Brooke Bennett, 12 yrs. old Randolph, VT #10

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If AR was being truthful about leaving when she did-I wonder how long MJ was able to have Brooke in the house before his wife came home.
I also think that RG was very much a part of the plan as well. Reading over the affidavit was very confusing for me. I still wonder why he offered up the "I have *advertiser censored* in my safe" back home in Texas. I think LE has been grilling him about his part in the "take down". We have already surmised that he had knowledge and that just adds to his troubles...but I think that LE is trying to establish whether or not he was around when Brooke actually died. If you're to believe AR's statements to police, she believed there were to be MEN participants. JMO, but I think LE is looking at Gagnon real closely...they're trying to tie him to being there.

Oh...and just to add, I think that's why we haven't heard about the autopsy that was performed LAST Tuesday.

It's a possibility RG was part of the actual rape and murder of Brooke as SuzieQ was saying earlier, because the LE traced the myspace login to Texas doesn't mean it was RG who was doing it.
However, I think he admitted to changing it, and I don't know why he would admit it. Unless he knows admitting it would put him in TX and not in Vermont at the time Brooke was killed. That starts to get a little too plotted out..IMO
I'm not sure though. The affidavits are not clear, because they put the minimum amount of information in them just to secure a charge.
We are probably missing many important facts, and we are stuck trying to make sense of what we do know.
I don't think its possible that he was there since he altered the myspace page from Texas and only came to Vermont after she had been reported missing.

He may have come to further help Jacques cover his tracks, knowing that if Jacques was caught he would be, too. But I don't see any evidence that Gagnon was in on the abduction plot in advance or certainly that he was in Vermont at the time of Brooke's disappearance unless I'm missing something.
So do we know when she was actually killed? She was obviously removed from the house...could she have not been brought somewhere else? Until we know the TOD no one can say. And do you honestly think the FEDS took over because they want to get this guy on distribution of pornographic material they have yet to find in some dump? They're definitely looking at goodness they dismissed the state charges against him (yes, without prejudice), but they're looking at WAY BIGGER stuff IMO.
It looks like Brooke's stepmother has a myspace page too along with the 2 stepbrothers.
It's a possibility RG was part of the actual rape and murder of Brooke as SuzieQ was saying earlier, because the LE traced the myspace login to Texas doesn't mean it was RG who was doing it.
However, I think he admitted to changing it, and I don't know why he would admit it. Unless he knows admitting it would put him in TX and not in Vermont at the time Brooke was killed. That starts to get a little too plotted out..IMO
I'm not sure though. The affidavits are not clear, because they put the minimum amount of information in them just to secure a charge.
We are probably missing many important facts, and we are stuck trying to make sense of what we do know.
Thanks, I do remember SuziQ posing that earlier!! Yeah, Suzi!
So do we know when she was actually killed? She was obviously removed from the house...could she have not been brought somewhere else? Until we know the TOD no one can say. And do you honestly think the FEDS took over because they want to get this guy on distribution of pornographic material they have yet to find in some dump? They're definitely looking at goodness they dismissed the state charges against him (yes, without prejudice), but they're looking at WAY BIGGER stuff IMO.

No, but my guess is she was dead within a few hours at MOST after she got back to Jacques house. By the time she was reported missing I believe she was dead and already burried.

No, I really don't think so as far as something much bigger. I don't think there is any 'sex ring' in Vermont and the police have as much as said that.

I think the Feds were brought in because the Vermont State Police rightly asked for their help when it was believed Brooke might have been abducted out of state and instead of deciding they didn't need any help like some local LE, they asked for the experts and got them..... and now that the depths of Jacque's depravity is known LE has decided to try him in Federal court so he can get the DP. Apparently, nobody trusts Vermont's judges to hand down even a LWOP sentence for this .
So do we know when she was actually killed? She was obviously removed from the house...could she have not been brought somewhere else? Until we know the TOD no one can say. And do you honestly think the FEDS took over because they want to get this guy on distribution of pornographic material they have yet to find in some dump? They're definitely looking at goodness they dismissed the state charges against him (yes, without prejudice), but they're looking at WAY BIGGER stuff IMO.
My very dearest RR,:blowkiss:
I agree 100%. Thank-you so much for your post.

