Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #21

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I could be wrong but in looking at bunches of bebo messages - it appears bmb stands for bebo me back.
Newbie here ......been reading for some time and want to say what a GREAT group of folks you have here !

You all do a marvelous job !

Didn't "bmb" on Brooke's my space page stand for Brooke Marie Bennett and so ??????:waitasec:
Yes, but someone suggested to search bebo website using bmb love and see all the things it pulled up. So I was saying so much pulled up because bmb stands for bebo me back.

Newbie here ......been reading for some time and want to say what a GREAT group of folks you have here !

You all do a marvelous job !

Didn't "bmb" on Brooke's my space page stand for Brooke Marie Bennett and so ??????:waitasec:
Many people are complaining about the terrible probation officers and judges responsible for letting MJ off probation early... as if keeping him on probation longer would have changed anything. If AR is telling the truth, MJ was abusing her even while he was on probation for years, and afterwards. IMO, the problem is not in letting MJ off probation early, but in the nature of our probation system. In a system where a man is living with one grown woman and 2 female children 24 hours a day, how can an officer checking in on them once a month or whatever have any idea what is going on?
MJ seemed to have a way of "falling thru the cracks". He thought he was slick, I for one hope and pray he suffers terribly and rots for all he has done !:furious:
I get what you're saying.
Personally, I don't think the probabation period would have protected anyone.
But his non -release because of his sexual crimes would have prevented AR's abuse and Brookes's death.
MJ seemed to have a way of "falling thru the cracks". He thought he was slick, I for one hope and pray he suffers terribly and rots for all he has done !:furious:

Roting for eternity suits me.
He is like another Joseph Duncan.:mad:
I hoped I would never hear about anyone like him again. Yet a few years later, we have this who's abused who knows how many. :furious:
I get what you're saying.
Personally, I don't think the probabation period would have protected anyone.
But his non -release because of his sexual crimes would have prevented AR's abuse and Brookes's death.

I absolutely agree! I don't understand why we don't keep violent sexual offenders (especially repeat offenders like MJ!) in jail for their entire sentence.
I think BMB stood for her initials. It was most likely written by MJ anyway.
He did try to set it up like she was preparing to meet some myspace online lover.
I absolutely agree! I don't understand why we don't keep violent sexual offenders (especially repeat offenders like MJ!) in jail for their entire sentence.

Honey, it makes no sence to me.
Funny isn't it that we follow sexual abuse cases and
we know these perp can't be rehabililted.
But judges free them. :mad:
I absolutely agree! I don't understand why we don't keep violent sexual offenders (especially repeat offenders like MJ!) in jail for their entire sentence.

Me neither. I also do not understand what makes the authorities believe that their "rehabilitation" programs will be effective! I honestly do not believe these freaks can be "fixed." Even with what we know about this case already - and there may very well be much more - this was an elaborate scheme to sexually abuse a child. Men (and I use that term loosely) will go to extremes to carry out these crimes. Single mothers need to be more aware and less desparate. And along those lines, since there are SO many single mothers out there, employers need to pay fair wages so these vulnerable women can support their families without risking their well-being and that of their babies. IMO
Newbie here ......been reading for some time and want to say what a GREAT group of folks you have here !

You all do a marvelous job !

Didn't "bmb" on Brooke's my space page stand for Brooke Marie Bennett and so ??????:waitasec:
Welcome to WS, CarolinaGal!
:clap:Great NEWS!!! Go Vermont!!
sounds great but why are not the laws already in place being used. also why all the red tape? why all the foot dragging? why all the behind closed doors meetings? it seems so clear that if someone harms a child the way these freaks do, they should be locked AWAY from civil society.i have to wonder WHO these lawmakers really are, when they turn their head on some of these cases. what are THEY made of?
Newbie here ......been reading for some time and want to say what a GREAT group of folks you have here !

You all do a marvelous job !

Didn't "bmb" on Brooke's my space page stand for Brooke Marie Bennett and so ??????:waitasec:


CarolinaGal! :)

From a recent newbie!
sounds great but why are not the laws already in place being used. also why all the red tape? why all the foot dragging? why all the behind closed doors meetings? it seems so clear that if someone harms a child the way these freaks do, they should be locked AWAY from civil society.i have to wonder WHO these lawmakers really are, when they turn their head on some of these cases. what are THEY made of?

Yes Ma'am. ITA. What is it going to take to lock these freaks up FOREVER?!?!?!? If you spend any time on these boards, you know this is a multi-faceted issue. Yes - these freaks cannot be fixed, but the women and children they prey on are often unnecessarily vulnerable - for many reasons. The entire issue needs to be addressed on many levels - IMO. If I had been Denise or Cassandra - I would NEVER, EVER, EVER, had placed my babies - male or female - in such a position. I don't want to kick anyone when they're down, but honestly, how much free, unsupervised time did MJ have with AR???? That burden falls on the shoulders of only one person - the ONE who should have been protecting her children. IMHO.
Me neither. I also do not understand what makes the authorities believe that their "rehabilitation" programs will be effective! I honestly do not believe these freaks can be "fixed." Even with what we know about this case already - and there may very well be much more - this was an elaborate scheme to sexually abuse a child. Men (and I use that term loosely) will go to extremes to carry out these crimes. Single mothers need to be more aware and less desparate. And along those lines, since there are SO many single mothers out there, employers need to pay fair wages so these vulnerable women can support their families without risking their well-being and that of their babies. IMO
i was molested by my uncle when i was 4 years old [touched my private once] i got off the couch and ran into the kitchen where my mother was, and i stayed near her . i did not tell her about it untill i was almost 30 years old. i told her about this because i had noticed my uncle was always dating women with young daughters. i was worried about what he might be doing. i had burried that incident of him touching me at 4 years old for so long. then one night me and my mother were looking over some of her family photos and there he was sitting on a couch with a girlfriend of his and on his lap was a beautiful young girl no more than 4 or 5 yrs old.this awful feeling came over me and it triggered my memory of what he did to me [only once]. as we looked further at my mothers photos, i saw a pattern . so many women he had taken photographs with and there was always either 1 or 2 litlle girls included either on his lap or sitting between his uncle was a very handsome man at 6 ft ,lean body big brown eyes,full head of hair that he wore in a pompadour. he was always grooming himself and flexing his muscles,tight pants rolled sleeves ...pour on the aftershave and walk with a very deliberate stride...and he spoke very softly.when my memory triggered i was rooted to the spot...i felt i had to do i found out the address of his current girlfriend, and i sent her a letter in detail. she did take heed and left him.. i did this with 2 other girlfriends of his also.
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