Bulgaria - Lars Mittank, 28, German tourist, Varna airport, 8 July 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
bbm - But don't forget that the family themselves sent out an email to various TV news stations and newspapers which said that he might have a mental illness. I linked to a post with the emails (sent out in various languages to different countries) a couple of pages back. If the family comes out saying publicly that mental illness might be the reason for his disappearance I don't think it's unjustified if we do so as well and explore the implications of this theory. (Of course, you will always get idiots commenting under news articles in a rude way.) I find it very courageous that the family made this statement and I don't think they had made it if the detective and the PI had told them that definitely a crime occurred. In fact this statement indicates to me that they have good reason to believe mental illness played a part because you don't say something like that publicly lightly.
I don't mean that.
Some kind of mental illness could appear, it could be schizophrenia, he also could be drugged or suffer from side effects of that antbiotic (if he ever took it).
It is possible so talking about it, considering it, trying to conclude something is very valuable and needed.

It doesn't make me frustrated. Awareness that 100% of sources and people are pointing into that and believe that it has to it has to be mental breakdown caused by illness or drugs is.

I think that it should be a big difference between:
"we didn't know what happened - it could be foul play, it could be some kind of mental illness, trauma, schizophrenia, it could happened that someone drugged him and that caused him to ran away"
"we didn't know what happened - most likely some kind of mental illness, trauma, schizophrenia, it could happened that someone drugged him and that caused him to ran away".

And there is no difference basically, all of these creepy-scary-mysteriously-weird sources of entertainment are pointing to his mental state as the only reasonable solution.
Only - not "one of a few possibilities", not even "a thing which appeared as "most probable".

It's wrong, and doesn't help Lars or others like him imo.
For the record, I ALWAYS believe victims. But, sometimes, the victim needs a different kind of help than they think. Like when my child tells me there is a monster in his closet. I believe him- I believe that he is scared and heard something- I believe he needs comfort and reassurance, and will receive that- I believe that I need to check his closet to be sure nothing is in there. But, I have not ever had to fight an actual monster, yet. Sometimes, his perception and reality do not match up perfectly, but his fear is still addressed and legitimate. Addressing a need rather than the details should not make the cry for help or need for help any less. Does that make sense?
Some closets have monsters in them. Most of them doesn't.
100.000 of people came back home safely 365 days a year but 100.001th person will meet monster.
Goodness. I had to stop reading comments on news articles. It scares me too much that humans like that exist. I don't care what the article is about, there is shocking hate expressed! It actually makes me scared to think how many people like that exist, so I had to stop reading them.
Easier to overlook monsters this way.
I decided to read that and I'm still reading it, maybe there is some kind of clue in there.
Well... probably not but I'll try anyway.
I was wondering previously whether Lars might have tried to make its way south to escape the harsh Bulgarian winter, and it occurred to me today that in 2015, just 6 months after he disappeared, the European migrant crisis began in earnest. I only read the Wikipedia article about it now, to get an overview of how involved Bulgaria was in this tense and difficult situation.


Short synopsis regarding Greece and Bulgaria during the crisis:

As far as I understand it, in 2015, about 34,000 immigrants used the Eastern Mediterranean route to cross by land from Turkey into the EU via Greece, Bulgaria or Cyprus. Bulgaria responded by building a fence along its border with Greece. "The fence is equipped with infrared cameras, motion sensors and wire, and is monitored by the army." (Wikipedia)

So, if Lars was still in Bulgaria in 2015, it's very unlikely that he was able to cross into Greece without his German passport.

Starting in summer 2015, Greece overtook Italy as the primary point of arrival by sea of immigrants. By the end of 2015, Greece had seen almost a million immigrants arriving and crossing through it.

What I was wondering is, whether Lars could have mingled with this huge, moving numbers of people, either in Bulgaria or in Greece (going Northwest towards Hungary). I remember seeing lots of news footage that year where a reporter stands in front of large crowds of refugees either resting somewhere or slowly making their way through the countries, often entirely on foot. Might be worth looking at old news footage whether by chance Lars is in one of them. I know, needle in a haystack!
Photos of recently found Anton P, to loosely illustrate how Lars may now look if he has not shaved. speculation.

