Bring them home-Hailey's Uncle Speaks out-2011, March 23rd

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In one breath, Billie says she didn't notice the sheet was missing for a couple of days.

And then in the next breath, she says she gave the sheet to investigators.

If she gave the sheet to LE, she would have known it wasn't on the bed.

Even if she didn't give the sheet to investigators, LE would have given her an inventory list of the items they took from the house.

Either way, BD is full of it with regards to the sheet.

Seems like it's a sensitive subject with Billie for sure. Maybe Hailey was wrapped in a sheet, blanket or comforter from that room?
She's not afraid of him. She had LE in her pocket. They would have helped her in a hot minute. No way she is afraid of him.


Many abused (physically or emotionally) women stay with their abusers, they press charges then drop them, they leave and then come back..sometimes until they finally end up dead. It doesn't mean they aren't afraid of them.. they often stay (or leave and come back) for that very reason.
In one breath, Billie says she didn't notice the sheet was missing for a couple of days.

And then in the next breath, she says she gave the sheet to investigators.

If she gave the sheet to LE, she would have known it wasn't on the bed.

Even if she didn't give the sheet to investigators, LE would have given her an inventory list of the items they took from the house.

Either way, BD is full of it with regards to the sheet.


I couldn't agree more sorrell skye. Billie is full of sheet!
What does "overly warm" mean?
I haven't heard this expression before? Confused.
Really happy or in love/lust with SA? Fake and overly nice?

Sounds to me as if he meant "insincere." BD certainly doesn't strike me as the cuddly huggy type of person, and in fact seems detached and almost cold in some of her interviews, so if she suddenly had that cozy-type of personality it would be weird.
I like Clint I really do but let's be real here, he does not "take good care of his family". He has a brand new baby, had his phone shut off, had no car and is now living back home with his mother. I'm not trying to bash the man but come on.. seasonal work? You have no place to live and a family to take care of..

This is what I can't understand about this case. These people have children, yet the bare necessities of today are not there and that seems to be no problem. It's like common sense flew out the window.

I've ask about the financials in this case just has me totally baffled. Where did the salaries go...especially BD?
I'd love to know if it's all boxed up or if her clothes are still hanging in the closet. Or if she even has anything that Hailey would need if she were to come back.

If that woman got RID of Hailey's things...
I may lose my self control to not go to Texas.

If she feels the need to redecorate the room of Clint's daughter and erase her from her life... then she can give her belongings to Clint and Naomi.

I can guarantee THEY would want and treasure them.

Then again, they also would have wanted and treasured Clint's daughter. Yet she is gone now isn't she?

Perhaps this woman has a "if I can't have her/it/them nobody is going to" type of attitude.

I can't believe of everything Billie has done that she redecorated Hailey's room. :furious:

How can you move one thing? Change anything? Not smell your daughter's clothing?

That seals the deal for me.

Many missing children's parents have left the room the same for decades...

I'm guessing that Billie would see them as "weak."

There is a picture in the same photobucket album of her room showing "Hailey" was painted on the wall. How could BD paint over that??? I'm hoping this is all just a rumor. I don't want to believe BD would be that blatantly insensitive about her daughter's disappearance.


Billie? :eek:

You mean... like dissing the searchers?
Not searching?
Not passing out flyers?
Not focusing on the "missing kid?"
Supporting the prime suspect?
Lying to police?
Getting rid of the couch Hailey slept on and repainting the living room Hailey slept in?

Nah.... she couldn't be insensitive, could she? :innocent:
JMO I don't believe for one minute anymore that BD is afraid of SA. Just recalling what PH said about her being "street smart" makes me believe she grew up pretty tough and mean. Girls that are usually let to "fend for themselves, develop a hard inner and outer core no matter what their size is. They don't take much to heart and they are good at defending themselves physically and emotionally. "If" that one rumour of her being a stripper is true, I would think she would have to be pretty tough. I assume this is the whole true BD coming out. She doesn't cry or show emotion toward HD being missing. She was bred and raised that way. I would love to know her life story.

As far as CD goes, I give him a huge pat on the back for doing what he's been able to do in regard to searching for HD, but I do not agree with his drug of choice. JMO. I think money could be put to better use. Afterall, he has a baby to feed and cloth. If he is doing it to eliviate physical pain, then he should see a doctor and get a legit script for it. Talk of a relationship breakdown could very well be because of this habit. When I was young and had friends who used, I found communication was awful while they were under the influence. Then when they were straight, they didn't remember discussions. It's like the use of any mind altering substance. It's only temporary and your problems are still your own. JMO
Many abused (physically or emotionally) women stay with their abusers, they press charges then drop them, they leave and then come back..sometimes until they finally end up dead. It doesn't mean they aren't afraid of them.. they often stay (or leave and come back) for that very reason.
Speaking from personal experience, you are exactly right.

