GUILTY CA - Ana Abulaban, 29, and Rayburn Barron, 28, killed by TikTok'r husband, San Diego, 21 Oct 2021

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I don't buy his pity party and everyone's got a life story. If anything he had the luxury of becoming an "internet celebrity" (sorry, eyeroll), got kicked out of the military and learned nothing from it.
lol. I know , I have to watch more. I just dont know how someone doesnt learn. like what does it take? how many times do you have to lose before you figure out you need to change?
If you're catching up, you can find the trial's proceedings in videos at this link below.
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This is a video you may want to watch because it shows Prosecution poking to get a reaction from Ali, and he defends himself.
TikTok Star Ali Abulaban Argues With Prosecutor
Over Evidence
(One about searching teen p o r n sites he vehemently denies, and two about that inmate call-- both maybe not being included in the Discovery to be presented.)

Ali Abulaban told the prosecutor, "You're not going to paint me as something I'm not," after getting angry during a question about his search history. (5/23/24) MOO, I would not say he was angry so much as defensive of his rights. He wasn't out of control.
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Warning some are explicitly vulgar.
Ali was communicating with other women.

(Taking a page from Larry Millete, Ali thought maybe this Spiritualist he was communicating with could also help Ana and bring them together again. October 14th. conversation, calling her a goddess, but she was the Spiritualist that advised him "if he wanted to get to the next stage of your life, you got to let some things go."

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Some pic with a lady he met in LA, he sent Ana to taunt he was moving on. View attachment 505504

After he had been with another women, and was texting Ana, he sent her this:
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This is from Sept. 21, 2021, but there were four separate occasions where Ali, sometimes in the middle of the night searching these sites. He says he never actually hired one. He was lonely, confused by Ana, not in the right frame of mind... the only thing he wanted to do was communicate with Ana, but he was kept in a confused state.​
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Searching for a Listening Device.
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:eek: View attachment 505515
OMG those texts to Anna. wow. Thats what I mean the more you watch the more you see who he really is.
Catching up on todays testimony now. This man is very dangerous. He’s anti-social, impulsive, and controlling. He has no remorse. He will do really well in prison. He has the personality for a highly structured environment. He needs to be locked up for life. I have no doubt he would kill again if he’s ever let out. JMO
. I have no doubt he would kill again if he’s ever let out. JMO
Omg realising he has left a daughter... anyone who enters her circle as she grows up/ becomes a young adult/teen is absolutely in danger if Ali roams the streets free.

Thankfully that won't be happening.

He saw his wife and daughter as his property. He speaks derisively about Ana because she went to the gym and lunch and nail appointments with her girlfriends and didn't prioritize HIM. He hated that she had a loving circle of friends and he was an outsider(hm I wonder why).... he blames everything around him (other people, drugs, the move to San Diego,) for his struggles.
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His honor had been insulted. He couldn't handle the betrayal. Him, him, him... what's going on with HIM. It's a mind set that hasn't really changed.
I agree. Apparently as he was shooting or just after, AA yelled "Respect!"

Don't dis Ali. Better not. Like I said before, it doesn't seem like a "crime of passion", but more like a "crime of revenge".
Q: Do you have a conceal carry permit in California?
A: No I don't, but I was in the process.....


Buying groceries for Ana online and adding flowers should have entitled HIM to get a big hug and welcome back into Ana's life, in Ali's eyes.

Dude needed to step back. Cautionary tale, all. In the wise words of Sting

If you love someone, set them free ✨
What a sad mess, it's the drama triangle.
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OMG those texts to Anna. wow. That's what I mean the more you watch the more you see who he really is.

Gee @ttjo, we both started out with open minds. That first day he was on the stand made us feel a little empathy for Ali, but then... Yikes, his defense team didn't rein him in enough, didn't or couldn't coach him enough. Victim blaming is the worst defense. Didn't they warn him to not lean on the self-pity, woe is me defense too much. He put that sorry act on for his Defense, then we saw another person with Prosecution. His defense team did him no favors. MOO, after three days, he came across as whiny, immature, having a propensity towards violent, killing tantrums. It was just too much.