Love and Respect,
Nobody is going to like this answer, but we should stop glamorizing and airbrushing motherhood into a fairytale. Having children is NOT easy, it is not all birthday parties and scrapbooking. It is hard, very hard. It entails massive sacrifices that the weak willed, selfish, damaged are simply not able to manage. These women who let their children be abused should never have had them in the fist place, they are not emotionally capable of parenting.

Medea, you are so right on that. It is never talked about just how difficult and challenging being a mom is. It truly is the toughest job I've ever had. Once I saw an Oprah show talking about this very thing. One of the guests was that girl named Naomi something that used to make the talk show circuits in the 80's....was against women wearing make-up. Does anyone remember her? I remember first seeing her on Phil Donahue.
Anyway, she talked about after having her 1st child how it hit her that she had to grieve her former life because that life was over and gone. I remember going through this myself when my twins were not quite 2 yrs. old. It was a difficult time for me.....but it's true, I think. You are no longer the same carefree woman you were when you were childless. Time to put on the big girl panties and get over that and be a mom now. It's not all about you any more. I tell my girls that now....when you have children it's about the children, not you any more so be sure you're ready for that!
No, but my guess is she was dead within a few hours at MOST after she got back to Jacques house. By the time she was reported missing I believe she was dead and already burried.

No, I really don't think so as far as something much bigger. I don't think there is any 'sex ring' in Vermont and the police have as much as said that.

I think the Feds were brought in because the Vermont State Police rightly asked for their help when it was believed Brooke might have been abducted out of state and instead of deciding they didn't need any help like some local LE, they asked for the experts and got them..... and now that the depths of Jacque's depravity is known LE has decided to try him in Federal court so he can get the DP. Apparently, nobody trusts Vermont's judges to hand down even a LWOP sentence for this .
I'm talking about Gagnon being taken over by the FEDS. I don't believe that there is a sex ring either, I think they're looking at Gagnon being involved in Brooke's murder. Once they can figure out how and when he got to VT., they'll rule out his involvement in that particular crime. But, they need to do that first and see if it fits in with the TOD. That's why I believe there was a delay in his hearing IMO.
I'm talking about Gagnon being taken over by the FEDS. I don't believe that there is a sex ring either, I think they're looking at Gagnon being involved in Brooke's murder. Once they can figure out how and when he got to VT., they'll rule out his involvement in that particular crime. But, they need to do that first and see if it fits in with the TOD. That's why I believe there was a delay in his hearing IMO.

IMO they already know when he got to Vermont, I just don't think he was there in Vermont when she was killed, it doesn't track to the time of him changing her myspace page from Texas, I think he admitted the rest of the stuff in terms of "No, I didn't kill anybody, I'm just a run of the mill buyer of child *advertiser censored* who once had sex with my 13/14 year old niece...."

He MAY have helped Jacques cover up more than has been made public after the fact, but I think no way was he directly invovled in her death. And so far, there hasn't been any info. released about Gagnon being part of the month long abduction plan...that is so far solely between Jacques and AR.
No, but my guess is she was dead within a few hours at MOST after she got back to Jacques house. By the time she was reported missing I believe she was dead and already burried.

No, I really don't think so as far as something much bigger. I don't think there is any 'sex ring' in Vermont and the police have as much as said that.

I think the Feds were brought in because the Vermont State Police rightly asked for their help when it was believed Brooke might have been abducted out of state and instead of deciding they didn't need any help like some local LE, they asked for the experts and got them..... and now that the depths of Jacque's depravity is known LE has decided to try him in Federal court so he can get the DP. Apparently, nobody trusts Vermont's judges to hand down even a LWOP sentence for this .
Dearest Medea,
I respectfully disagree.
The computer analysis was done here in Vermont by the "some locals" as you put it. It was done by the Burlington Police Department. It was the info that they provided from the computer forensics that led to the FBI being involved. Well before Gagnon was charged by the Feds.

