Bulgaria - Lars Mittank, 28, German tourist, Varna airport, 8 July 2014

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Glad to see you Janet Elaine, hope you are better now!

The girl angle makes sense to me because other than mental illness causing one to behave in a peculiar way, love/lust could drive a young man ( in this case) crazy!
Did he meet somewhere there, or someone he knew was already there- was it an " illicit " meeting of some sort that might cause him to get slugged? Affected his appetite, either because he would eat with someone else, or had excited, nervous " romantic " energy?
Did he not want his friends to know about it as you suggested, so found excuses to stay behind?
Did he think the worker at the airport Doctor's office was actually an angry husband/boyfriend?
Maybe Lars had nothing of real importance to him in his luggage, ie clothing- tshirts and shorts, no big deal to leave behind.

just speculating, imo.


I did think that too, but he did leave his passport, and since Bulgaria isn't part of Schengen, he'd still needed it to cross the border. A cell phone could be more or less easily replaced, and maybe money wasn't a concern for him either. Leaving the passport bothers me though. I did look it up, and one could also use an ID card to cross the border, but I'm sure it would have been mentioned if Lars had one of those as well. Unless he had one and nobody knew he did. Driver's licenses are not valid travel documents.
I don't know...
Not feeling the girl thing. I'm sure the friends would have noticed.

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They did notice odd behavior though. But they didn't really say Lars was gone a lot I think? Wondering how long their lunches and dinners sans Lars usually were.
I still do find it rather odd that someone just walked into a drs office where he was busy seeing a patient. That person must have known the dr and the dr him - I wish we knew more about him.

That's true. I also find it odd. But maybe it's not so odd in Bulgaria? I know it has happened to me many times here in India. It's a different culture here. I don't know how it is in Bulgaria.

ETA: for example, here in India the door to the doctor's office only gets closed when you are actually examined and have to take off a piece of clothing (especially if the patient is female). Otherwise not really. Lars had trouble with his ear, otherwise they might have locked the door if he had to partly undress or something for the examination.

I did think that too, but he did leave his passport, and since Bulgaria isn't part of Schengen, he'd still needed it to cross the border. A cell phone could be more or less easily replaced, and maybe money wasn't a concern for him either. Leaving the passport bothers me though. I did look it up, and one could also use an ID card to cross the border, but I'm sure it would have been mentioned if Lars had one of those as well. Unless he had one and nobody knew he did. Driver's licenses are not valid travel documents.

This reminds me of the surveillance footage showing him running out of the airport. For a second he seems to be touching his back pocket - maybe to make sure he had something important with him, for example an id card?
Not quite sure how to easiest reply to your post, Elainera! It won't quote a quote, but this is in reply to where you replied to my post in red. lol

Thank you for your answers and clarifications! It all does make a lot of sense, thank you. :)

I don't think he would stay away two years for a fling, but was considering he could maybe have ran into foul play during the first short while that he stayed in Varna... but that would be a whole lot of coincidences piled together and I'm not sure I believe that right now. Especially since there are much simpler explanations/theories about what could have happened to him.
This reminds me of the surveillance footage showing him running out of the airport. For a second he seems to be touching his back pocket - maybe to make sure he had something important with him, for example an id card?

Interesting thought! He did seem to check his pocket. I don't remember now if his wallet was left behind too? German ID cards are credit card sized so it could have been in his wallet, or in his pocket. If he had an ID card.

(All speculation)
That's true. I also find it odd. But maybe it's not so odd in Bulgaria? I know it has happened to me many times here in India. It's a different culture here. I don't know how it is in Bulgaria.

ETA: for example, here in India the door to the doctor's office only gets closed when you are actually examined and have to take off a piece of clothing (especially if the patient is female). Otherwise not really. Lars had trouble with his ear, otherwise they might have locked the door if he had to partly undress or something for the examination.

I have no idea either, nor do I know how it is in Germany. So I can't really compare and see if maybe Lars got nervous because in Germany it would be a big deal for someone to just walk in, which if he was already in a bad mental state due to mental illness, could have pushed him over the line.
I think it depends. How long were they together? If they had met only recently maybe he didn't feel comfortable to share his fear and panic with her. Or, maybe he did try to call her that night but she was already sleeping and didn't pick up. Or, his main concern was at first to cancel the credit card, so he called mom.

I kind of assumed they were not in a long standing relationship because the girlfriend has not been featured in any videos and interviews. Just my assumption. Also, his mom said in an interview they were very close because he was an only child.

Nevertheless, I do wonder what she (gf) believes what happened.

Good questions, Bit of Hope. I've quoted Elainera's post because those are basically my thoughts as well. And now I'll quit my serial posting again. ;)
I think it depends. How long were they together? If they had met only recently maybe he didn't feel comfortable to share his fear and panic with her. Or, maybe he did try to call her that night but she was already sleeping and didn't pick up. Or, his main concern was at first to cancel the credit card, so he called mom.

