Found Deceased CA - Alycia Yeoman, 20, Gridley, 30 March 2017 #2

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She either drove there to meet friends or someone drove her there. You don't go around a Levee, to get to a secluded area by yourself unless there is a reason and there is no indication of suicide. Someone knows what happened.
I'd like to know when the phone first pinged what the field conditions were, if it was muddy and how tall the grass was.. What the distance is from the ping to the levee where it was found..

The phone was pinged 10 miles from where her truck and the levee her phone was found on were....her phone pinged across the street from the last place she was seen alive, and that is REALLY hard to explain away imo.
Excellent post. I, also, believe it is a third person who is involved. Not ML, but someone he knows very well. The above is my opinion...RIP Aly.

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Thank you :)

I am of course happy to be wrong... but I'm seeing a strong indication of a third person or person(s).
I'm curious if people think a third person might be the perp? By "third person" I mean not ML or the Ex BF.

I've had this idea for awhile and think that it's possible the perp is a third person who might be directly connected to ML.

Here's why:

In the re edit of post 38 on the Justice for Aly page, it is mentioned that Aly's phone has been a goldmine of information. The post also continues to state that it's clear Aly had other friends some in Chico and some in Yuba City that the family believes Aly only mentioned by "Chico friends" and "Yuba Friends" because they would have disapproved of them. I think the fact that this is mentioned, leads me to assumption #1: this is directly related to her disappearance and opening the door to the possibility that there is a third person or persons involved.

Assumption 1 is backed up when the post states that its "obvious" in her messages who had her best interest at heart and who was taking advantage of her. IMO this indicates a third person or persons because in order to come to this conclusion there has to be a significant amount of messages. Assumption #2 is that these messages cannot be ML because later in the post, it is confirmed that Aly only had two texts with ML and one phone call which coincide with the two times she met him May 2016 & March 2017 (ML stated he only met her twice as well). I do not think this is enough messages to be indicative of "taking advantage of her". I am left again with the feeling there is a third person or person(s) here.

Also, not having one's best interest at heart isn't synonymous with taking advantage of someone... not "having one's best interest at heart" suggests not caring enough for that person where as "taking advantage of" suggests malicious behavior. These are two different things. Her messages according to her family "obviously" show who did have her best interests at heart and who was taking advantage of her...

Assumption #3 is that the third person or persons is directly connected to the house. I come to this assumption for two reasons. 1) The post remains highly suspicious of the house and 2) because the timeline of events is very tight from 9:30 PM - 10:40 PM something happened to Aly. So this third person had to be in the house or very near the house. Also believe the perp is connect to the home but is not ML because I think he's telling the truth when asked if he will be arrested he says "No, because truth is on my side". I think he is being honest here because he knows that HE didn't do it. I get the impression that he feels any evidence cannot be pointed at him because he didn't do it.

Assumption #4 the third person or persons is not the ex bf. I come to this conclusion for many reasons. First being that someone guilty of a murder or a crime (in most cases), does not dramatically insert themselves into the picture-- LA did. Also, the post directly addresses the ex bf. While the family says that they haven't ruled out the jealous ex bf because some of her phone messages indicate it's a possibility, but the level of jealously, hatred, and premeditation it would take to do that "just doesn't add up".

The fact that Aly's phone has been a "goldmine of information", that there are "obvious messages" indicating she was "being taken advantage of", the fact that there are these "other people" / "other messages" implying the messages are not with ML, the fact that ML only had a "two messages and one phone call coinciding with the two times they were proven to be around each other", the fact that the "obvious messages" are not necessarily speaking about the "ex bf", the fact that the family remains highly suspicious of ML and these "other people" makes me think that there is a third person or persons connect to the house who is directly responsible for what happened to Aly. May her beautiful soul rest in peace.

Awesome post! I agree with you. i believe ML is telling the truth, yet im still suspicious of the ex. So assuming ML is telling the truth i really wonder who this new love interest was that Aly wanted advice about! Could he be the perp?
:welcome6: lindag883 to WS!

lindag883 said:
I'd like to know when the phone first pinged what the field conditions were, if it was muddy and how tall the grass was.. What the distance is from the ping to the levee where it was found..

Here's a picture of the field that they searched for her phone. As you can tell, depending upon how tall you are - the grass was waist high or knee high! This is the only picture I could find....


