CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
UC= UnderCover

There was a lot occurring at that time as was indicated by the immense radio traffic. At one point the trunked repeater timed out and it was several seconds before the radio system came back in use.

Per radio traffic, one person was detained and there was a question about relevance to a long gun(a .22 if I remember correctly) that was found in a yard, possibly from activity the night before.

I heard the actual radio traffic when someone was asked about the 3rd suspect and the person answered and stated the detainee was a (code for UC) and was transported to an agency to be turned over to another named agency.

I also remember a transmission questioning a third person in the SUV and heard it stated there were only 2 suspects.

I do know from media reports that they report Marquez arriving at a hospital.
The radio transmissions that day don't seem to match the media reports, however there is a likelihood there is/was an informant and then there's Marquez.

Hard to reconcile all the useful info the FBI received from Marquez and him not either a UC/informant or that he may have brokered a future plea deal for cooperation.

Re propane etc - they have a video of him at Wal Mart - do you think they will put him under 24 hr surv?
Okay, so Marquez was marrying his neighbor's sister-in-law's sister? It sounds like a damn soap opera. A fraudulent, scary, stupid, deceptive, mess of a soap opera.

When I think back to all we went through (pre 9/11!) I can't believe people are getting away with this.

amazing huh - I think all this stuff is a large sleeper cell, they know this, but afraid to use those words.........
In watching this

never thought about it I wonder if the propane was stolen to resell for $ -- that sure would be better!

Someone on another thread posted a you tube video of a propane tank being shot and I was surprised I thought it exploded , here is what it did:

good lord when trying to find that one this one came up - ugh~


Is this type of gun more or less powerful than the ones used in SB and Paris
good lord when trying to find that one this one came up - ugh~


Is this type of gun more or less powerful than the ones used in SB and Paris

I can see some people thinking this looks like a fun thing to try, like super extra explosive fireworks, but it seems weird they would want to do this in the middle of winter.
Is this type of gun more or less powerful than the ones used in SB and Paris

A lot more powerful. I don't know much about military arms but I believe .50 caliber is used to shoot aircraft, vehicles, etc...

good lord when trying to find that one this one came up - ugh~


Is this type of gun more or less powerful than the ones used in SB and Paris

It's more powerful. SB used ar15 .223 caliber, Paris used ak47 7.62 x 39 caliber. Either way the propane would have exploded the same.
Marquez worked at Walmart for period of time, so its not particularly surprising he would appear on a video. Is there more information about this available?
I can see some people thinking this looks like a fun thing to try, like super extra explosive fireworks, but it seems weird they would want to do this in the middle of winter.

I just thought of something - middle of winter means it wouldn't be as much if a fire hazard as in the the summer. Not that it would ever actually be safe.

As fun as this looks I still think they were stolen for resale.
Re propane etc - they have a video of him at Wal Mart - do you think they will put him under 24 hr surv?

Ideally they would know, locate and have "eyes" on the primary's secondary, tertiary, contacts before releasing the primary's name.
Why aren’t the Arab nations fighting against ISIS?
by Emily Moulton,

DEC 21 '15, 12:30 PM

“The prospect of any meaningful military activity on the strength of 34 co-operating Islamic nations is pretty remote.”


“The reality is that Islamic State is seen in the region as less of a problem than the prospect of an ascendant Iran,” he explained.
“The primary underlying concern as far as the future of the regional security situation is that they (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, UAE) regard Iran as being intent upon hegemony over the Persian Gulf region and maintaining its primacy in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.


“But it’s not going to happen. The Arabs are not going to put boots on the ground in Syria.”


Support increasing for bill allowing government to scan social media sites
By Ali Ingersoll, News 4 Reporter

December 20, 2015, 11:23 pm

“Our government has the capability to do this extensively and efficiently,” said Sen. Schumer.

The official name for the proposed bill is Combat Terrorist Use of Social Media Act of 2015. It aims at stopping ISIS and other organizations from effectively using social media as a recruitment tool.


Behind the Black Flag: The
Recruitment of an ISIS Killer
Since the Syrian rebel leader Hassan Aboud joined ISIS, taking with him fighters
and weapons, he has been behind a sprawling mix of battlefield action and crime.

DEC. 20, 2015

Since rising to prominence as an international menace, the Islamic State has tried to glorify its members, describing them as religious warriors who raised arms to protect fellow Sunni Muslims and serve their understanding of God. But the journey of Mr. Aboud, and his recruitment by ISIS, including with cash, departs from scripts emphasizing piety or civil defense.


His path resembled not the airbrushed arcs laid out in jihadist propaganda mills but a Middle Eastern mafia tale set against the corrupting effects of war.


He asserted, again speaking softly, that Syria was being plunged into sectarian war by Iran and those it underwrites, including the Syrian government and Hezbollah. “Iran is seeking to re-establish the Persian empire, to get control over the whole Middle East,” he said.


They note that he did not simply drift to ISIS; he has had a relationship with the original underground Sunni insurgents in Iraq’s Anbar Province, part of the crucible where ISIS formed, reaching back more than a decade.


