Found Deceased CA - Blaze Bernstein, 19, Lake Forest, 2 Jan 2018 #5 *Arrest*

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I’m still trying to wrap my head around your use of the word “aggressor.”

Regarding LE’s comment that Blaze arranged to meet SW, that doesn’t equal aggressor. People can mutually make arrangements.

Aggressor does not equal person extending an invitation.
Aggressor does equal person who intends/attempts to harm someone else

IF Blaze made the suggestion to meet, that does not make him an aggressor, anymore than my inviting my co-worker to lunch makes me an aggressor. It comes down to whether or not one intends to harm or threaten. There’s no evidence that Blaze had any ill intent toward SW.


I merely used the word because I couldn't think of a better word at the time.

ETA: Just thought of a better word: initiator.
Cora, thanks for finding the article. Here's an excerpt:

"Blaze N. Bernstein, who was visiting with family on winter break from the University of Pennsylvania, went to Borrego Park that night to meet someone for unknown reasons, said Annee Della Donna, an attorney and friend of the family. At 9:30 p.m., he sent a text message with his family's Lake Forest address for a high school buddy to pick him up and take him to the park to meet the third person, she said."

This article is from January 6th, relatively early in the investigation and days before Blaze's body was found. The info stated by the attorney friend of the family might originally have come from the service provider for the borrowed phone -- I'm guessing that the relative who lent BB the phone gave LE permission to access texts sent from the phone, assuming that can be done. It could be in error -- the affidavit implies that this was done by Snapchat. The report that BB contacted SW may be based on SW's version of events at that point -- on him saying that BB contacted him to ask for a ride to meet a third party.

So even though it's been reported that BB texted or otherwise contacted SW, I think at this point there's uncertainty about what really happened.
Based on that quote, I'm wondering if it's possible that SW told Blaze that he had a friend who was interested in him and would like to meet him and that's how he got Blaze to go with him.

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LE has stated that SW and BB went several places. One assumes that this is based on verifiable evidence: security cams, etc. They have not provided details. The nbc article linked above was from January 6, very early in the scheme of things (the body was discovered 1/9), so I'm not sure what to make of the reports near the toll road.

It would be so out of the ordinary to see anyone at any time walking along the toll road. If anything, maybe someone's car broke down and they had to walk to the nearest ramp. We know it wasn't BB tho. I suppose it even could have been SW.
I've been following this thread and a couple thoughts have come up. MOO

1. What if the 3rd person was SW grooming BB for a "meet up" - hey, remember SW from HS - he's in the area and will give you a ride.

2. BB went out to the car to let him know he was not going (hence leaving everything behind but his phone, it was in his coat, pants - something BB always has with him).

3. SW pulls up and puts down a window, BB says he's not going and SW uses a tazer on him. Game over.

I dated a person in LE and when he went for training they did the full Monty. The trainees got pepper sprayed, tazed, shot at with rubber bullets along with other "fun" LE might occur when out in the field. This guy (I dated) was 5'11" 185lbs. - he was incapacitated for 5 mins. I don't know the voltage of the tazer they used but he was expecting the impact.

Just speculating at this point. After the BF became official LE, he would not discuss anything with me. If I heard something about a mutual "POI" - his response was "Wait for the official statement to be released."

Again, I plead the cow - MOO.
I merely used the word because I couldn't think of a better word at the time.

ETA: Just thought of a better word: initiator.

Thanks for clarifying. :)

O/T: I love your avatar, btw. I’m a longtime C&H fan and my oldest son had a cowlick that made his hair stick up so we sometimes called him Calvin. His favorite toy was a stuffed leopard, not a tiger, but close.... He was quite a streaker when he was little. Except socks. Always had to wear socks. He’s a young adult now, So I don’t want to know whether or not he plays naked (TMI). Still has to wear socks. Anthropology minor. :)
If BB texted his address to his buddy to come pick him up, I would think someone in the family would have noticed BB leaving the house. Maybe I'm missing something here :thinking:. I'm still trying to figure out if BB kept in contact while away at college, if he kept in contact with SW. I just can't figure out why BB was killed, not a lot to go on at this point.
Anyone have a link to the actual affidavit? I only recall seeing MSM discuss the affidavit. TIA!
I do not find it impossible to believe that BB messaged this guy and they planned to meet up. It may well have been planned as a social meeting. But obviously, something went badly wrong at some point.
I read through all the posts here and the following are my questions / observations:

