Bring them home-Hailey's Uncle Speaks out-2011, March 23rd

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I missed the show so thanks for all the transcriptions. I know I can go listen to it but I don't have time tonight. Sounds like a good interview.

I really hope there is justice for Hailey... soon.
IMO, both BJD and SA are absolutely convinced that H will not be found, so secure, so arrogant in that belief, that neither will give up her location to LE until concrete evidence against one or the other is slapped down in front of them. Not gonna budge until then. I cannot imagine where H was placed that these two are this confident that they will get away with this, and therefore have not turned on the other yet.
Wasn't SA quoted as saying that if he committed a crime it would be remembered for a long long time. I think the **** was correct and it makes me sick
Too little too late though. She hasn't done one thing to stay away from him or to stop him from getting to her. She filed a no trespass but was with him the next night. If they are staying in Hotels LE knows about it. They will get the records. With the FBI and the DA's Office Inspectors and the Texas Rangers involved there have to be surveillance pictures and tapes on these two. I can't imagine there aren't.

You're right grandmaj - if she plans on claiming *fear* of SA as a defense for her actions, it won't hold water.

But I wouldn't put it past her to try.

And now she has an attorney who is trying to cast her as a poor mistreated victim @ the hands of LE. I won't be surprised that when push comes to shove, if she tries to use a battered woman defense, especially if Shawn rolls on her.
Billie knew the minute she heard that Hailey didn't go to her Dad's or MB's, she knew who gave her this info.
She lived in that house, she saw incorporate behavior, she knew Hailey didn't like Shawn, she knew DD didn't like Shawn.
She knows she is the cause of Hailey's demise, even if she didn't directly cause it.
She is so addicted to Shawn, she put him before both of her children.
She's not afraid of Shawn, she's afraid of what people think of her.
She care's how she looks on the outside and on the inside.
She is going to be hard to crack.
Curious what people think about SA saying that HD could be found in Scurry Co. Do you think he was telling the truth or just leading LE to think that and she's in Big Springs or CC?
Curious what people think about SA saying that HD could be found in Scurry Co. Do you think he was telling the truth or just leading LE to think that and she's in Big Springs or CC?

IIRC, when asked that question during the polygraph, his answer indicated that he was telling the truth.

I think it's in the original SWA from January.
I can't believe of everything Billie has done that she redecorated Hailey's room. :furious:

How can you move one thing? Change anything? Not smell your daughter's clothing?

That seals the deal for me.

If she won't even admit to doing drugs how in the hello does anyone think she will admit to anything about SA? I was on the dang fence sooooooooo long giving her the benefit of the doubt.....she has rung the bell and it cannot be unrung now.:banghead:
From January 27 interview with CBS7:

Billie Jean Dunn: "On top of Hailey missing have people saying horrible things and making horrible accusations and after I get Hailey home I'll deal with the slander and the defamation of character. I definitely will".
I am sooo ready to take a drive to TX :furious: and thats about all I can say , redoing Hailey's bedroom, ummm no I don't think it works that way......
I'm putting 2 and 2 together. The mattress and now the painting.

Yes Kimster and immediately my mind went to..
Why was the matress on the floor?
Why was there only a single sheet given to LE?
Where is the other sheet, pillowcases, bedspread/comforter and pillows?
It was December, Hailey had to have more on her bed than just a single sheet.
Those dang sheets I have been obsessing over.....have been replaced with new ones...hmmmmmmm
Billie Jean Dunn: "On top of Hailey missing have people saying horrible things and making horrible accusations and after I get Hailey home I'll deal with the slander and the defamation of character. I definitely will".

thanks for finding that Sorrell. My energy level is so low tonight I was having trouble coming up with that old link. :blowkiss:
Maybe she was redecorating for Hailey in hopes she'll come home?
You know, like buying a pretty bedding set and painting the walls a color Hailey would like? It could just be a coping mechanism to keep busy and not think of the worst possibilities.

According to RC, the redecoration of H's room is not in the vein/theme of a teenager's room. H's 13. Is Billie expecting her to return when she's a young adult (rhetorical question)?
Redecorating Hailey's room suggests (to me) that Billie is trying to erase Hailey's memory, and trying to erase the memory (and possibly erase any evidence) of what happened in that house.

Couch Hailey slept on: gone.

Living room Hailey slept in: painted.

Hailey's bedroom: painted & redecorated.

I wonder if she saved any of Hailey's things?
According to RC, the redecoration of H's room is not in the vein/theme of a teenager's room. H's 13. Is Billie expecting her to return when she's a young adult (rhetorical question)?

I think she is painting and fixing the house up to sell if she can get Clint to sign it over to her. She needs money for her attorney. She is desperate now and realizes the trouble she is in. Enough that she was so against letting Hailey live with her dad but she will now turn custody of both kids over to Clint for the house.
I am sooo ready to take a drive to TX :furious: and thats about all I can say , redoing Hailey's bedroom, ummm no I don't think it works that way......

When there was talk of the painting in the living room and her getting rid of the couch, I wondered if Hailey's room was changed at all.

BD, you are so guilty that you have gotten rid of anything that reminds you of Hailey. So sad.

Where is Hailey?
When there was talk of the painting in the living room and her getting rid of the couch, I wondered if Hailey's room was changed at all.

BD, you are so guilty that anything that reminds you of Hailey is gone. So sad.

Where is Hailey?

Been trying to figure out for a long time where Shawn might have put her. Ive said before maybe looking somewhere Billie would have wanted her put.
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