CA CA - Amanda Campbell, 4, Fairfield, 27 Dec 1991

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grievousangel said:
Where is Bindner now?
I did a Zabasearch for this idiot about a year ago and he was still in the East Bay Area with a listed phone number. Not the brightest thing to do when a great number of people believe that you are a murdering pedophile. :waitasec:
Dr. Doogie said:
I did a Zabasearch for this idiot about a year ago and he was still in the East Bay Area with a listed phone number. Not the brightest thing to do when a great number of people believe that you are a murdering pedophile. :waitasec:
It is just another slap in the face to authorities and the families of the girls in my opinion. he is a sociopath and I can't wait for the day thsat he slips up and get caught. I am not familiar with the site but does it have any info about other people at that addresss, like a wife or kids?
Update: A guy by the name of Larry ( can't recall the last name) was convicted of the murder of Angela Bugay. Seems he had dated her mother.

In Ilene Mischeloff's case, James Daveggio and Michelle Michaud (on Death Row for the abduction,rape, and murder of Vanessa Sampson) are more likely suspects than Timothy Binder. They also trolled for their victims in a van- a torture van, and Vanessa was picked up in the town next to the one Ilene lived in. Daveggio was apparently from Pleasanton, which is why he picked the area.

Timothy Binder is a creep for sure, but nothing has been proven on him.
I've read a book about Timothy Bindner and the cases he's suspected of involvement and I think (A) If he's guilty, he's the luckiest criminal I know of or (B) If he's not guilty he's the unluckiest. There's no real stand-up-in-court evidence against him and there never will be. I think he's quite a bit weird but I would not be willing to bet money on his guilty.
grievousangel said:
Right Linask... Angela recognized him and went willingly I would think.
Graham was his last name...

I think Timothy Binder is another John Mark Karr type. Wierd, but doesn't necessarily act on their fantasies...
Bumping her with the anniversary of her dissappearance coming. She has been gone 15 years almost.
The Fairfield, CA Police Dept where Nikki lived, recently announced it's new cold case unit.
Sleuthers, they need all the help they can get. FFPD is a small department and I am sure there are no full time cold case investigators so please don't be shy about contacting them with theories, etc..

I'm sure any input would be greatly appreciated.

Here's the link:
This is very strange. But the first thing that popped into my head when I read this was an image of him taking the girls to the gravesite and saying they were next. Like scaring them would be some sort of foreplay for him.
Hopefully with they can look at Bidner again with this new cold case unit.
missacorah said:
Good God! I had never heard Bindners sick idea of the best place to bury a body before but thought ' oh well he wouldnt have had the opportunity to get to a freshly dug grave and do that so...', then I read on and find out he was a grave digger!!!! And I thought I had read up well on this weirdo - obviously not! Also had no idea the scent of the 2 girls was traced to the grave like that. Why on earth has nothing been done about this?

I think he is probably an intelligent man that even if he was guilty would have got enjoyment out of the fact that he sued and won the poive as if to prove to himself how intelligent he was. Has he ever been interviewed on TV about the cases? We dont get anything like that in the UK that I know of.
I recalled a reference to a television appearance of Bindner by the mother of Anna Christian Waters to Bindner. Here is a quote from her manuscript entitled "The Search for Anna":

"February 4, 1993

The mothers of three missing children confronted the suspect, Timothy Bindner, on the nationally syndicated Jane Whitney show. Ann Campbell is the mother of Amanda (Nikki) Campbell, who disappeared at the age of seven from Fairfield, Calif., in December 1991. Kim Schwarz is the mother of Amber Schwarz-Garcia, who disappeared from Pinole in June 1988 at the age of seven. Sharon Nemeth is the mother of Michaela Garecht, who disappeared in October 1988, at the age of nine from Hayward.

Fairfield police detective Harold Sagan was quoted in the newspapers as saying “at the discretion of the district attorney’s office, we have not arrested (Bindner).” Bindner’s attorney, John Burris, has called the case a “failed investigation” that is now “being tried in the press.”

I had a strange reaction to the television show, which seemed to have an extraordinary number of commercials, as well as credits for everybody’s clothing and hairstyles. If you were going to accuse someone you suspected of kidnapping your child, wouldn’t you do so wearing black, wearing sackcloth and ashes? Would you get all dolled up and have your hair done? Somehow, I felt that the grief of these three mothers was being exploited for commercial purposes, and that the civil rights of the so-called suspect were in a precarious position, since he had not been officially accused of any crime. I wrote for a transcript of the program.

In the transcript, after “Theme music and applause”, Whitney said “We’ve been hearing about a mother’s anguish over her missing child. Joining us now by satellite is Tim Bindner, the man Ann (Campbell) says is responsible. Tim, you heard what she said during the last segment. What do you have to say to Ann Campbell?”

Bindner: “ The first thing I’d like to say to her is that I didn’t take your baby; I tried to find her as I’ve been doing on these horrifying cases here in the Bay Area ever since Amber disappeared back in 1988. All I did was to go out 11 days after Nikki disappeared and--conduct my own independent roadside search for one day along roads north of Fairfield. So she’s--she’s mistaken in thinking that I’m the person that did this. And I think that’s probably because she’s been talking to Harold Sagan and he’s said he’s convinced I did it.”

