Brooke Bennett, 12 yrs. old Randolph, VT #10

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Does anyone know exactly who reported her missing? I only saw that it was a family friend.
Is there any evidence beyond an Internet posting that Jacques father participating in abusing his daughter, Jacques sister?

I don't have a problem believing it, since to me an 11 year old having sex with an 8 year old his a gigantic continent size red flag that the 11 year old is also being abused, especially considering this was 30 years ago...before Brittany Spears turned little girls into sex objects, before TV got permissive, etc. so the sexualization of an 11 year old boy would have been beyond the pale.

But, some anonymous posters saying that 'everyone' knew the grandfather was also a sex criminal isn't really evidence.
Hi all, I've been lurking. Lots of info here! I don't know why I'm so obsessed with this case. I guess because it just keeps getting weirder and weirder! I mean, really, what's next with this family?
I do have a question: where is information regarding MJ and his sister? All I've seen in the news reports is "female relative".
FTR, my insistence on restating ad nauseam that we don't know for certain that MJ intended to kill Brooke stems from a lack (so far) of definitive evidence as to intent. It does seem likely indeed but we don not know for certain. While she's no less dead for it and he no less deserves the most horrible punishment imaginable for it, in order to understand the case and make intelligent assessments and analyses of it, it does help to know the perp's intentions.

In no means does this imply an argument for a lesser charge or punishment, just a desire to understand more based on facts. For now, until something new comes to light, I'll have to conclude "Insufficient Data".
I'd like to see the note.

You and me both, because the more I think about it her step father had to be very sure that she would not tell anyone since his name was mentioned it the note.
FTR, my insistence on restating ad nauseam that we don't know for certain that MJ intended to kill Brooke stems from a lack (so far) of definitive evidence as to intent. It does seem likely indeed but we don not know for certain. While she's no less dead for it and he no less deserves the most horrible punishment imaginable for it, in order to understand the case and make intelligent assessments and analyses of it, it does help to know the perp's intentions.

In no means does this imply an argument for a lesser charge or punishment, just a desire to understand more based on facts. For now, until something new comes to light, I'll have to conclude "Insufficient Data".

Well, you may never know for certain if your standard for 'certain' are the words coming directly from MJ's mouth, "Yes I planned on killing Brooke."
Most of the time in criminal cases we have to use circumstantial evidence and piece it together using our common sense to reach a conclusion.
And my common sense is telling me the circumstantial evidence of the semen in the tissue is solid proof MJ planned on killing Brooke. If he was planning to torture, and then release, then there would be no need to plant a tissue with AR's boyfriend's semen on it.
As a matter of fact, the entire ruse he concocted about Brooke running away to meet an internet friend, and the manipulaiton of her myspace account is a strong indication he planned on Brooke never coming back.
An alive Brooke would contradict ALL of what he carefully set up, no??
With all of my heart, I want to thank the 3 of you for your post.:blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:

March 4, 1999, my cousin's daughter succumed to shaken baby syndrome, she lived and suffered in a hospital bed awaiting death.
Alexis's mother had been in and out of jail and put men, money and drugs above her own dear Angel. Even after all the years that have passed, I am having a hard time typing out this post.
I posted about that here on WS and it is very heartbreaking.
Not only was Alexis let down by her mother, she was let down by human services.

So much Love and Respect,

How very sad, I am so sorry!
Well, you may never know for certain if your standard for 'certain' is words coming directly from MJ's mouth "Yes I planned on killing Brooke."
Most of the time in criminal cases we have to use circumstantial evidence and piece it together using our common sense to reach a conclusion.
And my common sense is telling me the circumstantial evidence of the semen in the tissue is solid proof MJ planned on killing Brooke. If he was planning to torture, and then release, then there would be no need to plant a tissue with AR's boyfriend's semen on it.
As a matter of fact, the entire running away to meet an internet friend thing is an indication he planned on Brooke never coming back.
An alive Brooke would contradict ALL of what he carefully set up, no??

I totally agree. Plus in the affidavit, MJ actually told her on June 23rd to do it.
Agreed because there are things she had said that are very questionable.

Like what?

Breckenridge is confirmed by Jacques emails.
Jacques having sex w/her is confirmed by Gagnon.
Gagnon having sex with her is confirmed by Gagnon.
Her getting her boyfriend's semen is confirmed by the fact that it showed up on Brooke's clothing.
Her being sexually abused is confirmed by what her mother says.

The only thing I find questionable is that after having helped her uncle plot the abduction, wishing her cousin to suffer, agreeing to tie her up, being undecided about 'time with her' that AR just watched TV and then left when Brooke willingly went upstairs with her uncle.