I kind of assumed they were not in a long standing relationship because the girlfriend has not been featured in any videos and interviews. Just my assumption. Also, his mom said in an interview they were very close because he was an only child.

Nevertheless, I do wonder what she (gf) believes what happened.

Very clear thinking line...I agree....thank you!
On the Findet Lars fb page someone has thrown in the theory (in the comments) that Lars possibly was "gang stalked" and therefore panicked and paranoid. Possibly recognized the guy who walked into the doctor's office as one of the gang who was stalking him. The gang wanted him for the illegal organ donor market. What do you all think of that? I feel "stutzig" (= Huh?). Never heard the term "gang stalked" before.

I've heard of gang stalking. It's like government mind-control machines and alien implants - it doesn't exist. It's a common delusion of people with mental illness such as schizophrenia. Here's an article about it:

Nobody believed him. His family told him to get help. But Timothy Trespas, an out-of-work recording engineer in his early 40s, was sure he was being stalked, and not by just one person, but dozens of them.

He would see the operatives, he said, disguised as ordinary people, lurking around his Midtown Manhattan neighborhood. Sometimes they bumped into him and whispered nonsense into his ear, he said.

“Now you see how it works,” they would say.

At first, Mr. Trespas wondered if it was all in his head. Then he encountered a large community of like-minded people on the internet who call themselves “targeted individuals,” or T.I.s, who described going through precisely the same thing.

The group was organized around the conviction that its members are victims of a sprawling conspiracy to harass thousands of everyday Americans with mind-control weapons and armies of so-called gang stalkers. The goal, as one gang-stalking website put it, is “to destroy every aspect of a targeted individual’s life.”...

Dr. Sheridan’s study, written with Dr. David James, a forensic psychiatrist, examined 128 cases of reported gang-stalking. It found all the subjects were most likely delusional.


ETA another article:

Type “mind control” or “gang stalking” into Google, and Web sites appear that describe cases of persecution, both psychological and physical, related with the same minute details — red and white cars following victims, vandalism of their homes, snickering by those around them.

Identified by some psychologists and psychiatrists as part of an “extreme community” on the Internet that appears to encourage delusional thinking, a growing number of such Web sites are filled with stories from people who say they are victims of mind control and stalking by gangs of government agents...

Although many Internet groups that offer peer support are considered helpful to the mentally ill, some experts say Web sites that amplify reports of mind control and group stalking represent a dark side of social networking. They may reinforce the troubled thinking of the mentally ill and impede treatment.

Oh I see. Thank you Raymonde. So the person who wrote that comment might himself be delusional. :frown:
I've heard of gang stalking. It's like government mind-control machines and alien implants - it doesn't exist. It's a common delusion of people with mental illness such as schizophrenia. Here's an article about it:


ETA another article:


My brother suffered from that delusion. He was totally convinced that 'everyone' close to him, friends and family included, were CIA operatives, trying to kidnap him/control him etc.

He also thought that Johnny Carson was talking to him, specifically, from the set of the Tonight Show....:candle:
Paranoia is known to come with schizophrenia and psychosis. There is even something like a Passenger (or traveler's) syndrome. Totally new for me too....

What is the traveler's syndrome? Passenger syndrome is a mental illness, usually transient. The phenomenon occurs after a major culture shock. This may be in a distant country, but also close to home as in Italy. Symptoms of the syndrome include travelers homesickness, delirium, aggression, hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety, dizziness, tachycardia, hysteria, and excessive sweating.

View of psychiatrists
Not all psychiatrists are convinced of the existence and causes of the travelers syndrome. Some attribute the symptoms to classical traveler ailments such as fatigue, stress after a flight, the heat, the crowds, the noise, change of food and so on. Others believe that the syndrome is manifested in people who already have lingering psychological problems. These are not reflected in the familiar surroundings but breaking through in unfamiliar surroundings.

An acquaintance of mine with psychosis was convinced that every time she saw something black and white combined, someone ("they") where after her. It caused tremendous anxiety. An other one was so afraid of something that she jumped out of the window (she is alive but has a huge scar on her upper body because of the glass she went through ) An other with schizophrenia was convinced he was the son of the queen of the Netherlands and that she had abandoned him...need I say more.....

Everything could be possible with Lars, maybe a combination of everything made him act like he did. But where is he now?
I personally think either the drug he was given was NOT an antibiotic and it made him paranoid...and/or he had an undiagnosed head injury.

Likely he isn't with us anymore, but you never know.

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Reading this story of a woman with schizophrenia who slipped into the margins, gives hope for Lars and others missing persons who may have medical issues prior to disappearing.
Hope that if this is the case for Lars, he will be located much sooner than this woman.
Canadian Rhena Bliss was missing in plain sight, for 36 years
December 22, 2016 Darren Calabrese/The Globe and Mail
Rhena Bliss’s story of how she was reunited with her family offers a glimmer of hope to countless families who have lost loved ones to the streets. But it also illustrates the many gaps in how missing-person cases are handled
Sometime in the spring of 1975, Rhena Bliss, a 29-year-old mother of two, was discharged from the Provincial Mental Hospital in Ponoka, Alta.

