Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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Thanks, Fox...
[ame=""]9/11 Tribute - September 11, 2001 World Trade Center WTC - YouTube[/ame]

In remembrance of the Dickens wrote 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'. September 11, 2001...our country's wake-up call.

IMO, we were unified in brotherhood, waved our flags proudly. I was never more proud to be an AMERICAN!

IMO, we witnessed the greatest evil, committed to destroy terrorism. I was never more proud, in all my days, to be an AMERICAN!

It IS a great day to be alive! In remembrance, with honor and respect, the heroes of this solemn day.
Just went to a LE held self defense class tonight. I was told 5% of the population has no reaction to mace/pepper spray. They also said that if you are drunk, high, that it can take up to 15 min for the effects to start.or under the influence of drugs/medication So this may be way BSL was able to continue driving, to continue to fight and harm Mickey.

Also they said you have to shake your mace/pepper spray everyday to make sure the "good stuff" is dispersed so that the actual irritating agent comes out when you spray it. And you have to replace it ever so often or it's even less effective. Also the police officer that taught the course said only once has he ever sprayed a criminal and it never blown back into his face as well. Just reinforced my opinion that pepper spray sounds like a big sack of crap to me.

I've always been leery of mace or pepper spray.

Personally, I think a gun would work much better. Works on any perp who's drunk, high or under the influence of drugs or medication. And there's no waiting 15 minutes for the effects to start. ;p

Actually, I'd carry a crossbow if I could... let the perp suffer a little.

But for those who don't like guns, I'd suggest karate and about 40+ years of frustration taken out on 'em.
I don't doubt for a second that BSL tried to put a spin on his confession. However, I will say, the confession would have to conform to the evidence LE collected or they wouldn't have taken the DP off the table. So I suspect, if they had evidence as suggested in the bolded portion, LE would not let him skate by without owning up to it.

Maybe, but we don't know that. I think pressure from the family and public to find the body NOW led to acceptance of BSLs version of the confession. In addition, as I stated, I think the DA staff, particularly Mr. Stutes, was anxious to end this (partly because he wanted to retire) and he and the Shunick family felt the ends justified the means..after all, BSL will spend the rest of his life in prison, never to harm another innocent victim. We don't now and may never know what other evidence LE had available to use. Without eye witnesses, evidence can be fit into almost any fantasy BSL could dream.

One of the things I base my opinion on is BSLs quasi non-confession in Lisa's case. Evidence supports what he said happened, multiple facial and cranial fractures consistent with the beating he admitted. Then suffocation by plastic bag over the head. Remnants of the bag were still on the body when it was found. Yet, there remains this in the plea agreement - "...though he may be unwilling or unable to admit his participation in the acts constituting the First Degree Murder of Lisa Pate...". Hmmm, not sure that confession conforms to the evidence.
Thank you for the link I'll check out the thread as well. The sketch sure looks like him, plus this one had a gun as well...

Yes you are right, at the moment is very difficult to try and understand what he did in the past, besides what we already know.
Thank God his first (known) victim was brave enough to report what happened, thanks to her women of the area were safe for some time.

i wonder if anything of hers was stolen prior to BSL attacking her.
I've always been leery of mace or pepper spray.

Personally, I think a gun would work much better. Works on any perp who's drunk, high or under the influence of drugs or medication. And there's no waiting 15 minutes for the effects to start. ;p

Actually, I'd carry a crossbow if I could... let the perp suffer a little.

But for those who don't like guns, I'd suggest karate and about 40+ years of frustration taken out on 'em.

I agree. I got my concealed carry this summer. However there are SO many places you aren't allowed to carry a gun and some states you aren't even allowed to have one outside of your house at all. So I'm taking self defense courses taught by LE who say the moves are proven so hopefully that will help me if I ever need it.

Learned how gouge someone's eyes out and how to break someones fingers, arm, and dislocate their shoulder and elbow all at the same time in one move last night. That's got to be helpful. lol.
The police were telling the Shunicks that MM was deceased at the time of Brandon's arrest. This was before they searched his property.

How did they know? Tom Shunick was wondering too, but wasn't given an explanation at that time.

