Bulgaria - Lars Mittank, 28, German tourist, Varna airport, 8 July 2014

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DNA Solves
Thanks! So in your professional opinion the drug has nothing to do with Lars behavior/disappearance? I don't think I put much weight into that anyway, I was just listing it for reference. I really do think he has had an unrelated break. I don't know what it is that you do but you should consider becoming verified.

You're welcome. Side effects caused by drugs can be weird. I believe that even though it's possible that someone as young and healthy as Lars could have had a reaction to an antibiotic, chances are very slim that those wild behavioral manifestations were caused after taking cefuroxime orally. (Those on intravenous antibiotics are at much higher risk of more acute and pronounced side efftcs). Like I mentioned, those who already have underlying issues and illnesses are the most vulnerable group. Actually, the chances of him having a reaction are so slim that it would be more likely for him to suffer a head injury than develop issues like his symptoms demonstarted.

So, yes, I believe that he had an injury with no immediate manifestations and then certain things in his environment triggered irrational responses as he ended up developing paranoia, confusion and perhaps hallucinations? Him calling his mom about the men following him and wanting the pill... It screams paranoia and hallucinations. Him running from the airport, leaving his belonging, yes, it does appear like paranoia. His behavior was completely erratic and irrational. With head injuries, many responsive behaviors are reactionary. There is no rationality it's just a response.

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I created a Map for Lars' case. I can add to it/change it if needed. I just use it to get a feel for the routes he may have taken etc. I also added Sofia, Plovdiv & Burgas on there just as possibilities of places he may have headed.
In all the information added here I'm getting confused about the story around the blocked creditcard...there are inconsistencies in the information. Maybe a wrong media thing. IMO the Bulgarian press states something different than the original story. It's hard to establish the facts...maybe it is time for a summary....
In all the information added here I'm getting confused about the story around the blocked creditcard...there are inconsistencies in the information. Maybe a wrong media thing. IMO in the Bulgarian press states something different than the original story. It's hard to establish the facts...

Yes, I am also. The Bulgarian article states that the card became blocked and so Lars asked his Mom to unblock it. But in others I have seen it written as He asked his Mom to block it after paying for the hotel room. Not sure if it's facts that aren't 100% accurate when being released or if there are errors in the facts due to the cross over of languages.
You're welcome. Side effects caused by drugs can be weird. I believe that even though it's possible that someone as young and healthy as Lars could have had a reaction to an antibiotic, chances are very slim that those wild behavioral manifestations were caused after taking cefuroxime orally. (Those on intravenous antibiotics are at much higher risk of more acute and pronounced side efftcs). Like I mentioned, those who already have underlying issues and illnesses are the most vulnerable group. Actually, the chances of him having a reaction are so slim that it would be more likely for him to suffer a head injury than develop issues like his symptoms demonstarted.

So, yes, I believe that he had an injury with no immediate manifestations and then certain things in his environment triggered irrational responses as he ended up developing paranoia, confusion and perhaps hallucinations? Him calling his mom about the men following him and wanting the pill... It screams paranoia and hallucinations. Him running from the airport, leaving his belonging, yes, it does appear like paranoia. His behavior was completely erratic and irrational. With head injuries, many responsive behaviors are reactionary. There is no rationality it's just a response.

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Sorry, didn't have time to reply properly earlier but BBM... I agree with this. It makes much more sense and fits the way Lars was behaving much more accurately.

Also I didn't know that intravenous antibiotics can create a different impact on the individual receiving them.

Poor Lars... there is just no where to go with this. I so badly want this to be over for his Mom.

I do have confidence he is out there, alive. His body hasn't yet been found (if he had succumbed to the elements I think his body would have been recovered & no one was seen going after Lars after he left the airport... unless he ran into the wrong person after he jumped the fence, but I don't think so) so I'm being hopeful. Especially considering the other stories we have of people living homeless and being found years later. I might be wrong but I'll be the first to admit I'm wrong should evidence point in a different direction.
I was thinking of Lars today while I was helping my Niece to improve of her Cyrillic writing.

It's getting pretty cold in Varna now. I hope Lars has somewhere to be warm.

Also, wishing everyone that's here for Lars a happy holidays.
Have read the whole thread, and been looking around the web, and found something i have not seen here or may have missed. I know you mentioned something like that in the video , but in Bulgaria there was a whole documentary about the case and they actually took an interview from some random homeless men who were living in the forest near the airport , all of them witnessed a person and described him exactly like Lars , they said that they offered him help , but he was very anxious about anything and was kinda acting like a wild animal and there were several sightings of him in different parts of the forest and all of the homeless men noticed that he was not with his mind at all .also i saw a comment from a woman who lives at the beach there says theres a homeless man who hangs around but sprints away if approached.
I was thinking of Lars today while I was helping my Niece to improve of her Cyrillic writing.

It's getting pretty cold in Varna now. I hope Lars has somewhere to be warm.

Also, wishing everyone that's here for Lars a happy holidays.

