CA CA - Barbara Thomas, 69, from Bullhead City AZ, disappeared in Mojave desert, 12 July 2019 #12

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You forgot to mention RT said "he believes she may have been taken to Las Vegas" ... maybe we should accept what he told us?
Family suspects foul play in disappearance of Bullhead City woman
I've thought this, too. For awhile I checked the Vegas news to see if a Jane Doe had been found but all had been identified.

Because of jurisdictional boundaries, it might be difficult to identify her if she was found in the Vegas area.

This is where the GPS on all of the vehicles and phones would really be helpful. I hope LE is looking at it closely.
Missing Person Statistics
The Department of Justice annually will update the statistics of missing persons from information provided by law enforcement agencies. Law enforcement agencies are required by state law to report missing persons cases to the Missing Persons System, an automated database which can be used by authorized law enforcement and criminal justice agencies via the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System.
California Missing Persons
Barbara Thomas
It just keeps looking like it’s impossible for things to have gone down with Barbara the way her husband said it did or she would have been found by now.
I suspect it didn't happen exactly as he said in the version that was made public. But that doesn't mean he's guilty of anything. And if there was more to it, e.g. if she stormed off during an argument, he may have opened up more to the police. We don't know what he has told them.
And anyone who believes she got into a car or was abducted and whisked away to Vegas, raise your hand.
It's unlikely. I'm still not convinced that scenario wasn't suggested to him and he saw it as a straw to clutch.
She could have walked to the remote camping area .. If she walked from where RT said they were .. Barbara would have been in full view of anyone who had stopped at the vevicle viewing area as she walked. Then she would find her way through the Granite boulders to the remote camping area..
I agree, thank you for the reminder about the remote camping area that was within walking distance of where RT said they were walking when BT disappeared.

I've always wondered about the possible scenario (that seems much more plausible to me than random abduction along the remote road, or experienced desert hiker Barb getting disoriented or lost within minutes of her husband and experienced hiking partner and their RV) if one or more people were hanging out there, and kidnapped her. MOO

Saving this excellent post.

Re. the first bolded ; Yes, that was odd. Why bother ?
What could the convenience store employee care who was in the truck ?
Something of interest in that statement.

Re. the second bolded ; Wonder where she was if the time stamp of the Chevron is correct ? I'm assuming it is as LE said it was.
Was she out walking somewhere else ? Possible.
I didn't think about the time and distance significance.

Re. the third bolded ; From the first accounts of the Chevron employee, RT said that his wife was in the truck and that he needed physical assistance to get in and out of the truck --and that this was in the morning.
The 911 call wasn't made until 3:26pm .
So that leaves an abundance of unaccounted for time.
Good points!

Re. the third bolded, I have always been surprised that the Chevron employee said RT said his wife was in the truck and that he needed physical assistance to get in and out of the (new dually) truck (pulling the new RV). And IIRC, the Chevron employee also said they did not see Barbara assisting RT in and out of the truck, and RT did not seem impaired as he returned to the truck after buying ice.

There've been no similar statements from RT or LE about RT having diminished physical capacity/a physical impairment that would not allow him to get in and out of the truck they just bought without assistance so he could then operate the vehicle to pull the new RV and go walking and RV camping in the desert on the trip they took when Barbara disappeared on a 2 mile walk on an open trail.

Presumably they bought the new rig that fit him, and not one that cost tens of thousands of dollars that he as the main driver couldn't get himself in and out of without his wife's help.

I wonder if he said this to LE when they arrived after he called 911, and it just hasn't been reported? Like, I can't get in or out of the new truck without my wife's help because I'm physically unable, so that's another reason why I've been 'walking around looking for my wife and waving my arms and calling her name and getting really panicky', because otherwise, I could only stand outside on the ground or go into the RV while I've been waiting for 2+ hours for the police to respond to my 911 call, because I can't get in or out of our new truck.

It doesn't make sense, IMO, hoping the facts have been misconstrued in the media/on social media, and RT will take the opportunity to address questions like this in whatever forum he's comfortable with, but I'm not holding at hope at the prospect.

Thinking of you Barbara, all of the time, and waiting for answers!!

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Good points!

Re. the third bolded, I have always been surprised that the Chevron employee said RT said his wife was in the truck and that he needed physical assistance to get in and out of the (new dually) truck (pulling the new RV). And IIRC, the Chevron employee also said they did not see Barbara assisting RT in and out of the truck, and RT did not seem impaired as he returned to the truck after buying ice.

There've been no similar statements from RT or LE about RT having diminished physical capacity/a physical impairment that would not allow him to get in and out of the truck they just bought without assistance so he could then operate the vehicle to pull the new RV and go walking and RV camping in the desert on the trip they took when Barbara disappeared on a 2 mile walk on an open trail.

