Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #22

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I see the article posted stated "the defense says the challenge will delay proceedings indefinitely." Unbelievable :( God bless Brooke
When does this useless, waste of oxygen, 's trial start? Anyone have a date? I cannot EVEN begin to describe what a disgusting monster he is, but you all already know that. There are just no words for his evil. I spent a few weeks reading all of Brooke's threads. I have never been so disturbed in my entire life. I found several of these people on FB. AR's is private, but her mom's is not and if you scroll down her wall you can view many pics. AR has grown into a lovely looking young lady, but I find it hard to believe that she got no help for what she has been through. Hopefully, she did get help and we just don't know about it. If she didn't, that scares me.
R.I.P. Miss Brooke Bennett. Your story has broken my heart. I will never be the same.

What are the links or her name if you can share? I followed this case and still check in. And then it hit me today, poor Brooke was only 12, my lil boy will be 10 soon and holy moly.

Was that "machine" that he ordered ever found??? I just hate it for Brooke and think his "wife" and AR should have gotten time. I just cannot remember what the R stands for to save my life right now.
Well soon we will be in October and I have not heard a thing. So much for the September start of this trial.
Was just thinking about dear Brooke today, so I googled to see if any news. Imagine my surprise when I see that Brooke's dad is suing Denise Woodward (Jacques wife) for wrongful death, stating that she is partially responsible as she didn't warn others of him! I hope he is successful, any one of us who knows the history of this case knows she "overlooked' WAY too many things. Big love to our beloved Brooke and her family in their quest for whatever can be called justice in this case. Sad to read the article, but again, I'm glad he's standing up for her. :)


quote from article:
"As a direct and proximate result of (Woodard)’s negligence, Brooke Bennett was caused to suffer significant apprehension, terror, pain, suffering, discomfort, grievous bodily harm and injury resulting in death," reads the complaint, filed June 21, 2010, in Vermont Superior Court in Chelsea. James Bennett, who filed the lawsuit, says in the claim that he "continues to suffer severe mental anguish."
Wow joga, thanks for that article, I had no idea and good for Jim, I wish him alot of luck and someday some peace.

Denise was well aware of what she was married to and everyone knows it. I think she should be in jail right along side her husband and those kids should have been taken away from her immediately. I believe last I heard she is claiming herself a Christian which is something they do when they are in jail,she must be counting her lucky stars.
She married a sick pervert and knows it. I wish this trial would get on already and MJ gets the DP.
Holidays are here. Still nothing? Anyone hear or know of any progress?
I am so angry that this sorry excuse of a human being has not been to trial yet. He has a much easier life than if he were convicted. I am so sick of justice taking so long.

Convict him already!

*sorry for ther rant*
This is really unbelieveable. He has three meals a day, completely protected, nice and warm all for kidnapping, sexually torturing and killing Brooke. Justice???
All at a stand still, I just don't get it and never will.
Will there never be justice for Brooke? :(
Thank You Lola, she seems all but forgotton.
The fact that this SOB continues to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide makes me understand what's behind lynch mobs.

I don't CONDONE it, but I UNDERSTAND it.

I'm beginning to think I could condone it! :what:
STILL NOTHING. If I were Brooke's family I would be having a meltdown by now.
This is the case that brought me to WS. I remember seeing her face on the news, she looked just like my daughter who was the same age at the time. I look at my daughter now at 16 and think of all of the happiness in her life and the amazing experiences she has had and it breaks my heart that Brooke never had the same opportunity.

I am so disgusted that Jacques has manipulated the system for this long and continues to do so. This case is an absolute travesty.

RIP sweet Brooke, I wish that you had people in your life that advocated for you even a fraction of the amount that a bunch of strangers on a message board have done.
This is the case that brought me to WS. I remember seeing her face on the news, she looked just like my daughter who was the same age at the time. I look at my daughter now at 16 and think of all of the happiness in her life and the amazing experiences she has had and it breaks my heart that Brooke never had the same opportunity.

I am so disgusted that Jacques has manipulated the system for this long and continues to do so. This case is an absolute travesty.

RIP sweet Brooke, I wish that you had people in your life that advocated for you even a fraction of the amount that a bunch of strangers on a message board have done.

Isn't that the truth. And the killers wife and the whole sick family are all friends now. Except I believe Brookes Dad. He knows and knew. So did the others but not one of them cared. Just a bunch of demented "family".
I check here all the time hoping to see some progress, nothing.
The whole thing is unbelieveable and disgusting. The state of Vermont needs to get there heads out of their you know where.:banghead:
bdmama,,glad your back!!! Yes Brooke will never get to experience any of what life had to offer her but Amanda seems to be living life.

We still are thinking of you Brooke and looking for justice.
Come on State of Vermont, this wait has gone on long enough. He is guilty as sin and needs to hang.
Haven't forgot you Brooke, still waiting for justice.

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