Anton Pilipa had travelled more than 6,500 miles through at least 10 countries, and was living homeless in northern Brazil.

He survived by eating leftovers from rubbish bins or scavenging fruit and berries.
The 39-year-old former humanitarian worker – who suffers from suspected schizophrenia – was initially stopped by Brazilian highway police in November.


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This German article is from 2015 after Aktenzeichen XY Ungelöst (long running German TV show featuring unsolved crimes and disappearances) featured the case.

I translated the last paragraph
According to two specialist doctors, who contacted police after the ZDF broadcast, the behavior of Mittank could be explained with the antibiotic. The symptoms were conspicuous they told police. The mistrust and fleeing from imaginary persecutors point to a psychosis belonging to the schizophrenic group.
I was asked to sign a disclaimer that I could die when they pulled a tooth the other day. lol. It is probably just standard operating procedures to not be sued (although I am sure USA has more issues of that than other countries, I don't know).

I was thinking the same thing about the fight. If there were multiple people, there should have been a whole lot of evidence of a fight- I don't think ti would have been questioned for a second. Blood, torn shirt, busted mouth, bruised sides--- something! Especially if many of them were paid! You don't pay 2 groups of people and only one hit to an ear is thrown. I think that is what made his friends suspicious.

I think the friends likely hold a whole lot of answers. It sounds like they were good and concerned friends, going with him to the doctor, offering to stay behind with his to fly later, noticing his eating habits. I can bet they feel extreme guilt, but they had no way of knowing and did better than most 20 year old guys would do!

Thanks for coming, katy. I knew your story would help give a family insight to what sudden onset of mental illness looks like. As she said, that is the kicker- there is often no history of mental health issues. It is so hard and sad for everyone involved.

I am not discounting any theory. It just seems mental health seems to fit the most, for me. Otherwise, there are way too many things to try to explain away with some other really weird explanation.

I am bringing forward my own post, with my past words bolded. I am not sure what the issue is. I don't think anyone is ruling anything out. I was not there and have no idea what happened to him. My guess is only my opinion and only my own. I'm not trying to convince anyone that it is fact. Anything is possible. My experiences and degree in mental health counseling does not mean that it is what occurred in his life. It is just a representation of what it "usually" looks like, leaving it as a strong possibility of what happened to him. That's it. He needs to be found and helped. That is what we all agree upon. The reasons are just extras.
I tried to watch the youtube video with the credit card info, Elainera. I am clearly not skilled at youtube "settings". I could turn the subtitles on, but whenever I tried to translate to English, I somehow chose another language. So, I am trying! Though, unsuccessfully, so far LOL
Somewhat lengthy new article
Feb 13 2017
[h=1]Missing in Bulgaria: How the Search for Lars Mittank Helps Resolve Other Cases[/h]

Sandra Mittank will not give up. As hard as all of this is for her, she knows her efforts have at least helped other families to find their missing loved ones. On December 6th, 2016, a photo turned up, which gave hope to the Mittank family, Lars’ friends and everyone who cared about this said story. It was a photo of a man in a hospital bed in the northern Brazilian town of Porto Velho. This young man, with long, blonde hair and a long beard looked exactly like Lars, at least on the photo.

The good news spread rapidly, along with that photo. But Sandra Mittank and her helpers knew they had to verify the identity of this man, before flying to Brazil. Then, a few days later, they announced the man in that hospital bed was not Lars. He was a Canadian fellow by the name of Anton Pilipa, who had been missing for almost five years. By spreading Anton’s photo all over Facebook and the rest of the internet, hoping it was Lars, the Mittank family actually contributed to bringing Anton back to his family in Canada.

Sandra Mittank said, the mother of the Canadian gentleman had been very sceptical about Lars’ missing person case at first, and that she could not believe the photo of her own son was real.