She took all her worldly possessions, packed neatly into an antique ribbed travel trunk, deposited it in an apartment she had rented in Edmonton, and disappeared.

Rhena was not seen again by her family members until 2011.
What happened during those 36 years is still largely a mystery. In the predigital age, people left a lot fewer footprints behind, and – penniless and suffering from severe, untreated schizophrenia – she likely lived on the margins of society.
The family refers to the 1975-95 period, before Rhena turned up at a shelter, as the lost years. The decade before her disappearance was also difficult. Rhena was only 18 when she married and, after the birth of her children, she fell ill, becoming increasingly erratic, paranoid and delusional, to the point where she ended up being committed to the psychiatric institution in Ponoka.

There were, of course, all kinds of theories about where she disappeared to, the most common of which was that she was probably dead.
Just read about Lars' heartbreaking case and I've got a feeling that either he was in a psychosis or then he suffered a really bad head injury.

This all reminds me of an old friend of mine. She experienced her first psychosis after a very stressful situation (burn-out at work and relationship issues) at the age of 37, and she had no history of mental illness. Her eating habit changed radically and she started drinking heavily. She managed to continue working quite a long time until her colleagues figured out that something was seriously wrong. She was very delusional: suspicious about most of the people, she was certain that the government and Quentin Tarantino were trying to poison/kill her and was contemplating about escaping to the woods. She stopped taking her medicine (she had a physical illness) because she was certain they were poisoned. At a local supermarket a complete stranger freaked her out. They didn't do anything or even speak to her. She ran out and was acting very scared/bizarre and eventually someone called the police and she ended up to the psych ward.

Anyway, Lars might still be alive somewhere homeless. The other option is that due to his erratic behavior he got into an accident. It breaks my heart to see his mother’s pain. I hope Lars is alive and they’ll be able to locate him.

Someone I know is travelling to Bulgaria this summer, and I’ll be happy to ask her to bring some posters with her if there are any.

Just read about Lars' heartbreaking case and I've got a feeling that either he was in a psychosis or then he suffered a really bad head injury.

This all reminds me of an old friend of mine. She experienced her first psychosis after a very stressful situation (burn-out at work and relationship issues) at the age of 37, and she had no history of mental illness. Her eating habit changed radically and she started drinking heavily. She managed to continue working quite a long time until her colleagues figured out that something was seriously wrong. She was very delusional: suspicious about most of the people, she was certain that the government and Quentin Tarantino were trying to poison/kill her and was contemplating about escaping to the woods. She stopped taking her medicine (she had a physical illness) because she was certain they were poisoned. At a local supermarket a complete stranger freaked her out. They didn't do anything or even speak to her. She ran out and was acting very scared/bizarre and eventually someone called the police and she ended up to the psych ward.

Anyway, Lars might still be alive somewhere homeless. The other option is that due to his erratic behavior he got into an accident. It breaks my heart to see his mother’s pain. I hope Lars is alive and they’ll be able to locate him.

Someone I know is travelling to Bulgaria this summer, and I’ll be happy to ask her to bring some posters with her if there are any.

I believe the head injury to be a possibility. Or drugs, either by others or himself, which could have caused complications with the existing undiagnosed head injury. What a mystery, I so hope he's found safe one day.
Just read about Lars' heartbreaking case and I've got a feeling that either he was in a psychosis or then he suffered a really bad head injury.

This all reminds me of an old friend of mine. She experienced her first psychosis after a very stressful situation (burn-out at work and relationship issues) at the age of 37, and she had no history of mental illness. Her eating habit changed radically and she started drinking heavily. She managed to continue working quite a long time until her colleagues figured out that something was seriously wrong. She was very delusional: suspicious about most of the people, she was certain that the government and Quentin Tarantino were trying to poison/kill her and was contemplating about escaping to the woods. She stopped taking her medicine (she had a physical illness) because she was certain they were poisoned. At a local supermarket a complete stranger freaked her out. They didn't do anything or even speak to her. She ran out and was acting very scared/bizarre and eventually someone called the police and she ended up to the psych ward.

Anyway, Lars might still be alive somewhere homeless. The other option is that due to his erratic behavior he got into an accident. It breaks my heart to see his mother’s pain. I hope Lars is alive and they’ll be able to locate him.

Someone I know is travelling to Bulgaria this summer, and I’ll be happy to ask her to bring some posters with her if there are any.

Hi Poet, yes a head injury seems possible as well. Just wondering if such an injury would get better or worse with time? Is it possible to lead to a kind of permanent confused state/loss of memory? I don't know much about head injuries. Do we know which ear he got hit on?

Regarding posters, yes there are flyers to download and print out on the Findet Lars facebook page, here:


I think the first one with the red "80,000.00" is the Bulgarian one, I just asked them to confirm and will get back when they reply.

To download click on it and then right click and save to your drive (I think that's how it works, my computer is currently not cooperating very well).
Even if he had the head injury, where would he be? Does his family still look for him in that country or no?

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