Bret Michaels Rushed to ICU with Brain Hemorrhage

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I don't think the public is being told everything, and maybe we don't need to know right now.
here's what I'm thinking and it may or may not be on the mark

but if he was close to death, wouldn't his family be at his side in the hospital? it just struck me as odd that his dad talked to him on the phone but didn't get on a plane? (I don't mean that in a derogatory way at all)

I realize there could be many varied reasons why his dad stayed in PA - and I'm thinking one reason might be that he either knew or was led to believe that his son was going to be ok

'course I'm just hoping, along with everyone else here

get well Brett!

rumors around here, family is there.
Seizures are very common with anything related to the brain.
I have a tumor in brain stem and have been on seizure meds for 10 years.
I'm sure docs will take care of that.
I will be praying for both Bret and your son Nore. How is he doing now?

Brwnigirl, Joe passed away.I do not "live anymore" I exist.He left us a granddaughter,(mom was busy with her boyfriend).When my husband passed Amy,husband John, and little Johnny came to live with me.They give me a reason to go on but still I am numb to life.Being on this site has helped me a lot though I have no sympathy for any of the perps,I could easily tear them apart.My children are now safe with their Dad..Luvya,Nore.:angel:
Brwnigirl, Joe passed away.I do not "live anymore" I exist.He left us a granddaughter,(mom was busy with her boyfriend).When my husband passed Amy,husband John, and little Johnny came to live with me.They give me a reason to go on but still I am numb to life.Being on this site has helped me a lot though I have no sympathy for any of the perps,I could easily tear them apart.My children are now safe with their Dad..Luvya,Nore.:angel:


I am so sorry for your loss, Nore. If I was still in Ohio Id give you a real hug!!
Yeah but it still says he will recover, it will take a couple of months and involve rehab. That's a far cry from going on tour in a month.

I have to agree with you. Given what we have been told about his condition, I find it highly unlikely that he will be fully recovered in a month and back on tour.

My older brother suffered a severe stroke, one which we were told normally has like a 90% fatality rate. He was very lucky to survive but I can tell you that it took much longer than a month for him to recover from it even with intensive therapy. Speech, memory, motor functions, reasoning, comprehension and such. We were told that when parts of the brain are damaged, it does not recover so the brain must finds ways to reroute the wiring, so to speak, so that a person can regain those functions that were damaged and this takes time. I will be really surprised if he is back on tour next month IMO. He has a lot of work ahead of him in rehab to get him back on track.IMO

Wishing him all the best but am not buying his publicity statement this early in the game.
Seems many posters have had experiences with strokes, and they aren't positive. My father-in-law suffered a stroke. At first, we were told he would recover, and things were okay for a couple of weeks, but he gradually deteriated. At first, his speech and physical functions were not affected - again gradual deteriation. I certainly hope this doesn't happen to BM.
I think it's way too early to know what kind of recovery BM can expect - he's not out of the woods yet as far as even surviving this bleed and the complications from it. Prayers for BM and his family.
And Nore-I am so very sorry for your loss! (((HUGS)))’-sister-says-“good-news-right-around-corner”

AUDIO: Bret Michaels’ Sister Says: “Good News Is Right Around The Corner”
Bret Michaels’ sister Michelle rang into the Todd N Tyler Radio Empire, a syndicated radio show, Wednesday for an exclusive interview, updating listeners on the condition of her beloved brother.
Listen to the interview at the link above-
Hopefully if what she says is true-it sounds promising!!:innocent:
I will say this:

I know NOTHING about the medical field but I do know the music business and tours require insurance. I can't imagine anyone insuring Bret's tour (or the Lynyrd Skynyrd tour he's supposed to play on this summer) after all this.

I can't imagine a doctor clearing Bret to go and jump around on stage in about 4 weeks either. If you've ever seen Bret or Poison in concert, you know he does tons of running. I'm skeptical and I think someone jumped the gun. So happy Bret seems to be making a positive turn, tho.
I too am praying they find the bleeding source.’-sister-says-“good-news-right-around-corner”

AUDIO: Bret Michaels’ Sister Says: “Good News Is Right Around The Corner”
Bret Michaels’ sister Michelle rang into the Todd N Tyler Radio Empire, a syndicated radio show, Wednesday for an exclusive interview, updating listeners on the condition of her beloved brother.
Listen to the interview at the link above-
Hopefully if what she says is true-it sounds promising!!:innocent:

Glad he's getting better - hope he continues to get better and has no more setbacks.
I've been following this thread closely because my Dad just had a stroke on March 18th. Since he is 89 years old we really didnt think he would survive. The first few days he was paralyzed on his left side. He has lost peripheal vision also on his left eye. He was starting to show improvement then he also developed the low sodium (hyponatremia). We knew he was losing blood too so he had to have 2 blood transfusions. I think the Docs were more confused than us. He definitely had 2 blood vessels burst in his head but the bleed was coming from his stomach of all places. He had diverticulitis and we never knew it. He had never complained of stomach pain in is entire life! Well, that was 6 weeks ago and now my father is home, walking, talking and ready to go wave to his motorists on the corner of his apt complex that drive by. (See News that make you smile thread) So, I do think if Bret had a mild stroke he could very well be on the road to recovery. He is alot younger than my Dad and seems like a fighter!!! Go Bret..If my Daddy can do it, so can you!!

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