CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #4

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I think it is unfortunate that they aren't including that people who can't flee and have to hide.... if the shooter comes into the area where they are hiding to be ready to attack with whatever is available to them. A fire extinguisher, chair etc anything is better than just sitting there and being shot. jmo

A leader of a San Bernardino mosque said investigators questioned him about a series of text messages he sent massacre gunman Syed Farook, but they were only about food donations for Islamic holy days.

Roshan Abbassi, assistant imam at Dar-Al-Uloom Al-Islamia, told NBC News that Farook had volunteered to bring chicken biryani to the masjid for the evening meal that marks the breaking of the daily fast during Ramadan.

Between June 12 and June 28, he and Farook exchanged 38 messages, he said, according to his phone records.

"He was bringing food, so I was coordinating with him," Abbassi said. "They were nothing more than about food."

[There were THIRTY EIGHT texts about him donating chicken to a Ramadan potluck? LOL]

until all sides get:

what they call war we call terrorism
and what we call war they call terrorism

nothing is gonna stop

i think Obama is gonna start to work on boots on the ground!

Followed up with occupation and restoration?
admit I am not politically correct. I do profile people. In my case, I live in the DFW area where there is a large Muslim population. Now I look at them & wonder, are you a good guy or a bad guy? I would never be antagonistic or rude toward one. I just simply wonder. The same would hold true if Russians, Japanese, Chinese, South Americans, or Africans were committing terroristic acts in the USA or other parts of the world. Why aren't we allowed to use common sense?
Okay. To me, they have many similarities. I pretty much consider ALL mass shootings to be terrorism. The San Bernardino incident to me is terrorism AND a mass shooting.

You don't have to click the link if it doesn't interest you.

The FBI defines terrorism as acts of violence or destruction with the intent of causing fear and furthering a POLITICAL or SOCIAL agenda.

You may think they are similar but that does not change the definition of terrorism.
until all sides get:

what they call war we call terrorism
and what we call war they call terrorism

nothing is gonna stop

i think Obama is gonna start to work on boots on the ground!

That's not gonna be good Iraqi PM doesn't want US boots on ground. I read last night. SF are already there but he adamant NO BOOTS 😐
I want to go back NOT to prior 9/11, I want a 1950's Leave It To Beaver life. I don't like that this is the world my children, and eventually their children, will inherit. A political and environmental mess is what they've inherited. WWIII is not impossible. I'm really down tonight. My heart goes out to the families of those killed or injured. And the psychological harm done to all of the survivors must be immense.
Do you have a link to the photo? I saw something like that but it was some aviation academy so I don't think that was her. But perhaps there's another photo I haven't seen.

That is the one I saw.

To your point, I agree! They largely blame the U.S. and the rest of the western world for much of their losses - rather than accepting any responsibility for those military battles and declarations of war themselves.

what they are doing , in their minds ist identical to what we are doing to them

I agree.

what they call terror we call war
what we call terror they call war

it truly is that simple - they are killing us , we have been killing them

Right. I understand that is largely their mindset. However, we know that there is more to it than that. We know, for example that theirs is a Jihad (Holy war) and we can see how that rationale is being used for indiscriminate killings and other acts of terrorism.

what is the coalation repsonese ,, to make everything worse - that does not result in less attacks , it increases the liklihood of rage, just like us over here

there is no differnce

I disagree. The U.S. has exercised a great deal of restraint towards the tendency to associate the acts of a few with the belief that all Muslims are aligned with the radicals. We know better. We know that the U.S. has given ample warning to all of our self proclaimed 'enemies' prior to taking military actions. This is the reason that nations like China, Korea and Russia do not accuse the U.S. of imperialism and it's also the reason those nations do not significantly (militarily) come to the defense of the radicalized extremists. They know that they (China, Russia, etc.) are being perceived as infidels too.

There is no middle ground.

what the answer is I am clueless

it is not gonna stop - we are gonna keep killing their aunts uncles momms dad sisters over there and they are gonna keep doing the same to us

its simple really....................

Your statement makes the assumption (false assumption in my opinion) - that both sides are equally justified in their actions or that neither side is justified.

I disagree with that assumption.

Let me first say that I don't think the U.S. and it's foreign policies and military tactics are flawless and blameless. That said, I do feel that there are many more checks and balances in place to keep our military actions limited and justified and the same can not be said of ISIS and other like minded terrorist groups and their actions.
we need to find out how much mom got when she sold the condo funding?

he earned 51K translation 37 K clear its mom!!

According to the Washington Post, he earned $71k in 2013.

Farook made $71,230 in 2013, state records show.


I also find this interesting from the same article. I don't think they would want to leave a bomb factory behind. I don't know what her reply was but maybe this expedited things.

Last month, Miller [the landlord] e-mailed her tenants to let them know she would be selling her properties because her husband was ailing. Farook replied that he was interested in buying the place he was renting.
Oh i think this started two years ago-- h quit going to "pray" two years ago for guns pipe bomb componerts i would assume is a time consuming undertaking

I think all this praying was shopping for his arronsel

thats just hard to grasp mom has no curiosity about a resident in her home has ups empting his truck at her door -- its totally illigical

any of you that have kids, and ups was "unloading" on a daily basis, none of you would ask honey what is all this

starting to think (money from condo sale) that mommy has a lot more going on here

that would explain moms suppossed cluelessness - where was mom (grandma) from? how long has she been here? what is her source of income?
how old is she?
I want to go back NOT to prior 9/11, I want a 1950's Leave It To Beaver life. I don't like that this is the world my children, and eventually their children, will inherit. A political and environmental mess is what they've inherited. WWIII is not impossible. I'm really down tonight. My heart goes out to the families of those killed or injured. And the psychological harm done to all of the survivors must be immense.