Two years ago, there was another moment of hope, when a Bulgarian man contacted the Lars Mittank search team via their German Facebook page. He said he had seen a homeless man several times, who appeared to speak German and English. But the person who made contact did not have a smart phone or a camera. It took a few days until he located the homeless man again with his daughter, who shot a picture and sent it over to Germany. In this case, the photo was enough to confirm the homeless man was not Lars Mittank.
The facts remain: Lars was at the airport and then disappeared. If he is alive, he must be somewhere. If he is somewhere, someone will find him.
By Imanuel Marcus
I tried to watch the youtube video with the credit card info, Elainera. I am clearly not skilled at youtube "settings". I could turn the subtitles on, but whenever I tried to translate to English, I somehow chose another language. So, I am trying! Though, unsuccessfully, so far LOL

Thank you for trying! My connection recovered and I was now able to load the video. It starts at 8.55, it's the first time he calls his mom that night and he says:

"Du, Mama, du musst mir bitte nen Gefallen tun. Ich hab gerade im Hotel eingescheckt, das ist ganz komisch, ich, ehm, hab da bezahlt und bitte sperr mir sofort meine Kreditkarte."

Hi Mama, you have to do me a favor. I just checked into the hotel, it's really weird. I paid and please cancel my credit card immediately.

This German article is from 2015 after Aktenzeichen XY Ungelöst (long running German TV show featuring unsolved crimes and disappearances) featured the case.

I translated the last paragraph


Thank you, Elainera. But it confuses me still, are they saying it's probably related to the antibiotic, or to "a psychosis belonging to the schizophrenic group ? Or are they saying they think it's both? Perhaps schizophrenia surfaced as a result of the stress of the injury, traveling, etc..... and possibly by the antibiotic as well? I do recall that Schizophrenia often surfaces after a bout of stressful and/or life changing events. Or could it be Bipolar disorder, which also can surface after stressful life events?
I tried to watch the youtube video with the credit card info, Elainera. I am clearly not skilled at youtube "settings". I could turn the subtitles on, but whenever I tried to translate to English, I somehow chose another language. So, I am trying! Though, unsuccessfully, so far LOL

Not sure if you're talking about the same video, but if you are it was the same for me. Would not translate to English. Only German, Dutch, and something else, I don't recall now. When I clicked on English it was a bunch of gibberish to me, perhaps Polish or Russian or something, I'm not sure. :sheesh:
Thank you, Elainera. But it confuses me still, are they saying it's probably related to the antibiotic, or to "a psychosis belonging to the schizophrenic group ? Or are they saying they think it's both? Perhaps schizophrenia surfaced as a result of the stress of the injury, traveling, etc..... and possibly by the antibiotic as well? I do recall that Schizophrenia often surfaces after a bout of stressful and/or life changing events. Or could it be Bipolar disorder, which also can surface after stressful life events?

Well these were just two specialists calling in after the TV show. They obviously can't make a definite diagnosis, they can only offer their opinion that his behaviour might point to this or that. That's how I took it.

I brought it here to show that not only we get the feeling it might be mental illness but trained professionals do as well.
Just for anyone who is interested:

Since I brought up stressful life events as a precipitating factor in bipolar or schizophrenia, I thought I would try to provide some information on the subject. IMO, I do believe this could be the case with Lars. :( I just hope he's safe somewhere.

  • -A longstanding clinical observation is that stressful life events precede rather than follow bipolar disorder and almost all other psychiatric disorders.
  • -One theory is that traumatic stress might change the brain and alter normal brain functioning.
  • -Life events, such as the death of a loved one or other stressing events, increase the risk of developing depression, which precedes mania in many bipolar sufferers.
  • -There is no single personality factor that is consistently associated with the development of bipolar disorder, but stressful life events could conceivably also interact with innate factors to lead to the expression of the disorder.