**All my opinion, no real hard facts here**

1. There was a post with a screenshot of the police calls that came in that night, two at the hobby lobby location for disturbances around 2am. Whoever called those in would know what those disturbances were. Could be important info.

2. Everyone is going by SW story of them going to the park or meeting at the park when in fact we only knew that's where they found him, so it's really just that... SW's story. I don't think we can base any details of the story on the fact they they were supposedly going to this park. I don't think this was really intended but I do think this is where BB ended up, placed there rather after deceased.

3. BB seemed close to his family. Why not tell them where you are going and why leave all your stuff behind? This could could point to a side of BB not everyone is recognizing. I get a sense he is bold, confident and not afraid. He had shining confidence, possibly tad arrogant typical 19/20 year old who has a fresh exciting life. I do not see him as meek or potentially unable to engage in some serious stuff with the SW guy. I think we are underestimating BB. I think him not telling his family where he was going points to some behavior he didn't really to have a willy nilly convo about with the family. Did he even tell the family he was leaving or just snuck out?

4. The loaner phone really doesn't add up unless BB's was in fact broken and he was borrowing one in the meantime until his is repaired... overall not a huge deal but a little odd.

5. Maybe the reason the dogs didn't find BB at the park at first is he was not at the park? SW had him somewhere else and maybe the day the police questioned him, maybe even the night before was when he placed him there. Hence having dirty nails that same day because he worked on it the night before. It doesn't make sense to have dirty nails 2 days later. He would've taken a shower since then.

6. I do think SW wasn't the best at coming up with story and did want to try to play it off as someone else did it to BB. He thought he could get out of it while still allowing police to find BB but claim that he had no part of the situation because he had dropped him off there and BB was harmed after that. I think he was not prepared to make up a story or caved under nerves/pressure and really didn't know how to come up with a story. He was nervous and probably horrified too. I think he just feels guilty and nervous and gave himself away without thinking.

7. Why such vagueness on the details. If there is a girlfriend of SW then who is she? Obviously a lie and a really strange one to say "girlfriend" - says to me he is really try to hide their relationship (BB &SW), why not just say I went home, or to a friend's but girlfriend seems obvious cover up considering what he was trying to detract from. Doesn't SW have any friends? Why is no one coming forward. I feel like people know more.

8. People are into things you would never imagine (sex wise), the whole thing could be fantasy based in the sex realm and maybe even the violence part of it. Odd to normal folks but when it comes to sex play obviously weird things exist out there. My opinion again is BB is being underestimated and really he's into some stuff because he's bold, confident, and unafraid. Not sure how this got so out of hand but clearly it did. And I wanted to add, I think it was a accident. Something went too far OR SW is really sadistic and into violent stuff. BB didn't know SW was like this nowadays perhaps and thought it would be a quick meet-up/hook-up norm style but turns out SW decides to live out some violent fantasies. eh, idk.

Anyway, wanted to share my thoughts after reading the posts.

**All my opinion, no real hard facts here**

I agree with much of the above.

But I disagree with the portion I have BOLDED above...

I don't think it was possible for the 'witness' to go ahead and move any bodies, after the incident. The detectives were on to him from the first interview. They would be keeping him on side eye, imo.

And that park was being watched closely too. People were searching for BB already in that area. Hard to believe someone could move a corpse INTO the park after people were already looking for him there. jmo
So I'm finally caught up with the posts. Just one thing is kicking around my head at the moment. I got a look at SW's mugshot and as my best friend's momma would say: bless his heart, that boy is unfortunate looking.

