CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #4

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As heartwarming a post as this sounds, it actually a lot more complex. If they befriend cootie kid, they become a cootie kid. Do we really want to insist out kids ostracize themselves to make up for a lack of adult responsibility? Is that fair? Is it healthy? Peer aceptence, friendship Is a huge deal for children, being kind is virtue we all hope to instill in our kids, but self sacrifice needs to be warrented, lest it border on pathology in itself.

Imo, it's not this third grade peer group that failed this child. They were behaving like third graders.

Respectfully, I dont think that's what that post was about at all. I don't think this person was blaming a bunch of third graders. Seems like a regretful post to me and how he wishes they would have been kinder. Seems more of a message about kindness and compassion, and being kind to one another because you never know what goes on behind closed doors, IMO.

Also IMO, I have a 14 year old child and I'd be more proud of her for bonding with the cootie kid and being kind than over being accepted Into the popular group any day, lol
Family members wanting to adopt the children.

(Please delete if this has already been posted or is not allowed.)

[FONT=&quot]Billy, who has a one-year-old *daughter and a nine-month-old son, said: “I would like to apply to adopt the three youngest children.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“My sister Teresa has said she will take some in too.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“These kids are flesh and blood to us and although those sick bastards let them down, we won’t.”[/FONT]

Billy and Teresa sound like pretty decent people and mean well, I think and hope. I would feel better about them if they backed out of the media. But, regardless of them being flesh and blood, it is not best for the children to be split up. They will need years of professional help that I doubt their aunt and uncle can provide. Here’s hoping they can have a relationship with their nieces and nephews someday.
Family members wanting to adopt the children.

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They wanted a reality show because they had 13 children---even though 7 of them were adults and that's why they moved to California? To be closer to Hollywood? I think Billy has been hanging around his sister too much. In a reality show, the cameras are in your face all day. There's no way in hell they wanted anyone to see what they were doing to those children.
[\QUOTE=Webby45;13880281]Respectfully, I dont think that's what that post was about at all. I don't think this person was blaming a bunch of third graders. Seems like a regretful post to me and how he wishes they would have been kinder. Seems more of a message about kindness and compassion, and being kind to one another because you never know what goes on behind closed doors, IMO.

Also IMO, I have a 14 year old child and I'd be more proud of her for bonding with the cootie kid and being kind than over being accepted Into the popular group any day, lol[/QUOTE]

If she actually liked cootie kid, I see your point, but just for the sake of pleasing (adults) others, (being "nice"), at her own expense not so much. I'm merely suggesting the "regret" is misplaced.
Yea. I agree. The Turpin's stepped away from a very restrictive religion. That's not why they did this. I just finished watching the 20/20 episode and I realize now that Louise is probably more guilty in all this than maybe even David. Haven't figured him out at all yet. I have a psychology and human behavior degree and the mom's history very much fits the profile of someone with borderline personality disorder. My ex sister in law has it and it is not managed. She is psychologically abusive to my niece who is somewhat intellectually disabled. In the 20-20 Louise's sister talking about how the kids were locked in their rooms for hours at a time made me immediately think of my sis in law. My bro in law and his current wife have been fighting for full custody forever. It's a constant battle tho b/c the state of TX is a "mother's state" and it takes something monumental to get the state to relinquish full custody to fathers regardless of they ability to provide appropriate care. It's sad. Mind control is hard to prove especially when the only witness is a disabled 13 year old who has been brainwashed by mommy dearest. Louise very much reminds me of her.

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That’s interesting, I’ve been pondering who the dominant partner was in the marriage. In many of these harrowing cases one is bad and one is mad.
Do we know when the father last worked?
If he was working for most of the years, I’d lay most of the blame with Louise, she had it in her power to give those children a decent life while he was at work, but didn’t.
I don’t get the impression that she was frightened of him, watching their interactions during the wedding renewal thing, I got the impression he was fairly laid back. Also the children seemed to be genuinely laughing with / at dad during the ceremony,
I think she has a personality disorder.
I’d be interested in reading who others think was the controlling partner.
Here is the cropped photo where she looks pregnant to me. Since she has had multiple pregnancies she may look further along than she actually is. I think this coincides with the 2013 Vegas renewal. She is wearing a different dress than the other times and her hair looks the same as this picture in length and color. If this is from the end of 2013, then it would not be the youngest child.

I don't think this looks like the 2015 renewal. It doesn't look like her from the photo they put up on their FB of the 2011 renewal, but on the 2011 renewal video she looks a bit heavier, but not that heavy, but, she may have put on a girdle, or sprung for a pair of spanks, for the occasion.

