Bruce Jenner Becoming a Woman and more...

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This might be part of the reason he has no ability to describe who he is other than "woman" and has no insight into his own sexual orientation (and I really do think it's NO insight because he doesn't even entertain the thought that if he is a woman and he is sexually attracted to women, he would be a lesbian. Instead, he shuts that down with calling himself asexual).

I also don't think he'll go for genitalia surgery and it may be just as well because I'm of the opinion that he has had very little or no counseling, no contact with other transgendered persons, and I actually was feeling during the interview that they weren't making a distinction between a man who likes to cross-dress and an actual transgendered person.

They're 2 completely different things and I was really feeling like he's very focused on the appearance or the clothing and being able to wear that in public. Cool, that's fine---but that doesn't make him transgendered.

It can't possibly be that he's unaware of that difference, but the interview was so confusing it sure seems that way. A transgendered person coming out as a woman would definitely want the correct pronouns used and he seems unbothered by this--even specifically stated that he wants "he" and "Bruce" used at this time. This doesn't sound at all like he's accepted himself as a woman.

Apparently when a male starts taking female hormones, his sexual orientation can switch. Although supposedly Bruce Jenner had been taking female hormones in the past and was still attracted to females.
I don't think its as simple as people would like it to be. This is just one article at an interesting website:

Transgender Mental Health
Discussions of Mental Health Issues for Gender Variant and Transgender Individuals, Friends and Family with posts by NYC Psychotherapist Ami B. Kaplan, LCSW.

Confusion around changing sexual orientation for trans people
by A.B. Kaplan on August 6, 2010

"I’ve been working on an article (hence the lack of posts lately) and midway through I went on a little tangent (OK, it was a rant) about this issue of confusion around changing sexual orientation for trans people, so I thought I would excerpt it here:

There is a commonly heard idea in the transgender literature and community asserting that the transgender individual will sometimes change sexual orientation after transitioning. I have found that many patients come in with this belief. Arlene Istar Lev (2004), a family therapist, clinical social worker and gender expert notes that “gender transition can have a tremendous impact on sexual orientation, sometimes affecting one’s sexual interests…” and in the next paragraph “Sexual orientation is not malleable and cannot be changed through force or will” (p. 301). There seems to be a good deal of confusion and disagreement on the topic in the transgender community."​
His oldest daughter is beautiful.

Did the first wife say she watched the special with Bruce? I thought third wife Kris watched it with him. Maybe the whole family was with him including exs.

Yes, she said she was there with the rest of the family.

And yes, his oldest daughter is just stunning
I haven't done a scientific survey, but we do have numerous transsexual friends and one family member. Those who were attracted to men before they transitioned (i.e., had lived as "gay") remained attracted to men afterwards; those who had been exclusively heterosexual before the transition remained attracted to women (in essence, they became "lesbians" when they transitioned, though none use that label).

But this isn't intended to refute i.b.nora's source, which is obviously more scientific than my personal experience.
Seems he's upset...going to sue over the long range rag mag photos of him in the stripped dress...
S/he is extremely passive aggressive.
Look at me, look at me...don't look at me ( unless I get paid & show you the dress!)
I found him a narcist in the Sawyer interview. I agree with previous posts, he never mentioned others. All about him...and to comment about another post, I think the overdone dermabrasion around his plumped lips makes that strange thing happen when he talks.
Lastly I disliked the way Sawyer worked in the vehicular manslaughter as a quick side note that this happened post interview. Whew. Got that out of the way.
I noticed the way Bruce pounced with a cackle that there are ways around having to wait the full year to have the reassignment surgery. It left me with the sinking feeling that he thinks he can get around anything. I don't like him/her/whatever.

Wow. A lot of judgment and dislike on the part of people who have never met Bruce. Tellingly, those who know Bruce best, Bruce's EX wives and children, have nothing but positive things to say and total support.

Honestly, I am so glad she took the steps to finally become who she feels she truly is and is doing so in a public arena.
She has a unique ability to be able to do such interviews and reach people that wouldn't be reached otherwise. Why shouldn't she take the opportunity to do so? By doing these things she is creating awareness and I truly hope she feels like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders!

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Wow. A lot of judgment and dislike on the part of people who have never met Bruce. Tellingly, those who know Bruce best, Bruce's EX wives and children, have nothing but positive things to say and total support.


If you don't want to be judged by people who don't personally know you, it might be a good idea to not put your life on display. I am just saying...
By the way, Bruce watched the TV interview with the Kardashians three hours prior to it airing in California - it was on in the East so somehow they were able to watch it on TV. He then watched it again with the first two exes and their children when the rest of us in the West saw it. That is why the confusion about who was with him when he watched the show.
If you don't want to be judged by people who don't personally know you, it might be a good idea to not put your life on display. I am just saying...

I agree and I think he is definitely ready to get the attention others in his clan have been getting for years.
I agree and I think he is definitely ready to get the attention others in his clan have been getting for years.
He had that attention when he won the gold medal in the Decathalon, the hardest sport in track! It's very odd that someone who was the peak of male physicality decides to become female...
Honestly, I am so glad she took the steps to finally become who she feels she truly is and is doing so in a public arena.
She has a unique ability to be able to do such interviews and reach people that wouldn't be reached otherwise. Why shouldn't she take the opportunity to do so? By doing these things she is creating awareness and I truly hope she feels like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders!

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He does not want to be called she yet.
He had that attention when he won the gold medal in the Decathalon, the hardest sport in track! It's very odd that someone who was the peak of male physicality decides to become female...

That's actually not all that odd. Some of the males with gender identity issues strive to engage in super masculine activities in order to cope. There is even a transgender former Navy Seal.
That's actually not all that odd. Some of the males with gender identity issues strive to engage in super masculine activities in order to cope. There is even a transgender former Navy Seal.

And Bruce said as much in the was a great way to distract himself.
Wow. A lot of judgment and dislike on the part of people who have never met Bruce. Tellingly, those who know Bruce best, Bruce's EX wives and children, have nothing but positive things to say and total support.


He puts himself out there, he takes the good and the bad. I think he is stunningly unaware of himself and I think he's a bit of a narcissist.

I think he has no idea what being a woman really is or feels like, and he will continue pursuing this superficial road of hormones, makeup, and clothing. He doesn't seem to be a very deep-thinking person, so he should be perfectly happy for the rest of his days.
And Bruce said as much in the was a great way to distract himself.

I think a subset of the men with gender identity disorders at some point of their life could be trying to convince themselves and others they are manly by pursing typical manly pursuits and trying to outdo other men.
These step kids had no relationship with her apparently.. Money hungry opportunists who saw a big name was involved and want to cash in IMO

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These step kids had no relationship with her apparently.. Money hungry opportunists who saw a big name was involved and want to cash in IMO

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Yeah, but if they don't get paid he gets off scott free which I think is crap.
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