Brangelina Divorce

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In a court filing in Los Angeles, filed as part of a legal battle over a winery the prominent Hollywood actors once owned together, lawyers for Ms. Jolie stated that negotiations to sell her share of the business to Mr. Pitt had broken down over his demand that she sign “a nondisclosure agreement that would have contractually prohibited her from speaking outside of court about Pitt’s physical and emotional abuse of her and their children.”

Her filing goes on to describe an extended physical and verbal outburst in September 2016 as Mr. Pitt, Ms. Jolie and their six children flew from France to California. “Pitt choked one of the children and struck another in the face” and “grabbed Jolie by the head and shook her,” the filing states, adding that at one point “he poured beer on Jolie; at another, he poured beer and red wine on the children.”
Not believing this at all.

The kids were interviewed by California CPS workers and FBI
If those kids were harmed, they would have told that to the social workers and FBI.
Those workers are required by law to report any child abuse to law enforcement. It would have been reported and recorded.

Both agencies concluded no abuse occurred.

Since the incident, those children have been interviewed and counseled multiple times by various court appointed professionals as part of the divorce proceedings. If there were any abuse, they would have mentioned it. Those professionals are also required by law to report abuse to law enforcement. No abuse has been reported.

Apparently Angie made up a story. The kids didn't corroborate it.

ETA: I feel very sorry for these kids and for Brad for having to live with the nightmare of a mentally ill mother/former spouse who insists on dragging out a painful divorce and running to the news media every few weeks to say make defamatory, false accusations.
Can you provide a link/links - credible ones, not rumour, not random twitter - to show where and when the children were interviewed by CPS, the FBI and multiple court appointed professionals, and evidence of a subsequent collective consensus from the former that no abuse had taken place. Thanks in advance.

I'm only here for facts. At present, all the facts, not just about the plane incident but also the background to the sale of the Miraval winery, are pointing very much to Jolie's version of events.
Can you provide a link/links - credible ones, not rumour, not random twitter - to show where and when the children were interviewed by CPS, the FBI and multiple court appointed professionals, and evidence of a subsequent collective consensus from the former that no abuse had taken place. Thanks in advance.

I'm only here for facts. At present, all the facts, not just about the plane incident but also the background to the sale of the Miraval winery, are pointing very much to Jolie's version of events.


Anyone who wants to claim that these agencies gave Pitt a favorable report because he's a celebrity isn't considering that his wife is also a big celebrity who could have courted favoritism.
Pitt lied his head off as regards the arrangement he and Jolie had re the potential sale of Miraval. He's lied about so many things.

This tells the real story.

That is her version of events, not necessarily the truth. Of course she can claim anything at all to the newspapers and in her court documents. Sorry, but she has lied before and she is continuing to try to hurt him by publicly shaming him and in the process is hurting her children. She is selfish and maniacal. The case was closed by the FBI on the abuse claims. "The Los Angeles County Department of Child and Family Services cleared Pitt of wrongdoing after allegations surfaced involving one of his children."

Right now, so far, it is just Jolie's word, which is obviously biased.
Pitt lied his head off as regards the arrangement he and Jolie had re the potential sale of Miraval. He's lied about so many things.

This tells the real story.

Says who?. Who is there to back up AJ version of events?, where is the proof she is telling any kind of truth?.
The whole thing is he said,she said, apart from the bit where the FBI and child services also said,and what they said was no case to answer, so who is the liar?.
AJ wanted everything her way and when BP wouldn't play ball,and God forbid tried to parent their children, she went for the jugular.
She wanted to move continents with the children and he said no,so she tried to get his parental rights taken away so he had no say, a woman that uses children as a weapon is a disgrace,she is the one who's rights should be terminated.
Just because she is a woman doesn't mean she should automatically be believed when there is zero evidence of any wrong doing. Women can be manipulative control freaks too,it's not an exclusive mens club, even if that's what many people want to believe.
A good read. From the link -
I have no idea what is true, obviously. What I do know is that the truth doesn’t seem to matter to an awful lot of people. Since Jolie accused Pitt of abuse last week, she has been called a liar by social media vigilantes, become the subject of misogynistic YouTube videos and dubbed “another Amber Heard”. The US gossip website TMZ has reported claims that “Angelina Jolie is on a smear campaign against Brad Pitt” and has “poisoned their kids to turn on him”. Again, I don’t know what is true in all this. But one thing is clear: the Depp v Heard trial didn’t end when the jury verdict came in. Any woman, no matter how famous, who speaks out about a powerful man is going to be treated like Amber Heard 2.0. Depp wrote a playbook men accused of misconduct seem very eager to copy.

Says who?. Who is there to back up AJ version of events?, where is the proof she is telling any kind of truth?.
The whole thing is he said,she said, apart from the bit where the FBI and child services also said,and what they said was no case to answer, so who is the liar?.
AJ wanted everything her way and when BP wouldn't play ball,and God forbid tried to parent their children, she went for the jugular.
She wanted to move continents with the children and he said no,so she tried to get his parental rights taken away so he had no say, a woman that uses children as a weapon is a disgrace,she is the one who's rights should be terminated.
Just because she is a woman doesn't mean she should automatically be believed when there is zero evidence of any wrong doing. Women can be manipulative control freaks too,it's not an exclusive mens club, even if that's what many people want to believe.

Pitt's lawyers changed their statement as to what exactly he was fessing up to regarding the recent cross complaint.