[FONT=&amp]A number of other potential complications can occur in bipolar disorder, including:[/FONT]

  • Psychosis (hallucinations or delusions)
  • Anxiety
  • Seasonal patterns of their presentation
  • Rapid cycling (at least four episodes in a 12-month period that would be classified as manic, hypomanic, or depressive)
  • Mixed presentation (e.g., having mania with depression)
And, from Wikipedia:

The diathesis, or predisposition, interacts with the subsequent stress response of an individual. Stress refers to a life event or series of events that disrupt a person's psychological equilibrium and potentially serves as a catalyst to the development of a disorder.[SUP][3][/SUP] Thus, the diathesis–stress model serves to explore how biological or genetic traits (diatheses) interact with environmental influences (stressors) to produce disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia.[SUP][4][/SUP]

The diathesis–stress model asserts that if the combination of the predisposition and the stress exceeds a threshold, the person will develop a disorder.[SUP][5][/SUP]
I don't know where to start. So many things spring to mind for me, because of my own life experience, watching my little brother having the sudden onset of bi-polar syndrome. At the time, in the late 70's, he was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. His 'meltdown' happened over 3 weeks or so, and it was very similar to what is being described in this case.

First, here are a few things I want to point out, in response to Adreeda's well thought out post, above.

She said:

Few more things which I didn't realise before I started digging and jumped into bandwagon of "mental breakdown"...

Of course, some kind of drug could be involved, as well as actual mental breakdown - it's possible but are odds really pointing into that?

I didn't found any source quotting Sandra Mittank saying that she believes that some mental illnes suddenly appear, she's frequently saying that she believes in that possibility.
But first thing is that people and media are extremely willing to explain any weird event that way, especially if case seems complicated, second - choosing that way is relatively "safe" option as there is no blame pushed into any direction (in this case hotel staff, city of Varna - why there is no footage of Lars from July 7th? "Golden sands" is a very expansive section of Varna, it has to be plenty of cameras, at least at hotels and some on the streets I think, police, doctor) all guilt is put on "mental illness" and people could be more willing to help, third - Lars has no history of mental illness in his family and he never acted strangely before.

Woman from taxi told that had dilated pupils at that time.
There is no information if she was driving to the airport as well, payed for both of them or got out earlier (at least I can't find it).
Dilated pupils could point at drugs but according to the timeline as he catched that ride he spend few hours hiding somewhere in the dark - maybe his pupils were dilated as any other person pupils would be in these circumstances and she assumed drugs because as they reached her it was already stated that he acted weird and runned into the woods frantically? Or she was just nervous because of the situation and as he was scared she assumed that he's nervous because of drugs?

As to the bolded above, our family had no previous history of mental illness, and my brother had no previous mental illness type of incidents. he was in his early 20's at the time. And that is why it took a few months for us to actually realize what was happening to him.

Also, dilated pupils are also a symptom of mania or schizophrenia. It may or may not indicate drug usage.

My brother lived in Bear Valley, where he was a professionals racer. DownHill Racer. He had spent the summer in Chile, outside Santiago, training with the US ski team. He was hoping to qualify for the team.

He lived with his girlfriend. My parents lived a few hours away in the Bay Area.

He called my mom a few times, and sounded strange. he asked her in hushed tones, if anyone had come to her home, looking for him. She said NO, and he said, if they do, don't tell them where I am and don't answer any questions. Then he'd hang up, and not answer her return calls.

There were no cell phones back then, so it was hard to reach him. I tried to call him at his girlfriends, finally reached her and she was confused by him as well. She thought he was hiding something from her, like a new girlfriend, and was upset with him. They had dated since high school, so she knew him well. But even she misread what was really going on with him at the time.

One night he arrived at our parents home, very late. My Mom woke up and found him looking through things in the garage. He had boxes stored there snd said he needed his birth certificate. But he wouldn't say why. But he seemed very desperate to find it.

The next morning I flew up North to talk to him because my Mom was really concerned about him. He would not answer any of her questions and seemed very nervous. She asked me to try and find out what was going on with him.

He took me into the very back part of our yard, and told me a scary but believable story. he said his gf's ex boyfriend was after him. He had been jumped by him and his friends a week earlier, and they threatened to harm him and his family. He said he couldn't tell me anymore for my own safety. But that they were crazy dangerous and he needed to lay low for awhile.

