Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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We, none of us, not me and not you, know what is in another persons heart.

what we do know is that he didn't find this "compassion" until he was facing his own death... coward!

all of the news coverage of her family, her friends, her community suffering prior to his arrest... nothing...

MamaRoux, I would like it to be due to the power of prayer, I know there was a lot of praying going on in hopes of bringing Mickey home. If he hadn't confessed I don't believe Mickey would ever been found and that I am thankful for. One thing my mother-in-law always stressed "don't spit in the air because it may fall back on your nose" and believe me I have had a lot of wiping to do. Now I do my best not to say or judge others for their actions as you never know what can come your way. Whether it was BS or not I would like to believe that for once he was honest and did do it for Mickey'a family. BSL will have his judgement day WILL and God knows the truth!

Oh my gosh! Those are the same words exactly that my momma used to tell me.
As far as adam4lsu is concerned, yes, he did an amazing thing. But for as nice as y'all talk about him and the other place, they aren't as nice about us. They(him included) have said some very ugly things about WS, calling us idiots and such. I wasn't going to say anything, but I keep reading all this praise that people are heaping on him.

Like what they say or not, he does deserve praise, along with the car salesperson, along with the biological 1/2 sister, along with the Shunicks, along with LE, along with the DA and all the others who had a part in putting BSL behind bars forever.
In reference to Lisa Pate: Lejeune noted, it does't quite say that he killed her,
wondering if he didn't have a partner in crime.

Of course he didnt kill her...he just beat her badly, and after he finished, she had the nerve to die on him. JHO (Just his opinion)
OF course he didnt kill her...he just beat her badly and after he finished, she had the nerve to die on him.

WOMEN! Ya can't live with em' and ya can't kill em'!

Thank you for that laugh!
JMO: You are not going to find very much more detail in the court documents from a case in which a confession and plea deal occurred.

If it were a trial situation, likely many of the more detailed LE and forensic reports would be entered into evidence and thus would become of court record; not so here.

I do think LE/forensic records for this cases (these cases) hold much fuller detail, but they are not necessarily subject to the Freedom of Information Act (some may be). Still, it is possible that some of them may be released in the future.

Backwoods, maybe not in BS Lavergne's case but in Gary Hilton's GA 2008 case, there were many many pages of transcripts, incident reports, etc. He went from arrest to sentencing in less than 30 days.. Prolly a Guinness World Record...

The reports are expensive but will be available with FOIA requests.
Remorse does not work for me with BL; this is the same man who just months earlier had no qualms about knocking an innocent woman from her bike in order to satisfy his sick urges...why would another young woman, her sister, touch his heart? Also, he "forgave" his sister for being a responsible, law-abiding citizen.

More likely, he saw the laundry list of names of the people who put the pieces of the puzzle together for LE, including family members, and knew the jig was up.

I think he is remorseful about one thing....getting caught. That's it. Something tells me, if he wasn't under arrest, he would not have voluntarily come in and told LE "I feel bad for the Shunick family, I regret what I did, let me lead you to Mickey and tell you what I did. MOO.....not a chance. If he wasn't under arrest, he never would have taken them to Mickey. He did so because he is concerned about one person's preservation...his own.
I just have to say as far a something to do to memorialize Mighty Mick...

A far as a "statue" No Way! IMO that "suffocates" her...

It should be something that "moves" and "flows" or even "grows"...
A bike path, pond with fish and a fountain or a garden IMO suits who she was
a mover and a shaker...
It makes more sense than trapping her eternally in a statue!

Backwoods, maybe not in BS Lavergne's case but in Gary Hilton's GA 2008 case, there were many many pages of transcripts, incident reports, etc. He went from arrest to sentencing in less than 30 days.. Prolly a Guinness World Record...

The reports are expensive but will be available with FOIA requests.

Thanks, Foxfire. Yes, I had referenced some of the GMH transcripts you've shared with us when I posted earlier regarding how much we could or could not expect to learn from the court documents in this case.

But I was not aware that the GMH transcripts and reports were actually part of his court record (thought they had been released by LE or something separately), so thank you for clearing that up. If it was true in that case, perhaps some similar material WILL be available under FOIA in this case as part of the court record.

(Those GMH transcripts were chilling, BTW. That case really haunts me.)
Mama, you are right, and when I read your words, it bothers me that as a professed Christian, I feel the way I do about BSL and any hint of sincere remorse he suddenly feels. I do hope that he sincerely is remorseful for what he did, and is not just remorseful that he will never again draw a breath as a free man. I will ask God to forgive me for the way I feel, but He knows that I am a work in progress, and He still has some more molding to do. It is not for us to judge a person, but if we are honest, at least on some level, we all do. I just call it the way I see it. JMO

It bothers you, SteveP? That's what I call 'wrestling with the devil'. Lol! Between heart and mind. Your words seem so sincere. I call it the way you see it, too!
i was speaking with someone in le today, when i mentioned more victims, he said... Are you talking about the girl from alexandria!?! Is there one from alexandria??? Maybe he was thinking ali and was mistaken in what he heard.. Not sure.

i read in the alex town talk about a young teen who was abducted, but she was from pineville, across the red river.
i noticed his sex offender page must have been updated, because it mentioned surgery to his right hand and scars on his chest. I don't think that page mentioned that before, so i am guessing it was updated to include recent scars, injuries and surgeries. Jmo. You guys may want to link it and comment about your opinions as well.

so it's bsl's RIGHT hand ?? Correct ?? I'd like to know please.