However, there is a difference between staying with your abuser and protecting them from LE when they are suspected in the disappearance of your child.

I'm not saying BD wasn't abused but so far that hasn't been alleged by her or anyone close to them. JMO
Billie is going to use redecorating Hailey's room as an excuse saying she wants it all nicey nice for when she comes home. Again trying to convince everyone she is none the wiser to what happened to Hailey. JMO. If Hailey was the one who wrote her name on the wall, I could never paint over that knowing that was my daughter's last bit of showing herself and her pride of decorating her room.

My DD is going off to college this fall and I'm already beside myself knowing she won't be here in the evenings to chat with, laugh with, watch TV with and have or evening tea together. I just want to cry right now, thinking how cold can one mother be. I always tell my kiddies, "trust no one". Sounds harsh but JMO, it's reality.

Billie please go to LE and tell them everything you know. If it was an accident there is hope still. If Hailey is gone, she deserves more than what she has right now. You found great delight in her for many years. You watched her blossom into a pretty young, intellegent, witty young lady. She was an adorable little baby who brought you much happiness. Please BD, do right for Hailey's sake now. Let our almighty father show you the way to your honest heart. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you Billie.
Billie is going to use redecorating Hailey's room as an excuse saying she wants it all nicey nice for when she comes home. Again trying to convince everyone she is none the wiser to what happened to Hailey. JMO. If Hailey was the one who wrote her name on the wall, I could never paint over that knowing that was my daughter's last bit of showing herself and her pride of decorating her room.

My DD is going off to college this fall and I'm already beside myself knowing she won't be here in the evenings to chat with, laugh with, watch TV with and have or evening tea together. I just want to cry right now, thinking how cold can one mother be. I always tell my kiddies, "trust no one". Sounds harsh but JMO, it's reality.

I know what you mean, swedie. When my daughters moved out, I felt as if my two best friends moved away - even though they only moved a short distance (the oldest moved a few miles away, and then a few years later, my youngest moved a few blocks down the street).

Regarding advising your kids to not trust anyone: I believe it's important to be able to trust others. Healthy relationships are based on trust. But I also believe that trust is something that is earned by those who are trustworthy.
speaking from personal experience, you are exactly right.

however, there is a difference between staying with your abuser and protecting them from le when they are suspected in the disappearance of your child.

i'm not saying bd wasn't abused but so far that hasn't been alleged by her or anyone close to them. Jmo

.. Ita
I didn't listen to the show but read the thread and I can't believe she redecorated Hailey's room.

On second thought, maybe I can. It is sort of in line with fraternizing with the only named suspect.

If Hailey's name on the wall was erased IMO it can only mean one thing. You don't do such a thing if you don't know what happened to her but are hoping that she'll return living and breathing having spent some time with the traffickers or whatnot. You do it if you know and don't want to think about it. Just erased, now everybody move on.
Many abused (physically or emotionally) women stay with their abusers, they press charges then drop them, they leave and then come back..sometimes until they finally end up dead. It doesn't mean they aren't afraid of them.. they often stay (or leave and come back) for that very reason.

Yes they do. However they do NOT behave the way in which Billie does and they will do ANYTHING to protect there child even if it means getting beat themselves.

Sorry but Billie simply doesnt come across as a abused person. She does come across as a abuser more ways than one.

I like Clint I really do but let's be real here, he does not "take good care of his family". He has a brand new baby, had his phone shut off, had no car and is now living back home with his mother. I'm not trying to bash the man but come on.. seasonal work? You have no place to live and a family to take care of..

Ugh, I'm going to respectfully, but strongly disagree with this. Probably about half the guys in my extended family have "seasonal jobs", they work in construction, landscaping, contracting (wiring up new houses, laying flooring, etc), all good, honest, HARD work that happens to be, yes, seasonal. Like CDs work. You can be a good parent, and have a blue collar job, or a seasonal job, or no job at all, for that matter. CD isn't the only person in the world to have lost his home, either. I could in fact break out my local paper and and see more than a handful of folks who work non-seasonal, white collar jobs who have been foreclosed on too.

If you are working class, the economy has been bad for years now, not just since the "poor" middle and upper classes' 401ks and McMansions took a dive in value. Those in the trades always have a harder time. Has nothing to do with being a good parent or not.