Presumably they bought the new rig that fit him, and not one that cost tens of thousands of dollars that he as the main driver couldn't get himself in and out of without his wife's help.

I wonder if he said this to LE when they arrived after he called 911, and it just hasn't been reported? Like, I can't get in or out of the new truck without my wife's help because I'm physically unable, so that's another reason why I've been 'walking around looking for my wife and waving my arms and calling her name and getting really panicky', because otherwise, I could only stand outside on the ground or go into the RV while I've been waiting for 2+ hours for the police to respond to my 911 call, because I can't get in or out of our new truck.

It doesn't make sense, IMO, hoping the facts have been misconstrued in the media/on social media, and RT will take the opportunity to address questions like this in whatever forum he's comfortable with, but I'm not holding at hope at the prospect.

Thinking of you Barbara, all of the time, and waiting for answers!!

IIRC, RT needed help parking the rig, not getting in and out of it, which is why he parked away from the store where he wouldn't have to maneuver the rig. We had a lot of discussion here about where he could have parked that would be closer to the store and why he didn't.

I believe the main issue we had was why he felt the need to tell the clerk that he needed help parking and felt like it was to draw attention to Barbara's presence in the rig because she couldn't be seen from the store.
IIRC, RT needed help parking the rig, not getting in and out of it, which is why he parked away from the store where he wouldn't have to maneuver the rig. We had a lot of discussion here about where he could have parked that would be closer to the store and why he didn't.

I believe the main issue we had was why he felt the need to tell the clerk that he needed help parking and felt like it was to draw attention to Barbara's presence in the rig because she couldn't be seen from the store.
I have to agree with you there. The whole thing doesn’t flow at all. Why the need to specifically state he needed his wife help and that she was in the truck. What does the Chevron worker care? The whole thing was to establish he was there “with Barbara” so when questioned later, the Chevron worker would say “ yeh more they were here.” IMO
I have to agree with you there. The whole thing doesn’t flow at all. Why the need to specifically state he needed his wife help and that she was in the truck. What does the Chevron worker care? The whole thing was to establish he was there “with Barbara” so when questioned later, the Chevron worker would say “ yeh more they were here.” IMO
Perhaps he said it for no reason. Sometimes people just say what's on their mind or make some random comment when engaged in a transaction with another person. I often do. I might comment on something that has inconvenienced or frustrated me, or conversely I might be pleased about something and mention it. There's no real reason behind it.
Not really directed at any particular poster, but with regard to the seemingly strange conversation RT had with the Chevron clerk, I think it's important to remember that it's impossible to know what RT really said to the clerk - I'm not saying the clerk lied about anything, but that casual conversations between strangers in these situations (retail) can sometimes be misunderstood but we don't really ask for (or want) clarification because it is a blip in our day and we just go on. So I think it's entirely possible RT didn't say what the clerk thinks he said, or that even if he did, his meaning was misunderstood. Look how we are discussing whether the clerk said RT needed help getting in and out of the vehicle vs parking it. People mis-remember things. That's a fact.

Not sure I agree it is a good thing the thread is open since there is no new information and the same accusations seem to be appearing.
I have to agree with you there. The whole thing doesn’t flow at all. Why the need to specifically state he needed his wife help and that she was in the truck. What does the Chevron worker care? The whole thing was to establish he was there “with Barbara” so when questioned later, the Chevron worker would say “ yeh more they were here.” IMO

Yes. This along with the poly’s natural to have hindsight questions. It’s okay to question the puzzles pieces we have IMO .
I know our VI has been dealing with additional sad difficulties but I do hope at some point he’ll be back to let us know if any progress is happening, and how he is doing in general. I know I find myself making a lot of assumptions when I’m really just longing for everyone to get answers about where BT can be found. This is such a sad, sad story.
Respectfully disagree as it's good the thread is open because this could be what breaks the case !
Posters here speculating ; and possibly hitting on the solution to the mystery.

The more people that can help the better.
Even commenters' on this thread.

There is no reason not to join the podcast when invited.
We have extended the hand of friendship and RT should be grateful to get his story out to the public and find Barbara.
People at WS have been extremely gracious to RT and I'm sure he knows this.

Barbara needs to be found and brought back home for her son and immediate family who loved her.

Hoping that there's a break soon and most here wouldn't disagree to that.
The answers may be out there, hiding in plain sight.

With cazador's drone searches we may find clues that will lead us to Barbara.
It was odd from the beginning that the SAR dogs could find not scent of Barbara at the location of the RV and leading away from it.
So where did she take her walk ?

Doubtful that aliens took her and vanished her without a trace.
So what actually happened ?
A random abductor could have been wandering the Mojave for hours or days; we just don't know.

