Brent Turvey to Discuss Case with Wendy Murphy

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Super Dave....way cool that was you. When you said "HI" my son said,"Wow, he sounds like a happy guy." LOL.

You were great!!!!
Well, thank you very much! I WAS a happy guy! i was happy that I could finally speak to Wendy after so long. I was glad to help her out, and I had hoped I could correct a certain other caller (who really NEEDS it). She doesn't need Wendy to fight. I'm right here!
Hi guys, I wasn't expecting Wendy to call in as early as she did. I had her scheduled for the 2nd half hour. After Turvey, and I didn't want to cut Turvey off early and only discuss with Wendy, because I wanted to be fair towards him.

Thanks everyone for calling, and that Jameson called in using different numbers. And I was trying to be a moderator for the discussion, but was busy deleting some comments some trolls had written.

I thought it was interesting, I like Wendy and Brent both.

Yeah, I heard you at the beginning of the show say that she would be on the 2nd half hour....and then BAM! there she was. You sounded like you were caught off guard a little bit, but you handled it wonderfully. I would have had to yell...."BE QUITE!!!!!" I am surprised that you don't have a migraine. Now that I know about your show, I will be a regular listener. Thank you so much for telling us about it, and letting us all tune it. It was worth the wait. Can you have Wendy on again, for a full hour...just by herself, and then have Turvey on ....for an hour by himself, sometime?? That would be awesome!
Well, thank you very much! I WAS a happy guy! i was happy that I could finally speak to Wendy after so long. I was glad to help her out, and I had hoped I could correct a certain other caller (who really NEEDS it). She doesn't need Wendy to fight. I'm right here!

Good job, SuperDave! And we all finally know what you sound like.
On the archive, after we went off the air, we discussed the case a little bit more. Wendy made some good points about Lin Wood.
Oh, you can listen Dave. Sometimes the show goes off before we are ready to end, we just continue. It is available on the archive.
yeah, I'm listening right now!

If I seem a little buzzed, please excuse me. It's not everyday you get heard on coast-to-coast radio AND get to talk to a celebrity you admire at the same time!
Oh, SuperDave - you finally got to speak to your Idol, Wendy!!! :woohoo: I am so happy for you. Unfortunately, I was on the road this weekend and made it back just in time to crash and burn so I missed the show....:bang:

Levi - our sincerest apologies on having to deal with jameson and her deceptive ways......sneaky old thing, isn't she?! That's why she fits in so well in RamLand!
This is not the first time I've been heard on mass media about this case. back in 2004, Dan Abrams read (part of) an e-mail I sent him about this case. The look on his face! LOL

This is by FAR better! This is like going to the mountaintop and back again a thousand times over!

Watcha gonna do when SuperDave gets Super on you?!
..I finished listening,(didn't catch it live),but it was great! Wendy is very vocal and outspoken about the case facts.jams sounded a bit too nervous,(both times,lol).And SD,you were great! :)

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