GUILTY CA - 3 found murdered after child calls 911, Fullerton, 24 Sept 2016

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Acosta was the shooter.

Prosecutors said Acosta and Felix entered the home in the early morning hours. Acosta is accused of shooting the three victims.

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Did I miss an article? Do you have a link. TIA!
Hello - Saw your message about possible malware. Don't call that number; it is all a scam. If you call that number they will want some outrageous amount of money to "fix your computer." If you can't shut down your computer because of this notice, do control/alternate/delete. Check your control panel to make sure they didn't add any programs, and then run your anti-virus protection and malware protection. This happened to both my husband and a friend. Hopefully you will reboot with no problems. Be sure to run a full system scan. Good Luck. Thanks, Kathy
"SANTA ANA – No charges were filed Tuesday against a 17-year-old girl arrested in connection with a triple-killing in Fullerton"

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"MG [name redacted by me] was a friend of Jennifer Yost’s; they met through the furry community. [She] also met the two suspects through the Yost family at furry events but didn’t know them very well.

Jennifer Yost called [her] concerned about who her daughter was hanging out with, [she] said.

'I don’t know if (Felix and Katlynn Yost) were involved romantically, but I know they were friends,'[she] said. 'All I know is that Jennifer called me very distraught a few weeks back telling me that she didn’t want (Felix) around her daughter anymore.'"

(I took out the friend's name as she is not part of the case.)
Heads up! Possible malware infection!
I clicked a link from a MSM article (something like "Family mourned by Furry community") to (I think), and got the following warning:

Your IP address has been blocked
BSOD dllRegisterSetting has detected the error code 0x80060402
Your Windows7/Server 2008 R2 64-bit Defender encountered an error
Error code *advertiser censored* in application Chrome 53.0.2785.116, process id : 287
STOP: 0x Inaccessible Boot Device
due to Malware activity
Do NOT SHUT DOWN OR RESTART THE COMPUTER, may lead to data loss and possible failure of the operating system and potential non-bootable situation resulting in complete data loss. Contact a Microsoft certified technician to resolve the issue at 888 905-4704...
For your safety, closing the Chrome browser has been disabled...
(...and the error messages continue.)

THought I'd better let ya'll know (Firefox apparently works) to be careful surfing for furry info.

FWIW, my anti-virus program didn't detect any problems with a quick scan, but I know from experience that it doesn't always identify malware. So. I'll be spending my morning with this nausea. Will report back with results.

<<<---not-furry coastal

step-by-step instructioms on how to remove this program

or here:

good luck! (I encountered a similar attack several years ago and was able to successfully remove it. hope you can. too)
step-by-step instructioms on how to remove this program

or here:

good luck! (I encountered a similar attack several years ago and was able to successfully remove it. hope you can. too)
Thanks, Spellbound! I got it...I hope! Thank goodness, Firefox still worked, so I was able find, and do, the fix easily. This one wasn't too bad, but others I've tangled with needed hours of clean-up (and vast reserves of patience).

Shout out to Websleuther mbush, who pointed me in the right direction early on: Thank you! You were right, and right on time!
You rock!
I'm afraid to click on any of the links while I'm at work! I first learned about furries when my sister worked at a hotel/convention center bar and they hosted a furry convention. It was interesting hearing the stories... and honestly, disturbing. I'm sure most of the people there are just trying to enjoy their pastime, but I can't imagine being involved in something like that would be very normal.

I only know about furries because CSI did an episode on them. :blushing:
Somewhat off topic but do any of you fellow websleuthers ever wonder if god forbid anything bad happened to us and our computer/ phone history had to be pulled the stuff they would find in our search history!!

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And my TV viewing habits... Pretty much all Discovery ID.
This case is insanely confusing - furry business aside. The facts are so sketchy and the details are nil.

My mind has ran away with this whole thing. The reported wording from the 911 call sticks with me for some reason. Would a 6 year old typically use that type of phrasing? I wonder why the 6 year old called instead of the 9 year old? My understanding from the various MSM and social media reports is that the children remained inside the residence, were they somehow prevented from leaving (beyond being scared)? I don't know why I feel so compelled to know such details, but my heart just breaks running through all the possible scenarios of what these poor children experienced. Oh and poor BB, anything I read, he just seemed to be trying to get his life on track. I do not understand why they didn't let him leave or keep him restrained in some way if the "beef" was with the parents. It's not like the little girls didn't know these guys. Oy!:gaah:

Can any of you give any insight on whether there were any troubling posts from any parties involved (again, aside from the furry related stuff)? Obviously there is no detailed manifesto that we know of from any of these individuals (yet). I have been able to read a little of KY's writings and see some of her drawings...Nothing set off warning bells for me, but again I only did a quick peek. I get the feeling she was not on board with this whole thing.