On a more serious note, after checking out his photo and getting a good look at him, I have serious doubts that there is any sexual motive involved here or some quiet sexual relationship between him and Blaze. Knowing how younger gay guys are and how picky they are, I can't imagine Blaze going after someone who looks like SW. JMO.

Then why did he send SW his home address?

I think it is interesting to see how different people's opinions are in terms of attraction. My nephew, who is a young gay male, thinks that SW looks 'very hot.' He thought he was attractive and totally understood why BB was meeting up with him.

My nephew grew up in Orange County and is very interested in this case. He does not believe it is a hate crime though. He thinks SW was gay and was angry at BB, not at gays in general.
I think there's uncertainty too. I haven't seen anything so far that makes me believe that BB actually sent/texted his address to SW.

Didn't LE already say that they saw the saved message with the address sent to SW, and that is how they zeroed in on SW?


Orange County authorities said they used Blaze Bernstein’s Snapchat account to help identify the suspect arrested in connection with the slaying of the Ivy League college student, but authorities have not revealed details about a possible motive in the case.

Detectives used Bernstein’s Snapchat account to identify a friend who had picked him up the night before, said Orange County Undersheriff Don Barnes. That friend told investigators that he had left Bernstein after he walked off by himself in Borrego Park, Barnes said.
Please post any news or activity from todays service if appropriate, as per respecting the family’s grief.

Please post any news or activity from todays service if appropriate, as per respecting the family’s grief.


Is this appropriate?

If not, please let me know, and I'll delete.


Firstly, here is Blaze's Official Site: This site includes his admission essay to Penn, comments about his culinary skills, his activism and love of adventure.

From below-linked article:

The private memorial service was held at University Synagogue in Irvine. Relatives and friends who attended the service were given a small baking spatula and a cake recipe that Bernstein created himself and had prepared over the holidays.
My nephew grew up in Orange County and is very interested in this case. He does not believe it is a hate crime though. He thinks SW was gay and was angry at BB, not at gays in general.

Yes and yes.

I earlier wrote that SW's Facebook posting in connection with the Confederate flag seemed to contain a statement defending the Rainbow flag, though not all readers on here took it that way.

The nature of the wounds inflicted on BB will say something about his feelings towards him. Blows to the face are extremely personal. If the body suggests that, then there was some real vitriol there. My intuition says it was more than simple anger at sexual rejection. Something else had been going on.

Time will tell.
Just something I wrote.

There is a light
Not lost
the world….breathes
to keep
the Blaze

The spark,
on earth
has flown.

rain down

Fire spreads
be the light.
Do good for Blaze!
If BB texted his address to his buddy to come pick him up, I would think someone in the family would have noticed BB leaving the house. Maybe I'm missing something here :thinking:. I'm still trying to figure out if BB kept in contact while away at college, if he kept in contact with SW. I just can't figure out why BB was killed, not a lot to go on at this point.
Early in this case first day, the family stated they went out that evening something about his sister, so they were not home. I do know this as fact and it was from very first reports.
Actually I'm not really surprised that no one saw them. Think about your daily life, when you're out and about do you look at people if they're not creating a ruckus? Speaking for myself I never notice anyone when I'm out and about unless they give me a reason to look at them.
I will admit I am people watcher, for many reasons. 💝
I will admit I am people watcher, for many reasons. 

I am a people watcher too since I was a child. I find it fascinating. Attitude & body language, clothes, facial gestures etc...
Early in this case first day, the family stated they went out that evening something about his sister, so they were not home. I do know this as fact and it was from very first reports.

I must have completely missed that. What I recall is that the whole family had dinner at home, with Blaze preparing the meal. Even the grandparents were there. Do you have a link with not-at-home story? I’ll look for a link for the dinner-at-home story and addition to this post.

“He made dinner for the family that night," she said. "They had a great evening together.

He was having a good time with us and in good spirits," he said, adding that his son's grandparents joined them for dinner.
"After dinner, everyone took off and as far as we knew, he was up in his room," he said. "We didn't even really know he was gone until the next day. We figured he slept in."
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