CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #4

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If enough people follow a religion that is inconsistent with our culture and U.S. Constitution (see birth rates posted upthread), then they can vote together for representation that will bring about the sharia/changes they want.

We used to hear about the "Melting Pot" when I was younger, but I haven't heard that term in years. Our country needs immigrants who settle here and embrace our Constitutional freedoms and culture by "melting" into our society. If one's religion prevents that from happening, what then?


If for some reason I decided to move permanently to any other country in the world I would feel obligated to do the following: learn the language, familiarize myself with the laws governing the country & abide by them. That means, as a Texan, I wouldn't go to another country wearing my 10 gallon hat, cowboy boots, Levi jeans or packing a 6-shooter on my hip & expect the natives to accept & embrace me. If I go to another country to live, I should be willing to conform to their way of life, & not try to force them to act & believe as I do. That is precisely why I could never live in a Muslim country.
ISIS members are Muslims in the same way that Klansmen are Christian.

One wouldn't want to treat Klansmen as representative of Christianity -- so why would it be appropriate to treat ISIS members as representative of Islam?

Apparently there's a difference and all Muslims should be judged and held responsible for every word in the Koran but the slavery, incest, murder and child abuse, etc., in the Bible means nothing.

Muslims are also expected to answer for ISIS and terrorism but no Christian should have to do the same for crimes and atrocities and the KKK. Or Rudolph or Mcveigh.

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Some Christians denounce the Klan -- some do not. And it's the same with Muslims vis a vis ISIS and other terrorism. So I don't see why it's ever permissible to paint all Muslims with the same brush. I certainly don't think that people like the Klan, or like Dylan Roof, are representative of Christians.

And for what it's worth, all Muslims are 'Islamic'. Saying "Islamic Muslims" is the same as saying "Christian Christians".

Who is painting all Muslims with the same brush?

We are close friends with a Muslim family in our neighborhood. Our kids grew up in school together. They are a lovely family and I would be happy if many more MODERATE Muslim families moved to our town. They are tolerant, peace loving, productive community members.

And even this family wants our country to put a moratorium on the Syrian refugees until we find an effective way to vet them.
When I took the trash out early this morning I look across and see the mail truck backed into a neighbor's driveway unloading boxes. He was backed into the guys driveway at 6:30 in the morning!

:seeya:.............. I was walking back from CVS ( buying my Beloved Grandaughter Christmas stocking candy) a US mail lady was walking up to a house to deliver a package. We greeted each other as I was passing, then all of a sudden all the packages fell out onto the street from her US( well local Mi office) post office truck, not FedEx, or UPS... onto the ground. I have no point, I would, but I would be playing a organ in band camp:innocent::chicken::silenced::p
Apparently there's a difference and all Muslims should be judged and held responsible for every word in the Koran but the slavery, incest, murder and child abuse, etc., in the Bible means nothing.

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Who said that 'all Muslims should be held responsible for every word in the Koran?' link?

If enough people follow a religion that is inconsistent with our culture and U.S. Constitution (see birth rates posted upthread), then they can vote together for representation that will bring about the sharia/changes they want.

We used to hear about the "Melting Pot" when I was younger, but I haven't heard that term in years. Our country needs immigrants who settle here and embrace our Constitutional freedoms and culture by "melting" into our society. If one's religion prevents that from happening, what then?

Why does this thread keep going back to Islamaphobia? Where are all these Muslims who aren't embracing the Constitution?

Muslims are not the enemy and all the bigotry displayed here is sad.

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Concern is fine; but his tangible fear and hysteria about the potential expression of islamaphobia was in no way warranted; Particularly by a man in his position, charged with his level of responsibility to all--a calm, reasoned and non-catastrophic approach to any crisis is far more productive in times of stress than hysteria.

And when you add in Lynch's barely veiled threats that she will charge people with hate crimes while trampling on the right to freedom of speech, it all came across as rather frantic, and an overt attempt to intimidate Americans as a whole while protecting only Muslims.

Two words....Muslim Americans.

And if "freedom of speech" incites a group to act in hate they should be prosecuted. IMO
Very moving and uplifting, imo.