All my own thoughts and opinions.
Ali didn't back down quietly from the Prosecution, and in some ways I don't blame him, especially if some things were snuck into trial and not mentioned in discovery.

On the other hand, Ali seems like the type of person you can't tell him anything because he's going to do what he wants. Ali stupidly used quite a bit of profanity throughout his testimony and said outrageous things to the Prosecutor. His tough guy TikTok act won't go over well with Jurors. It could only harm him. I don't think Jurors have been assured enough that he wouldn't end up killing again.

Updated: May 23, 2024 / 06:20 PM PDT by: Zara Barker (VIDEO)

“I’m not going to tolerate this, Ali responded to one of Brast’s questions. “I’m not here to twist anything, I have nothing to hide.”

He grew more and more agitated as the questions continued.

On the day of the shooting, Oct. 21, 2021, Ali testified that he changed Ana’s profile picture in his phone to a photo of an overflowing trash can. He said he googled “trash cans” to try to find the picture.

The prosecution asked him Thursday, “You were looking up trash cans because you wanted to hide some bodies, correct?”


Brast asked if on Oct. 18, 2021, he researched teen *advertiser censored* videos.

“What?” Ali shouted. “You’re out your mind … show me the teen *** you just said. You want to paint me as some *** child molester? Show me … what you just said. I’ve never seen that in the discovery. I’ve been incarcerated three years. You never showed that to my team. Where did you get that? … You’re not going to paint me as something I’m not.”

Brast said, “It’s in your phone.” He replied,
“Show me!”
Gee @ttjo, we both started out with open minds. That first day he was on the stand made us feel a little empathy for Ali, but then... Yikes, his defense team didn't rein him in enough, didn't or couldn't coach him enough. Victim blaming is the worst defense. Didn't they warn him to not lean on the self-pity, woe is me defense too much. His defense team did him no favors. MOO, after three days, he came across as whiny, immature, having a propensity towards violent, killing tantrums. It was just too much.

All my own thoughts and opinions.
and thats totally what they are doing, victim blaming. The defense making it out like his actions were a result of her mixed messages. Those being opportunities to get TRO's and she didnt, saying she never wanted to be with him again and then going for lunch or bringing him breakfast or going to the mall and hugging him after. a repeating pattern of behavor established over time because in these relationships they feed off each other. its not unique, its the cycle of DV and its called a cycle for a reason. How can anyone victim blame in this day and age, that's archaic thinking.
He says he didnt intend to kill her, what did he think was going to happen? coked out of his mind, thinking hes about to catch his wife in bed with another man, a glock in his waistband?? hes relentless, and was out of control.
I don't mind that we were open-minded in the beginning, so we changed our minds, It just means we didn't prejudge, we listened to the evidence and watched his actions. That's fair.
talk about premeditation, if he sought treatment for impulse control, ( and never even finished the program) Did he really think the walk from the front door to the bedroom would give him a cooling off period? too late. people who are trying to be better would have not put a listening device in the bedroom, recognizing that that would be a major trigger.
What a sad mess, it's the drama triangle.
I don't see it as a love/drama triangle at all in the traditional sense.* Ali didn't care who the other dude was. It was a power play. His own honor was besmirched by hearing Ana giggling with another man and Ali HAD TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. THE ONLY reason he was angry is that there was someone else, the IDEA of that person is what pissed him off. He heaps excuse upon excuse for every s tty thing he does. Every cr ppy decision he makes.
*sorry I am unfamiliar with psychology verbiage/terms since that was not what was intended.

Unfortunately my 1st exposure to this case was this local news, from Dec 2021

So in my mind, he seemed so unhinged at the get go to me. Unhinged. Going against legal advice from Day 1.

It was a 45min interview. Reporter seems incredulous at this turn of events:
From 2021 December
I said then, does your lawyer know that you're speaking with us? He said, yes. I said, What did she say about that? He said Uh.... she told me not to talk to you.

And I said OK, allright that's interesting...
I said, Why did you choose to talk to us if that is against legal advice?

He said:
I wanted to get my side out.


