Burke Files 150 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Werner Sptiz???

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And honestly, Lin Wood is doing the only thing that could harm his clients. Malpractice IMO. Good for him.

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And honestly, Lin Wood is doing the only thing that could harm his clients. Malpractice IMO. Good for him.

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The thing is, clients have free will. We will see. I think Burke did it. But Wood may be able to make a case.
Scruples elude him. Arrogance made him incompetent here. Bad advice.

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What lawyer has scruples? I think they have those removed in the 2nd year of law school.
I think the attorney and the Ramseys have no intention of going to court, they think it will be settled out of court and possibly bring in some more cash to them. What did Dr Phil pay them? If he paid the Anthonys half a million, what would this major scoup have paid? Are the R's hurting for money now? People who kill their family and cover it up, wouldn't have any problem making a profit off it.
Why is that?

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(About not having JR to kick around anymore)

I was referring to an old Nixon quote, sort of the original flounce from the pre Internet days. And of course Nixon came back and so will JR.

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I hope to never need his services. I have hired a lawyer I liked less personally than another before though. Needed representation for my son in a custody case. Went to hire an ex classmate of mine. We needed to get my grandson away from his borderline personality disordered mother. My buddy suggested hiring a female attorney he knew instead. Met her and she was super intense, very bright but really high strung. It turned out to be the best decision I've made in the last ten years. This woman knew how to handle the case involving such a manipulative narcissist. Many hearings and thousands of dollars later my son won custody. If I had hired the lawyer I got along with the best (my buddy from college) I doubt my grandson (he's 6) and I would be going fishing after I pick him up from school tomorrow

Hi TexMex!

I agree with you. Many lawyers are chosen for their "effectiveness" and that is why many people choose lawyers who are like
|"bulldogs" and are extremely aggressive who have a track record of winning cases.

If I had to choose a lawyer who would win a case for me - especially a case which involved my loved ones - I would choose one with
a track record of winning cases, regardless of his or her personality. When it comes down to a lawsuit to keep loved ones in my life I would
need to hire one who was "effective".
Oh how I wish though that kind and compassionate lawyers always won at the end of the day! Although I think that maybe they do - if only
that they have better sleep! Just my opinion.
Oh how I wish though that kind and compassionate lawyers always won at the end of the day! Although I think that maybe they do - if only that they have better sleep! Just my opinion.

Even criminal prosecuting attorneys can't be kind and compassionate. Family law attorneys even have to be tough, sometimes really tough. It's not about kind and compassionate, it's about results. I think I would have made a great lawyer, because I've always been very into JUSTICE. I would go after this case like that proverbial bulldog!
Ok so you know I'm working on transcribing Dr. Phil episodes. Well something just jumped out at me when we were discussing whether he was a public figure or not. And why
did he do the CBS interview if he didn't want to be in the spotlight?.... well I think JR states it clearly to Dr. Phil when Dr. Phil asks him if he regrets doing the CNN interview on Jan 1, 1997. Here's the quote.

DP to JR- "As you look back on that, was that a mistake?"
JR- "Yeah."
DP- "Why?"
JR- "Well for several reasons. One it served no purpose. We're..we're in a
state of shock. And secondly, once you participate in the public arena, you
become a public figure."
(He had a sort of slight smirk when he said it.)

I think we all missed this tidbit when we watched it the first time. Apparently it had been discussed before they ever decided to do the Dr. Phil show. Actually I would even go further as to wonder if Lin Woods, being also Dr. Phil's lawyer, set this up TO make Burke a public figure prior to the CBS doctumentary. JMOO
Ok so you know I'm working on transcribing Dr. Phil episodes. Well something just jumped out at me when we were discussing whether he was a public figure or not. And why
did he do the CBS interview if he didn't want to be in the spotlight?.... well I think JR states it clearly to Dr. Phil when Dr. Phil asks him if he regrets doing the CNN interview on Jan 1, 1997. Here's the quote.

DP to JR- "As you look back on that, was that a mistake?"
JR- "Yeah."
DP- "Why?"
JR- "Well for several reasons. One it served no purpose. We're..we're in a
state of shock. And secondly, once you participate in the public arena, you
become a public figure."
(He had a sort of slight smirk when he said it.)

I think we all missed this tidbit when we watched it the first time. Apparently it had been discussed before they ever decided to do the Dr. Phil show. Actually I would even go further as to wonder if Lin Woods, being also Dr. Phil's lawyer, set this up TO make Burke a public figure prior to the CBS doctumentary. JMOO

Dr. Phil said Burke would only talk to him. Hmm. Wonder why? They both have the same lawyers! I'm thinking Burke and John got wind of how the CBS series was gonna come out and this was "damage control" not to honor JB.

Dr. Phil has lost all my respect.
I do have to admit, I don't know much about LW but the fact he allowed his "client" on a show where all of the US would see BR'S weird and inappropiate
responses and behavoir was foolhardy. Not only that, but his tweets and threats (Unless done by one of his underlings) were inappropiate and desperate sounding. Just doesn't seem like the sort of attorney who is making the wisest decisions for his clients.