We do know that she was wearing underwear or a bikini and carrying a beer, according to the person who last saw her.
From the photos of Barbara provided in the media thread and by her son, she wasn't unfamiliar with camping out and rockin' her swimsuit in the bright sunshine --so kudos to her :)

But as an experienced hiker it's doubtful that she'd be drinking alcohol as it's dehydrating.
And Barbara would know this.
So where does that leave us ?

It looks like drone searches are the most practical solution now .
Not that boots on the ground wouldn't be a bad idea.
But maybe other areas out there need to be searched since no trace of her has been found near the fifth wheel camper.
There have been foot searches and drone searches and nothing.
Not a trace to show she was there ; according to the first searchers and the SAR canines.

So again we must consider other options like the random kidnapper out walking around in the desert.
Since that was the only suggestion and was given to us by the person to last see her.
An important lead ? Possibly.

How many people have been abducted in the Mojave in blistering heat and whilst out taking photos of rock formations ?
If anyone knows they can post it here because that was suggested to us and must be considered.
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Yes. This along with the poly’s natural to have hindsight questions. It’s okay to question the puzzles pieces we have IMO .
Yes, it is very important.

Our insight here and the drone searches by our valuable member cazador could be what breaks the case !
I will not forget Barbara and neither will her siblings and son who love her.
None of us who care about her will want to stop discussing her case.
At least we are doing something.
The more attention the better as some missing persons' cases languish for lack of attention.
IIRC, RT needed help parking the rig, not getting in and out of it, which is why he parked away from the store where he wouldn't have to maneuver the rig. We had a lot of discussion here about where he could have parked that would be closer to the store and why he didn't.

I believe the main issue we had was why he felt the need to tell the clerk that he needed help parking and felt like it was to draw attention to Barbara's presence in the rig because she couldn't be seen from the store.
I drove there. From the hwy it is much simpler to pull straight into the front of the motel directly across the street from the gas station/Circle K. It's easier to pull out too. If I had a truck with a trailer attached that's exactly how I would have done it.
I wish RT would accept Tricia’s invitation. Even if he has issues with some of the posts or posters here, he could still take the opportunity to set those posters straight as well as further the chances of solving his wife’s disappearance.
IIRC, RT needed help parking the rig, not getting in and out of it, which is why he parked away from the store where he wouldn't have to maneuver the rig. We had a lot of discussion here about where he could have parked that would be closer to the store and why he didn't.

I believe the main issue we had was why he felt the need to tell the clerk that he needed help parking and felt like it was to draw attention to Barbara's presence in the rig because she couldn't be seen from the store.
I've always read his comment about not being able to park without his wife's help as being sarcastic and snarky about his wife being a "backseat driver" and trying to tell him how to park the RV and he resented her trying to tell him how to park. I think he was angry and was complaining to the store clerk.
I have to agree with you there. The whole thing doesn’t flow at all. Why the need to specifically state he needed his wife help and that she was in the truck. What does the Chevron worker care? The whole thing was to establish he was there “with Barbara” so when questioned later, the Chevron worker would say “ yeh more they were here.” IMO
My DH and I have stopped at a convenience store while traveling and to my knowledge neither of us tells the employee that the other person is with us.
Just pay for the fuel or purchasing snacks and be on our way.
But.. that's just us. :)
I realize everyone is different and so no judgement there at all.

What is of interest is what LE thinks about this.
Their opinion matters more than mine.
So, what are they saying ?
Have they reviewed any security footage from the stop ?
Anything will help and there could be clues !

I wanted to thank the posters who provided photos of the Chevron station in the media timeline as it helps to know exactly how the truck and fifth wheel were parked and the distance from the convenience store to the RV.
I wish RT would accept Tricia’s invitation. Even if he has issues with some of the posts or posters here, he could still take the opportunity to set those posters straight as well as further the chances of solving his wife’s disappearance.
Maybe he will ?^^^

We have been supportive and would welcome his valuable input.
He was, after all, the last person to see her.
Other than the kidnapper who was attracted (in RT's words) to a lady out in the desert with a beer in hand and wearing underwear or her bikini.
So yes, we are compassionate and sorry for RT's loss and he needs to speak with us and let us know what he thinks happened ?

Does he really think she may have been taken to Las Vegas ?
He thought of that and shared it in his interview so maybe he could tell us where he thinks they took her ?
Anything helps at this point as the case has sadly gone cold.

Thread #7

Page 38

Post # 746

The attendant on the day spoke to me. Describes Robbie as naggy and said police have all surveillance footage. The attendant, Mike if I remember, also told me Robbie parked way out on the other side of the road. Walked in to the store in a very roundabout way, said something about not being able to get in and out of the truck without his wife's help, which made the attendant think he was implying a disability, and then practically jogged across the road and hopped in the truck, which struck Mike as very odd, and made him remember the encounter. RT only bought ice. Mike did not see Barb, but probably wouldn't have if they were parked across the road (context for the google earth photo). This happened around 9am.

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