Britney Spears Caught Driving With Child in Lap - MERGED

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I hear Fox News has referernced the pictures this morning.

maybe a visit from CPS is in order?

she's blaming the fact paparazi were closing in on her and "instinctively took measures to get my baby and me out of harm's way".

okaaay . . . :doh:
Does anyone remember the woman that was pulled over for breastfeeding her baby WHILE DRIVING on the highway or turnpike last year? She had to appear in court and even go to trial I think.

The same should happen to Britney.

I wonder if Gloria Allred will go after Britney for this like she does with Michael Jackson. One can only hope.
Floh said:
I hear Fox News has referernced the pictures this morning.

maybe a visit from CPS is in order?

she's blaming the fact paparazi were closing in on her and "instinctively took measures to get my baby and me out of harm's way".

okaaay . . . :doh:
The safe thing to do would be keep the baby in the car seat, this was a stupid thing for her to do. I remember the breast feeding woman, and brittany should be held accountable for her actions as well....
Spears explains her actions in an exclusive statement to People magazine:

"Today I had a horrifying, frightful encounter with the paparazzi while I was with my baby. Because of a recent incident when I was trapped in my car without my baby by a throng of paparazzi, I was terrified that this time the physically aggressive paparazzi would put both me and my baby in danger. I instinctively took measures to get my baby and me out of harm's way, but the paparazzi continued to stalk us, and took photos of us which were sold to the media. I love my child and would do anything to protect him.",19736,1157153,00.html
Not saying this is right or wrong because we do live in a new generation here but I got pictures when I was a baby sitting on my moms lap while she was driving...I remember road trips across country when alls we had was a single cab pickup and me and my brother rode in the bed there was no camper on it either we would let our hair blow in the wind down the was fun thank God nobody ever wanted or even thought of calling CPS on my mother I have awesome parents I can't explain what Britney was thinking but none of us are in her shoes. Maybe she only feels safe if her baby is next to her body? I would not want to be her for a second. The girl sneezes and people are over-analyzing it.
The safest place for this baby is in a carseat, ESPECIALLY if she's being hounded and driving. What if there was an accident?! (Thinking of Lindsey Lohan's accidents driving away from the paparazzi.)

As kids, we used to roll around all over the back seat of our DeSoto back in the days. That doesn't make it safe. There are laws now for a reason, and I'm pretty sure I could find statistics showing a decrease in the number of children killed in car accidents since that time because of the car seat regulations.

Maybe she should have just ran into a store or something and hid in the bathroom. ?!

I do think it's lousy that they can't live a normal life. I wish there were laws in place to keep plain old photographers a certain distance away, unless they wanted the publicity!
Taximom said:
Maybe she should have just ran into a store or something and hid in the bathroom. ?!

Perhaps she should have let her bodyguard drive and she sit in the back seat next to her son in his carseat. I would only hope that the bodyguard gave her a rash of chit for her antics.
Mygirlsadie said:
Not saying this is right or wrong because we do live in a new generation here but I got pictures when I was a baby sitting on my moms lap while she was driving...I remember road trips across country when alls we had was a single cab pickup and me and my brother rode in the bed there was no camper on it either we would let our hair blow in the wind down the was fun thank God nobody ever wanted or even thought of calling CPS on my mother I have awesome parents I can't explain what Britney was thinking but none of us are in her shoes. Maybe she only feels safe if her baby is next to her body? I would not want to be her for a second. The girl sneezes and people are over-analyzing it.
Hi MGS. But we have learned so much from those times where we were all ignorant about car safety. Many of us were lucky in those days, myself included . CPS would not have been in order back in the day, because seatbelts weren't even required. Many babies were lost because they were just set on the seat next to mama. I know some women who only wish they had known about car seat safety and seat belts. Ignorance is not bliss in this case.
The position Britney's baby is in is called the "crusher" position, because that is exaclty what will happen to her baby in the event of a crash. If she were in a crash at 30 miles per hour, a 10 pound child could be thrown from the adult's lap into the dashboard or windshield with a force of 200 pounds.
I would guess that if paparazzi is involved the chance of crash is increased.

There is no excuse for this behavior in this day and age. it has nothing to do with her shoes.
If she needs the baby close to her body, she needs to stay home or get some psychological inteverntion, because she is putting the baby in danger to satisfy her own needs.
I also heard she was on the PCH no less. I don't live there but I visit almost every year and that is a dangerous stretch of road. You need to be fully aware driving. I know I catch myself looking over at the water all the time because it so scenic and I think alot of the accidents on the PCH are due to just that. People not paying attention to the road.
Floh said:
I fell for it!

i can't believe i was sooooooooooooo stupid!

have a look at this:

looks like someone played us. :(

thank goodness BS didn't drive with the baby on her lap . . . :slap:

. . . or . . . IS she parked?

has someone from PR organised this to calm things down? :waitasec:
Cannot open your link..but I am gathering this is garbage? I am the happiest person in the world to eat my words ! Thanks Floh.
MSM is reporting she is making excuses for it. So I am confused as to what you link says since I cannot open it. Can you paraphrase it's contents? TIA!
OKay I got it to open...why do they think she is parked?
JBean said:
Cannot open your link..but I am gathering this is garbage? I am the happiest person in the world to eat my words ! Thanks Floh.
MSM is reporting she is making excuses for it. So I am confused as to what you link says since I cannot open it. Can you paraphrase it's contents? TIA!

Well it ain't necessarily soooooooooo.

to me, it looks like she's on the street and there are a line of parked cars to the right of her car.

been so long since i was in California, remind me what a yellow line is please, anyone. i thought it was in the middle of the street dividing lanes?

if so, then she's on the street and driving.

i'm sorry the link isn't working for you. :(

when you finally manage (hopefully) to get it up, you have to wait to watch the pictures changing.

i think this fellow has got it wrong and Britney is, indeed, driving.

otherwise, why would she apologise and say the paparazzi forced her into making the decision to do it?

wouldn't she just deny absolutely that it happened?

the charge (from me as general public) is on again! :banghead:
Floh said:
Well it ain't necessarily soooooooooo.

to me, it looks like she's on the street and there are a line of parked cars to the right of her car.

been so long since i was in California, remind me what a yellow line is please, anyone. i thought it was in the middle of the street dividing lanes?

if so, then she's on the street and driving.

i'm sorry the link isn't working for you. :(

when you finally manage (hopefully) to get it up, you have to wait to watch the pictures changing.

i think this fellow has got it wrong and Britney is, indeed, driving.

otherwise, why would she apologise and say the paparazzi forced her into making the decision to do it?

wouldn't she just deny absolutely that it happened?

the charge (from me as general public) is on again! :banghead:
I think it is getting lots of hits, that's why it wouldn't open.
She doesn't looked parked to me and I see the picture the same way you do.
She doesn't looked parked to me either... She's an idiot.
On the Regis Philben & Kelly Ripka show this morning, they were discussing it and holding up the newspaper to show it. Kelly was saying that if an accident were to occur, the child would have no support for his neck and head. The worst thing was that the air bag would open and the child could be killed. Also, what about the bodyguard sitting right next to her? It just makes no sense.

Following that, was the Tony Danza show and he, too, was discussing this stupid stunt.

Some people definitely need parenting classes!
The photographs have now been removed from the website i initially linked to for legal reasons:

altho they don't look as tho they are legal reasons from Britney Spears, but from the photographer.

apparently he wants to make the money from them. oh the humanity!

well tooooooooooooooo late -- so many already saw them splashed over TV morning shows already.

*sigh*. the life of a paparazzie is not an easy one! :dance:

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