CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #2

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Aunt on the father: "He did things that made me feel uncomfortable," she said. "If I were to get in the shower, he would come in there while I was in there and watch me, and it was like a joke. He never touched me or anything."

Eeeewwwwwwwwwww! I'm sure a lot will come out later. The children were so isolated that they don't know what's wrong (taboo) or right in the typical sense. However, I don't feel so hopeless in terms of their transition or prognosis. I really believe that with support, counseling and training that the children will become productive members of society and can certainly lead happy lives. Hopefully there are no attachment issues. I will keep thinking positive thoughts and praying for them.
Although the escape and call to 911 showed courage, good sense of right and wrong and an attachment to siblings. Kudos to that young woman.
A few years back, a friend of our family, (TP) was a foster mother (still is) and she fostered this family of siblings... a big biiiiiiig family like this one and they had come from a bad home, they were of all ages and they were all being put up for adoption. Separately. All they had ever known was each other but they were about to be separated. So, our friend, who also has two biological children, 1 other adopted child, 5 grandchildren + 1 on the way, and foster kids here and there, decided to adopted them. All of them. They have been with her ever since, always will and she's just happy to know they are together. Which is all that those kids wanted.

Here's hoping there is a TP out there for these siblings.

I would hope they could find a willing and capable couple that could handle all 13 children but I am being realistic about this and I have to think the odds of finding a single couple willing to take on all 13 children has to be slim.

Which is why I sadly think the children will likely have to be separated and split up to different caregivers.

And I put 100 percent blame on their parents for having caused this situation, and for having so many children without planning what would happen in the event one or both of them cannot care for them anymore. They even went so far as to isolate themselves from other family members which would have been their only hope if one or both of them could not care for the children.
Totally irresponsible and selfish IMO.
I'm hearing things that raise red flags for me, with the extended family, so I am hoping these siblings have other options for care. From the different stories the sisters are telling, and the changing of stories (as with the parents flying out several times and being turned away changed to they called and were turned away.), I feel like there is a little drama/attention seeking happening. "It's all about me!" Which is in line with what I've seen in the videos. These siblings need people in their lives who focus on their needs, not the adults' needs.

And this. "David Turpin's mother, Betty, said she doesn't have any information about the case.
But she said "we feel like one side of the story has been reported. This is a highly respectable family."
For example, the siblings wore identical outfits based on gender to help "keep up with the kids" during outings, she said."
What? "One side" and "highly respectable family"?????? No. Just No. This is NOT about public perception of your family. This is about what happened to these 13 children. There is NOTHING that makes what happened okay, and there is NO WAY that this was the children's fault. They could never have done enough to deserve this. (Not saying that's what this grandmother was saying, but it seemed like she was insinuating something.).
I'm hearing things that raise red flags for me, with the extended family, so I am hoping these siblings have other options for care. From the different stories the sisters are telling, and the changing of stories (as with the parents flying out several times and being turned away changed to they called and were turned away.), I feel like there is a little drama/attention seeking happening. "It's all about me!" Which is in line with what I've seen in the videos. These siblings need people in their lives who focus on their needs, not the adults' needs.

And this. "David Turpin's mother, Betty, said she doesn't have any information about the case.
But she said "we feel like one side of the story has been reported. This is a highly respectable family."
For example, the siblings wore identical outfits based on gender to help "keep up with the kids" during outings, she said."
What? "One side" and "highly respectable family"?????? No. Just No. This is NOT about public perception of your family. This is about what happened to these 13 children. There is NOTHING that makes what happened okay, and there is NO WAY that this was the children's fault. They could never have done enough to deserve this. (Not saying that's what this grandmother was saying, but it seemed like she was insinuating something.).

Agree. There is no other side when 13 children are tortured, malnourished, with some chained to furniture. No. Other. Side.
I'm hearing things that raise red flags for me, with the extended family, so I am hoping these siblings have other options for care. From the different stories the sisters are telling, and the changing of stories (as with the parents flying out several times and being turned away changed to they called and were turned away.), I feel like there is a little drama/attention seeking happening. "It's all about me!" Which is in line with what I've seen in the videos. These siblings need people in their lives who focus on their needs, not the adults' needs.

And this. "David Turpin's mother, Betty, said she doesn't have any information about the case.
But she said "we feel like one side of the story has been reported. This is a highly respectable family."
For example, the siblings wore identical outfits based on gender to help "keep up with the kids" during outings, she said."
What? "One side" and "highly respectable family"?????? No. Just No. This is NOT about public perception of your family. This is about what happened to these 13 children. There is NOTHING that makes what happened okay, and there is NO WAY that this was the children's fault. They could never have done enough to deserve this. (Not saying that's what this grandmother was saying, but it seemed like she was insinuating something.).

Perhaps in her view, the last time she saw them they were a highly respectable family and that's what she's going off of, perhaps she doesn't know the depths to which her son or daughter have descended. Just a thought.
DNA thought.

How would authorities be able to distinguish whether all children were offspring of both parents or some were the offspring of a parent and a child? Much of the DNA would be identical between a parent and a child?

The authorities may never have checked that the parents were biological parents of all the children. They may have only checked to see if there was any outsider DNA, i.e. whether some kids were halfs or steps.

On the emaciation.