"As the killers sprayed the room with bullets, Shannon Johnson wrapped his left arm around a co-worker, 27-year-old Denise Peraza, and shielded her, saying, “I got you.” One bullet hit Peraza in the back, but Johnson took most of the shots. Later, Peraza’s sister would write about Johnson on her Facebook page, saying, “This angel of a man was sitting next to my sister when the shooting happened. He helped protect her from the bullets and we are so grateful for his heroic love.”

Heroic love is what Bacon was describing in church Sunday night. It is what can inspire us all to confront the darkness of our time. It is the foundation of hope, but it demands of us one tough duty. That duty is to pledge to one another, no matter what our politics or religion or race or social standing, “I got you.”

What a beautiful thought.


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Why does this thread keep going back to Islamaphobia? Where are all these Muslims who aren't embracing the Constitution?

Muslims are not the enemy and all the bigotry displayed here is sad.

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Upthread, someone posted that 51% of muslims want sharia law. I am concerned about the incompatibility of sharia with our culture/constitution. Name-calling doesn't change that.
Two words....Muslim Americans.

And if "freedom of speech" incites a group to act in hate they should be prosecuted. IMO

Tom Metzger ended up with a 12.5 million debt because his Aryan propaganda led to a murder.

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Why does this thread keep going back to Islamaphobia? Where are all these Muslims who aren't embracing the Constitution?

Muslims are not the enemy and all the bigotry displayed here is sad.

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I'm kind of almost hesitant to say this, but oh well. I don't think anyone here is a bigot.

Jesus did not tell His followers to chop off the heads of their enemies.
Buddha did not tell his followers to chop off the heads of their enemies.
Mohammed DID tell his followers to chop off the heads of their enemies.

It's there. We cannot keep ignoring it and throwing peat moss and lime on the pile hoping to cover it up and cut the odor. It's just there.

You can find violent scriptures, verses, passages, what have you .... in every religious movement. What you cannot find is the holy and revered ones promoting violence. With the obvious exception of Mohammed, religious leader of Islam.

It doesn't mean every Muslim is following the call to violence. But it is what it is.

Significant Evidence’: Two Weeks Before San Bernardino Attack, Unusual Transaction Occurred: Report


Around Nov. 20, the source told Fox News that Farook withdrew $10,000 of the money as cash. There were also at least three $5,000 transactions, appearing to involve Farook’s mother, that took place the days before the shooting.

Investigators were trying to determine if some of the cash was used to reimburse the person who purchased Farook and his wife the rifles used in the shooting, Fox News reported.

The source described the transactions as “significant evidence of pre-meditation.
Whewwww just caught up on the reading. My Sinusitis is back with a vengeance today. That's why my head was thumping yesterday. Now have a swollen cheek eye and nose. With a huge hard lump that's restricting my nasal breathing. Arghhh I really should be a bear and hibernate all winter. Is be a friendly bear so no one need shoot me...... 😁😆🙊
Upthread, someone posted that 51% of muslims want sharia law. I am concerned about the incompatibility of sharia with our culture. Name-calling doesn't change that.

What is the percentage of Muslims in western countries who support it? Percentage in the USA? Are you really concerned about what a fraction of 1% of Americans might want? If so you must be concerned about a LOT of groups. Which others are so concerning?

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Tom Metzger ended up with a 12.5 million debt because his Aryan propaganda led to a murder.

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People in the public eye that have a platform should be careful how they use that power.
They never know what deranged minds might be taking them seriously. IMO
Investigators are exploring whether the transaction was a loan taken out by Farook, who with his wife killed 14 and wounded 21 when they opened fire at a holiday lunch.

On or about Nov.20, Fox News is told Farook converted $10,000 to cash, and withdrew the money at a Union Bank branch in San Bernardino. Afterwards, in the days before the shooting, there were at least three transfers of $5,000 that appear to be to Farook’s mother.

It's my opinion that he was leaving money for his mother to help raise the child, he did it cause he knew he didn't have to worry about paying it back. And again to me it shows mommy knew what was going on.

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