Bruce Jenner Becoming a Woman and more...#2

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I couldn’t care less if Bruce Jenner decided to change from being a male to being a female. I wonder if those G-kids who knew him as G-pa will have issues. Those Kardashian G-kids are so young they’ll only know him as G-ma. Only time will tell how those G-kids will turn out. I don’t understand how there can be honesty with the children if Bruce Jenner was not honest from the beginning. Then again maybe he was. Maybe that’s why he waited so long to come out. Either way, if he was honest with his children, his G-children or not, I don’t see Bruce/Caitlyn as a hero. He’s not the first person to change their sex, he won’t be the last but he certainly is not a hero.
Is it truly any different than those who stayed married knowing they should have "come out". My Husbands Brother was married with 4 Children. Sadly his wife died at 42 due to Surgical complications. About 2 years later he "came out". Not as a TG but as a HS. He is happy today and so are his 4 Children. I do know had his wife not passed he would have remained with her. I cant imagine living a life unfulfilled. We only get one shot at it. I believe today HS is widely accepted. TG not as much. IMO
Is it truly any different than those who stayed married knowing they should have "come out". My Husbands Brother was married with 4 Children. Sadly his wife died at 42 due to Surgical complications. About 2 years later he "came out". Not as a TG but as a HS. He is happy today and so are his 4 Children. I do know had his wife not passed he would have remained with her. I cant imagine living a life unfulfilled. We only get one shot at it. I believe today HS is widely accepted. TG not as much. IMO

I'd personally say there is a huge difference between someone coming out and someone like Bruce who IMO has a fetish and nothing more than that.
And by the way surely Bruce is missing a trick by not calling his new show Trans-Jenner.
Caitlyn Jenner on Not Undergoing Genital Surgery: ''If You Have a List of 10 Reasons to Transition, Sex Would Be Number 10''


In addition to undergoing facial surgery, Jenner also got breasts. However, there's still one major procedure Jenner has yet to have done: genital surgery.
"If you have a list of 10 reasons to transition, sex would be number 10," Jenner tells the mag adding that she has no immediate plans to have the procedure done.

Read more:
See, this is what I don't understand. If you are transitioning, why not go all the way? Who wants breasts and a penis??? Who would want to have sex with someone like that???
"Bruce" ( I have a difficult time thinking of him as Caitlyn). a.k.a. formerly known as Bruce claims that sex is low on his priority list, yet made his/her debut in very sexy outfits, particularly the bustier. Otherwise, just be a cross-dresser.
Also, since he is still attracted to women, doesn't that make him/her a lesbian??? I think this is a very confused person who wants to remain in the spotlight, Olympic glory wasn't enough.
As much as I dislike Kris? Kardashian, I think she would have valid grounds for a divorce, being that she's straight and didn't marry a woman.
IMO, I don't know that I think CJ is a hero, but he may be a hero to those that struggle with gender identity and kudos to her for bringing TG to MSM. I admire her for being her true self and not continuing to live in the identity assigned to him at birth and throughout his life. A lot of people lack the courage to live their truth because of what others may think or say.

Compassion, tolerance and kindness have a real chance to be shown here and hopefully they will overshadow hate and intolerance. No one should be maligned for being their authentic self.
I'd personally say there is a huge difference between someone coming out and someone like Bruce who IMO has a fetish and nothing more than that.

I believe you are confusing transvestic fetishism and transgenderism (gender dysphoria).

"A person who is diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder should not receive a diagnosis of Tranvestic Fetishism,[2] although sometimes those with this diagnosis do go on to develop gender dysphoria, and then meet the criteria for a diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder.[2] Most men who have transvestic fetishism do not have a problem with their assigned sex."

Caitlyn has been very clear in her interviews to date that this is not about the act of sex, sexual attraction, or arousal.
I believe you are confusing transvestic fetishism and transgenderism.

"A person who is diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder should not receive a diagnosis of Tranvestic Fetishism,[2] although sometimes those with this diagnosis do go on to develop gender dysphoria, and then meet the criteria for a diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder.[2] Most men who have transvestic fetishism do not have a problem with their assigned sex."

Caitlyn has been very clear in her interviews to date that this is not about the act of sex, sexual attraction, or arousal.

Sorry i just don't believe in this disorder, i believe it's a mental problem or a kinky fetish.
And it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that 75% of transsexuals are men wanting to be women.
As much as I dislike Kris? Kardashian, I think she would have valid grounds for a divorce, being that she's straight and didn't marry a woman.

Well, they separated in 2013, filed for divorce in 2014, and it was official this past March. They have both said the divorce wasn't about the gender issues; in fact, Kris said she never saw it coming. Bruce said it was because she treated him badly the last 4 or 5 years, not because his gender issues made him want to leave.

Of course, even if they were getting along great, according to Bruce, she wouldn't have been on board with staying married to Bruce as Caitlyn, and I wouldn't blame her for that.
Sorry i just don't believe in this disorder, i believe it's a mental problem or a kinky fetish.
And it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that 75% of transsexuals are men wanting to be women.