The baby was born, somewhere in mid-to-late 2015. There's a photo of her, sitting beside the water, with the baby, who looks to be about 4-6 months old, (I'm not good with guessing baby ages), in the first week of October 2015. Of course the pic could have been taken earlier than 10/2015. They said the youngest was two, though, so that would be about right, for the baby to be in the 2015 vow renewal. I went back to check and the Elvis Wedding/Vow Renewal site has taken the videos down. I'm surprised they didn't earlier.
Regarding everyone's concern over the possibility of them being moved to a possible adoptive home I believe that if it is an experienced, well qualified foster home that is truly wanting to adopt this would be a much better environment for these siblings than an sort of a group home. I worked for CPS for 6 years and no group home, no matter how wonderful the staff, is still a group home with people who are being paid to care for the siblings and could quit or leave at anytime. Not to mention the instability and inconsistency that comes with having multiple caregivers. These siblings need a loving nurturing home with adults who will stick by them no matter what and who will teach them the skills they need to be successful and that only comes in an actual home not a group one. I believe that the right family with support from a team of therapist and healthcare professionals could be more successful in helping these kids heal.

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Absolutely agree. What I am thinking is perhaps a combo of a truly loving home and a benefactor will emerge for these children. There's something about the sorrow of their plight right now, contrasted with the forced happiness of the photo ops that has me beset... And, it had to be so dire for number 8 sibling to chance it. As the days turn into a week, it sinks in...

I have to salute WS... I have been reading every post, every observation, every concern for their future well being, the call to respect for their dignity.

I don't think there is a LE, or Medical person, or legal counsel, or foster care program that is going to let these children slip through any cracks. I don't think there is a person on the planet who is not horrified.

Just think what healing exists in a good soup, a good meal? I think of how a happy belly might feel...

These children have never seen a dentist... Ok, that's no fun... Omg, when I think of just all the normal things I can't wrap my brain around it.

That's why I agree that a loving consistency is paramount to healing. Someone who is there through thick and thin. (With Huge support)

Ironically, the forced happy pictures do reveal an incredible bond of closeness. These are not kids acting out in photos but all lined up in solidarity. Imo- they are close... And they know love.
(I have tried all day to watch this video, as it was also posted this morning, but it just won't play sigh....oh, wait maybe if I try another browser...)

It doesn't work for me either. Try this one.

So far behind, but I just want to brainstorm a few thoughts after reading the first 24 pages...

I can't figure out how David combined work with his family life. Any co-worker could easily find those happy family photos on Facebook, so it was out there that he had up to 13 children. So how did he explain the invisibility of these children? Did he just not interact or chat with workmates? There must be some odd encounters with co-workers who couldn't see why this father of 13 seemed to present as a father of just one or two children.

I wonder if some of the younger kids were sometimes pulled out of the torture chamber to act the role of beloved older sibling in smaller outings. Others here have discussed that David and Louise had DVDs of shows like Everybody Loves Raymond - maybe they did choose a few favourites to sit at the table occasionally and balance out the happy family picture. Keep in mind that children are very much background characters in sitcoms revolving around adults, and so if Louise was trying to act out her latest favourite TV show, she could still banish the kids periodically.

Re the journals - I just want to cry with grief and thankfulness that they had the gift of expressing themselves. Without books to read or even TV to watch, I think their vocabulary would be limited, but still it is the one gift their parents gave them, even if it was tainted.
In Anne Frank's words: I want to go on living even after my death! And therefore I am grateful to God for this gift, this possibility of developing myself and of writing, of expressing all that is in me. I can shake off everything if I write; my sorrows disappear; my courage is reborn.
New dm article states LE may bring in cadaver dogs and do dna tests

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I have admittedly had to skip pages to try and keep up here, but I have a question I haven't seen addressed. The brave young woman who called 911, has anyone said if she waited outside for police or if she had to crawl back into that house and wait to be rescued? I am 100% sure she was terrified, shaking uncontrollably, scared to death that nobody would come, and also scared to death about what might happen if they did. My heart breaks for all 13 children in this family, but I can't help feeling the same mix of emotions for this 17 year old that I felt for Michelle grief at what she had to endure is equaled by my awe of her strength and bravery. She saved 13 people. She did it with all odds against her. And with little knowledge about what was waiting on the other side. Cases like this smack you in the face simultaneously with the horrifying depths of depravity people are capable of, and also the shocking resilience of the human spirit. I am humbled by this young woman. Not thing #8. Not victim #8. She has proven herself to be neither.

I too have wondered about the details of the 17-year-old's escape. I think it's likely she went out the front window. A very early report said it was early Sunday morning and I seem to remember that the police were there by 8:30am. Knowing now that the family went to bed about 4:30am and slept during the day, I think she waited until she knew that the parents were asleep and then made her escape. I'm just assuming that she may have walked away from the house and maybe around a corner and made the phone call. I'm assuming too that the dispatcher on the other end of that 911 call told her they were sending a police car and to wait where she was.

Some years ago, before cell phones, my purse was stolen in the supermarket parking lot. I went into the supermarket to call 911. A police car was sent to the store and the officer asked me to take a seat in the passenger seat. He asked questions and filled out the report.