For all of Mr. Aboud’s activity, however, his story suggests limits to advancement within the group, which analysts say to a large degree remains led by Iraqis, including many connected to the dismantled Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein.


“Syrians are for fighting,” he said, and those who had joined ISIS recently faced a glass ceiling inside. “They are like animals to be ridden, like a horse or a mule.”


A relative, who asked for anonymity so as not to draw his wrath, said that while away Mr. Aboud swore allegiance, or bayat, to his militant leaders. “It was known Hassan Aboud was Al Qaeda,” he said.


The American military analyst said that today Mr. Aboud appeared to be “of midlevel stature,” and that “ISIL-core will exploit his quote-unquote ‘talents’” while seeing him as “disposable, expendable.”


“We watch the deck shuffle constantly, as they attempt to determine who will fit a role that has been vacated,” he said, “vacated” being a euphemism for “killed.”


The recording of Mr. Aboud singing — coolly in tune as he described killing old friends — was a marker of a man lost to crime, a revolution soured and a people betrayed.


The Soft Power of Militant Jihad

Dec 18 '15

Radical Islam isn’t just death and destruction. It’s also about fashion, poetry, music and dream interpretation.


Yes, some people join radical groups because they want to escape personal problems, avenge Western foreign policy or obey a radical doctrine. But some recruits may join because they find a cultural community and a new life that is emotionally rewarding.


confronting organizations and doctrines, but also a highly seductive subculture. This is bad news. Governments are much better equipped to take on the Slaughterer than they are He Who Weeps a Lot.


"The Graph / On the wall / Tells the story / Of it all" not petty criminals here, after all

The Islamic State’s suspected inroads into America
By Adam Goldman, Jia Lynn Yang and John Muyskens, The Washington Post

December 18, 2015

Screenshot 2015-12-21 at 12.33.58 AM.jpg
A freeway terror attack is the 'nightmare we worry about,' law enforcers say
by Richard Winton, The Los Angeles Times

Dec 21


The complaint does not specify the exact location but said the area lacked exits, which the pair believed would increase the number of targets.


"Terrorists are constantly looking for ways of not only hitting people at large symbolic targets and events, but also during everyday routine activities as well, where civilians are most vulnerable and least able to escape," said Brian Levin, a Cal State San Bernardino professor and director of Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism.


San Bernardino attack: Enrique Marquez is 'serious' flight risk, prosecutors say
Richard Winton, Richard A. Serrano and Paloma Esquivel, The Los Angeles Times

Dec 21
As Muslim women, we actually ask you not to wear the ‘hijab’ in the name of interfaith solidarity
By Asra Q. Nomani and Hala Arafa, The Washington Post

December 21, 7:00 am


"the spectacle at the mosque was a painful joke and reminder of the well-financed effort by conservatives to dominate modern Muslim societies. This modern-day movement spreads an ideology of political Islam, called “Islamism,” enlisting unsuspecting well-intentioned do-gooders, while promoting the headscarf for women as a virtual “sixth pillar” of Islam, after the traditional “five pillars,” the shahada (or proclamation of faith), prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage. We reject this interpretation. We are not too sexy for our hair.


The most cited verse to defend the headscarf (33:59) states, “Oh, Prophet tell thy wives and thy daughters and the believer women to draw their jilbab close around them; this will be better so that they be recognized and not harmed and God is the most forgiving, most merciful.” According to Arabic dictionaries, jilbab means “long, overflowing gown” which was the traditional dress at the time. The verse does not instruct them to add a new garment but rather adjust an existing one. It also does not mean headscarf.


Disturbingly, the government of Saudi Arabia twists its translation of the verse to even try to impose face veils on women, allowing them even to see with just “one eye.” The “Noble Quran” translation reads: “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed, and God is most forgiving, most merciful.”


We have seen what the resurgence of political Islam has done to our regions of origin and to our adoptive country.


In the name of “interfaith,” well-intentioned Americans are getting duped by the agenda of Muslims who argue that a woman’s honor lies in her “chastity,” pushing a platform to put a headscarf on every woman.

then this...

How to Sell a Hijab in Malaysia

Enrique Marquez, Friend of San Bernardino Shooters, Denied Bail
NBC News
DEC 21 2015, 3:56 PM ET

“Enrique Marquez Jr., a friend and former neighbor of the couple who killed 14 people this month in San Bernardino, California, was denied bail Monday on charges of conspiring to provide material support to terrorism and other counts.”


“U.S. Magistrate Judge David Bristow sided with prosecutors in Riverside, California, saying that while Marquez didn't appear to be a flight risk, the charges that he conspired with Farook to commit terrorist acts in 2011 and 2012 indicated that he could be a threat to the community.”​
Federal Grand Jury Indicts Friend of San Bernardino Attacker

Enrique Marquez Jr. was indicted for allegedly conspiring with Syed Rizwan Farook in 2011 and 2012. He was also charged with lying about the purchase of weapons used in the shooting and making false statements about his marriage to a relative of one of the attackers.
Marquez is scheduled to be arraigned in U.S. District Court in Riverside on Jan. 6. It was not immediately clear if his attorney had a comment.

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