CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #2

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Imagine living in the apartment next door, one is decorated with Christmas decorations. One apt nicely decorated, and then next door you have an apt basically full of junk, baby toys, documents, a giant wall décor of a wrist watch, and a piece of exercise equipment with the price tag still on it.
One talking head stated FBI had spent 24 hrs. going thru that small living quarter. It likely has been cleared.
These selfish, evil monsters may have had an idea to use the baby in some way to further their jihad. Too horrible to think about. And yet we have to be able to think like they do, to be on the alert, even for "innocent" situations.

When I see a group of Middle Easterners gathered in a store or restaurant, I feel uncomfortable on a gut level. I make sure I know where the exits are. If this is profiling or paranoia, then so be it. My thoughts are my thoughts. So often I've seen these men hanging around grocery stores or second-hand shops. They might not even be Muslims. . But I am not hurting them by being careful. I am not threatening them, or endangering their lives.

We all just need to be vigilant when out in public.

The baby, to be somewhat cold, is a game changer. How many other terrorists are married . . with a child? I believe that the profile is a disenfranchised, unemployed (or possibly in the case of domestic terrorists) young man. The FBI and other agencies need to buckle down and evaluate this crime, to the ends of the earth, if possible, and re-evaluate their thinking on this matter.
RE half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area

IMO only

Lanza was white
Homes was white
Doug Williams was white
Congress woman one was white ( Loughner’s )
Charles Carl Roberts IV was white
Omaha shopping mall was white
Luba restaurant was white
Mark Orrin Barton was white
Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden were white
church one was white
planned parenting was white
Andrew Engeldinger was white
Sikh temple was white
the movie theater cop was white
Michael McDermott
Elliot was white
The spa guy was white
Worst mass killer - Seung-Hui Cho- was Korean
COlumbine was white
Norway was white
Andrew Williams, was white
Umpqua Community College was white
paris folks were french citizens for the most part
Mother Jones 73 public mass shootings across the country, with the killings ... Forty-four of the killers were white males. mass shooters

This is america - it is not IMO ok to say cause one is black or muslim that we need to be reporting people casue of their race or nationality

thats hitler -- we learned from that I would hope

I feel that becuz people of an ethic minority have had issues with LE and a long historical debate over PC and Ethnic profiling sometimes linked to race/gender/colour etc.
Is why suspicions that are aroused in the general community tend to be looked over. If you see a gang in the street you don't want them to target you if they get pulled over by LE.
IMO we ALL have reason and a right to live in safety in our own home. And if we feel like something could bring harm to us or our community then it SHOULD be brought to LE attention. Regardless. PC has and is been vastly over used in many stupid circumstances and more being used as a 'get outta jail free card' citing people's 'rights'.

I agree. You really cannot prepare for all situations. I still think more security at public centers, malls and schools would help to reduce the amount of soft targets available. No way to eliminate the threat. I don't agree with most of Israels politics, but they are pretty committed to security checks and safety. I know it doesn't always work and the U.S. is huge in comparison, I just feel as though our Government is allowing for "collateral damage" in the war on Terror.

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IMO. I knid of think it is hard for us to accept having no control and being powerless. Having more armed LE everywhere is sadly not going to do anything to someone walking around with bombs and perps who want to die
lady with dog touring house !!

looked like black friday except with big cameras already purchased!!
DCFS need to look into who has the baby and if this is an appropriate environment for raising a child. My thought it, this child is in danger. Grave danger, just being there.

I agree. That baby needs a name change and witness protection.

How could those ****ers do that to their child? Why even have one?
Shock and awe, they were Muslims with ties to terrorist organizations. /s
Since my last post showing the statistical likelihood of that must have upset some, since it vanished,
may I just say; My Son is Army Special Forces. He has served in Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Afghanistan and three years in Germany.

My son does not live in fear, and neither do I, but I do wish people would wake the F'k up and smell the gunpowder already!
We are in serious trouble. IMO: If your baking cookies and holding up "Refugees Welcome" signs, you might as well be wearing a suicide belt.

I'm not caught up, but, had to pause to agree with you.
We are in big trouble. Our kids are in big trouble.

And mostly...thank your son for putting his life on the line, so, we can
Go on with ours. Hugs.
lady with dog touring house !!

looked like black friday except with big cameras already purchased!!