I thought he was speaking the truth. But I also wondered if he had maybe gotten involved with some coke dealers. A lot of ski racers lived the high life back then. So I thought that might be what was up.

The whole thing would take too long to describe, but it devolved into a story very similar to what has been described in the above timeline. He would not drive his own car because he thought it was 'bugged.' So he had me driving him around. And he would be seeing things out of the corner of his eyes, thinking the school crossing guard was watching him, or the lady standing behind us in the store, was following us. And I began to realize that he was either really high, or he was having a mental breakdown.

He went missing the next day. We had no idea where he went because he left a note saying he was going back to Bear Valley. But I knew he wasn't because that is where he said his 'enemies' were. But my Mom wanted to believe that is where he went.

I flew back home. My brother drove up to the mountains and looked all over for him. No one had seen him. So he went to the local Police department and reported him missing. A day or so later, my mom got a call from LE. They found out that he had used the emergency Master Card my Mom had given him.

He had flown to Honolulu. The police contacted LE over there. Eventually they located him. He was found, bruised and battered, on a mountain trail. No ID, No wallet, no money. No idea how he got there, or why he was beaten up. He was in a local hospital and had not given them his name. He had no prints in the system so they did not know who he was. And he would not tell them anything.

When my older brother arrived, my brother thought it was NOT his actual big brother. He was convinced it was the CIA, trying to trick him into going with them. It was very sad. They had to drug him heavily for him to be convinced by his older brother, who he was always very close to, to come home with him.

So the story in this thread seems kind of familiar to me.

How many of those facts have been verified by others besides Lars? Do we know there was really a fight?

Do we know if any doctors really did ask him to sign papers because he might die if he flew?

Do we know there was really a perforated ear drum? And if so, do we know if he might have accidentally harmed himself?

My brother used to get very frustrated by the voices in his head. He tried many odd ways to get it to stop. He once had earmuffs on with tin foil around them, hoping to stop the voices from getting into his head.

My brother had been looking for his birth certificate, I found out later, because he was no longer believing he was really born into our family. he thought we were all CIA and trying to get into his mind and turn him into a robot.

Must be/must have been so hard....pffff thank you for sharing this.
I have so much to catch up on here now (after catching up IRL lol). I wasn't going to comment until I was all caught up, but I fear I'll never comment again if I do that. So please forgive me if I haven't reacted to anyone's post(s) yet, I'm not ignoring people, and also please excuse me if I bring up something that you all covered already.

Mpnola, your posts have been most helpful to me. I do not know a lot about mental health issues at all so reading those helped give me some insight in what could happen/could have happened. It does sound like it basically fits everything we know about Lars' behavior the day he disappeared.

I'm not sure now who posted this but it was also very helpful to read more about what Lars and his friends did during their vacation. I had been hoping for some more background - was Lars acting normal, did his friends notice him behaving strange, that kind of stuff. Lars not eating much at all even though all food was included in the price of the trip really is rather odd.

About the (alleged) fight - I know I'm a bit behind the times on this by now, but I still wanted to share some of my initial thoughts about it. There is a long standing rivalry between Werder Bremen and Bayern Munchen. It goes way back and those soccer rivalries here are not always in good spirit. I could definitely see some drunk or half drunk Bayern fans getting in a rumble with a Werder supporter, attacking him out of the blue just for wearing a Werder shirt. But, it would be a street fight - kicks and punches, maybe knives if they're particularly angry. Ripped clothes. Right there, in the moment.

Of course my knowledge isn't the be all, end all, but I have never heard of a random group of hooligans putting out a 'hit' on a random supporter of another team, to be beat up later. Those things have happened, but they were either planned between two random groups, or the victim was targeted due to an ongoing feud. Neither of this seems to be so in Lars' case.
I did not think the fight story was too strange but for the fact that his friends thought the story was weird. That gave me pause because they'd known Lars for a long time and would be able to assess this. And finding out that his clothes weren't disheveled or anything, no cuts or bruises or any signs of a fight other than a ruptured eardrum make me question it even more. I can see an attack happening the way Lars described to his friends, BUT he'd have a bloody nose and black eye at least.