Was there evidence left in the burned truck or other?
I agree. I got my concealed carry this summer. However there are SO many places you aren't allowed to carry a gun and some states you aren't even allowed to have one outside of your house at all. So I'm taking self defense courses taught by LE who say the moves are proven so hopefully that will help me if I ever need it.

Learned how gouge someone's eyes out and how to break someones fingers, arm, and dislocate their shoulder and elbow all at the same time in one move last night. That's got to be helpful. lol.

The police were telling the Shunicks that MM was deceased at the time of Brandon's arrest. This was before they searched his property.

How did they know? Tom Shunick was wondering too, but wasn't given an explanation at that time.

Was there evidence left in the burned truck or other?

my guess is they were assuming due to Lisa Pate's fate and the fact that he burned his truck and from the nature of his wounds - there was a heated struggle.

could possibly be rumor, but I HEARD the following BEFORE his public guilty plea, that there was surveillance of him throwing out evidence in NOLA. again, I HEARD this from one person and they knew this a few weeks before his confession.

my point is that I think LE knew a lot before his confession.

while I'm spilling "talk", 3 of the guys on TD that have been "in the know" have said for sure 3 more victims. these guys knew he confessed and led them to her body several hours before media was on it, so i'm guessing they are legit. i wonder what is taking so long for his link to these victims to surface in the media
I think the power and control gained by sexual violators/killers is sexually exhilarating to the perp. I do not think it is not about sexual gratification. I think the assault, power and contol are what is sexually exciting to the perp.
Hi all...I went tour Angola Prison today. Ate lunch at the ranch house and met and talked to Warden Cain,a few of the prison's Lawyers,and a bunch of other higher ups there at the prison.

And guess who they were talking about during lunch??? Yes, Brandon Scott Lavergne!!!
There seems to be two very opposing views among posters here as it pertains to how active a perp BSL was, and how many potential victims of his may not yet be known. There are those that think he may have been a very prolific killer and may have numerous victims. Then there are those that feel, with all of the mistakes he made while trying to cover Mickey's murder, and the fact that he was a suspect in Lisa's murder early on, that he could not have possibly been a murdering machine and avoided being caught for so long. I honestly have been on both sides of this fence at various times, and still dont know exactly where I sit even now. I do think that he may have more victims, though I am not sure I believe there are as huge a number as some seem to believe. I WOULD love to know how many different women's items were found in his home by LE, what they were, and whether any of those items belonged to any other women that are missing or dead. I have always felt that investigators found some very damning evidence in his home, and the fact that those records are sealed, at least for now, seems to maybe support that thought. At this point, I think it is highly unlikely that there were no victims, or at the very least, no attempted victims, between the time of Lisa's murder and the time of Mickey's. I understand LE's need to keep some things to themselves for now, but I really hope that in time, we will have many of the answers to questions we still have, and I hope that IF there are other victims of BSL, that LE is able to pin him to them and perhaps bring some closure to those families as well...JMO

The biggest mistake BSL made was not realizing that he would be on camera. If not for those pictures, I don't think he would have been caught because the truck would not have become the item of interest. He would not have burned it, Adam would not have noticed and neither would the car sales woman because he could have cleaned it himself.
I believe that the victim count will be at least three more young women. I am not sure how many more, but at LEAST three more. I am basing this completely on CajunNet.

I'm thinking way more.
Not based on Cajun Net, but simply what I've read about Brandon Lavergne, his habits, and his past.

He's actually had a "Streak" of killing so to speak, over such a long time span, that I do believe he could have been up there with some of the most known serial killers victim counts.

Lisa-1999. Mickey-2012.
No way a man that killed (Not a random, out of control, so angry I murder, once in a life type thing. A man that actually SEARCHED and STALKED for a victim) killed only two people.
Just a -2 chance in my mind.

A lot think it's absurd to say he would be up there with a count of creepers like Dahmer or Gacey, but I wouldn't put it past him.
I do truly believe that though he made some idiotic mistakes, he has more sense than most of the most notorious killers. So why WOULDNT he have killed more girls, if given the chance?

Maybe Cajun Net will roll around and disprove what I think.
I HOPE it does. I don't want to believe he's killed more, but this is my honest and blunt thought.