It's ALL About Ali for him. He can't WAIT to get a camera in his face so he can take Center Stage and tell HIS side. It's the Ali Abulaban Show, as far as he's concerned.
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I don't see it as a love/drama triangle at all in the traditional sense. Ali didn't care who the other dude was. It was a power play. His own honor was besmirched by hearing Ana giggling with another man and Ali HAD TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. THE ONLY reason he was angry is that there was someone else, the IDEA of that person is what pissed him off. He heaps excuse upon excuse for every s tty thing he does. Every cr ppy decision he makes.

Unfortunately my 1st exposure to this case was this local news, from Dec 2019

So in my mind, he seemed so unhinged at the get go to me. Unhinged. Going against legal advice from Day 1.

It was a 45min interview. Reporter seems incredulous at this turn of events:
From 2019 December
I said then, does your lawyer know that you're speaking with us? He said, yes. I said, What did she say about that? He said Uh.... she told me not to talk to you.

And I said OK, allright that's interesting...
I said, Why did you choose to talk to us if that is against the legal advice?

He said:
I wanted to get my side out.


It's ALL About Ali for him. He can't WAIT to get a camera in his face so he can take Center Stage and tell HIS side. It's the Ali Abulaban Show, as far as he's concerned.
I meant it in the way of the victim persecutor rescuer. not a real love triangle, a drama one LOL like this Narcissistic Abuse & the Drama Triangle maybe there is a better one, this is one giant essay , ill find one
Judge denied a mistrial, but it's not over yet. In that Fox5 KUSI News Video they said his Defense, Jodi Green, is going to go over the evidence, printing out transcripts, and that she may be asking for another mistrial again tomorrow.

"Right before the lunch recess, Brast questioned Abulaban about an alleged conversation with an inmate. Ali’s attorney later asked for a mistrial, and the judge denied it."
I know I’m way behind but I’m at the point where he’s being cross-examined on the lead up to and the shooting. He’s finished! A crime of passion!?! Gimme a break. I got chills when I heard that audio. He’s so proud of himself! That’s why he recorded it, and took a picture. Now he’s just trying to evade justice. He’s so performative on the stand. My God! JMO
I know I’m way behind but I’m at the point where he’s being cross-examined on the lead up to and the shooting. He’s finished! A crime of passion!?! Gimme a break. I got chills when I heard that audio. He’s so proud of himself! That’s why he recorded it, and took a picture. Now he’s just trying to evade justice. He’s so performative on the stand. My God! JMO
Yeah, The crime of passion defense, is hard to go for when he has a huge history of impulsive and domineering behavior, he has "passionate" outbursts on the daily. That to me is just a failure to take responsibility, He made so many promises about changing, the only thing that would have got him what he wanted, was to change, yet he didn't.
I just watched a small news doc on him and he said " I didn't want this, I "
lost ' my wife, ...Lost. he says more, and then he says, Im the loser here. I wanted to be an actor and I was almost there" if that's not a narcissist, I don't know what would be.
Need to go over what's going on in my mind while waiting. I was hoping Court TV would take us into the courtroom for the Closing Arguments, but all I've seen so far are very short clips of the Prosecution giving her closing statements.

I've appreciated everyone's astute observations and thought provoking psychological views on Ali. Hope the Jurors are as bright as the people here.

Having watched trials before, the little I saw I'd say maybe Prosecution doesn't seem to have a passionate, dramatic flair to her presentation in her closing. She seems to rely more on just listing all his bad actions. Perhaps she doesn't want to entertain all the poor me defense. She does point out the premeditation of his actions and that the State proved 1st Degree Murder not Voluntary Manslaughter.

However, his searching for trash can pics doesn't really speak to me of him looking to dump the bodies, or planning future killings. I think she's off there or "out of her mind" like Ali told her. lol

Probably doesn't matter, Jurors most likely will come back with the expected verdict fast. I do want to hear the Defense's closing, but I anticipate it will be more of the victim blaming, poor pitiful Ali was confused, too high, had a bad childhood, and more excuses.

I really don't like the thought of a young person being sentenced to a life in prison with no chance at parole. The thing is Ali didn't come across as genuinely remorseful. He could still get confused by life's mixed messages and fly into a deadly tantrum again thinking he's justified. Jurors have to feel assured he won't kill again, and I think they'll have doubts. All MOO


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