The 1950s weren't so peachy for a large portion of the population. There was also the Korean War, McCarthyism, polio, segregation, etc. Things are better now, and we should keep our focus forward on making things even better. I mean it. Don't let what's going on right now get you down. Remember Leave it to Beaver was just a TV show, it wasn't presenting reality any better than Keeping Up With The Kardashians does now.
I want to go back NOT to prior 9/11, I want a 1950's Leave It To Beaver life. I don't like that this is the world my children, and eventually their children, will inherit. A political and environmental mess is what they've inherited. WWIII is not impossible. I'm really down tonight. My heart goes out to the families of those killed or injured. And the psychological harm done to all of the survivors must be immense.

I wasn't even a twinkle in the 50's. Altho I would of loved it.
I hear you and empathise. I worry about what world my kids are going to have to deal with. My life growing up seemed so carefree and easy. I do feel for them.
They can't climb trees. Eat fallen fruit. Skinny dip. Get on a bike early morning n return supper time. Play conkers. Sing nursery rhymes. PC has a LOT to answer for!
I do hope those all over the world who've had someone taken by evil find each day a lil easier. And can come to terms with their grief and live again. We can't let the evil win.
Take care BarryW.
Oh i think this started two years ago-- h quit going to "pray" two years ago for guns pipe bomb componerts i would assume is a time consuming undertaking

I think all this praying was shopping for his arronsel

thats just hard to grasp mom has no curiosity about a resident in her home has ups empting his truck at her door -- its totally illigical

any of you that have kids, and ups was "unloading" on a daily basis, none of you would ask honey what is all this

starting to think (money from condo sale) that mommy has a lot more going on here

that would explain moms suppossed cluelessness - where was mom (grandma) from? how long has she been here? what is her source of income?
how old is she?

OMG I can't save one month's pay check let alone two. Not by the time bills food kids have wangled it outta my purse.... 65.000.00 is FAR too many zeros for my head to get round at 1 a.m in the morning &#128552;

Rise of ISIS women: 10 of 71 recruits arrested in U.S. are female

Ten out of 71 recruits for the Islamic State terror group arrested in the U.S. since 2014 are women, according to a new report which demonstrates that the role of women in the extremist group’s ranks is increasing.

Since March 2014, 71 individuals have been charged with Islamic State-related activities, 56 were arrested in 2015 alone, a record number of terrorism-related arrests for any year since 9/11 according to the report from George Washington University’s Program on Extremism.

Much more at link....
Woman in deadly California rampage had become more devout

Early Saturday, authorities with guns drawn raided a home next door to the house where Farook's family used to live in Riverside, California, breaking windows and using a cutting torch to get into the garage, neighbors said.

The FBI would not say what it was looking for, but a neighbor said an old friend of Farook's lives there. More than three years ago, that person bought the two assault rifles later used in the shooting, but authorities haven't been able to talk to him because he checked himself into a mental hospital after the attack, said a law enforcement official who was not allowed to discuss the investigation and spoke on condition of anonymity.
one thing that has me curious....time and time again I heard the news media state that the couple "dropped off the baby with Farook's mother" and told her they were going to the Dr. If Mom lived at their home, why would they have to "drop off" the baby. Wouldn't they just say "Mom, can you keep your eye on the baby while we go to the Dr".

And, are we to assume that they changed into their "war gear" in the garage, otherwise Mom might be a big curious????

I think Mom knew more than she shared.
Okay. To me, they have many similarities. I pretty much consider ALL mass shootings to be terrorism. The San Bernardino incident to me is terrorism AND a mass shooting.

You don't have to click the link if it doesn't interest you.

I think you are both right.

That is, a Mass Shooting can be the vehicle a terrorist (or group) uses to express an act of terrorism.

I also understand Popsicle's point about how they are not always one and the same. Some mass shootings may come about more spontaneously and not necessarily with an intent to terrorize or to advance an agenda.
According to the Washington Post, he earned $71k in 2013.

Farook made $71,230 in 2013, state records show.


I also find this interesting from the same article. I don't think they would want to leave a bomb factory behind. I don't know what her reply was but maybe this expedited things.

Last month, Miller [the landlord] e-mailed her tenants to let them know she would be selling her properties because her husband was ailing. Farook replied that he was interested in buying the place he was renting.

Interesting point! If the townhouse was up for sale they'd have a tricky time hiding the thousands of rounds of ammunition for real estate showings. Might have been instrumental in them starting their terror run earlier than they may have planned. They were ready for something much bigger.
The FBI defines terrorism as acts of violence or destruction with the intent of causing fear and furthering a POLITICAL or SOCIAL agenda.

You may think they are similar but that does not change the definition of terrorism.

Title 22 of the U.S. Code, Section 2656f(d) defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.” [1]

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

Both definitions of terrorism share a common theme: the use of force intended to influence or instigate a course of action that furthers a political or social goal. In most cases, NIJ researchers adopt the FBI definition, which stresses methods over motivations and is generally accepted by law enforcement communities.
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