ETA I don't think Lars made up the fight story just to be deceptive (if that makes sense?). Maybe he really thought it happened, or maybe he twisted the truth a little bit because he felt embarrassed by what actually happened. After reading mpnola's posts I really do think that either way the fight story is a result of some level of mental illness/breakdown that Lars may have/probably suffered.

And this may be completely random, but could he be in the Munchen/Munich area? I mean I guess he could be anywhere.... just thinking that maybe he could have gone there or tried to get there to see if he could find the people he thinks attacked him and get revenge or something? Or would that not add up with his possible mental state?
Hi Janet, nice to see you back :)

I checked the interview of his friend once more where he talks about what Lars said about the fight. At 6.22 he says

"Das hat mich 'n bisschen stutzig gemacht, allein diese ganze story ..."

-> "This amazed me a bit, just this whole story ..." He shakes his head while he says it.

"Amazed" is the closest word I could find to the German "stutzig". "Stutzig" is for my feeling expressing more doubt though than the English "amazed". "Stutzig" means you're going "Huh?".

It's a pity he didn't go into more detail but clearly he expressed some doubt.

However, it has not been reported anywhere whether or not Lars had visible signs of a fight. Basically we don't know for sure if he had any but I feel if he did it would have been mentioned.

Lars' own explanation is that his ear was hit because he moved his head sideways to escape the punch, so the fist landed on his ear (at 6.17 in the video, spoken by the actor). So Lars said he got one punch on the ear, and that was it.

Since they were due to go back home two days after the alleged fight, I doubt that Lars would have washed the clothes he wore that night. I wonder whether LE found torn or dirty clothes in his luggage that could give credibility to the story. AFAIK nothing was said about what was in his suitcase and rucksack, or if anything was missing.


If anyone wants me to translate more parts of this video (or others) just let me know. So far I have only summarized the videos but I'm happy to do a literal translation.
Hi Janet, nice to see you back :)

I checked the interview of his friend once more where he talks about what Lars said about the fight. At 6.22 he says

"Das hat mich 'n bisschen stutzig gemacht, allein diese ganze story ..."

-> "This amazed me a bit, just this whole story ..." He shakes his head while he says it.

"Amazed" is the closest word I could find to the German "stutzig". "Stutzig" is for my feeling expressing more doubt though than the English "amazed". "Stutzig" means you're going "Huh?".

It's a pity he didn't go into more detail but clearly he expressed some doubt.

However, it has not been reported anywhere whether or not Lars had visible signs of a fight. Basically we don't know for sure if he had any but I feel if he did it would have been mentioned.

Lars' own explanation is that his ear was hit because he moved his head sideways to escape the punch, so the fist landed on his ear (at 6.17 in the video, spoken by the actor). So Lars said he got one punch on the ear, and that was it.

Since they were due to go back home two days after the alleged fight, I doubt that Lars would have washed the clothes he wore that night. I wonder whether LE found torn or dirty clothes in his luggage that could give credibility to the story. AFAIK nothing was said about what was in his suitcase and rucksack, or if anything was missing.


If anyone wants me to translate more parts of this video (or others) just let me know. So far I have only summarized the videos but I'm happy to do a literal translation.

So the friend was really in disbelieve about the story of the fight...you made it very clear.....huhhhh what happened....serious!? If you are drunk or drugged....the memory blurs....you don't get certain things anymore.....interesting....
I could do the translation of the video (will take some time) are there any native German speaking persons on this side?
What about the eating thing? What stands out for his friends (being together more then normal) was that he ate very little during there vacation. When you are in your private thing (he was living alone I guess) there was nobody to notice this...but a week with friends...it started to show.....what could be the reason...strong young men like to eat...especially after a night drinking, partying....and still he declined....He is not extremely thin....what was going on?
Hi Janet, nice to see you back :)

I checked the interview of his friend once more where he talks about what Lars said about the fight. At 6.22 he says

"Das hat mich 'n bisschen stutzig gemacht, allein diese ganze story ..."

