Bunch of Caylee videos

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Thank you Georgia!
Would you be able to upload them to a hosting site and provide links on this thread, for those of us who cannot view MySpace videos?

I'm in the process of uploading them to Youtube, will be glad to provide a link. Are you able to view videos there ?
Caylee = TOTAL cutiepie.

But, you guys, these videos creep me out. Cindy speaks to Caylee when she's filming; in the others, whoever is filming (Casey, I assume) is dead silent. It's... weird.
They are all from casey herself ,some added 1 yr ago.
No doubt in my mind she loves her.

A person that did not want her child would not have been playing with her either.
This child is loved deeply ,was taken care of well .
Her mother did not kill her to party ,no way ....

Watch those videos and tell me that she was not wanted or loved.
I ahven't read the whole thread, sorry if this has been mentioned but do you recall the Susan Smith case? All the pictures, videos and witness statements recalled a very involved, meticulous and loving mother who doted on her sons. The same sons she rolled into a lake, strapped into their car seats. Frankly, I have acted exactly the same towards children I know, as casey did in those videos, but not out of a mother's deep love. Rather, out of a sense of fun, or fondness for the child. Kids are sweet. Most people treat them accordingly. However, that does not preclude a sociopath from later finding that the alive child presents an osbtacle that needs to be removed, or from later determining that hate and revenge are great enough that the same child should be used to exact revenge. Sorry, but it has happened many times before with mothers who earlier seemed so loving. Baby Grace is another example. Do you know what her mom did to that baby and allowed to have happen to the child? She was tortured to death yet by all acounts, the "mother" was extremely loving with the child prior to this, before she met the boyfriend with whom she participated in the "discipline" of the baby. It is hard to understand and I never will, but it certainly happens.
On another note, the video of poor great-Grandpa broke my heart. Poor man, to have to deal with the loss of his great-granddaughter, at his age. What a sweet man.
Pictures and videos often don't tell the whole story.

Ask anyone who was abused as a child.

I am not saying Casey or anyone chronically abused Caylee.

I am saying pictures or videos of happy times can deceive. As other posters have pointed out, there are pictures and videos of Susan Smith sharing happy times with her kids, too. I am sure Casey loved Caylee when the videos were taken. I am sure Susan Smith loved her kids too once upon a time as well.

I Downloaded most of them (except for the 15 second ones), so if they all of a sudden come up missing on myspace, I have a copy if needed. :woohoo:

i do as well,.. I am actually going to make it into ONE long video. So they just go from one to the other.
Pictures and videos don't tell the whole story.

Ask anyone who was abused as a child.

I am not saying Casey or anyone chronically abused Caylee.

I am saying pictures or videos of happy times don't always tell the whole story.


Yes, and unfortunately, I'm willing to bet some people on this board can testify to that sad fact.

All of the videos having been added since yesterday on this site is not the only thing that has changed. As of yesterday the picture on the upper left has changed from a stationary shot of "WWW.HelpFindCaylee" to a range of pictures of Caylee.

The "Angel" shot may be a Freudian slip on the part of Casey. Why could Casey, or anyone else in the family, label a pic of Caylee "Angel"? As far as they are all concerned she is living and breathing.

Casey is changing stuff on her page as we speak......this is what she does at home and at the atty's office. She is on the computer!
Why does nobody talk to Caylee on these videos? Or very little....the cheese one is downright creepy. Caylee looks confused. Was the camera just set to record and nobody was there?
The "Angel" shot may be a Freudian slip on the part of Casey. Why could Casey, or anyone else in the family, label a pic of Caylee "Angel"? As far as they are all concerned she is living and breathing.

Youre kidding right?... I guess I'll have to change my daughters labels on her picts I have since she very much alive.
Youre kidding right?... I guess I'll have to change my daughters labels on her picts I have since she very much alive.

Nope, not kidding. I refer to my little 2 yr old granddaughter who is very much alive as "a perfect angel" but in the situation the A's are in right now I don't think they would be referring to Caylee as an "angel"......that would hit too close to home. JMO
Nope, not kidding. I refer to my little 2 yr old granddaughter who is very much alive as "a perfect angel" but in the situation the A's are in right now I don't think they would be referring to Caylee as an "angel"......that would hit too close to home. JMO

yeah that...
Wow, She is precious!
Nope, not kidding. I refer to my little 2 yr old granddaughter who is very much alive as "a perfect angel" but in the situation the A's are in right now I don't think they would be referring to Caylee as an "angel"......that would hit too close to home. JMO
Look in all sincerity there is just being too much read into these precious videos, and as I said before it's not doing anything but taking away from what they are ....precious videos of a child who's family is missing her terribly.

Also I call my daughters and sons angels and will label their pictures "an angel" ( even when they are being devils). All 4 are indeed living and breathing

Why does nobody talk to Caylee on these videos? Or very little....the cheese one is downright creepy. Caylee looks confused. Was the camera just set to record and nobody was there?

Gosh - that was my reaction as well!! My first thought was - what a beautiful little girl! My second thought was...hey - why isn't anyone saying anything to her? The only video where they interact with her is the one where she plays with Casey for about 1 minute. And of course the one where she is with her great grandpa. But in the others there is absolute silence. It is creepy and awkward to me. It also comes across as cold and distant. I have never seen anyone take that many videos of their child - who is clearly relating to the camera - and not say a word to her. I felt awkward just watching it!
Caylee = TOTAL cutiepie.

But, you guys, these videos creep me out. Cindy speaks to Caylee when she's filming; in the others, whoever is filming (Casey, I assume) is dead silent. It's... weird.

I try to stay as silent as I can when I film my kids too. I like to capture all their little noises, babbles, etc. and prefer not to have my voice on the video. I don't think it's wierd at all.
I try to stay as silent as I can when I film my kids too. I like to capture all their little noises, babbles, etc. and prefer not to have my voice on the video. I don't think it's wierd at all.

I understand what you are saying...and I did the same to capture some things. But when my child was old enough to interact - that was alot of fun to capture on film. Caylee appears to me to at times be "begging" for interaction - even somewhat asking questions in her own way. And nothing is said. Granted - you don't have to talk the entire time - but when the child looks at you with those eyes - how can you not respond? Maybe it is just me...

Still, I have to give credit that she at least TOOK videos of her child.

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