Here is a link to the entire manuscript:
Doogie, I can't find the entire maunscript. I probably am being a moron but can you help me?
2sisters said:
Doogie, I can't find the entire maunscript. I probably am being a moron but can you help me?
Above the picture of the front cover, there are two links - one for a MSWord version and one for a PDF version. Click on one of them and it will download the manuscript.
Here is a case summary from the Doenetwork, with a link...

Amanda Nicole Campbell
Missing since December 27, 1991 from Fairfield, Solano County, California.
Classification: Non Family Abduction
Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: May 7, 1987
Age at Time of Disappearance: 4 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 3'7; 70 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Blonde hair; blue eyes. Campbell's nickname is "Nikky."
Marks, Scars: Campbell has facial dimples. She has light brown-colored moles on her forehead and near her nose. Her ears are pierced.
Dentals: Available
Clothing: Campbell was last seen wearing a pink jacket; purple pants; dark purple short sleeved shirt; and white tennis shoes.

Circumstances of Disappearance
Campbell was last seen at approximately 5:00 PM on December 27, 1991 near her home in Fairfield, California. She left her brother and a friend to ride her bicycle to another friend's house; she never arrived. Campbell's bicycle was discovered abandoned later in the night. Authorities believe that she was abducted by a non-family member.

If you have any information concerning Campbell's whereabouts, please contact:
Fairfield Police Department
Detective Harold Sagan
You may remain anonymous when submitting information.

Agency Case Number: 91-018474
NCMEC #: NCMC763225
NCIC Number: M-536133336
Please refer to these numbers when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:
The National Center For Missing and Exploited Children
The Doe Network: Case File 216DFCA

Bindner became the "Prime Suspect" in the Amanda Campbell case because he was a "person of interest" (but not a "prime suspect") in three other child abductions in the area AND he had a definite "link" to Amanda's neighborhood.

The three other cases are:

1) Amber Swartz-Garcia. Bindner became a suspect due to his "odd" behavior in injecting himself into the investigation. Curtis Anderson, convicted of two other Bay Area child abductions, has since congested to this murder.

2) Michaela Joy Garecht. Bindner was in Hayward the day of the abduction but the description of the 12 year old witness did not really fit Bindner and the vehicle was totally different from the Van he was known to drive. There was a palm print on the bike that the abductor moved that hasn't been linked to Bindner, Garrido or anyone else. Realistically, Bindner is probably not involved but he can't be completely cleared.

3)Ilene Misheloff. Bindner was "linked" to Misheloff only because the abduction occurred soon after Michaela Joy Garrett. There was nothing to connect him to the case and he had a good (but not absolutely solid alibi: he was driving a "City of Oakland" Van and would have been hard pressed to drive the 20 miles from Oakland to Dublin, commit the abduction and all that would follow, and make it back without attracting attention or be missing from work).

Bindner had a "bizarre" interest in Angela Bugay, who was murdered a year or so before Amber's abduction. No one in law enforcement, however, considers him a suspect since someone else, with a definite tie to the child and a conviction for another child’s murder is almost certainly the perp.

If Bindner had nothing to do with the other 3 (or 4) murder/abductions. How serious a suspect is he really in the Campbell abduction. Fairfield PD searched everything they could find and interrogated Bindner many times and found nothing. There is no forensic evidence on Bindner. If the only real "evidence" against him is his "link" to the neighborhood, then hundreds of men (and women) also have links to that neighborhood.

I knew "of" Bindner and his "interest" in young girl’s years before the abductions. I never met the man but I was privy to an investigation of his "inappropriate actions" regarding young girls. My opinion, which both sides of this "investigation" seemed to agree, was that he was engaging in very inappropriate (if not illegal) behavior but he did not appear to be "dangerous"; his actions were motivated by a complex fantasy life but there was no indication that he had acted any of it out. I have read (and reread) "Stalemate" and while I am bothered by a lot of things about Bindner, I am beginning to suspect that he had nothing to do with any of the cases but he was a "distraction" that interfered with the investigations and prevented the "true" perp from coming to justice.

It is possible that many Bay Area LE detectives are reluctant to "name" or otherwise suggest anyone else as a possible suspect in the Campbell abduction out of respect for Sagan and the Fairfield PD.
I agree that Bindner's odd interests may have distracted LE from pursuing other avenues but it's difficult to blame them considering Bindner's weird behavior. He certainly appeared "worthy of interest" even though in the end he probably has no direct link to the kidnappings. The presence of such a character is bound to make the investigation a little harder.
I agree that Bindner's odd interests may have distracted LE from pursuing other avenues but it's difficult to blame them considering Bindner's weird behavior. He certainly appeared "worthy of interest" even though in the end he probably has no direct link to the kidnappings. The presence of such a character is bound to make the investigation a little harder.

I agree. Although, the postcard with 4 fingers was a little too creepy, it also would have been impossible for him to know Nikki's age, so it may be just a very big coincidence.

I hope they are looking at Phillip Garrido in this case. God only knows what that man did. And she went missing only a few months after Jaycee...

Also, I think Curtis Dean Anderson might be another possibility. His 3 victims all came from California, and they were between 6-8. I think Nikki definitely looked old enough to fall into that age range. Also, according to one article I read, he confessed to other murders but there was nothing substantial to connect him to them. I wonder if Nikki's is one of the ones he confessed to...
Curtis Dean Anderson's mother lives in Fairfield where Amanda was abducted. Not very far at all from vallejo. Curis Dean also seems to have had a preference for very young girls not pre-teens or teens.

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