Yes, ha! Not just because I sleuth and have a lot of crime related searches, but because if someone says don't google this, or don't look at that.. I'll go look anyway, can't help it. Curiosity got the skib!!

I was dumb and looked up defleshing a skull once. (Thanks to the Charlie Scott case)
And internal decapitation.

Also I did ALOT of research on decomp in water and in a car in water, etc.

I looked up ways to make murder look like suicide and vice versa.

And last but not least, how to disappear like Maura Murray.

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I only know about furries because CSI did an episode on them. :blushing:

I'm with you kb.....I had never heard of them until CSI either. Can't say I cared to ever hear about them again either, but that's just me & my opinion. No matter how much I read about it I still don't get it and guess I never will lol.
Acosta was the shooter.

Prosecutors said Acosta and Felix entered the home in the early morning hours. Acosta is accused of shooting the three victims.

So aside from all the awful and creepy stuff that this fangroup CAN be, If I understand the information we now have about the case, Katlynn was NOT charged;

"No charges were filed Tuesday against a 17-year-old girl arrested in connection with a triple-killing in Fullerton.
By law, the girl was to be released from juvenile hall by Tuesday evening, however it was unclear whether that had been done.
The unidentified teen was arrested Sunday morning along with Joshua Charles Acosta, 21, of Ft. Irwin and Frank Sato Felix, 25, of Sun Valley, both charged Tuesday with first-degree murder."

"Prosecutors said Acosta and Felix entered the home in the early morning hours. Acosta is accused of shooting the three victims. The two men appeared in court briefly on Tuesday to formally face charges, but the arraignment was postponed to Oct. 28."


It still looks to me now, that KY is still a juvenile victim as a missing person caught up in something some older dudes had orchestrated on her behalf, either willingly or not. But until she is charged, either as a juvenile or as even an adult, I will not make accusations in public here. It seems to me to be against TOS.

Until there are charges we cannot make this kid a POI if she has not been charged.

The other 2 however...

The rumors aside, I understand the talk around the web, but we have no MSM or LE info that she caused this. There is plenty info on the 2 who have actually been charged.

LE will be very careful and exact in investigating the juvenile's involvement and it will take time, IMO

So aside from all the awful and creepy stuff that this fangroup CAN be, If I understand the information we now have about the case, Katlynn was NOT charged;

"No charges were filed Tuesday against a 17-year-old girl arrested in connection with a triple-killing in Fullerton.
By law, the girl was to be released from juvenile hall by Tuesday evening, however it was unclear whether that had been done.
The unidentified teen was arrested Sunday morning along with Joshua Charles Acosta, 21, of Ft. Irwin and Frank Sato Felix, 25, of Sun Valley, both charged Tuesday with first-degree murder."

"Prosecutors said Acosta and Felix entered the home in the early morning hours. Acosta is accused of shooting the three victims. The two men appeared in court briefly on Tuesday to formally face charges, but the arraignment was postponed to Oct. 28."


It still looks to me now, that KY is still a juvenile victim as a missing person caught up in something some older dudes had orchestrated on her behalf, either willingly or not. But until she is charged, either as a juvenile or as even an adult, I will not make accusations in public here. It seems to me to be against TOS.

Until there are charges we cannot make this kid a POI if she has not been charged.

The other 2 however...

The rumors aside, I understand the talk around the web, but we have no MSM or LE info that she caused this. There is plenty info on the 2 who have actually been charged.

LE will be very careful and exact in investigating the juvenile's involvement and it will take time, IMO


The mom, JY, knew at least one of these guys was not a good person for her daughter.....turns out the guy was not good for HER, the mom. JY knew something was up.

I HIGHLY doubt that

Why? I think just about everyone jumped to the conclusion that the daughter was involved (and she very well may have been!), but we really don't know yet. Is there a reason you are convinced she was involved?
I'm with you kb.....I had never heard of them until CSI either. Can't say I cared to ever hear about them again either, but that's just me & my opinion. No matter how much I read about it I still don't get it and guess I never will lol.
Do you ever wonder if people start and/or join clubs just to say they belong to something, regardless of what it is? Personally, I just think things like this are stupid, and I certainly don't understand this stuff! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

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