CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #1

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It's terrifying!! And no indication of a mental illness at this time? wtf? What the hell is wrong with this woman then.

Apparently the same thing that's wrong with the kids' father. Whatever that is.
On another note -- do we know whether either of the two parents were raised in a way similar to the way they have "raised" their children? Does either of them come from a large family? Was either of them kept inside their house and chained-up to a piece of furniture when s/he was growing up? (Serious questions -- no sarcasm intended.)

This is what I'm most interested in. Seconding. Louise doesn't resemble any of her siblings. What was their family dynamic? Don't want to violate forum rules regarding siblings, but odd assortment. Something fishy here.
Only photo public on her personal FB posted in 2013. She looks anorexic and unwell. Anorexia/eating disorders are quite often coexisting with other mental illnesses.

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Actually, I don't think she looks anorexic, here... She looks petite and in good shape. Make up is not that flattering, but skin, nails and hair look healthy to me. This photo, even tho posted 2013 could be a scanned older photo? That's my guess.
Of course, there are always going to be people who use homeschooling to hide nefarious behavior. Just like there are people who use their occupations (how many teachers are abusing students? Now that is proven to be on the rise!,) social standing, occupational standing, hide horrible behaviors. I don't deny that there are fringe folks who have lives they try to keep hidden, by controlling every aspect of their children's lives...including "schooling" at home. But there are no statistics or proof that abuse in families of homeschoolers is on the rise.

Abuse by teachers within schools is not on the rise. Abuse within homeschooling families is also not on the rise. As I said. But homeschooling in general IS on the rise and fringe people are attracted to it.

The question is how do we protect kids within those families? Kids in public schools have multiple safety nets. Homeschooling kids do not.
I think they might have been inspired by one of those sects, but there are enough differences that I think they're definitely their own tribe. The girls wear pants, the mom's wedding gown has bare arms and shoulders and make-up, etc. No minister at the weddings, just Elvis in a secular chapel....and nothing overtly religious on their page at all from what I can see, except for the common nativity Christmas decoration. No prayers, religous memes, pics of church community friends/events, etc. Very, very odd.

My theory too.

Homeschooling is actually more expensive. You still pay taxes for the public school district but you have to buy your own curriculum, equipment, supplies, etc. (I've never done it but know many normal people with amazing kids who have.). Even if you could write some of that off, and maybe in some states you can, it's not a way to make or save money. I think that is just more evidence of how crazy controlled these kids lives were.

James and Betty Turpin, who live in West Virginia, said David and Louise had so many children because "God called on them."

They were given "very strict homeschooling," and would memorize long passages in the Bible, the grandparents said. Some children tried to memorize it in its entirety.

While David and Louise were in the Pentecostal faith, they did not have a church in the area and David's parents knew of no friends that the couple had.
Anyone know if or where the father, David, was working at time of arrest? How were they surviving?

A neighbor said you never saw a bike or skateboard or any toys out in the yard, unlike the other homes in the neighborhood with kids.
Another neighbor said he knocked on the door once to offer to mow the overgrown lawn and no one answered.
Another neighbor that lived behind them said they could see inside the house at times and it was unkempt and messy.
Funny you mention that... my mother would serve my father 3 plates full of food but the children were allowed one strict serving. And I went on to develop some pretty severe eating disorders through my teen years. It's a shame that people think they're doing something normal or benign and have no concept of how it's going to affect their kids.

They just didn't care. The "man/hunter" was the important one, the one who brought in the money or the game. His strength was needed to be kept up to feed the rest/people/tribe. There are a lot of ways of looking at this.
Actually, I don't think she looks anorexic, here... She looks petite and in good shape. Make up is not that flattering, but skin, nails and hair look healthy to me. This photo, even tho posted 2013 could be a scanned older photo? That's my guess.

Agree, she doesn't look remotely anorexic in that photo imo. Actually, she has an incredible figure in that shot!
And they walk awkwardly in them. I wonder if they had access to shoes on non-Elvis days. Moo and all that.

The thing that struck me is they can’t move to music and they have clearly been instructed to snap to the music. Only one or two can keep a beat. I think every speck of that was planned and controlled.