Based on my experience, I'm assuming that the police car got to the location and likely asked the girl to get in. The officer took the report and looked at the pictures on the girl's cell phone, and reported what the girl said and what the pictures depicted to headquarters. Perhaps he was able to forward the pictures on her cell phone to headquarters.

Headquarters sent out several police cars as follow-up and the rest is history.

This is just speculation on my part about what may have happened. I hope someday we'll get the details of how the brave young lady escaped.
The fact that she brought proof makes me believe they had tried to tell someone before and weren't believed.

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I have thought the same thing. They must have tried to tell someone in the past and were not believed. This poor girl has somehow managed to obtain the deactivated cellphone, then leaned how to use it to take the pictures, then escape and call 911 -- because they were not believed in the past. :tantrum: :shame:
In this case it would be even harder to escape because this is all these children knew. Amazing that 17 year old managed to do it.

I've not caught up with everything overnight, but you know, this doesn't sit completely square for me.

We're told all the children have developmental problems, which I'm guessing are the result of nutritional deficiencies. From memory, a pp mentioned or quoted reference to a 17 year old (and I assume that means this 17 year old) having had the equivalent of only a first grade level of education, which is what? That intended for a 5 or 6 year old?

I may be completely off base here but I find it hard to believe that such a person could spend 2 years planning anything.
My prediction for the plea bargain:

12 counts of torture - dropped
12 counts of false imprisonment - guilty plea
Seven counts of abuse of a dependent adult - guilty plea
Six counts of child abuse - guilty plea
One count of sexually abusing a child - probably dropped.

On the 25 counts they will be sentenced to 25 consecutive sentences. Which will equal multiple life sentences.
Regarding the age gap between the two year old and the youngest siblings, I wonder if both parents didn't want another baby and eventually one spouse convinced the other. Or if they did, and were unable to get pregnant right away, I wonder if this helped fuel the anger of the 'parents' towards the children.

Or maybe it really was an accident. The late surprise baby has happened to a lot of women who thought they were too old to conceive. It happened to some neighbours of ours when I was at university and it tore that family apart.
I've not caught up with everything overnight, but you know, this doesn't sit completely square for me.

We're told all the children have developmental problems, which I'm guessing are the result of nutritional deficiencies. From memory, a pp mentioned or quoted reference to a 17 year old (and I assume that means this 17 year old) having had the equivalent of only a first grade level of education, which is what? That intended for a 5 or 6 year old?

I may be completely off base here but I find it hard to believe that such a person could spend 2 years planning anything.

I am thinking right now, the LE/DA is going to want to put the worst possible senerio out there. (Not saying there wasn't terrible treatment), just like in the Theresa Halbach case where they claimed she was stabbed, raped, shot, begged for her life ect... and they didn't even have a body, or a crime scene.

I never believe everything I read in the press anymore. There are quite a few things that are being reported that dont add up to me, but it's the DA's job to convict and it always starts pre-trial.
I'm not buying any of the BS about a kidnapping. She said that he signed her out of school. No school employee in their right mind would ever allow a boyfriend of any age to sign his girlfriend out of school. Nobody but a parent or a legal guardian can do that. That story is just insanely unbelievable. The shower story doesn't make much more sense.

In the era that they pulled off the school thing, yep, I believe that they could have pulled it off. I ditched school every chance I got, in that era. Some of my creativity would not fly today, but, it got me out of school back in the day!

I don't buy the shower story after the 20/20 interview. In that interview, the initial shower story changed, significantly. I'm not sure I buy much of anything that sister is selling, at this point.
I've not caught up with everything overnight, but you know, this doesn't sit completely square for me.

We're told all the children have developmental problems, which I'm guessing are the result of nutritional deficiencies. From memory, a pp mentioned or quoted reference to a 17 year old (and I assume that means this 17 year old) having had the equivalent of only a first grade level of education, which is what? That intended for a 5 or 6 year old?

I may be completely off base here but I find it hard to believe that such a person could spend 2 years planning anything.

I think most kids finish 1st grade somewhere around 7- 8 years old. I don't really think that the amount of education she has is an accurate measure of her intelligence. She may have only been taught the basics in reading, and not much more than counting for math, but that doesn't mean she couldn't have reasoning abilities, some common sense, and the ability to make plans. I really think they all needed to have a reasonable amount of those skills, in addition to the patience of a saint (to wait for the perfect time), and obviously a lot of inner and physical strength to survive what they've been through. I just hope they have a lot of people reminding them of those strengths they do have rather than just focusing on what their deficiencies are. I know it's often easy to get lost in the "we still need to do this, learn that, etc." mode, and forget to remind ourselves what we have done and learned, and give ourselves credit for the advances we've made in life. MOO
It hasn't been claimed anywhere that the kids were not allowed to watch tv, has it? Be it DVD's or normal TV.
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