  • Walmart search.jpg
    Walmart search.jpg
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Hello, new to this thread. Been browsing through so sorry if this has been discussed before.

i can actually see this being an accident. No disrespect to the deceased, but she seemed to be somewhat of a party girl. She hung around a rough crowd and older men who were into drinking and drugs. Kind of strikes me as a risk taker and daredevil.

didnt someone mention there was a party spot on the beach people would go through the,orchard To get to? is it possible she was trying to make it there? Anyone know if there was a party there that night at all?

20 year olds think they're invincible.. I can see a young person driving up there and getting stuck easily. If it was very dark,perhaps she got lost, if it was slippery she could have fell and slid in the river ..not sure how far the river was from her. if her phone was dead she wouldn't have been able To call for help.

as for the phone, I'm kind of curious about if a passerby found it, decided to steal it, kept it a few days then turned it over.

or, is it possible she was headed there to meet a friend or a love interest at the camp,sites?

I'd like to know when the phone first pinged what the field conditions were, if it was muddy and how tall the grass was.. What the distance is from the ping to the levee where it was found..


I have a link to a case map in my signature that shows the locations, you can see how far apart they are. Welcome to WS!
I just really feel that this is Foul Play and whoever's done this must have have one hell of a conscious to still be able to live with this this is such a small town and I feel like it's hit home for a lot of people and it's being really pushed out there. I don't know how they can just go on with their everyday life they have to crack..

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The phone was pinged 10 miles from where her truck and the levee her phone was found on were....her phone pinged across the street from the last place she was seen alive, and that is REALLY hard to explain away imo.

That^^ is what makes me think something happened at the house party.

If she stopped using her cell at 9:30, then I don't believe she left on her own power, alone at 10:40ish. I strongly believe she would have texted or communicated with someone at the time she was leaving if she was meeting up with someone at that time. I don't believe she would have driven up into that levee road without being in contact with someone right before that time.

I think something bad and unexpected happened around 9:30ish, and everyone scrambled to cover it up from then on.
Hi Everyone .. just thinking out loud here (kind of) I see a lot of references to FaceBook and Twitter. I'm wondering what the last SnapChats are. In ML's 34 minute interview, If I remember correctly, he states that she snapped a pic right before she left. Has anyone been able to find it and see? He mentioned that he "threw up a peace sign" behind her in the pic.

Also, Is it out of the question to think that maybe when Aly was walking away from her truck, she dropped her phone and it got wet? ( I ask because the phone could have gone out being wet, but turned back on by the Phone company when they were trying to ping it .. Not sure if this would be explained to MSM by LE if it did happen). I remember in one of the interviews with LE on Crime Watch Daily, the officer told the reporter the phone was found, "right here". Not sure if he was referring to the actual road for the levee where they were standing or if he was pointing to someplace specific and near.

I really hope they are able to find out exactly what happened to Aly and that if there is any wrongdoing, let the justice be swift and hard. That poor girl .. this just breaks my heart.
whoever took her phone threw it in that field but once she was reported missing they went back to the field to find it but they couldn't find it right away because the grasses were too tall, just an observation.
This truly is a baffling case. The levee road doesn't seem to be her normal path, so there must have been some reason she was there that night.

i feel like perhaps it was either an accident and she was alone for some reason, or someone with her and she had an accident of some sort and they grew scared and are trying to cover it up. The only problem with that theory is there were footprints around her truck, so if someone was there, why did the prints just vanish? Someone would have left signs of leaving the area whether by foot or vehicle?

is it at all possible she drove up there for whatever reason, got stuck, got out to walk and find help and was attacked by an animal such as bear or mountain lion that could have dragged her down toward the river?
I suspect LE are having a difficult time with what evidence they have gathered thus far, she was in the water an awful long time, they may not be much to work with even when the TOX come in. we all know they have a trove of evidence from that phone..IMO it doesnt seem possible she left ML's house alone..ol ML is a hard pill to swallow..
LE won't say anything about those footprints, just that they're walking away from the truck, won't breath a word about the SIZE, hmm why? One thing I remember about mud, when I was a teen I used to work the fields and change the irrigation pipes in the fields and orchards, you would be surprised how far you can sink, at least up to your knees, BUT your footprints don't get much larger, just deeper..
whoever took her phone threw it in that field but once she was reported missing they went back to the field to find it but they couldn't find it right away because the grasses were too tall, just an observation.

