Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #22

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Thank You tmhco, but how is it this gets dragged to N.Y.?

All I can say is it has been long enough. Then when they are done with him they should finish prosecuting the others that were involved. And what I mean by that is PEOPLE that were aware of this pervert!
Thank You tmhco, but how is it this gets dragged to N.Y.?

All I can say is it has been long enough. Then when they are done with him they should finish prosecuting the others that were involved. And what I mean by that is PEOPLE that were aware of this pervert!

Only the appeals are in NYC - it's being heard by the 2nd Circuit Federal Appeals Court. Here's the pertinent Wiki info on that (BBM):

The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (in case citations, 2d Cir.) is one of the thirteen United States Courts of Appeals. Its territory comprises the states of Connecticut, New York, and Vermont, and the court has appellate jurisdiction over the district courts in the following districts:

District of Connecticut
Eastern District of New York
Northern District of New York
Southern District of New York
Western District of New York
District of Vermont

The Second Circuit ordinarily has its clerk's office and hears oral arguments at the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse in Foley Square in lower Manhattan.

[ame=""]United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Thank You SkewedView, there is my answer. This case can not begin soon enough for me.
Thank You SkewedView, there is my answer. This case can not begin soon enough for me.

On the one hand, I've been itching to see this...individual (barely remembered to censor myself as per TOS, oops) see justice, but on the other hand, I want this to be an airtight case when the prosecution presents it, with no wiggle room for him to use in his inevitable appeals. The latter wins out for me, as he's not going anywhere in the meantime. I'm 100% certain that the prosecution is burning with a desire for swift justice just as we are, but their job is to temper that desire to ensure the much more important lasting justice.

I suppose my patience also comes from the fact that during the trial, we'll be subjected to the harsh details of what befell poor Brooke...obviously not something that I'm looking forward to.

I swore after the Casey Anthony trial I would never watch another that involved a child. I am still not over it and the only reason I got to see that one is because I was home from work on a medical leave.
I know what you are saying and I hope it will be as airtight as canned corn.
And poor little skinny perverted Michael is afraid of the death penalty. As far as I am concerend it is a no brainer. When he knocked up his own sister it should have been a BIG RED LIGHT. Never mind what all came later. Then Denise starts writing him in prison, marries him, has his child( already has a young daughter from someone else) full knowing what this snake in the grass was all about. I could go on and on but it makes me sick.
They are all living their lives like oh well. All friends. All very sick and demented people.
Get on the ball justice.
I've said it before, I'll say it again -- they can try this on the moon, or anywhere else -- this guy is guilty and he deserves the worst justice can throw at him!
I would be ashamed to be from Vermont right now. This is beyond belief.
Thanks Lola, the may not have been found guilty of past crimes or knocking up his own sister but that is fact enough for me.
Imagine marrying, sleeping with and having his kid full knowing what he was?
That wife should be held accountable also and should not have those kids. I would like to tell her to her face now since all this happened and you all of a sudden become a christian means nothing. She knows she knew and does not want to be thought of as someone as sick as him.
The whole story surrounding this case (not just the case itself -- which is bad enough) is so twisted it's mind boggling. I suppose we tend to think women cannot be as vile or evil -- and then we have a case like this and all those assumptions are blown to pieces.
I know Lola, this case just upsets me so much and brings out the worse I have to offer!
Today is the 31st, I can not find anything on the internet. Does anyone know what happened.

Still thinking of you Brooke.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes! Ok, if we have to move it let's do Texas! They will just welcome MJ with open arms don't you think??????

Otherwise I think it should be held in good old Vermont. It is their problem because he should have never been let out for this to happen. Just what happened with his sister alone was enough to lock him up and throw away the key!! Never mind the others.


She needs to be charged too!

I would like to see the trial moved to Texas because that state knows exactly what to do with scumbags like this and they don't hesitate to do what needs to be done. Vermont on the other hand might end up letting this live. It has taken this long with no action at all; this looks to me like there is more concern for his welfare than for this child to receive justice. I certainly hope that I'm wrong but he has wasted oxygen way too long.
LOL,,,I have said right from the beginning SEND HIM TO TEXAS!!!!!!

He needs to hang actually, the needle is way to kind. Brooke suffered and he should to.
This is the only thing I can find...and I am, no doubt like many of you, kept up at nights worrying whether this 's rights will be violated. Man, you know it's cases like this.....I think of myself as no death penalty, fair trials, innocent til proven guilty and then you get cases like the home invasion in Ct and this one!

Can Murder Suspect Jacques get a fair trial in Vt or Anywhere
I followed this case closely when it began in 2008. Jacques was arrested quickly. Since then, the entire Casey Anthony saga has played out and is in the aftermath stage.

I'm not blaming Vermont for this. They aren't trying Jacques. It was turned into a Federal Case, which added the death penalry to the punishment menu. The first big delay in the road to justice came with this action. It took quite a while for the case to go to the Feds. Federal cases tend to go more slowly.

Nevertheless, I'm more than ready for this trial. Too bad it will be in Federal Court just because it will not be televised. Jacques has bought himself a lot of time, but it will catch up with him when the trial occurs.

Here is an article about the hearing yesterday.
LOL,,,I have said right from the beginning SEND HIM TO TEXAS!!!!!!

He needs to hang actually, the needle is way to kind. Brooke suffered and he should to.

LOL, I'm not ashamed to say that I wish he could be hooked up to the equipment he ordered and the equipment turned on in Warp speed mode until he croaks............seriously.........:takeabow: In this case I think the punishment should match the crime. He definitely deserves exactly what he dealt out.
Carolina it is an ad for Verizon?? I do not see anything about yesterday?

I am going to try and google & bing it again right now to see if it comes up.

Lola that has been posted for awhile!
Oh wait Lola, I missed your post above.


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