I'm talking about Gagnon being taken over by the FEDS. I don't believe that there is a sex ring either, I think they're looking at Gagnon being involved in Brooke's murder. Once they can figure out how and when he got to VT., they'll rule out his involvement in that particular crime. But, they need to do that first and see if it fits in with the TOD. That's why I believe there was a delay in his hearing IMO.
My dearest RR,:blowkiss:
Thank-you so much for your post.

Love and Respect,
Dearest Medea,
I respectfully disagree.
The computer analysis was done here in Vermont by the "some locals" as you put it. It was done by the Burlington Police Department. It was the info that they provided from the computer forensics that led to the FBI being involved. Well before Gagnon was charged by the Feds.

I've heard Vt. has a fairly new AWESOME forensics unit. I think it was the attorney general that said so..IIRC.
>*advertiser censored* on the whole is destructive because most people without *advertiser censored* >images of any kind would NEVER in their wildest dreams imagine the things >they it increases the chance for devient behavior,

I would not assign this to *advertiser censored* as a whole- most legal *advertiser censored* depicts perfectly legal acts between consenting adults. Yes, a lot of legal *advertiser censored* does depict (simulated) non-consensual acts, but most does not.

FTR, I do find the depiction of non-consensual sex acts in material designed to sexually stimulate morally questionable at best. As someone who is a devotee of a belief system wherein sex is regarded as a sacred thing, and as someone who has twice been involved in intimate relationships with women who have been raped, I have rather strong reactions to such things.

PS- I won't attempt to reopen the can o' worms regarding causal connections between depictions and actual crimes here.
Depictions of women consenting to be sexually tortured and abused is highly questionable since it gives the viewer the idea that a normal woman is going to enjoy _______deviant sexual practice. Depictions of women or men being raped/tortured against their will created by 'actors' should be illegal, it is too far across the line.

Where do you think drunk teenagers get the idea that women all want a gang bang if not from *advertiser censored*?
I've heard Vt. has a fairly new AWESOME forensics unit. I think it was the attorney general that said so..IIRC.
My dearest RR,:blowkiss:
That is true. That is what secured Gagnon's Federal charges.

Love and Respect,
>*advertiser censored* on the whole is destructive because most people without *advertiser censored* >images of any kind would NEVER in their wildest dreams imagine the things >they it increases the chance for devient behavior,

I would not assign this to *advertiser censored* as a whole- most legal *advertiser censored* depicts perfectly legal acts between consenting adults. Yes, a lot of legal *advertiser censored* does depict (simulated) non-consensual acts, but most does not.

FTR, I do find the depiction of non-consensual sex acts in material designed to sexually stimulate morally questionable at best. As someone who is a devotee of a belief system wherein sex is regarded as a sacred thing, and as someone who has twice been involved in intimate relationships with women who have been raped, I have rather strong reactions to such things.

PS- I won't attempt to reopen the can o' worms regarding causal connections between depictions and actual crimes here.
Dearest Dante, :)
Thank-you for your post.

My theory about RG's involvement - I think MJ used blackmail (about RG having sex with AR) to get RG to help cover up the murder.
Depictions of women consenting to be sexually tortured and abused is highly questionable since it gives the viewer the idea that a normal woman is going to enjoy _______deviant sexual practice.
Review my earlier statement re:BDSM

Depictions of women or men being raped/tortured against their will created by 'actors' should be illegal, it is too far across the line.

Sadly, we get in to a really sticky area there Re:legal precedents and what should and should not fall under that heading.

But if we want to go in to the area of putting ideas in to people's heads, we should look further than the *advertiser censored* or even the entertainment industry. We have a media that delights in reporting all sorts of things now, because sensationalism sells better. Who among us knew what the term "waterboarding" meant before we heard it on the news?

Where do you think drunk teenagers get the idea that women all want a gang bang if not from *advertiser censored*?

Ummm..I hate to say this, but such behaviour predates *advertiser censored*, movies and television. Just take a close look at history. This is nothing new.
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