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I keep wondering if he knew that if Burke was accused, the Ramseys would want to sue and thought that lawsuit would fail because of their guilt. So he let Burke become a limited purpose public figure going on the show (since BR being a public figure makes any lawsuit more difficult to win), so he had that to point to as the reason the eventual law suit failed, rather than it failing because of their guilt? Or maybe he's just clueless or Burke is a grown man who will do what he wants and he wanted to go on Dr Phil.
Depends on the kind of attorney you'd be looking for. If you need and can afford a high-priced bully who knows how to intimidate people and push the buttons of your wealthy enemies, yeah, I'm sure he'd do the trick for you. Anything else? You'd probably be better off with recommended local counsel.

I'm still wondering about the Burke interview. Knowing the connection between Phil and Wood, you have to wonder if Wood arranged it. But it was such a stupid thing to do with the CBS show coming right on its heels. Not only did Burke end up looking like a whack job who very well could have been the killer kid CBS concluded he was, he substantially lowered his odds of prevailing on any defamation case in several different ways.

So is Wood totally overrated, or did Burke insist on doing it?
Of course Wood arranged it.

I don't think it was stupid. He was accused on the CBS doc of murdering his sister. He fired back. Last thing the general public heard is that he's suing for being falsely labeled a murderer. The general public has went back to watching reality shows and following the Kardashians on twitter.

What would have been stupid is Burke not commenting. Once CBS had labeled him a murderer, more shows(or books) might have taken that approach and it possibly turn into an avalanche. Burke launched a preemptive strike. From this moment forward, wont be any shows bringing BDI to the table unless they've got a lot more evidence or simply willing to risk losing a bunch of money.
I don't think they will win this lawsuit. I think ole' Spitz is going to dig his heels in and go to a jury trial. He's not an idiot. Burke is going to have to prove he didnt kill his sister. Then prove that Spitz meant malice. I don't think he did. I think he wants the truth known for JonBenet. His job is to tell JonBenets story of her death. He went where his evidence took him. It took him to BR. If I was as accomplished as he was and had reviewed the case thoroughly and felt strong in my conviction I would stand behind my findings too. That's what experts do. BR isn't a 9yr old boy anymore. He's an adult. So let's hope they televise the court proceedings and enjoy watching him squirm and LW's face stay beet red.
Justice for JonBenet!

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I keep wondering if he knew that if Burke was accused, the Ramseys would want to sue and thought that lawsuit would fail because of their guilt. So he let Burke become a limited purpose public figure going on the show (since BR being a public figure makes any lawsuit more difficult to win), so he had that to point to as the reason the eventual law suit failed, rather than it failing because of their guilt? Or maybe he's just clueless or Burke is a grown man who will do what he wants and he wanted to go on Dr Phil.

LW has filed the case listing BR as a private figure. Limited public figure just means he is a public figure only or limited to the JonBenét case, thus a limited public figure. The Supreme Court has ruled private figures cannot receive exemplary or putative damages. In the lawsuit LW lists the putative damages as $100,000,000+legal fees, so it’s hard to tell what the game plan is, unless he figures that BR will be listed as a limited public figure by the court.

LW’s arguments (besides trashing Spitz’s reputation) are the Carnes case implying an intruder, ML’s exoneration including the DNA and implying an intruder, and Hunter’s letter to LW in which he expresses the idea that no evidence had been developed to consider BR a ‘suspect’ in the case.

Defamation rulings are a very complex area of law so I avoid trying to sort through how this will develop. BR stated on Dr. P that he knew folks still think he or his parents did the crime. He’s not naïve. My personal viewpoint is that this is all about money, not about his current suffering.

Interesting background - JR and PR once brought a defamation lawsuit against Fox for a reporter’s statement that there was no evidence of an intruder. The judge who dismissed the Fox defamation lawsuit said this: "Plaintiffs may well have filed this case more for vindication than for money, and perhaps vindication is what they deserve," he said in a ruling written Wednesday. "But they have a better chance for meaningful vindication in the court of public opinion through vigorous debate about the background and details of this heinous crime than by suing those whose reporting may arguably include some less than favorable inferences about them."

IIRC, BR declined to speak to detectives, later claiming in Woodward’s book it was finals time. Next LW came out and threatened the BPD for harassing the family. Somehow it sounds like BR did not seek an opportunity to engage in dialog to vindicate himself. Echoes of his parents’ behavior? Oh, I forgot, he totally engaged in dialog with a pop psychologist on TV to vindicate himself. Does that count? Sometimes there’s no end in sight for crazy.
Thanks Dave, I've been her all along, just a little hard to be heard in a crowded room lol.

Did anybody happen to see JRs rebuttal to the CBS special on A&E a few nights back? I thought he had promised Dr Phil that we'd heard the last of him? Another Ramsey lie lol.

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Yeah, I saw it. Just like I heard about the interview he did with an Australian radio show after that. I KNEW his promise was too good to be true. That sums up the Ramseys and the image they want to paint: too good to be true.
Even criminal prosecuting attorneys can't be kind and compassionate. Family law attorneys even have to be tough, sometimes really tough. It's not about kind and compassionate, it's about results. I think I would have made a great lawyer, because I've always been very into JUSTICE. I would go after this case like that proverbial bulldog!

Unfortunately, justice is conspicuously absent in our justice system. The joke is that lawyers go into law school believing in justice, but come out knowing that it doesn't exist.
Whatever the "Truth is in this case, the perpetrators of this dreadful crime against an innocent and defenseless little child will have to be accountable at some stage. You can only hide from your own conscience for a time but not forever, JMO.

You can run on for a long time
You can run on for a long time
You can run on for a long time
Sooner or later, God will cut you down

You can throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What's done in the dark will be brought to the light.

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