You just can't make this stuff up. I'll bet the conspiracy websites, are going crazy with all this info. I'm now beginning to wonder about the wife. The reporter on MSNBC was talking to people, and evidently she never went anywhere without being covered all up. He was figuring the pictures of a woman in the house may not be her. That's what he said.
I'm thinking the living quarters have been released but not the garage. I'll bet the garage was a treasure trove. More than the living quarters. IMO. I guess it would be out of LE's hands if the Landlord wanted to conduct tours. Note-we did not get a garage tour. Likely not released. Yet. sure got quiet from all the folks claiming this was nothing more than workplace violence and poo-poo'ing the very idea it could be related to ISIS.

That's nothing more than willful denial of the obvious.

I can't speak for others. But for me...I've kept an open mind from the start. And also, people are allowed to change their opinion as more information comes out. I, personally, try not to jump to too many conclusions at the start of things with very little information. From the beginning, I've thought it could be terrorism, a work place issue, or a combination of many factors. And with CURRENT information, I am thinking combo. Obviously a planned act. And we now know they have ties to terrorist groups. But I think he chose his co-workers because they were easy targets and perhaps he didn't like some of them.

I don't recall anyone here saying anything like "it's definitely NOT terrorism." But I do recall a lot of people saying "it's definitely NOT a workplace problem." I think it's irresponsible to say either thing, especially in the beginning with little information given.
I agree. That baby needs a name change and witness protection.

How could those ****ers do that to their child? Why even have one?

Unfortunately, there are some terrorists that do much worse to their child. There are plenty of videos out there of so-called "parents" strapping bombs to their own children to use on suicide missions. I'm not talking teenagers, either. I'm talking ages 4-10!
Why isn't there clothing on those hangers in the closet?
Also, I see a cell phone lying open on the kitchen counter. Something isn't right.

Lovebirds. Whaddya need? Tactical gear. Check. Hajib. Check. Red brassiere and other assorted scanties. Check.

Clamshell phone?
very strange inside house tons of ID passports left behind would you not think they would take them ????????????????

Is there a link? Or are you watching this on television?
Anderson Cooper echoing many of our sentiments that this is Bizarre--The media allowed into their home.

Was No crime scene tape nor was apartment locked up by LE or FBI>>leaving tons of fingerprints all over the place

While watching this on CNN, I saw the landlord being interviewed. Motive for this? his 15 mins. IMO. I won't listen or watch any interview with him.:gaah:
very strange inside house tons of ID passports left behind would you not think they would take them ????????????????

They were never coming back. Why would they need them?

Also government issued ID - maybe they felt above that. Maybe they wanted to stick their fake IDs in everyone's faces?
IIRC the police were at their house four hours after the shooting. What were the Farooks doing during that four hour period?

Also, perhaps Farook left his jacket on the chair hoping that investigators would believe he had been shot in the carnage. That and the fact that they rented a car (obviously they had a car that they owned) indicates that they wanted to elude detection. The rental car plates would not be traced by the police for days and the jacket would lead people to believe that he was one of the unidentified bodies or one of the wounded

What happened to the wounded? Are they still in the hospital?

This whole thing is some sort of terrorist act; like the Boston marathon bombers. Beyond sad that this is in our beloved country.

And, so much for vetting the 10,000 Syrian refugees; the wife was "vetted" and look how this turned out.

They should ban Americans from going to the ME; Saudi Arabia etc., unless they have a vetted and approved reason to be there.
To me, going to SA is suspicious in and of itself. Who goes to "visit" these god-forsaken countries where they stone women?

That is not what AMeirca represents-- all this stuff. If one wants to travel to SA that is there choice etc. This notion that visa' and all that stuff is perfect for anyone going through that process - turst me IMO if we banned all refuges from the face of the earth ISIs will still be terrorizing America.

It IMO , just gives us a false feeling of scurity.

THe reality here is life is risky, we all get into dangerous cars daily...having the govt determine what risks each of us are to take is peronal, our choices and none of our govt bussiness.

everystep we take in that direction makes up hypocrites land of the free and home of the brave but you cant go here or there, etc

Russia does that

Hitler did that
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