“The carefully worded statement from Brad Pitt’s divorce attorney, Ms. Kiley, clearly did not address any of the very serious accusations in our Cross-Complaint. Mr. Pitt has been accused of harming his children and he has not denied any of his specific abhorrent behavior,” he said. “Instead, he is continuing his attempts to misinform and deflect, just like he has done for the last six years.”

As regards Miraval, he demanded a non-disclosure agreement as to what happened on that plane as part and parcel of her sale of her interests. Her refusal to agree to his terms resulted in her being sued (and slandered) by him for breach of his imaginary contract. Her email to him is painful to read but so filled with the truth of who is telling it. The very grim control freakery of it/him is horrifying. And yet his supporters still give him a pass? And wave everything 'inconvenient' about Pitt away in the rush to damn the 'evil, conniving' Jolie to hell. I just don't get it.

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Pitt's lawyers changed their statement as to what exactly he was fessing up to regarding the recent cross complaint.

As regards Miraval, he demanded a non-disclosure agreement as to what happened on that plane as part and parcel of her sale of her interests. Her refusal to agree to his terms resulted in her being sued (and slandered) by him for breach of his imaginary contract. Her email to him is painful to read but so filled with the truth of who is telling it. The very grim control freakery of it/him is horrifying. And yet his supporters still give him a pass? And wave everything 'inconvenient' about Pitt away in the rush to damn the 'evil, conniving' Jolie to hell. I just don't get it.

He asked her not to smear him in the tabloids and she refused to do so.

The bottom line is that two agencies - the LA County Children and Family Services and the FBI investigated the incident and found no grounds to charge Brad for any of the accusations Angelina was making. A whole lot of people checked it out, interviewed the kids, the pilots, everyone involved and found no evidence to bring charges.

There have been no further incidents since then, yet Angelina Jolie keeps trying to make up new versions of the same discredited story.

Contrary to what she may believe, she's doing tremendous harm to her children and to her own reputation. People know dirty divorce tricks when they see them. She needs to get some counseling and stop punishing her children and her ex husband. Get over it.

If she thinks all this terrible stuff happened and all the experts who investigated it were wrong, she needs to offer some proof.

As for running to the tabloids, Jann Wenner, former editor and founder of Rolling Stone Magazine said in his recent memoir that it was Angelina herself who called his paper and the papparazi when Brad first cheated on his wife by taking a trip with Angelina to Africa. The photos of them walking on the beach were taken by photographers who Angelina called herself.

Should have been a warning to Brad, JMO.
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A lot of this started because Brad Pitt wanted to parent his children and she didn’t ever want to say “No” to them. She wanted to make it ugly against him and has tried hard to do it.

This “incident” on the plane which was discredited by the FBI and even people who interviewed the children should be left in the past and she needs to freaking move on. She looks crazy with all of this.

For her to try to claim that he is a “powerful man” is laughable!! She is as big of a star as he is. She is just a sore loser and is incredibly selfish and mean.

He has gone to counseling. What has she done to make herself more healthy mentally?
A lot of this started because Brad Pitt wanted to parent his children and she didn’t ever want to say “No” to them. She wanted to make it ugly against him and has tried hard to do it.

This “incident” on the plane which was discredited by the FBI and even people who interviewed the children should be left in the past and she needs to freaking move on. She looks crazy with all of this.

For her to try to claim that he is a “powerful man” is laughable!! She is as big of a star as he is. She is just a sore loser and is incredibly selfish and mean.

He has gone to counseling. What has she done to make herself more healthy mentally?

Unfortunately, I just read where he is putting his Plan B movie production company up for sale. He also said recently his acting days are over. I think this situation is going to make him retire completely from his career. Such a shame, if true. He should be able to take her to court to stop her blackmail and parental alienation, but I guess he won’t do it for the sake of his kids.

What a horrible woman.
Unfortunately, I just read where he is putting his Plan B movie production company up for sale. He also said recently his acting days are over. I think this situation is going to make him retire completely from his career. Such a shame, if true. He should be able to take her to court to stop her blackmail and parental alienation, but I guess he won’t do it for the sake of his kids.

What a horrible woman.

HA! Far more likely is that he now has serious money problems and is looking for ways to mitigate them.

HA! Far more likely is that he now has serious money problems and is looking for ways to mitigate them.

I don't think so. He and his productions company have made several very successful movies in recent years. He's having to pay a hefty amount of money to AJ as the divorce drags on and on, but he doesn't have any other big expenses. He's not the kind of guy who spends extravagantly.
I don't think so. He and his productions company have made several very successful movies in recent years. He's having to pay a hefty amount of money to AJ as the divorce drags on and on, but he doesn't have any other big expenses. He's not the kind of guy who spends extravagantly.

We have no idea how Brad Pitt spends his money, nor should we. That's between him and his financial advisors.
Thats correct. It should not be dragged into the divorce and false accusations being made against him.

Other than your assumption about his financial situation I haven't seen his financial successes or failures brought into the divorce.

I personally believe that false accusations should not be spread about either and since both seem to be using the media relations people to present their narrative, it's difficult to tell what the facts truly are.
Other than your assumption about his financial situation I haven't seen his financial successes or failures brought into the divorce.

I personally believe that false accusations should not be spread about either and since both seem to be using the media relations people to present their narrative, it's difficult to tell what the facts truly are.

I was responding to a comment made a couple of posts above. You can share that information with them.


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