Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #22

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Just found this on our County court calendar

Friday, Aug. 29 Jacques vs. Jacques
at 2:00 PM in Room cmc 119-7-08 Oedm/Divorce
Case Managers Conference
Atty(s): Todd C. Steadman

Its about time Denise pulled her head out of her rear...
I thought for sure she'd stand by her man!
I would kind of like to go to this hearing, I wonder if it will be closed to the public given the circumstances...
Honestly, I don't get it when people refer to this case as a warning against Myspace. Myspace had nothing to do with what happened to Brooke, her uncle who lived in the same town [allegedly] kidnapped and murdered her, then he tried unsuccessfully to blame the incident on a fictional Myspace person. So to spread fear about Myspace puts people's fears in the wrong location. Of course parents should monitor what kids are doing on the internet, but the greater harm in terms of sexual predators is an adult your child probably already knows, a relative, a close friend, a neighbor.

The fact that AR seems to be living her hunky dory life is sort of chilling to me. If half of what is in the affidavits is true, she will need a lot of counselling to live a "normal" life. I hope she is getting it.

I agree..... the public's kneejerk reaction against MySpace everytime there's some crime is overly emotional & completely misses the point....

The world is a different place now.... between cell phones w/ internet access & the internet itself.... the definition of 'stranger' has changed.

What HASN'T changed is the curiosity of kids & the way they all start to spread their wings & try to meet new people. In the 'old days,' they did this at malls & other hangouts..... now they do it in cyberspace where it can sometimes be very dangerous because they can never be sure if the other person is who he/she claims to be.

If MySpace & all the other social network sites disappeared tomorrow, we'd still be facing the same exact problems unless there was also no more email & no more instant messaging & no more text messages.

When they are little, we teach our children how to be safe on the phone & when answering the front door.... now parents have to learn HOW the internet works so they can teach their children how to be safe in THAT area also.

And like everything else... we have to HOPE they are careful when out of our sight & don't get themselves into dangerous situations.
Poor Brooke. She deserved none of this. Denise is probably filing just to keep AR.

Ohhh, that's too bad. But, you know what? I've been thinking, I do NOT think they would just toss that out. Something just doesn't seem right.

First, Gagnon, he wouldn't just toss out years of his perv stuff! I just don't believe that.

The roommate wouldn't just toss a safe out like that either. I mean, face it, people have stuff in a safe because it's VALUABLE! Mean to tell me he'd throw it away, and it could be a million dollar$ for all he knew!? Oh, and a computer too? NO WAY!

IMO, he put them somewhere for safe-keeping. I would almost bet on it. I think LE needs to go back to the roommate and get the straight answer. IF it were me, in LE, I'd approach him as if I KNEW he had it hidden away safe.

Bet he'd talk!


PS....IF I were LE, I'd subpoena the roommates computer. It was HIS IP address so chances are, IMO, Gagnon may have used his computer to download some of that stuff. IF it was downloaded even to a zip or something and then erased, it should still be there somewhere on the harddrive. Could be minimized, but still available. jmo,..fran
Thanks Tom'sGirl, It is about time the prosecutors got off their butts and stop their stalling. Sorry its how I feel...
Death penalty experts join Jacques' defense

Associated Press - August 12, 2008 10:55 AM ET
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - Two New Jersey lawyers have joined the defense team of Michael Jacques in anticipation that federal prosecutors will seek the death penalty against the convicted sex offender accused of kidnapping 12-year-old Brooke Bennett.

At the request of public defender Michael Desautels, U.S. District Judge William Sessions III on Monday appointed David Ruhnke and Jean deSales Barrett to help Desautels.
Death penalty experts join Jacques' defense

Associated Press - August 12, 2008 10:55 AM ET
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - Two New Jersey lawyers have joined the defense team of Michael Jacques in anticipation that federal prosecutors will seek the death penalty against the convicted sex offender accused of kidnapping 12-year-old Brooke Bennett.

At the request of public defender Michael Desautels, U.S. District Judge William Sessions III on Monday appointed David Ruhnke and Jean deSales Barrett to help Desautels.

Plead out, Jacques and go to prison -- there'll be a welcoming committee for you, no doubt! :mad:

I suspect we'll never see this guy in court. His lawyer is trying to figure a way to keep his sorry a$$ from the DP and the little coward is afraid to face up the despicable acts that he committed and the total betrayal of his family. I am constrained by polite society in what I feel for this piece of human garbage.

Unfortunatley you have to be a piad member to read new articles online BUT after a week they go to archives and are free to read. It should be available for free Thurs.

Thanks for the article, bdmama. That facade really put the school in an awkward position. I wonder what motivated Jacques or if he knew they were fake when he donated them?

Re: the probable cause hearing that Jacques didn't show for today - no big surprise there, really.

Still thinking about Brooke.
I'm not surprised he waived his right to hear the evidence against him either....

his lawyers must have already told him he'll be found guilty anyway.....

maybe he WILL end up pleading guilty.
I suspect we'll never see this guy in court. His lawyer is trying to figure a way to keep his sorry a$$ from the DP and the little coward is afraid to face up the despicable acts that he committed and the total betrayal of his family. I am constrained by polite society in what I feel for this piece of human garbage.
I share those sentiments exactly!!! won't own up publically to what he has done because he is nothing but a worthless coward when it comes right down to it. :furious::furious::furious:
I'm not surprised he waived his right to hear the evidence against him either....

his lawyers must have already told him he'll be found guilty anyway.....

maybe he WILL end up pleading guilty.

I think the worthless will plead guilty also. He cannot even bear to hear the evidence against him because it will only anger him that he did not do a better job so as not to be found out. It might ruin the fantasies he has in his head of reliving it over and over.

I would get banned for life if I wrote what I really would like to write!!! Decent words cannot describe him!
Awwwww.... "isn't that special?" :furious::furious:

If it were me.... considering how MySpace played into this sick kidnapping & torture.... just the mention of the name MySpace would turn my stomach... I'd never want to see the site again!

Isn't this girl getting ANY psychiatric help????

This is CRAZY!!!!!!!!

Is she old enough to be posting on myspace without parental supervision? Don't you have to be 18??? Considering how this opens her up to the scrutiny and abuse of strangers, I would think that LE would be interested in keeping her off of to finish the thread now:furious::furious::furious:

From comes following story:

Delay is sought in Jacques case - Prosecutors say they need more time to investigate


"The investigation involves the collection of significant amounts of tangible and electronic evidence in multiple jurisdictions and the forensic analysis of such evidence," Anderson wrote. "Numerous federal, state and local law enforcement agents in Vermont, New York, Alabama and Texas have worked and continue to work on this investigation."

Complete article:

I was aware of investigation in Vermont, Alabama and Texas. Perhaps I've missed an article somewhere, because this is the first I've read of investigation in New York.

Would someone fill me in about New York. TIA


Personally I take this at face value-that there is a ton of evidence to process and no one is going to move forward with charges unless all i's are dotted...
Bumping for Brooke. Anything new? I am really interested in finding out COD. I can't believe they haven't released that yet.

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