As for the pot, I could care less what he does on his own time. Somehow it's ok for say, bankers to toke up, or drink a lot, because they have full time, non seasonal work, but a working guy like CD, who does HARD labor, is a bad guy cause he smokes up when he's not at work, and like most people doing landscaping, has back problems? Big double standard.

Sorry, rant over. This touches a sore spot with me, and we have seen no evidence at all that CD has been a bad parent. Heck, the man even has been a father to DD, more of a parent to him than BD seems willing to be. But he's not taking care of his family cause he does seasonal work?? :furious:
Yes they do. However they do NOT behave the way in which Billie does and they will do ANYTHING to protect there child even if it means getting beat themselves.

Sorry but Billie simply doesn't come across as a abused person. She does come across as a abuser more ways than one.


ITA! They may stay out of fear themselves but when it comes to abuse of their children........that is an entirely different matter altogether. With Billie.......she had Shawn IN HER home. If he was truly abusing her she could have tossed him out long ago. She called the police on Shawn so she was not fearful of this man.

The actions Billie has shown are not that of an abused woman nor one that is easily led, imo.

Imo, there are skeletons in Billie's closet. Things she has done because she wanted to do them with no one forcing her.

Billie tries to put up a facade and it never works because she cant remember from one minute to the next what she has said trying to faux paint herself into looking like a loving attentive mother.

Imo, we have not even come close to learning who the real Billie Dunn is.

I just thought the same thing Kimster. WHAT your daughter is missing and you haven't been in her room for a couple of days???!!

I would be in there hugging her pillow, smelling her pillow, clothing, lying and crying on her bed, going through her stuff looking for happy stuff... I don't know if it's the drugs or that she knows what happened to HD, but I find that very disturbing how she never went in there for days. :banghead:

Exactly...I would have gone through her room with a fine toothed comb looking for anything to indicate to me where she might be. I would have noticed the linens and bedding missing.
I just realized HD's curtains were sheers. Can you imagine SA creeping around and peeking in her windows? Even without that mask would be creepier...imo. {{{{shivers}}}} Anyone from outside would have been able to see her when she had a light on or even the TV glare. Geeeezzzz.

Yes, no wonder she didn't like to sleep in her room at night and preferred the living room. I hate just sheers on a window, ya might as well not have anything on the windows because at night it is just like looking through glass, they offer no privacy whatsoever.
This is what I can't understand about this case. These people have children, yet the bare necessities of today are not there and that seems to be no problem. It's like common sense flew out the window.

I've ask about the financials in this case just has me totally baffled. Where did the salaries go...especially BD?

Hailey was involved in a lot of extra curricular activities.
As a single mother, I know that stuff is not cheap. In fact, in the last six months, I've had to come out of pocket at least $1500 to pay for the activities my boys participate in. This is not even including all of the extras that come with having a high school senior this year.
Personally, with cheerleading being so expensive, that's the one I would have cut to make sure the essentials(ie broken windows) were handled. Didn't someone say that Hailey didn't even care for it that much anyway?
I just thought the same thing Kimster. WHAT your daughter is missing and you haven't been in her room for a couple of days???!!

I would be in there hugging her pillow, smelling her pillow, clothing, lying and crying on her bed, going through her stuff looking for happy stuff... I don't know if it's the drugs or that she knows what happened to HD, but I find that very disturbing how she never went in there for days. :banghead:

I am wondering if BD was so involved in drugs, SA, and just making it from day to day to notice much about anyone or anything. Hailey seems to be like a lot of kids these days in that she was left on her own to take care of herself all the time.We see it all the time.... kids who come home after school to an empty house... Kids who see to dinner for themselves because they are the only ones who are home at dinnertime... who feel as if eveyone is so busy that the kids are not a top concern.... Since no one has been positive of when Hailey went missing or when she was seen or where and what she was doing.... I have spent a lot of time wondering if she was left on her own too often.
Seems like it's a sensitive subject with Billie for sure. Maybe Hailey was wrapped in a sheet, blanket or comforter from that room?

Yes and it would be such a simple thing to clear up. LE for all we know took Hailey's entire bed set, sheets, pillows, pillow cases, blanket, comforter/bedspread, dust ruffle for testing trace evidence. If they did though, it seems the reporters that were watching the house and reported and took pictures of LE carrying out grocery sized paper bags would have noted, or one would think they would have noted a bag so large that would be able to contain bed linens. Just seems like an easy thing to clarify.
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