Everything else about her story is supported by other evidence.
I totally agree. Plus in the affidavit, MJ actually told her on June 23rd to do it.

Yep, it was planned for a month.
I seriously doubt MJ did all of that planning, if rape was on his mind and only rape.
And noway he thought he was going to bring Brooke into his fantasy sex ring like he did with AR. Brooke was too old to fall for that, and according to all who knew her she was into sports, a girl scout, and very bright. She would never, at the age of 12, believe the secret society sex ring stuff.
No way MJ thought he could get Brooke to comply, and be apart of what he was doing with AR, and to keep quiet about it.
He wanted her, but knew in order to get her, he'd have to kill her because she would not be willing participant.....not at all.
James Bennett said Gagnon attended a church service with him and other family members on Sunday at Green Mountain Gospel Chapel in Randolph
Dearest Gigi,:blowkiss:
Thank-you very much.

Love and Respect,
Taken from the Times Argus Timeline of Events

June 29:

2:20 p.m.: After being confronted with the e-mails retrieved from Jacques' computer, the juvenile female admits to helping Jacques get Bennett back to his house on June 25 after dropping her off at Cumberland Farms. She also tells police about the so-called Breckenridge program, her introduction to the program when she was 9 years old and that Jacques is her "trainer."

This girl sat with this knowledge for 4 days while the whole "world" held their collective breaths. She has lied to LE in the past and that is the only reason why I question what she has told them now. I do believe she is a victim...she is a child who has been party to heinous acts. But, there is evil there that can't be explained away. I'd also like to know exactly when her mother caught her in the towel? Was this something that recently happened...or was this when she was much younger?

My very dearest RR,:blowkiss:
Great post, I would like to know the same also.

Love and Respect,
Glad I had at least one answer I was sure of! BTW, I'm so sorry you and yours suffered such a loss.
Glad I had at least one answer I was sure of! BTW, I'm so sorry you and yours suffered such a loss.
My dear Gigi,:blowkiss:
Thank-you very much for your post. It is very much appreciated.

Love and Respect,
You are correct, I messed up and it was corrected later in the thread. Sorry for any confusion.

I thought it said Gagnon did this and it came from Kevin G's IP but Gagnon's laptop. Since he rented a room they were probably all on same network.
He was in TX until after she went missing when he came to VT to "be supportive". Cassandra may have asked him to come.
Okay, let's say that he was in TX and then travels to VT to be supportive...He already knew what happened to Brooke. He had at least two lengthy conversations with MJ after the fact and he also altered her Myspace. Then...he comes to VT and pretends not to know anything...What a guy...
Yep, it was planned for a month.
I seriously doubt MJ did all of that planning, if rape was on his mind and only rape.
And noway he thought he was going to bring Brooke into his fantasy sex ring like he did with AR. Brooke was too old to fall for that, and according to all who knew her she was into sports, a girl scout, and very bright. She would never, at the age of 12, believe the secret society sex ring stuff.
No way MJ thought he could get Brooke to comply, and be apart of what he was doing with AR, and to keep quiet about it.
He wanted her, but knew in order to get her, he'd have to kill her because she would not be willing participant.....not at all.
I also think that RG was very much a part of the plan as well. Reading over the affidavit was very confusing for me. I still wonder why he offered up the "I have *advertiser censored* in my safe" back home in Texas. I think LE has been grilling him about his part in the "take down". We have already surmised that he had knowledge and that just adds to his troubles...but I think that LE is trying to establish whether or not he was around when Brooke actually died. If you're to believe AR's statements to police, she believed there were to be MEN particpants. JMO, but I think LE is looking at Gagnon real closely...they're trying to tie him to being there.

Oh...and just to add, I think that's why we haven't heard about the autopsy that was performed LAST Tuesday.
I also think that RG was very much a part of the plan as well. Reading over the affidavit was very confusing for me. I still wonder why he offered up the "I have *advertiser censored* in my safe" back home in Texas. I think LE has been grilling him about his part in the "take down". We have already surmised that he had knowledge and that just adds to his troubles...but I think that LE is trying to establish whether or not he was around when Brooke actually died. If you're to believe AR's statements to police, she believed there were to be MEN particpants. JMO, but I think LE is looking at Gagnon real closely...they're trying to tie him to being there.

I don't think its possible that he was there since he altered the myspace page from Texas and only came to Vermont after she had been reported missing.

He may have come to further help Jacques cover his tracks, knowing that if Jacques was caught he would be, too. But I don't see any evidence that Gagnon was in on the abduction plot in advance or certainly that he was in Vermont at the time of Brooke's disappearance unless I'm missing something.
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