CA - 3 dead, including gunman, Saugus High School, Santa Clarita, 14 Nov 2019

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Officials looking for motive in California school shooting
"The teenager was described as a quiet and smart kid who was a Boy Scout and had previously run track for his school."

"He just fires from where he is. He doesn't chase anybody. He doesn't move," sheriff's homicide Capt. Kent Wegener said."

"Doctors said Friday morning that two girls, ages 14 and 15, who were shot are doing well and should be released from the hospital in a day or two.

A 14-year-old boy was treated and released from another hospital, authorities said".

Joe Fitzpatrick, a senior who helped the teacher in the boy's physics class, called him a "good, quiet kid" who didn't miss assignments and did well on tests.

"He just seemed like one of those regular kids," Fitzpatrick said.

Fellow students and a neighbour say he was a Boy Scout who was smart, quiet and gave no indication he would become violent. One girl who knew him for years said he wasn't bullied and had a girlfriend."
Yes too close to home! My kids went to Saugus high school in the 90's and it is something I would never have imagined back in the day.

Saugus High School is an open campus, with no metal detectors. That will all change soon I'm sure. Santa Clarita, by the way was listed for a quite a few years as one of the top safest cities to live in the country. In fact locals call Santa Clarita "awesome town". It goes to show that these terrible mass shootings can happen anywhere.

I agree with Santa Clarita being a great's hard to imagine things actually hitting this close to home...and I always figured if it would be anywhere it would be at a different school. But then I think of the other schools, and they have all been in places where no one would expect...cities and towns that are "safer" than average...which makes it all that more frustrating when something like this happens...

These seem to happen more in public private there is less security, does anyone have any thoughts on this? I don't think kids are safer regardless of where they go to school, I honestly think its a luck factor sadly if something like this happens.

Santa Clarita is supposed to be "safe". I grew up there until my parents moved us up to the Antelope Valley (they couldn't afford a house in Santa Clarita but they could in Palmdale). My sister moved back down there to raise her family. I'm heart broken that my niece (7) and nephew (5) have to learn about and deal with this so young. I know it can happen anywhere but still...
debbiegarcia36 said:
Saugus High School is an open campus, with no metal detectors. That will all change soon I'm sure. Santa Clarita, by the way was listed for a quite a few years as one of the top safest cities to live in the country. In fact locals call Santa Clarita "awesome town". It goes to show that these terrible mass shootings can happen anywhere.

many schools here are open campus due to the popularity of it in CA decades ago... They need to get rid of that model
It may be unpopular, but I still support open campuses and the freedom it allows HS students to explore. IMO open campuses have nothing to do with these crimes.

Those who perpetuate these crimes can and will find a way to get back onto the school regardless if they should be there or not.
our open campuses here struggle with some teens just taking off and skipping....
Cannot help but wonder if the perp was conflicted about his mixed heritage, were there other Japanese students at the school?
Santa Clarita is supposed to be "safe". I grew up there until my parents moved us up to the Antelope Valley (they couldn't afford a house in Santa Clarita but they could in Palmdale). My sister moved back down there to raise her family. I'm heart broken that my niece (7) and nephew (5) have to learn about and deal with this so young. I know it can happen anywhere but still...

I agree.

I have thought a lot lately about how the countless good citizens of Mexico, including very young, children, teens. and all ages beyond must feel while having to live in a constant state of fear every single day. Even in states there which were once seen as safe.

While horrific mass shooting like this one, and others in the US, most homicides, and attempted homicides continue to be committed by gang violence in alarming numbers or individual, one on one homicides.

However one mass shooting is too many.

I believe this horrid individual may have been contemplating his own suicide prior to carrying it out. So instead of doing it hurting no one else, but those who loved him, he decided to seek notoriety instead by doing the shootings against innocent others as well.

Usually these kind of mass shootings do not happen in a vacuum known only to the mass murderer alone.

They often express their thoughts, and rage on a social media site or express them to close peer friends or even family members. Sadly it's ignored way too often by those who knows them.

Its after the damage has been done is when we often learn people close to the offenders did know vital information, but said absolutely nothing.

Imo, those knowing cant be the ones who are deciding on their own what they heard or saw meant nothing.

Imo, they have a moral obligation to let someone with authority, and knowledge know immediately instead just assuming it meant nothing.

Sadly most teens are too wrapped up in their own lives. They don't have the skills to identify a serious issue with a friend or fellow student. The change in him noted by some was likely passed off to grief as it was reported the change happened when his Father passed. The change they reported was never clarified with any details. From all reports his social media seemed pretty normal. He didn't seem to set off any alarm bells. I wonder if he did at home?
Sorry, that was me. I changed the title. Not dead, in grave condition.

I was just about to ask whether or not the shooter is still alive. I've been in and out today and have not heard any updates about yesterday's shooting. It's almost like it didn't happen. WWJ radio (CBS affiliate) didn't mention the CA shooting whenever I was in the car.
@debbiegarcia36 I know this is much closer to you than me, right now. I hope your loved ones are safe. Another unbelievable tragedy. (Just wanted to let you know I have been thinking about you!)
Thanks IQ! So many tragedies lately. The fires and now this. My grandson goes to the nearby middle school a block away from shooters home. He is ok but nevertheless affected by this unimaginable act of terror against kids just two years older than he. The community is really pulling together though to begin the healing process!
I haven't heard much about his relationship with his GF. I wonder was there a recent break up?? There may have been a trigger. Or was it a slow burn???
LE has been speaking with his gf so we may get some insight. I am thinking he must have been very angry about something - more so than just being depressed in order to carry out such random violence.

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