Like what they say or not, he does deserve praise, along with the car salesperson, along with the biological 1/2 sister, along with the Shunicks, along with LE, along with the DA and all the others who had a part in putting BSL behind bars forever.

I've lurked on that other site for a long time now... 2, 3 years? For info purposes. Never posted b/c it seems so toxic. I personally don't give a rat's patootey what "they" (incl. Adam) has to say about us here on WS. I'll give credit where credit is due.
I don't begrudge anyone the right to pray for another person's soul, even BSL's. As I see it though, using Mama's dichotomy of an earthly/fleshy aspect and a spiritual aspect, make no mistake that BSL's taking LE to Mickey stemmed from his earthly/fleshy side. Whether his spiritual side makes peace with God is not for me to judge, but just as Mama acknowledged her earthly side believes in the death penalty, BSL's earthly side believes in doing whatever is necessary to avoid that same death penalty. All just my 2 cents.
i read in the alex town talk about a young teen who was abducted, but she was from pineville, across the red river.

Do you have any info on it? How long ago? I'm curious... I will see my contact later this week.. maybe get some clarification!
ahhhhhh! If this guy hurts some innocent child or woman, i will go bananas!!!

goodness justwannahelp ~ he looks like a younger charles manson !!

Where do these people crawl out from ?? He has that perv look on his face !! How can le allow him to escape ? By allow, i mean he wasn't chained enough or some one wasn't watching him. How does laf come to inherit all of these creeps ? It's scary !!!
BSL's wounds mean that things did not go as planned. Had he been wound-free, your idea would be much more likely.

As it is, we have a cut-up perp. We also have no mention of rape whatsoever in any official documents.

I am not being disrespectful. I'm looking at what happened and saying I think there's a good chance he wasn't able to get what he wanted. He burned his truck because something went very wrong.

You are free to speculate on what happened to Mickey. I'm sticking to the released facts for now, and looking at the struggle. You do NOT know that he got "what he wanted." Maybe we should leave Mickey some dignity until more proof comes out.

There you go again. Last time I was naive. This time I'm disrespectful. I'm almost starting to think you have something personal against me, because you have been picking on my posts for quite awhile now and I'm starting to see a pattern forming here.

On Websleuths you will find a diverse group of people with diverse perspectives. Not all perspectives are the same. It is what makes this forum unique.

When an individual gives testimony in a Court of Law they take an oath to tell the truth. The same is done when you affix your signature to legal documents. You are swearing that the contents of that document/s are truthful.

I stand by my post. It is my firm opinion that the truth has not been told by BSL, specifically within the Plea Agreement. I as well stand by my opinion that Mickey was chosen not simply to kill. BSL's movtives were deeper than that. This is my post. In no way was it addressed to anyone in particular. It was simply my opinion.

I see a pattern forming here, which to me, serves a greater injustice for what Mickey fought incredibly hard. This is a Tier 3 RSO, that blindfolded, tied, and raped an earlier victim for hours. That means he did it over and over and over to her. That is a fact and he served time for it. BSL's statement is so wrong on so many levels. He has sanitized this statement for one purpose only and that is himself.

BSL was looking for one thing and one thing only that night and nothing anyone says, including himself, was going to prevent him from getting what he wanted. I am sure there are many rape victims on this forum that can attest to the fact nothing was going to stop him whether that be mace or knife wounds.

As a rape victim and survivor, his version of events don't make sense. For many of us that have endured something like this, maybe we can see through this statement easier. I don't know. What I do know is he got what he wanted and he did not give up the location of the body till he was sure there were probably no forensics that could disprove his statement.

I understand that for some this is how they, for their own sanity, feel this is how it happened. I can understand that but I will not buy into what he has stated in his plea agreement.

Mickey fought hard so that the truth could be told. By downplaying what she went through is wrong. I expected the plea agreement to be the bare facts, what I did not expect was the absolute lies within it.

Some feel this is in some way disrespectful to her memory. I believe it is more disrespectful to not fully understand what she went through, fought for, and ultimately died because of. Instead of making more woman aware of how critical it is to be aware and to take precautions, some feel it to be more important to not discuss it. There is a loud message that needs to be told here which some are trying to stifle when instead it should be used to educate.
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