Bruce Jenner Becoming a Woman and more...#2

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Bruce Jenner didn't let the population know about Transgender people, this issue has been known about for years. Bruce Jenner said on national TV “For all intents and purposes, I am a woman." What is his intent, for what purpose is he doing this? Why hasn’t he had his penis removed? I believe he’s waiting for his reality show to have that surgery done. money money money

She has been counseled to live as a woman for one full year before the gender re-assignation surgery( if she chooses to do so) She also has to have two recommendations from psychologists , which she states she already has.
Bruce Jenner didn't let the population know about Transgender people, this issue has been known about for years. Bruce Jenner said on national TV “For all intents and purposes, I am a woman." What is his intent, for what purpose is he doing this? Why hasn’t he had his penis removed? I believe he’s waiting for his reality show to have that surgery done. money money money

It's patently false that gender identity issues are widely known and understood. Of course she's not the first to transition, but she is undoubtedly the most famous man of all time to do this. Many people who knew almost nothing about this are getting educated simply because Bruce Jenner decided to share his transition to Caitlyn publicly. I think because he was so admired and respected, many people will listen to what he has to say vs. some "regular guy" who undergoes this and talks about it on TV. And because so many people admire him, many of those people will find that their attitudes about this will change as well, because they realize not everyone who does this can be dismissed as just some weirdo. That amazing people who are intelligent, accomplished individuals can struggle with this and come out the better for it by deciding to live openly as the person they believe themselves to be.

Of course, as many of the posts on this thread illustrate, there are still going to be many people who ridicule him, who reject him, who disdain him because they don't understand it or it makes them uncomfortable, or who want to make this about immorality or questionable motives.

But Bruce, and now Caitlyn, have unquestionably advanced understanding and tolerance of transgender issues, more so than any individual prior.
See, this is what I don't understand. If you are transitioning, why not go all the way? Who wants breasts and a penis??? Who would want to have sex with someone like that???
"Bruce" ( I have a difficult time thinking of him as Caitlyn). a.k.a. formerly known as Bruce claims that sex is low on his priority list, yet made his/her debut in very sexy outfits, particularly the bustier. Otherwise, just be a cross-dresser.
Also, since he is still attracted to women, doesn't that make him/her a lesbian??? I think this is a very confused person who wants to remain in the spotlight, Olympic glory wasn't enough.
As much as I dislike Kris? Kardashian, I think she would have valid grounds for a divorce, being that she's straight and didn't marry a woman.

As I said upstream, I don't think any of us questions Kris' right to a divorce.

The transsexuals I know think of themselves as a special category (reflected by the "T" in LGBT) and don't really identify with labels like gay and lesbian. If their sexual orientation remains the same post-op, they simply think of it as their orientation, not as "lesbianism", for example.

(That being said, it seems to me that Jenner is going out of her way to avoid anything that might inspire people to think of her as "gay".)

As I also said upstream, there seem to be plenty of people who enjoy a partner who is a woman except for "down there". I don't pretend to understand it. (I confess it has always seemed a way to pretend they aren't gay because their partner is presenting mostly as female; but that's probably just my prejudices talking.)

And genital reassignment is difficult, expensive and painful--and most find the results less than satisfactory. That is why many transsexuals chose to skip that last step.
Sorry i just don't believe in this disorder, i believe it's a mental problem or a kinky fetish.
And it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that 75% of transsexuals are men wanting to be women.

This isn't magic, it's science. What exactly are your credentials to form an opinion on the veracity of the diagnosis?

And why do you expect the majority of transsexuals to be M2F? Because women have it so easy in our culture?
Do you also refer to female impersonators as "he" when they are performing as females? I've known gay bar tenders who lived as male during the day, but tended bar as a female persona. We used "he" when referring to them during the day and "she" during the night.

Do you refer to the title character of TOOTSIE as "he", even though she is a man pretending to be a woman?

You surprise me, because your position seems a tad hardhearted and I know that's not your nature.

And as for "nature" and "truth", whose nature and whose truth should prevail? Myself, I'm for the right of everyone to self-define and self-name.

Well Nova, I must admit, I've never called female impersonators anything when they are performing as females. I've never been around that. But, I would have to say, if I knew it was a man impersonating a woman, I would most likely say he. Because that's what he is.

Yes, I would refer to Tootsie as he. Great movie by the way. Pryor is a comedic genius.

I'm sorry you find my position hardhearted. I don't see it that way. I have said, and stand by, that I think he Bruce/Caitlyn should be able to do what he pleases. I think he's a great guy. I've always really liked him.

As far as "nature" and "truth" I can only share my opinion on what I think is natural and truthful. I'm sure it would make everybody feel better if I lied but that's not my nature or truth.

I think Bruce/Caitlyn was born a male. I believe he will die a male. No matter what name he uses or how many surgeries he has.

While I firmly believe he should wear what he wants and act as he pleases, that does not (in my mind and in my opinion) make him a woman. He can live as a woman.

I apologize if that offends you. It's not meant to.

You may not like my views on this but I'm not changing what I feel to appease.

For all the posters here that say this is mainly about money on Caitlyn's part, I have a question:

How much money would it take for you to transition to and live the rest of your life as your opposite gender, in public, with your every move documented by paparazzi and film crews?
For all the posters here that say this is mainly about money on Caitlyn's part, I have a question:

How much money would it take for you to transition to and live the rest of your life as your opposite gender, in public, with your every move documented by paparazzi and film crews?

Well Nova, I must admit, I've never called female impersonators anything when they are performing as females. I've never been around that. But, I would have to say, if I knew it was a man impersonating a woman, I would most likely say he. Because that's what he is.

Yes, I would refer to Tootsie as he. Great movie by the way. Pryor is a comedic genius.