Several kids looked emaciated in the photos, but not all. Could it be that they were selected one by one for the starvation treatment? To keep the rest in line? At puberty to keep their bodies from getting out of hand? From attracting a parent?
Does anyone else think the kids look like they have some genetical physical deformity? I find it hard to believe it's all malnourishment
I wonder if we'll ever get the "back story" on what happened to skew these parent's thinking or if they just plodded through life without thinking or planning ahead. Did they have no judgement or executive functioning/thinking left?
Were the parents doing drugs that affected their thinking?
Would like to know the dynamics and facts about DT's birth family. How many siblings, religious upbringing, life philosophies of his parents.
Apparently DT and LT used no birth control. Did he see himself as simply a virile procreator that used his sperm
to prop up his masculinity? Did she just allow him to keep her "barefoot and pregnant"?
If they plea deal, this may never go to trial and we may never get the answers to these questions. Just trying to get into the minds of these monsters. Yes, IMO, they were self-absorbed monsters.
Aunt on the father: "He did things that made me feel uncomfortable," she said. "If I were to get in the shower, he would come in there while I was in there and watch me, and it was like a joke. He never touched me or anything."

I'm sorry but this is too much. If the aunt experienced this, didn't have communication with her sister for 19 years, the mom wasn't responsive to the families requests to visit, the mom didn't attend either of her parents funerals and the family saw the photos and videos of the kids via facebook and they are now saying they thought something was going on - WHY didn't they intervene while it was happening?? There is no excuse, imo. There is nothing normal about the photos, the condition of the kids in them and the awkward videos. And suddenly in 2016 nothing else is posted! Now the aunt comes out and is doing the media rounds? Wants a relationship. I hope that CPS protects these kids from further abuse and from the sudden influence of "family". Sorry this is way messed up.
Stupid me just realized that the last photos of them were 4 years ago. I mean I knew that and figured ages but it just occurred to me that they must be much thinner and malnourished now. I really wonder what they look like to reduce staff to tears like that.

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The more that comes out the worse it gets. This proves to me that the parents were purposely taking steps to avoid getting caught by CPS and other authorities.

This and other things like picking up and moving abruptly from Texas shows the parents knew that what they were doing to their children was wrong. Because they would not have tried to hide from people if they werent trying to hide something.

Here they apparently were making their kids fix the yard in the dark at night to get their yard compliant with the city codes. Unbelievable.

"Several neighbors recalled an incident several months ago in which a number of children were out in front of the house late at night working under floodlights to put sod in the yard."

“That was kind of weird, all four of them were on the ground rolling out sod,” said Wendy Martinez, 41, who lives around the corner from the family."

"A woman who appeared to be the children’s mother was standing in front of the home, in an archway, watching, Martinez recalled."

"At the time, code enforcement officers from the city had visited the neighborhood and were citing homes with unkept yards, said Gary Stein, 32, who lives on the street."
I'm still catching up so forgive me if this has been mentioned. Responding to Jiminy (quote below)

What's creeping me out is that in 2 of the ceremonies, the girls have on the same dresses. Those dresses still fit and the girls don't look any older despite the photos being several years apart.

Tell me I'm seeing it wrong. *shudder*

I'm wondering if part of their sick fantasy is for the kids to stay kids forever, and the malnourishment part of the plan for the adult children to remain children somehow in appearance.

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More at the link:

The mom, she had a thing about the garage door opening the second she pulled in,' Clifford said. 'I don't think they had an automatic garage door opener and so one of the kids' task was when that car pulled in, that garage door better be open.

'Otherwise, she would get impatient and honk the horn and stuff. And then she'd drive straight in and you'd see all the kids get out of the back and run straight into the house.

A little too military like. It seemed OK at the time but when you think on it, it's kind of weird.'
I am sure this has been shared but just in case. Sounds very hopeful to me.

''The adults siblings are currently in stable condition but have not been medically cleared to be discharged from the hospital. They are being kept together in the same unit in an attempt to recreate a family environment as they undergo physical, psychiatric, cognitive and medical evaluations by a team of doctors in the coming days.

Hospital staff are most concerned about the eldest child, a 29-year-old woman who Uffer mistook as about 13 to 14 years old, he said.

Kamalpour and Uffer hope that with the a good environment that includes "appropriate" nourishment, physical activity and social interaction, all of the siblings will eventually be able to live a normal life. Hospital staff are currently coordinating with adult protective services to determine how to achieve that, emphasizing that there is "no rush to push them out the door," Uffer said.''
"[Teresa] Robinette said her sister left home at 16 to get married to David, who was eight years her senior. She said her sister and brother-in-law were very strict with their kids.

“They weren't allowed to date, or they didn't have a social life,” she said. “They weren't allowed to watch TV. They weren't allowed to talk on the phone, have friends over, stuff like that. Normal things that kids do.”

More here -- also has photo of family with adult children with faces unblurred.
Thanks I should have read the whole thread before posting. I'm watching the full Vegas video, I can't possibly imagine what that Elvis impersonator was thinking.
More at the link:

The mom, she had a thing about the garage door opening the second she pulled in,' Clifford said. 'I don't think they had an automatic garage door opener and so one of the kids' task was when that car pulled in, that garage door better be open.

'Otherwise, she would get impatient and honk the horn and stuff. And then she'd drive straight in and you'd see all the kids get out of the back and run straight into the house.

A little too military like. It seemed OK at the time but when you think on it, it's kind of weird.'

Even though both the parents were obviously wrong in how they dealt with the children because both were charged with a crime it seems a lot of the articles show more negative things towards the mother moreso than the father.

Could be a sign that something was medically wrong with her other than just being plain evil towards the kids.

As part of the criminal charges I have to wonder if the defense or prosecution will require medical assessment of one or both of them. Maybe that could be a standard practice in cases like this.
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