By Accident Or On Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

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By Accident or on Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

  • An Intruder Killed JonBenet and Covered Up the Crime

    Votes: 38 7.1%
  • Patsy Ramsey Acted Alone in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 23 4.3%
  • John Ramsey Acted Alone in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Burke Killed JonBenet with Patsy and John Helping to Cover Up the Crime

    Votes: 394 73.4%
  • John and Patsy Acted Together in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 30 5.6%
  • Other/I Don't Know

    Votes: 48 8.9%

  • Total voters
I agree with this. She was a little pageant queen, so of COURSE her brother is going to be jealous.

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I think the problem in the Ramsey family was that TOO MUCH focus was placed on JonBenet and her pageant participation. Dance lessons, pageant coaching, fittings, custom-made costumes, hair/makeup stylists, photographers, etc. all indicate that mega-bucks were being spent on JonBenet's pageants, not to mention the amount of time focused on various aspects of the pageants, travel, etc. What were Burke's interests and activities? How much time and money was spent on things that were important to Burke? I've always figured that JonBenet and her pageants were the primary focus of Patsy's time and energy (John was frequently traveling for business) because this was something that she was familiar with, having competed in pageants herself, and that she had little in common with her son. Burke was probably ignored and had to fend for himself much of the time because his father wasn't around much and didn't seem to take an interest in his boy-child. I totally understand the jealousy, but Patsy and John pretty much promoted it. :moo:
Unless he was making sure the deadly deed was done.

As I posted a few days ago on another thread....

On page 349 of Kolar's book, he is reviewing the video of the Jan. 8, 1997 interview by Dr. Susanne Bernhard of Burke. He says, " I was taken aback at another comment offered during the playing of a board game. The nature of the game involved guessing the features of faces hidden on the opponent's side of the gameboard. Burke had mistakenly flipped down a face on his side of the board and then returned it to an upright position, commenting, "Oops, you're not dead yet." This comment seemed extremely callous and suggested little care or concern for the circumstances at hand. I would later think that this comment might have its source in the events surrounding the death of Jon Benet."
What were Burke's interests and activities?

Pineapple, scat, and Nintendo

No but I agree with you. It's hard not to feel sorry for him wanting some attention. That doesn't mean I agree with what he did but I can understand why so much resentment and anger would build up over the years. I blame the parents too.
Remember when we heard there were some friends of Patsy who were planning to talk to her about "the mega Jon Benet thing"? I wonder if their concerns may've been about how Burke was being effected by all the attention being given to his sister? Could one of their children have told them that he'd said something concerning, like "I'd give (or do) anything to be an only child again"? Just something that came to mind...of course, my opinion only.
I don't think the blow to the head was "accidental", but I also don't believe it was done with the intent to murder.

My thinking as well, done in a fit of rage because she resisted what he wanted to do. He also could have already been angry about something else that was perhaps the icing on the cake.

That said, I believe he already had some very deep, simmering resentment issues towards JB. She was doted on, got all the attention from her mother, her mother's friends, maybe her father, that he wasn't getting. He was just a little boy, after all. How could he compete with a "beauty queen". Which is sad and tragic in itself. :cry: Patsy and her "beauty queen" thing, shallow, hollow, and disgusting. JMO
I always thought Patsy did it in an exhausted rage over toilet issues. I didn't want to think Burke did it, even though he had great reason to be jealous, and jealousy is a powerful emotion leading to terrible actions. But a child? I didn't want to blame a child.

However, after watching the DP interview and the CBS expert panel, I'm convinced that Burke did it. Whether he realized the blow would kill JBR is unknown. But thanks to this discussion, I'm pretty convinced that he also used the garrote, which did kill her. Because there was no blood from the head injury, any parent would have called 911 immediately if they found their daughter unconscious for an unknown reason. Finding her dead with a garrote would stop them from calling 911 immediately IF it was clear that Burke was involved. Then protecting Burke would come first for the Ramseys. I think it must have been clear that no intruder did this for the rest of the coverup to have occurred. I have a hard time thinking that either parent could use a garrote on their child as part of a coverup. Poking JBR with the train track clinches it for me. That's the action of a child. And yes, I do believe Burke sexually abused her, perhaps escalating in the weeks before she was killed when JBR's behavior is said to have changed.

Everything Patsy and John did from the moment the coverup began and for years afterward was intended to protect Burke. They did him a tremendous disservice. We wouldn't still be talking about this had they done the right thing and been honest so that Burke could get help. This was and still is a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions.