Thank you Ana and all the others caring....have a wonderful year...and hoping for resolution in Lars's case in the coming year.
Have read the whole thread, and been looking around the web, and found something i have not seen here or may have missed. I know you mentioned something like that in the video , but in Bulgaria there was a whole documentary about the case and they actually took an interview from some random homeless men who were living in the forest near the airport , all of them witnessed a person and described him exactly like Lars , they said that they offered him help , but he was very anxious about anything and was kinda acting like a wild animal and there were several sightings of him in different parts of the forest and all of the homeless men noticed that he was not with his mind at all .also i saw a comment from a woman who lives at the beach there says theres a homeless man who hangs around but sprints away if approached.

Wohhhh this is interesting information.....do you have a link to that video?
Have read the whole thread, and been looking around the web, and found something i have not seen here or may have missed. I know you mentioned something like that in the video , but in Bulgaria there was a whole documentary about the case and they actually took an interview from some random homeless men who were living in the forest near the airport , all of them witnessed a person and described him exactly like Lars , they said that they offered him help , but he was very anxious about anything and was kinda acting like a wild animal and there were several sightings of him in different parts of the forest and all of the homeless men noticed that he was not with his mind at all .also i saw a comment from a woman who lives at the beach there says theres a homeless man who hangs around but sprints away if approached.

Hi garthkelly, thanks for joining us, especially here, I like to see Lars' thread back at the top.

Do you have a link for this documentary? I didn't see it.

I truly believe that is what has become of Lars and the individual they describe is him. I have no doubt he is still out there. I believe he needs help.
no sorry, i copied n pasted the text and i cant remember where from, me personally, my older bro has had Paranoid schizophrenia for over 20 years, i know lars had no history off mental illness, but from the story and viewing the cctv, he behaves just like ive seen my brother behave with his illness many times, once my bro ran and ran convinced all was out to get him and he ran down a cliff through brambles and thorny brush on a coastal path, no shoes, clothes torn he was so scratched and bleeding i didnt recognise him, head to toe, he managed to stop on the cliff edge and hes still here today. I believe lars is still running, and is still convinced these 4 men are after him, hes in bulgaria hitchhiking in circles, no passport he cant leave, if he had his wallet he wouldnt use his bank card, traces, people have to think, if you truly believed 4 men were after you and maybe your family, how and what would you do in his place, unless they find his body, hes unwell, scared stiff, and this episode has become his reality its been over 3 years with no help, everyone to him is an enemy, nobody in a tee shirt n shorts just runs off, never to be seen again, also he calmly walks in the airport and 46 mins later sprints away parinoid, at the blink of eye mental illness can switch and take on many forms in many different ways,
theres alot of talk of organ black market stuff etc another point i would like to raise is rather than point the finger at the doctors no one has questioned the pharmacy and did the pills he got where actually what it said on the box, why were 4 men asking what pills he had? no better front than a pharmacy to deal drugs? pick up? drop off? ive had friends been beaten up so bad they in a hospital bed knocked out smashed they head on the floor and didnt develop a mental illness, this is something i think lars was learning about himself well before bulgaria, and kept to himself, who in they right mind goes on holiday and ends up in 3 fights then parinoid and disapeers like that? he took his persciption as advised but didnt realise it was meth or mdma or something, that or he was drugged in the hostel?
please excuse me im not very good at getting what i want to say in my head on paper but most of its there :laughing:
no fight ever warrents people hunting you down like that, nobody is that important for them to care enough its too much hastle, how much were those guys prepared to pay someone for them to care enough to ruff him up? a tiff in a bar? not eating, drinking, disapeering outside mcdonalds, getting into fights, shows me he was emotionaly broken to start with for what reasons i dont know? drug mule theory is BS, if he had a credit card he could use means he didnt need money, football hooligan fights are terrible but pretty much if you laying on the ground hurt they leave you alone and move on, they sure as hell dont start following you around the place cause they allready won and beat you, telling his friends to go home without him enables him to deal with himself in his own time trying to work out whats in his head without the added pressure from his friends input, clearly no one is chasing him, hes running from himself, i hope hes found soon and gets the help he needs, its madness.
Thank you Ana and all the others caring....have a wonderful year...and hoping for resolution in Lars's case in the coming year.

I have some catching up to do on the thread, but wanted to say my friends went vacationing in Poland for the new year, and I sent some posters of Lars with them. They drove through Germany and Poland. This case makes me feel so helpless. Wish I could go to the Varna airport and retrace his steps, search the fields, idk. Do something. :(
i feel the same they said they looked but how many times have they re searched and missed stuff too
once he hops the fence he starts running, i notice by the last second hes at top speed and looks behind, plus im sure he glances back when he slows to a walk outside the terminal, when everyone says he never looked back?
Welcome to the thread garthkelly, thanks for the excellent insight!
Happy New Year to all the wonderful Ws members here and from all around the world!!
I have some catching up to do on the thread, but wanted to say my friends went vacationing in Poland for the new year, and I sent some posters of Lars with them. They drove through Germany and Poland. This case makes me feel so helpless. Wish I could go to the Varna airport and retrace his steps, search the fields, idk. Do something. :(

A friend of ours was going through Varna airport over the Christmas period while visiting family. They said it felt eerie while thinking of Lars on camera running away from there. :( I'm so sorry he missed another Christmas with his family.

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