-> "This amazed me a bit, just this whole story ..." He shakes his head while he says it.

"Amazed" is the closest word I could find to the German "stutzig". "Stutzig" is for my feeling expressing more doubt though than the English "amazed". "Stutzig" means you're going "Huh?".

It's a pity he didn't go into more detail but clearly he expressed some doubt.

However, it has not been reported anywhere whether or not Lars had visible signs of a fight. Basically we don't know for sure if he had any but I feel if he did it would have been mentioned.

Lars' own explanation is that his ear was hit because he moved his head sideways to escape the punch, so the fist landed on his ear (at 6.17 in the video, spoken by the actor). So Lars said he got one punch on the ear, and that was it.

Since they were due to go back home two days after the alleged fight, I doubt that Lars would have washed the clothes he wore that night. I wonder whether LE found torn or dirty clothes in his luggage that could give credibility to the story. AFAIK nothing was said about what was in his suitcase and rucksack, or if anything was missing.

[snipped video for space]

If anyone wants me to translate more parts of this video (or others) just let me know. So far I have only summarized the videos but I'm happy to do a literal translation.

Thank you, I'm glad to be back. Also glad you brought this video forward, and I finally had the chance to watch it. I realize you can knock me in a different direction with a feather right now... obviously with more information, one's thoughts about something can change. The mental health problems mpnola posted still sound very plausible to me but I do not want to discard any other options that might be just as valid.

Here are some thoughts I wrote down while I was watching the video.

At 3:38 the friend in the video says that during the week they were there some irritations with Bayern fans, but Lars was able to diffuse this verbally.

And then right after that, when the actors are checking out the girl, does the friend say to Lars "don't you have a girlfriend" or does Lars say it to his friend? 'Lars' (actor) does say "it doesn't make a difference, looking is allowed". Did he have a girlfriend? I don't recall if we know this or not?

Still typing this along while watching the video. Apparently they did exchange some verbal jabs with other soccer fans the night Lars got hurt, but again, according to the friend, Lars was able to diffuse the situation verbally. By the way, I had not realized that the hit to the ear happened two days before they were supposed to leave, and that it didn't really start hurting until departure day (it got worse to the point that he started worrying).

'Stutzig' seems like 'baffled' in English. In the interview, it sounds a bit like the friend is baffled/stunned about the fact that the Bayern fans would go so far as to 'hire' someone to beat Lars up for them. I didn't get the impression that he necessarily thought Lars' story was strange, but more the fact that someone would do something like that. Although I can definitely see the interpretation both ways.

At 20:38, am I hearing correctly that Lars at the airport met a man from/at a money transfer place? Is that what Lars already told his mom on the phone? Since they're looking for this man as a witness, last one to have been in contact with Lars (I'm assuming before the doctor).

One thing that bothers me after seeing the video is a seeming discrepancy - Lars did not want to get surgery in Varna, yet he did expect to be admitted to the hospital. That does not make a lot of sense to me. His mom was also wondering why Lars said they would not let him drive/ride. She said she expected the dr to say no to flying, but did not understand why Lars also said he wasn't allowed to drive (fahren).

Could Lars possibly have exaggerated the ear pain to gain himself an extra few days in Varna, all by himself without his friends, maybe with a vacation fling? While his friends went to eat, had Lars maybe snuck off in the meantime to meet up with someone, possibly having meals with them (her)? Maybe he knew he wasn't going to be admitted to the hospital and had plans to be with his vacation love, and checked into the hotel to keep up appearances - but called his mom straight away to cancel the credit card (possible before the charge went through) because he had no intention to stay there to begin with?

Idk how much I believe this though. He'd have to have made up the whole fear thing to his mom (possible, if he had a girlfriend back home and didn't want her to suspect anything?)... plus it doesn't explain why he'd leave the airport without all his belongings. I doubt he'd have left cell phone, passport etc. behind for a few extra days with some girl. But... at all possible?

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