I so agree with this, if they had done the right thing in the beginning, it wouldn't have been going on and on and on. It would be over long ago. Sadly what they did was make it worse for Burke, perhaps for the rest of his life. All due to their poor judgment based on protecting their "image". Yes, I think they thought they were protecting their son, but I think more importent to them was their image. Yes, a Shakespearean tragedy. :cry:
Who killed JBR? Technically, whoever strangled her, killed her, according to the CBS show..

The edit function did not work. I meant to ad:

Who killed JBR? Technically, whoever strangled her, killed her, according to the CBS show..The strangulation does not look like an accident.

The edit function did not work. I meant to ad:

Who killed JBR? Technically, whoever strangled her, killed her, according to the CBS show..The strangulation does not look like an accident.


True. If someone falls from a thirty-story building without a parachute, they're already dead. But if I shoot that person as they're falling, it's still murder.

But, in this case, it's not murder, because if they didn't know she was still alive, they couldn't form intent.
True. If someone falls from a thirty-story building without a parachute, they're already dead. But if I shoot that person as they're falling, it's still murder.

But, in this case, it's not murder, because if they didn't know she was still alive, they couldn't form intent.
I think the CBS hired Experts soft pedaled this part too. Spitz was saying she would be brain dead but still "alive" and then he added that the garrot was essentially make believe??? He also said the paintbrush was just a sliver of wood and probably a simple transfer when she was moved.

They made a big deal about calling this an accident. Maybe they figured if they called it that, people might be more apt to come forward with information.

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I am keenly watching "this space", as they say.
Been amusing watching Lin Wood on Twitter.

Certainly the whole story is getting a lot of attention here in Oz.
I am keenly watching "this space", as they say.
Been amusing watching Lin Wood on Twitter.

Certainly the whole story is getting a lot of attention here in Oz.
He's at it again tonight? That man has become unhinged, I'm afraid.
I think the CBS hired Experts soft pedaled this part too. Spitz was saying she would be brain dead but still "alive" and then he added that the garrote was essentially make believe???

Well, I think I've got that one. Yes, the head injury would have killed her by itself, but her heart just didn't know enough to stop beating yet. As for it being make-believe, he means it was staged.

He also said the paintbrush was just a sliver of wood and probably a simple transfer when she was moved.

That might have been due to them not having time to go into it.

They made a big deal about calling this an accident. Maybe they figured if they called it that, people might be more apt to come forward with information.

Or a confession, maybe?
I think the CBS hired Experts soft pedaled this part too. Spitz was saying she would be brain dead but still "alive" and then he added that the garrot was essentially make believe??? He also said the paintbrush was just a sliver of wood and probably a simple transfer when she was moved.

They made a big deal about calling this an accident. Maybe they figured if they called it that, people might be more apt to come forward with information.

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I would say that calling it an accident would also make a lawsuit against CBS and the panel less likely or harder to win.
I commented the other day on the older poll, but should have here. I have to say on purpose. If it were only the head injury and less staging then maybe it could seem accidental. The strangling and other staging makes the whole thing seem on purpose. If someone watched JonBenet closely while injured until she stopped breathing (but heart still pumping), then they denied medical care. If they found her at any time and didn't remove the garrotte then they didn't do enough either. All the evidence seems like someone saw her fading away then did the rest. Whoever that is , is the one who killed her, imo. Probably the kid, but still can't quite get past the mom.
I think the problem in the Ramsey family was that TOO MUCH focus was placed on JonBenet and her pageant participation. Dance lessons, pageant coaching, fittings, custom-made costumes, hair/makeup stylists, photographers, etc. all indicate that mega-bucks were being spent on JonBenet's pageants, not to mention the amount of time focused on various aspects of the pageants, travel, etc. What were Burke's interests and activities? How much time and money was spent on things that were important to Burke? I've always figured that JonBenet and her pageants were the primary focus of Patsy's time and energy (John was frequently traveling for business) because this was something that she was familiar with, having competed in pageants herself, and that she had little in common with her son. Burke was probably ignored and had to fend for himself much of the time because his father wasn't around much and didn't seem to take an interest in his boy-child. I totally understand the jealousy, but Patsy and John pretty much promoted it. :moo:
I've thought of the jealousy ever since I first saw this picture of her..

Her body language alone screams for attention while Burke is naturally on the side

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They've almost admitted he's guilty by wanting to CBS over the information in the special

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I would say that calling it an accident would also make a lawsuit against CBS and the panel less likely or harder to win.

Could be the reason why they left the abuse out . Was disappointed but I undertstand. It IS important though since someone took the time to wipe off her body and redress her.
If it was an intruder, why would they have left her in her blanket as if tucking her in? Another thought about the circumstances....

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