They don’t look unhappy or unhealthy to me for the most part, just very young for their ages. The whole vibe is super weird though.
The children, especially the boys look very thin and emaciated. The baby the mom is holding doesn't look healthy either, with thin forearms. The little girl wearing boots standing in front of the boys is very thin with a distended stomach, another sign of being malnourished. The little girl dressed in black on the far right has very skinny arms. I notice this family and the Turpins have a tendency to dress their kids in bulky, baggy clothing which hides their thin bodies.


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At first I thought the same thing but looking closer at photos even 5 years back, Disney photos etc- these sweet girls look like KAREN CARPENTER. These girls look SEVERELY MALNOURISHED IMHO. It’s horrifying.
Mom somehow gets her share of food- but not healthy looking either, just not emancipated.
but the kids other than baby ALL LOOK SEVERELY MALNOURISHED.
Look closely.
They are sweet kids- all 13 and quite obviously the mom is extremely mentally ill and the dad is somehow helpless/ must have been abused by her verbally. He doesn’t look to be mentally ill like the mom does. He looks stressed. I know a family where mom was schizophrenic (undiagnosed until recently) and she mentally and verbally abused and threatened the dad. That said, they are a lovely family- just with serious illness and all that goes with it.She was only diagnosed when oldest son started acting out and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
It’s possible the chaining started when the symptoms came on full swing in the boys/ girls.
IMHO it’s undiagnosed schizophrenia
I’m SO sad. Bless these poor children.


Could be. A good college and current friend of mine had it very tuff when he & his sister & brother were growing up -- and they were all good, intelligent and well-behaved children. (My friend was a National Merit Finalist -- majored/graduated in Physics, after being interrupted by severe bipolar disorder.) His mother would tie him to a tree with a leash when he went out to the backyard to play. Same for his siblings. His good friend (and mine) grew up with him & said his & his siblings' growing-up years were horrible. She was finally diagnosed with schizophrenia. A terrible disease for the sick person & for all around him/her (if s/he is not seen by professionals and not medicated).

You make a good point, IMO.
As a forensic psychologist, this is why I think David and Louise Turpin may have held their children captive

One possibility is that the parents wanted to keep their children away from the authorities for religious or other ideological reasons, or because they did not trust those outside the family. These situations have all the qualities of a cult in which the father usually acts as a patriarch who browbeats his wife and children into subservience. The Facebook photographs we’ve seen certainly have the look of a cult about them. Even their picture in Disneyland shows the children identically dressed.

He also points out that the eldest child in the house was reported to be age 29, born 2 yrs before David & Louise married.

Large families do tend either to be chaotic or to develop formal, often ritualistic, processes to manage day to day activities. Is it possible that, as the Turpins’ finances cycled ever more out of control, they became increasingly coercive in their attempts to handle the situation they had created for themselves?
Geesh......I don't know where to start with this....

When did home schooling become popular ?..well...when I went to school,I thought it was illegal NOT to go....?

How did they get away with no hospital visits ????? I was in and out yearly with bike accidents, high fevers ....the usual childhood ailments.
The girls.....oh my.
....and Cariis....where are you?

It has exploded in the last decade. Lack of quality in public education and options of private school have driven this. (IMO.) There is a massive homeschool community where I live and it's overwhelmingly secular. There just aren't good enough schools here.
The baby girl is dressed differently from the rest. I wonder if that is significant?
The birth dates of that other family show that they had children once a year for quite a few years. Its almost like they were on a mission to have as many kids as possible.

I wonder if there is a financial incentive in having so many kids and they just claim its for other reasons.

Aahhhh, interesting. IMO, and from what I've personally observed as a homeschooler, it is not a financial incentive, but that they do not want to make God's decision for him by using birth control.
Most states require homeschooled children to be tested or evaluated yearly (we test and submit scores and a notice of intent to the city yearly in VA) and most children who are homeschooled attend outside groups, classes, etc.. IME the very vast majority of homeschooling parents do so in the best interest of their children. Those who are not doing it for their children’s best interests would absolutely go 100% off-grid with their kids and be even harder to find if homeschooling wasn’t an option. Honestly I’m pretty surprised that these parents were complying with homeschooling laws in their state.

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There's a difference between home schooling and a school. This was called a school and had a principal, Mr. David Turpin, according to records.
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