a religious debate, just my thoughts...
Lavergne eyed in Texas case

Early on during the search for Lowitzer, Sanford said, one of the tips involved a white domestic truck seen traveling behind the young girl as she walked to the restaurant.

The witness reported seeing the driver of the vehicle attempting to lure Lowitzer into his truck. While under hypnosis, the witness recalled the truck’s license plate contained the letters “XO” and several zeros, Sanford said.
Anyone know where the Mickey Shunick - 'Fought for her life' - Marquee Sign specific address is & the name of the theatre or business?


Murdered college student Mickey Shunick sprayed attacker with mace and even stabbed him with his own knife in final moments, court documents reveal
Brandon Scott Lavergne, 33, pleaded guilty Friday to two counts of first-degree murder in the death of the student, Michaela “Mickey” Shunick, and the separate July 1999 slaying of Lisa Marie Pate.

Lavergne eyed in Texas case

Early on during the search for Lowitzer, Sanford said, one of the tips involved a white domestic truck seen traveling behind the young girl as she walked to the restaurant.

The witness reported seeing the driver of the vehicle attempting to lure Lowitzer into his truck. While under hypnosis, the witness recalled the truck’s license plate contained the letters “XO” and several zeros, Sanford said.

I hope his cell records and work records are being checked right now, if not already...this needs to be verified and he needs to be ruled in or out ASAP. I feel like the response in Ali's case, which was horrible, could have contributed to what happened to Mickey, if indeed he is guilty. Even if he was not caught at the time he might have been freaked out if the white truck info came out and gone into "inactive" mode for a few more years...
My thoughts are all over the place since I heard the news. I'm sending prayers to the
Shunick and Pate families and also to the family of BSL, who are also victims of this monster and must be horrified by his crimes.

Dear sweet, fearless Mickey, You faced evil and you took him down! He will never hurt another young woman again. Your family must feel great pride in you, you did every thing right. He is just a coward who had a gun and shot you in the head because you were getting the best of him.

Dear lovely Lisa Ann, You also faced evil and tried to escape this man's clutches. Your efforts were not in vain. If not for you, the Police wouldn't know that this man may be responsible for more murders against young women.

And finally, to our WS members who have followed this journey.....

I don't recall ever witnessing such support from a community, city or state like I have seen in Mickey's case as I have seen from the great people of LA! You are all incredible and I hope you all stay around and help us sleuth future cases. Your knowledge has been so valued by those of us who aren't familiar with the area! It has been a true pleasure getting to know y'all in the worst of circumstances.

Mighty Mickey indeed! For the first time in my life, I am considering getting a tatoo.

Garyb, thanks for speaking out on behalf of the lady who cooperated with police and helped put BSL away for life.

moe (my own emotions)

But why couldn't she have killed or injured him enough to escape, instead...that would still be taking a killer off of the streets and her life would not have to be forfeited so that he can live out isn't fair and it contributes to my already increasing doubt in matters of faith...anyway, do NOT want to start a religious debate, just my thoughts...

BSL, would have been spared having to admit guilt for Lisa Pate's murder and possibly others in the future had Mickey took his life..
I hope his cell records and work records are being checked right now, if not already...this needs to be verified and he needs to be ruled in or out ASAP. I feel like the response in Ali's case, which was horrible, could have contributed to what happened to Mickey, if indeed he is guilty. Even if he was not caught at the time he might have been freaked out if the white truck info came out and gone into "inactive" mode for a few more years...

I'm hoping the same thing, and thinking that mister slopey shoulders' sister in Conroe can assist LE in giving dates of his visits around the time of Ali's disappearance.
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