They were searching in that field on Sunday for her phone. Is it possible someone who was searching that day was responsible and picked up the phone and then drove it to the Levee? Did the police pull video from Sunday to Monday to see what other cars drove to that spot?
LE won't say anything about those footprints, just that they're walking away from the truck, won't breath a word about the SIZE, hmm why? One thing I remember about mud, when I was a teen I used to work the fields and change the irrigation pipes in the fields and orchards, you would be surprised how far you can sink, at least up to your knees, BUT your footprints don't get much larger, just deeper..
I think I'm in the minority on this but I believe the footprints were consistent with Aly. I've started looking back to earlier articles and videos from right after her truck was found. The authorities explicitly stated, more than once after finding the truck, that there was no evidence to indicate foul play. I think it would absolutely indicate foul play if someone else were to have driven her truck into an orchard the night she disappeared. Also they said there was a lot of mud in the cab as if someone were repeatedly getting out of and into the cab. If someone were ditching the truck and got stuck I don't think they would bother to get out and back in repeatedly because they wanted to ditch it a bit further. I think Aly was driving, but I don't know why she drove there or if anyone else was involved. JMO.
I think I'm in the minority on this but I believe the footprints were consistent with Aly. I've started looking back to earlier articles and videos from right after her truck was found. The authorities explicitly stated, more than once after finding the truck, that there was no evidence to indicate foul play. I think it would absolutely indicate foul play if someone else were to have driven her truck into an orchard the night she disappeared. Also they said there was a lot of mud in the cab as if someone were repeatedly getting out of and into the cab. If someone were ditching the truck and got stuck I don't think they would bother to get out and back in repeatedly because they wanted to ditch it a bit further. I think Aly was driving, but I don't know why she drove there or if anyone else was involved. JMO.
They were stating there were no indications of foul play because there was no blood in the car or anything else that made it look as if someone was harmed inside the truck. I think if someone else was driving they repeatedly got in and out of the truck in order to move it closer to the river so they could bump her body and not have to walk so far carrying her.

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KCRA interview with ML on 5/6/17, he states that 30-45 minutes after they got back from dropping his daughter off is when Aly said she needed to go home.

Thank you for finding this.
So, he and Aly drove the daughter home at *around 10* because she was going to Six Flags at 2 AM?
They had very little time alone then, I wonder if his sister saw Aly when he dropped the daughter off as I don't think LE will guestion his youngest daughter, if she is the one that was there, she's not even a teen I don't think, she looks very young but I'm assuming they questioned the adult ML and Aly delivered her to that night. Whoever saw Aly at around 10 when they dropped off the daughter, LE aren't using that witness to confirm she was seen at that time.
They were at the restaurant at 6 and they say she was last seen driving to ML's house at 7:41. Did they stay at the restaurant for an hour and 41 minutes? That's a long dinner but not out of reason, they met to talk about her crush anyway, "getting a bite" was just convenient from ML's telling. So they had a long talk about her crush, at Romero St by 8, his daughter was dropped off, his son and a couple were there, hanging out.
And his nephew was there? Is his nephew half of the couple? Because right after Aly went missing they said his son, daughter and a couple were there, no one mentioned a nephew that Aly "kinda went out with". So was he there with a girlfriend as part of the couple or did they just forget to mention him until later?.
That phone pinging by his house at 4 am Sunday and then moved to the scene after the truck was found is another clue that makes him impossible to excuse, no matter how nice he may be.
I don't believe a jogger found the phone and lied about having her phone on Sunday at 4 AM by the last house she was seen, instead telling LE they found it on the levee. If the jogger lied because they were planning on keeping the phone until they found out she was missing, they know by now they've implicated ML in murder by being (coincidentally!) by his house with the phone on Sunday morning. If they are lying because they were going to keep it, why not just leave it on the levee, why involve yourself, lying to LE in a murder investigation?
It's sad all the family, friends and fans that will be disappointed if he's involved in her death but I just can't find a way to twist all his contradictions into a possible believable truth.
There's only so many possibilities and it's hard to ignore the obvious one.
I just don't believe Aly partied until she drove herself onto that levee and down into the orchard, then trudged through deep mud out of the orchard only to go fall into the river and drown.
I'm curious if people think a third person might be the perp? By "third person" I mean not ML or the Ex BF.

I've had this idea for awhile and think that it's possible the perp is a third person who might be directly connected to ML.

