CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #4

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Same here. And now I heard that she lied about her address on the Visa application.

Yes, how about that one. The American Embassy is supposed to do the vetting from that end. Didn't even googlemap it to see if it was a real house. That's bad, really bad.
[h=1]font not me CNN

3 stabbed at London tube station in terror attack, polic saye[/h]
Not surprising at all. I still believe that AlQuada ,or some affiliate, targeted Sayed by sending him a 'perfect' wife, all wrapped in a nice Jihadi bow.

If that's the case, I'd assume he was radicalized quite some time ago. Does that make any sense?
Has the Canadian border been a source of terrorists entering the US?

This is from 2012:

U.S. border chief says terror threat greater from Canada than Mexico

When it comes to the threat of terrorism, the Canadian border is a bigger problem than the Mexican one, a U.S. security official says.

Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Alan Bersin said he is concerned that potential terrorists are exploiting Canadian loopholes to gain entry to the United States.


Last year, U.S. agents are said to have arrested 450,000 migrants crossing from Mexico, where drug wars are resulting in mass murder. This compares to about 7,500 inadmissible people caught crossing the Canadian border.

Despite these overall numbers, Mr. Bersin said that it is "commonly accepted that the more significant threat" to the United States comes from the north.
I'm with you on that, I just didn't expect the red-brassiere-wearing honeypot to have a mole on the tip of her nose and look like a tired, middle-aged woman.

Amazing that her womb still worked. That poor baby! I was thinking today, it's good that aunt/uncle (assuming at this point in time that they are not radicals) wish to adopt the baby. But her parents legacy will be known to her, and that would be a lot for any person to carry. Maybe a closed adoption to strangers to the family would be in the baby's best interest? A chance at a normal life.
There were two Western Union wires shown, one for $9.99, a send fee, and the other for $100, both on 10/30/15. The balance in the account was $63,735.36. Farook lived at home with his mother until 2013 or 2014, he may have saved that money. I worked with a Pakastani guy who lived with his parents and he saved all his paychecks, he didn't have to pay for anything. In fact he would have four or five paychecks in his wallet that he hadn't even cashed!

we need to find out how much mom got when she sold the condo funding?

he earned 51K translation 37 K clear its mom!!
I don't think there are many pro-active ways to stop or to slow these kinds of aggressive attacks without also addressing the root causes of the aggression. We (our government) needs to identify those root causes and then work to diffuse them from the inside out by infiltrating hostile groups, taking down their infrastructures and by fighting their lies and bastardizations of the facts with truth.

There are many other things that can be done with are more re-active. Close our borders, step up surveillance and intelligence gathering, increase public awareness and alertness, Increase the public's ability to protect and defend themselves and one another, Interview and conduct background checks on current visa holders and immigrants, encourage the public to come froward with info on anyone promoting violence, etc.

On a personal level, we who can SHOULD arm ourselves and prepare each for our own defense as best we can, IMO.

repectfully ,

the cause , is because for years all of our collation has been dropping bombs, killing there aunts uncle sister brother, friedns,making them homeless, hungry, thirsty----

what they are doing , in their minds ist identical to what we are doing to them

what they call terror we call war
what we call terror they call war

it truly is that simple - they are killing us , we have been killing them

what is the coalation repsonese ,, to make everything worse - that does not result in less attacks , it increases the liklihood of rage, just like us over here

there is no differnce

what the answer is I am clueless

it is not gonna stop - we are gonna keep killing their aunts uncles momms dad sisters over there and they are gonna keep doing the same to us

its simple really....................
A mass shooting is totally different from a terrorist attack imo

Okay. To me, they have many similarities. I pretty much consider ALL mass shootings to be terrorism. The San Bernardino incident to me is terrorism AND a mass shooting.

You don't have to click the link if it doesn't interest you.
repectfully ,

the cause , is because for years all of our collation has been dropping bombs, killing there aunts uncle sister brother, friedns,making them homeless, hungry, thirsty----

what they are doing , in their minds ist identical to what we are doing to them

what they call terror we call war
what we call terror they call war

it truly is that simple - they are killing us , we have been killing them

what is the coalation repsonese ,, to make everything worse - that does not result in less attacks , it increases the liklihood of rage, just like us over here

there is no differnce

what the answer is I am clueless

it is not gonna stop - we are gonna keep killing their aunts uncles momms dad sisters over there and they are gonna keep doing the same to us

its simple really....................

I think it goes back farther than that. Putting the Shah in charge was the beginning of us screwing over the Middle East. (It might go back farther. That's just what I'm most aware of.)

That's just us though. Other countries have had their own roles.

I doubt that he ever saw her face before they were married. I bet he was not happy once she revealed herself. I too wonder if she is not the person that owns that name. I saw a group photo of when she was a student and without the list of names I would not have picked her out. I am beginning to think she was planted and is no who she claims.

Do you have a link to the photo? I saw something like that but it was some aviation academy so I don't think that was her. But perhaps there's another photo I haven't seen.
Absolutely. I have relatives in that area of London, and by all accounts, a tube station in Luton on a Saturday night is a place where stabbings and other violent incidents are a fairly regular occurrence. With everything that's been on the news the last few weeks, its not surprising that a certain type of nut would spice up his psychotic break with some ranting about Syria. Not exactly ISIS material though.

Oh indeedy. But nevertheless in light of recent days. And The soldier Lee Rigby beheading in London with a machete. People are gonna be jumpy. But what a loon I would tasered his *advertiser censored* double bubble.... 😬
I think it goes back farther than that. Putting the Shah in charge was the beginning of us screwing over the Middle East. (It might go back farther. That's just what I'm most aware of.)

That's just us though. Other countries have had their own roles.


until all sides get:

what they call war we call terrorism
and what we call war they call terrorism

nothing is gonna stop

They killed uncle Bob the other day, we killed ucle sam last week

what is the differecne - are we outraged yep

are they yep
what is our repsonse, kill more
what is their response kill more

its endless as wee are waking up to

i think Obama is gonna start to work on boots on the ground!
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