How would a "disorder" (that you don't believe in) be different from a mental problem?
Well, they separated in 2013, filed for divorce in 2014, and it was official this past March. They have both said the divorce wasn't about the gender issues; in fact, Kris said she never saw it coming. Bruce said it was because she treated him badly the last 4 or 5 years, not because his gender issues made him want to leave.

Of course, even if they were getting along great, according to Bruce, she wouldn't have been on board with staying married to Bruce as Caitlyn, and I wouldn't blame her for that.
BBM. Not surprising, she's a Kardashian. Their only real claim to fame was that Robert was part of OJ's Dream Team.
BBM. Not surprising, she's a Kardashian. Their only real claim to fame was that Robert was part of OJ's Dream Team.

I can't say I have seen a lot of those shows, but my D used to watch them, and I said more than a few times, "Oh my God, Kris treats Bruce like crap! Why doesn't he stand up to her more?"
I can't say I have seen a lot of those shows, but my D used to watch them, and I said more than a few times, "Oh my God, Kris treats Bruce like crap! Why doesn't he stand up to her more?"

I've seen it more times than I would like to admit (more like it's on in the background) and I always kind of felt sorry for him. He was like a stranger in his own home. She controlled everything. Then again, it's a show, so who knows how much of it was real.
Bruce Jenner didn't let the population know about Transgender people, this issue has been known about for years. Bruce Jenner said on national TV &#8220;For all intents and purposes, I am a woman." What is his intent, for what purpose is he doing this? Why hasn&#8217;t he had his penis removed? I believe he&#8217;s waiting for his reality show to have that surgery done. money money money
I guess my biggest issue is that Bruce Jenner chose to wear a bustier wore heavy makeup and posed in a glamour shot. This just reinforces my view that he is more interested in fame and attention than being a woman.

You may be right, but we have to consider the context: his makeup and dress are appropriate to a VF cover, "glamor" shot.
Not everyone feels that way. I will not be able to refer to Bruce/Caitlyn as "her" or "she" because I believe he's still a man. I can refer to him as Caitlyn though. That's just a name.
IMO changing a name is easy and done all the time.
While I respect him as a person and believe he can live any way he sees fit, I can't change my views on how we are created and what makes us male or female.

And although I can be tolerant regarding how he lives, other can't seem to tolerate my opinion, or others who feel he was born male and will die male, no matter how many surgeries or makeovers he gets.

So while others see the use of "he" as disrespectful, I see it as natural and truthful.

I wish Caitlyn and his family the best. I think he's a great guy. I've always loved Bruce. And he's still the same person on the inside. Insides don't change.


Do you also refer to female impersonators as "he" when they are performing as females? I've known gay bar tenders who lived as male during the day, but tended bar as a female persona. We used "he" when referring to them during the day and "she" during the night.

Do you refer to the title character of TOOTSIE as "he", even though she is a man pretending to be a woman?

You surprise me, because your position seems a tad hardhearted and I know that's not your nature.

And as for "nature" and "truth", whose nature and whose truth should prevail? Myself, I'm for the right of everyone to self-define and self-name.
Oh come on.!... I have always thought highly of Bruce.. So I'm just gonna say this...... IT IS WEIRD! I am sick of everyone trying to be so PC about it. It is just weird to me. I find it freaky to see his/her videos with the same voice...

I'm not pretending...

So carry on..

Gee, isn't it possible that some of us actually disagree with you, and being "PC", as you call it, has nothing to do with it? Accusing people of "political correctness" is usually the last refuge of those who have no argument to support their prejudices.
I couldn&#8217;t care less if Bruce Jenner decided to change from being a male to being a female. I wonder if those G-kids who knew him as G-pa will have issues. Those Kardashian G-kids are so young they&#8217;ll only know him as G-ma. Only time will tell how those G-kids will turn out. I don&#8217;t understand how there can be honesty with the children if Bruce Jenner was not honest from the beginning. Then again maybe he was. Maybe that&#8217;s why he waited so long to come out. Either way, if he was honest with his children, his G-children or not, I don&#8217;t see Bruce/Caitlyn as a hero. He&#8217;s not the first person to change their sex, he won&#8217;t be the last but he certainly is not a hero.

No? The people I've known who transitioned faced all sorts of difficulties in their new lives. Jenner is doing the same thing only openly in front of the entire world! Other transsexuals can move to a new location and begin a new life as the opposite sex. Where will Jenner ever go where will she not be known?

That may not be heroism on the scale of firefighters rushing into the fiery Trade Towers, but it's a hell of a lot more courageous than anything I've had to do. (And I've come out as gay in front of all sorts of audiences, friendly and hostile. I used to lecture on the subject.)
I'd personally say there is a huge difference between someone coming out and someone like Bruce who IMO has a fetish and nothing more than that.

What does that mean and how do you form an opinion about Jenner's interior reality?

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