Here's why:

In the re edit of post 38 on the Justice for Aly page, it is mentioned that Aly's phone has been a goldmine of information. The post also continues to state that it's clear Aly had other friends some in Chico and some in Yuba City that the family believes Aly only mentioned by "Chico friends" and "Yuba Friends" because they would have disapproved of them. I think the fact that this is mentioned, leads me to assumption #1: this is directly related to her disappearance and opening the door to the possibility that there is a third person or persons involved.

Assumption 1 is backed up when the post states that its "obvious" in her messages who had her best interest at heart and who was taking advantage of her. IMO this indicates a third person or persons because in order to come to this conclusion there has to be a significant amount of messages. Assumption #2 is that these messages cannot be ML because later in the post, it is confirmed that Aly only had two texts with ML and one phone call which coincide with the two times she met him May 2016 & March 2017 (ML stated he only met her twice as well). I do not think this is enough messages to be indicative of "taking advantage of her". I am left again with the feeling there is a third person or person(s) here.

Also, not having one's best interest at heart isn't synonymous with taking advantage of someone... not "having one's best interest at heart" suggests not caring enough for that person where as "taking advantage of" suggests malicious behavior. These are two different things. Her messages according to her family "obviously" show who did have her best interests at heart and who was taking advantage of her...

Assumption #3 is that the third person or persons is directly connected to the house. I come to this assumption for two reasons. 1) The post remains highly suspicious of the house and 2) because the timeline of events is very tight from 9:30 PM - 10:40 PM something happened to Aly. So this third person had to be in the house or very near the house. Also believe the perp is connect to the home but is not ML because I think he's telling the truth when asked if he will be arrested he says "No, because truth is on my side". I think he is being honest here because he knows that HE didn't do it. I get the impression that he feels any evidence cannot be pointed at him because he didn't do it.

Assumption #4 the third person or persons is not the ex bf. I come to this conclusion for many reasons. First being that someone guilty of a murder or a crime (in most cases), does not dramatically insert themselves into the picture-- LA did. Also, the post directly addresses the ex bf. While the family says that they haven't ruled out the jealous ex bf because some of her phone messages indicate it's a possibility, but the level of jealously, hatred, and premeditation it would take to do that "just doesn't add up".

The fact that Aly's phone has been a "goldmine of information", that there are "obvious messages" indicating she was "being taken advantage of", the fact that there are these "other people" / "other messages" implying the messages are not with ML, the fact that ML only had a "two messages and one phone call coinciding with the two times they were proven to be around each other", the fact that the "obvious messages" are not necessarily speaking about the "ex bf", the fact that the family remains highly suspicious of ML and these "other people" makes me think that there is a third person or persons connect to the house who is directly responsible for what happened to Aly. May her beautiful soul rest in peace.

Interesting post. I'm not convinced of MLs innocence yet and don't want to accuse him without enough evidence. He is a person of interest though imo. Especially because having the phone ping at 4AM across the street from your house is suspicious. In your post you mention a possible 3rd person so this got me thinking a bit. Yeah, ML wasn't the only one there at his house that night. Maybe he didn't do anything to AY, but maybe one of his friends had a relationship with AY, maybe a married friend. He could be trying to cover for a bro. And if Aly was talking to him about a crush, it would make sense that she'd be talking to him about one of his friends. This is only if we're gonna believe MLs story about why he was with AY.

I don't believe that AY drove herself to the orchard. The only possibility that someone at ML's house is not involved is that she got taken just shortly after leaving his house. Maybe a gas station stop or something. Unlikely but very possible. But she had work at 5 Am in the morning and I don't think she was going to go party at a levee at 11PM so I don't believe those theories. I def suspect foul play.

Also after reading some of this thread, is it possible the perp had already dumped Aly's body in the river near the boat launch area and was just trying to get rid of the truck when it got stuck in the orchard? Maybe he didn't want to drive the truck off right at the launch. Maybe he was looking for a more remote or deeper part of the river to dump the truck. I was always thinking it was dump the truck first, then the body, but maybe not. All jmho.
Actually Leo Almonte is sounding more and more plausible as the days go on. What if he was waiting around the corner from MLs house & stopped Aly. Maybe he was an Ex and also now a stalker (as according to her family). Then he drove her out there and carried all it out. He was there the day her phone randomly wound up and in an interview he also stated how aly would do whatever she wanted...(sounds like he was trying to be controlling and it wasn't working)
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