I'm sorry you find my position hardhearted. I don't see it that way. I have said, and stand by, that I think he Bruce/Caitlyn should be able to do what he pleases. I think he's a great guy. I've always really liked him.

As far as "nature" and "truth" I can only share my opinion on what I think is natural and truthful. I'm sure it would make everybody feel better if I lied but that's not my nature or truth.

I think Bruce/Caitlyn was born a male. I believe he will die a male. No matter what name he uses or how many surgeries he has.

While I firmly believe he should wear what he wants and act as he pleases, that does not (in my mind and in my opinion) make him a woman. He can live as a woman.

I apologize if that offends you. It's not meant to.

You may not like my views on this but I'm not changing what I feel to appease.


Now, Kim, you know me well enough to know I didn't expect you to change your opinion because of my post.

You haven't offended me in any way.

But I have to wonder: as a matter of mere courtesy, why would we insist on assigning a sexual identity to someone that makes him or her uncomfortable? What is to be gained that is worth the hurt we will cause?

(TOOTSIE is a great movie, but it starred Dustin Hoffman, Jessica Lange and Bill Murray. IIRC, Pryor wasn't in it.)
IMO, I don't know that I think CJ is a hero, but he may be a hero to those that struggle with gender identity and kudos to her for bringing TG to MSM. I admire her for being her true self and not continuing to live in the identity assigned to him at birth and throughout his life. A lot of people lack the courage to live their truth because of what others may think or say.

Compassion, tolerance and kindness have a real chance to be shown here and hopefully they will overshadow hate and intolerance. No one should be maligned for being their authentic self.

Disagreement is not intolerance.
Saying someone is wrong is not intolerance.
And it is not hateful to say so.

Originally Posted by La Louve View Post

For all the posters here that say this is mainly about money on Caitlyn's part, I have a question:

How much money would it take for you to transition to and live the rest of your life as your opposite gender, in public, with your every move documented by paparazzi and film crews?

Oops - I was responding to this post.
I remember when the "gay" issue started to be really public. It was difficult for many of us, but most of us came around eventually. I think I will (or have) to transgender, only, there seem to be a lot more issues to sort out. I hope we will all get there. My issue is really with Kardashian/Jenner crap.
What the heck does Richard Pryor have to do with Tootsie?

How stupid is this? My bet is most of the signatures are from people against transgender people, not for.

IIRC I read today that the IOC has already said "No". I'll see if I can find a link.

ETA Here it is

"In its response to the petition, IOC Communications Director Mark Adams tells Yahoo, "Bruce Jenner won his gold medal in the 1976 Olympic Games and there is no issue for the IOC." "

The article then goes on to talk about genetic testing at the Olympics and how transgender athletes may compete.
The transphobic comments in this thread are disgusting.

For the people who don't treat trans* people as second class citizens and faulty, and can see that humans aren't just black and white as far as bodies and mind go and that there are many gray areas - thank you.

If we could all respect one another and let people live their lives (as long as they aren't harmful to others), then the world would be a better place.

Those of you who keep misgendering Caitlyn on purpose - shame on you. You are degrading her rights as a human being.
The transphobic comments in this thread are disgusting.

For the people who don't treat trans* people as second class citizens and faulty, and can see that humans aren't just black and white as far as bodies and mind go and that there are many gray areas - thank you.

If we could all respect one another and let people live their lives (as long as they aren't harmful to others), then the world would be a better place.

Those of you who keep misgendering Caitlyn on purpose - shame on you. You are degrading her rights as a human being.

^^^^^^^ This :clap:
All the streets in this neighborhood are named after famous athletes.

Uncertainty for Bruce Jenner Lane in South Austin
AUSTIN -- Caitlyn Jenner's transition made headlines around the world this week, but it's also sparking a conversation few expected in South Austin.
In the Olympian Heights neighborhood off Manchaca Road, homeowners on Bruce Jenner Lane tell KVUE people have been stopping to take photos of their street sign and asking if they expect the name of the street to change as well.

Video & more at link.
No? The people I've known who transitioned faced all sorts of difficulties in their new lives. Jenner is doing the same thing only openly in front of the entire world! Other transsexuals can move to a new location and begin a new life as the opposite sex. Where will Jenner ever go where will she not be known?

That may not be heroism on the scale of firefighters rushing into the fiery Trade Towers, but it's a hell of a lot more courageous than anything I've had to do. (And I've come out as gay in front of all sorts of audiences, friendly and hostile. I used to lecture on the subject.)

Nova, I feel that I have offended you, that was never my intent. I apologize! My brother was gay, he was born in 1948, he died in 1998, I don’t know how old you are, you may know how it was during those years. My daughter is gay. Her life is much easier than my brothers. I wish my brother were alive today so he could finally have a somewhat peaceful life, but he died from Agent Orange, yes he served in Viet Nam. I really believe, in fact I know many people would be very surprised to know how many Gays served in Viet Nam. I believe the word “hero” is just thrown out for anyone who does something unusual. The true heroes are our military who fight to keep our freedom of speech, so people like me and any others can voice their opinions. Sadly some take advantage of that freedom; they throw out all the evil ignorant garbage against anyone who is different from them. I am not attacking anyone, as I said before I couldn’t care less what Bruce/Catelyn does. I hope he will be very happy! I think anyone who “comes out” is brave; I just don’t see them as heroes. When my brother came out, he was very brave, especially at that time, when my daughter came out, she was very scared and very brave, but to me she was not a hero. I do, as always think of the children first. I am concerned about the G-kids in that family. I do believe Bruce Jenner is waiting for his reality show to have that surgery that will remove his penis. Again I apologize to you if I offended you, and to any others that I may have offended. I also had a cousin who was gay. He was the same age as my brother. He could not handle all the hate from all the ignorant people. He committed suicide in 1970.

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