Come on Cajun Net, prove me wrong :rocker:
And that isn't sarcastic either!
Hi all...I went tour Angola Prison today. Ate lunch at the ranch house and met and talked to Warden Cain,a few of the prison's Lawyers,and a bunch of other higher ups there at the prison.

And guess who they were talking about during lunch??? Yes, Brandon Scott Lavergne!!!

Anything interesting?
What? What I missed? Do we know, as fact, LE has refused someone, specifically, knowledge of personal belongings in BSL's possession? If this follows a personal venue...then I get the frustration.

I can't say for everyone that had their things found.
I can only 100% speak for one person, who was told that they couldn't tell her what was found.

I was thinking, maybe it was to not "jeopardize" anything, such as Mickey being found or Brandons confession, but I have no idea how that would have jeopardized anything involving Mickey or Brandons confession to Mickeys murder.
However, even now after all of this, nothing.

I think it's kind of someones RIGHT to know if a possession has been found in a killers home....
It can't harm anything since the person whose things were found are alive and well, not missing or endangered.

I just really wonder why everyone wasn't told, or their things weren't returned.
Hi all...I went tour Angola Prison today. Ate lunch at the ranch house and met and talked to Warden Cain,a few of the prison's Lawyers,and a bunch of other higher ups there at the prison.

And guess who they were talking about during lunch??? Yes, Brandon Scott Lavergne!!!

what did they say about him? how's he holding up in Angola?
Anything interesting?

He is living in the death row facility in solitary confinement. The warden was talking about how he came to prison expecting to use his "doctor prescribed" sleep apnea CPAP mask. And saying how he's not sure if he will allow Brandon to have it. He also said Brandon wrote him a few letters talking about how he wants to work on the prisons equipment just like he did off shore and how he has big ideas and yada yada! Warden Cain said he asked him about how he feels about what he did to Mickey and feels as though Brandon's response is indifferent.
Mr Swamp and his friend who worked with BSL will be alligator hunting for the next few days so I will find some time to talk with the friend about when he worked with BSL and ask him some questions about his encounters with BSL, as well as how BSL worded things.

Our friend is very much a Christian and family man. He does not have a facebook acct (but his wife does) and he is not all into computers. I will have to ask him how his wife knew it was not him that was writing to her.

deleted last paragraph for relevance to my post

Please do ask questions. I have been waiting for so long for a coworker to speak up. I am shocked that it took so long. I thought for sure I'd run across a coworker of BSL's sooner. So thanks for your post!!!

You may not feel comfortable answering this, but I'll ask just in case you are...How old was the coworker's wife when she got the creepy email?

I find it very interesting that BSL just stared at the TV when reports about Mickey were on or when the guys talked about the case. Ughhhh, he makes me so sick!!!! :banghead:
He is living in the death row facility in solitary confinement. The warden was talking about how he came to prison expecting to use his "doctor prescribed" sleep apnea CPAP mask. And saying how he's not sure if he will allow Brandon to have it. He also said Brandon wrote him a few letters talking about how he wants to work on the prisons equipment just like he did off shore and how he has big ideas and yada yada! Warden Cain said he asked him about how he feels about what he did to Mickey and feels as though Brandon's response is indifferent.

WHAAAATTT!!!!!???? Indifferent?!!! What exactly was his response. Did he just answer, "ugh, sir, I don't know." :furious:
He is living in the death row facility in solitary confinement. The warden was talking about how he came to prison expecting to use his "doctor prescribed" sleep apnea CPAP mask. And saying how he's not sure if he will allow Brandon to have it. He also said Brandon wrote him a few letters talking about how he wants to work on the prisons equipment just like he did off shore and how he has big ideas and yada yada! Warden Cain said he asked him about how he feels about what he did to Mickey and feels as though Brandon's response is indifferent.

Oh, and I do NOT think he should be able to use his CPAP. Seriously!!!?? That's ridiculous. He can snore and get a poor night's rest. Most likely, once he looses some weight, he won't have snoring problems any longer.
what did they say about him? how's he holding up in Angola?

Warden Cain thinks Brandon will try to give them legal problems... if they don't let him sleep with cpap mask!! I was thinking to my self, dude your in prison! You slid by being on death row by the skin of your teeth! You better learn how to sleep on your stomach and stop snoring like a noisy hog from now on!
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