CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #2

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You just can't make this stuff up. I'll bet the conspiracy websites, are going crazy with all this info. I'm now beginning to wonder about the wife. The reporter on MSNBC was talking to people, and evidently she never went anywhere without being covered all up. He was figuring the pictures of a woman in the house may not be her. That's what he said.

Are they sure it was a woman and that the baby was biologically hers?
Could they have switched women?
Lovebirds. Whaddya need? Tactical gear. Check. Hajib. Check. Red brassiere and other assorted scanties. Check.

Clamshell phone?

I saw phone too and thought same what is a clamshell phone ?
If this guy had been teased and subjected to disparaging remarks about his Muslim appearance - - -ding ding ding! LAWSUIT! Friggin' idiot. In today's PC world, he could CASH IN! Leave the kiddo set for LIFE, to say the least, set up Mom for her retirement. And then go on your little jihadist rampage. But nooooooo . .. the family now gets to use this LAME excuse for his violent acts.

Actually, the family said it appeared he got over it and were at a loss to explain his motivation.
I really don't understand how it was cleared! Where's the fingerprint dust? Why are shredded papers in the trash can?! Crazy!
Thank you Treelights! That made me smile and tear up a little...
My Grandfather, Father, and Brothers were military too...

When we were kids, my parents used have us make hand drawn pictures, on Holidays, and bring them to the Old Solders Home, in Holyoke MA. ( I grew up in the Springfield area), to thank those men for their service. Those tough old solders would cry. (And hug us Sooo tightly, we would cry too lol!). It really means so very much to have those words of thanks.

I want to thank all the posters today, for that. I wanted to do so individually, but I am running late for an appointment, hopefully I can get a chance later on. Just know that I so, SO appreciate the kindness!

A bit off topic here...
How sweet of your parents to instill kindness to others. That was nice! Hand drawn pictures!!
God Bless!!
I watched a video (CBS) of the owner of the condo. He's an old man and said when he opened up the door the media pushed their way into the condo. After his brief interview, I guess the FBI showed up. jmo
Are they sure it was a woman and that the baby was biologically hers?
Could they have switched women?

That was one of my thoughts. People keep clamoring to release a photo of her, but I have been wondering if the slow release had to do with confirming her identity.
I'm thinking the living quarters have been released but not the garage. I'll bet the garage was a treasure trove. More than the living quarters. IMO. I guess it would be out of LE's hands if the Landlord wanted to conduct tours. Note-we did not get a garage tour. Likely not released. Yet.

I have a feeling the garage is complely empty!!
Are they sure it was a woman and that the baby was biologically hers?
Could they have switched women?

Love that my concept has caught on. Okay, it was something of a joke, but . . maybe not!
My nephew is in Special Forces. This is scaring me to death. :(
I really don't understand how it was cleared! Where's the fingerprint dust? Why are shredded papers in the trash can?! Crazy!

I dunno. Maybe the Landlord had been in prior and started a clean up of sorts? I did not hear the Landlord speak as I had a phone call and muted.
This presser is nothing more than propaganda for the WH to promote gun control while blaming republicans for the lack thereof. He even said he doesn't want to talk about what happened in CA. IMO.
Fabulous post. Couldn't agree more.
I'm not caught up, but, had to pause to agree with you.
We are in big trouble. Our kids are in big trouble.

And mostly...thank your son for putting his life on the line, so, we can
Go on with ours. Hugs.

kids are in big trouble. in soooooooooo many ways
I can't speak for others. But for me...I've kept an open mind from the start. And also, people are allowed to change their opinion as more information comes out. I, personally, try not to jump to too many conclusions at the start of things with very little information. From the beginning, I've thought it could be terrorism, a work place issue, or a combination of many factors. And with CURRENT information, I am thinking combo. Obviously a planned act. And we now know they have ties to terrorist groups. But I think he chose his co-workers because they were easy targets and perhaps he didn't like some of them.

I don't recall anyone here saying anything like "it's definitely NOT terrorism." But I do recall a lot of people saying "it's definitely NOT a workplace problem." I think it's irresponsible to say either thing, especially in the beginning with little information given.

The difference here is that this is website for discussing cases amongst ourselves. We are not LE or media.
MOO, she was looking for a way into the US as an already radicalized terrorist. They met on a dating website and she came in on a fiancée visa. I believe she was the influence in this whole disaster.

I do too, and I hope that takes the "72 virgins" thing off the table. IMO it was never about that for any of them. It's something far more sinister.
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