CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - # 9

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Looks like Bob's story will be on Disappeared (Season 5). A clip of the show is posted on their website (watch video at link below). Agnes the housekeeper is interviewed and appears in clip. I did my best to transcribe the clip below.


Disappeared Season 5 - Sign of Trouble (Bob Harrod)

Clip (3:23) – Posted 4/26/12

(transcribed below)

Narrator: But Jeff was not the only person at Bob’s house that day. Agnes, Bob’s housekeeper of more than 10 years, arrived around Noon. Normally, she cleans Bob’s house on Tuesday, but this week she’d arranged to come on Monday.

Agnes: And he said that will be fine, I will be here, and Jeff is coming and he’s gonna to take care of a couple of things in the house before Fontelle comes. So I went to the house, knocked on the door, nobody answered, I looked in the mailbox because that’s where he normally leaves me the key, the key wasn’t there, so I sat on the bench in front of the house.

Narrator: The situation made her very uneasy. Nothing like this had ever happened before.

Agnes: Bob always was home when I went over there, or if, him and Georgia, they would always always tell me if they would not be home, and they put a key in the mailbox. But it was a very rare occasion that they were not home.

Narrator: After about 15 minutes, Jeff drove up to the house.

Agnes: I told him right away that, you know, that where Bob is, because he’s not answering the door. And Jeff was just asking me, “Are you supposed to be here today?” I said, “Yeah, Bob knew that I’m coming today.”

Narrator: Agnes was surprised to hear that Bob didn’t tell Jeff that she would be coming that day. As Jeff let her in the house, she began to feel that something was very wrong.

Agnes: I was really concerned at that point, I was afraid to go upstairs, I didn’t want to find anything. So I asked Jeff if he would go upstairs and see if Bob was there.

Narrator: Agnes waited at the bottom of the stairs while Jeff went up to have a look around.

Agnes: I thought he’s just going to look into the room, it takes a minute to go up, look into the room, and just see if Bob was there or not. But he actually ended up spending a couple of minutes there, so I thought maybe, you know, he find something, he find him there or something. So I yelled up, I said, “Is he there, is he ok?” And he said, ‘No, he’s not here.” And then he came back.

Narrator: Uncertain about what to do next, Agnes began cleaning, while Jeff resumed his repairs. As she worked her way around the house, she noticed something disturbing.

Agnes: When I went upstairs, I saw that in his bedroom, the bed was unmade, and never in the 10 years I worked for them, that happened before. It was just so out of character for him to not to make the bed, I just thought it was very strange.

Narrator: Deeply troubled, Agnes finished up and left, shortly after Jeff, who had also completed his work.

Agnes: I was there all together about 3 hours. I can honestly tell you that during the whole time I was there, I was very concerned. I kept thinking, where is he at?

Video Clip:

Jeff's Honda Ridgeline is shown in the Disappeared clip. I can't help but think of the Ridgeline's extra storage space.

Fitting inside the "trunk" of a Honda Ridgeline - YouTube
Thanks, that’s very important. So…Bob and Agnes spoke earlier that day and Bob told Agnes Jeff was coming, but Jeff did not know Agnes was coming that day.

Exactly. Also, Mr. Harrod did not have time to make his bed that morning. That tells me whatever happened to Mr. Harrod happened early.
JeM has been in a couple of videos his wife JuM took at their house with their dogs, and posted on her Youtube page.

I'll be very curious to see whether JeM agreed to be interviewed for this show about his missing father-in-law.
Accounting for Conservatorship - Hearing Tomorrow, 5/7



Snipped from Probate Notes:






This paperwork was originally due way back in May of 2010, iirc.
Let's see if they can finally follow the court order and get it right. :waiting:

ETA: BCBM. yes, according to the above court documentation this paperwork was originally due back on 05/05/2010. Two years ago, yesterday. Interestingly, they failed to provide ANY paperwork for the last year, according to the above court info.
Agnes: I told him right away that, you know, that where Bob is, because he’s not answering the door. And Jeff was just asking me, “Are you supposed to be here today?” I said, “Yeah, Bob knew that I’m coming today.”


Agnes: When I went upstairs, I saw that in his bedroom, the bed was unmade, and never in the 10 years I worked for them, that happened before. It was just so out of character for him to not to make the bed, I just thought it was very strange.


Video Clip:



And especially the second quote.


No indication from that trailer, though, if Agnes was the person Bob spoke with at 10 am. I think she probably was but it would still be good to know for sure.

Man, that had to have been a creepy experience, cleaning the house with JeM hanging around and indications that something was wrong.
From Disappeared missing person profile page:

Disappeared &#8211; Season 5
Bob Harrod
Missing since July 27, 2009

Eighty-one year old Bob Harrod is walking on air when he reconnects with his long lost sweetheart Fontelle. In a whirlwind reunion after 60 years apart, the two are married and make plans for Fontelle to live with Bob in California. But while Fontelle is home in Missouri preparing for her cross-country move, Bob disappears. At first, police believe he may have suffered a health problem typical of his age. But as time goes on and Bob isn't found, they begin to suspect foul play. It's not long until a strong motive surfaces: Bob is a millionaire.

The day before he disappeared, his daughters &#8212; Paula Borcher, Roberta Brady and Julie Michaels &#8212; came to his home in Placentia, Calif. The four argued about money, police say.

Thank God for Agnes. You can tell she cared very much about Bob and she is very credible IMO.

Yes. She's clear and precise about what she says. Nothing confusing about what she says. When she choked up, I started crying.

Odd that JeM didn't tell Agnes that he'd just seen Bob at 11 am or noon or 1:30 pm or 2:30 pm... I forget, *when* was it JeM last saw Bob? There's so many versions, it's hard to keep track.

I would have thought, though, that on the very day, JeM would have told Agnes "he was fine when I left at X:XX and he didn't mention he was going to go out. He knew I was coming back to finish up here."

You know, a statement like an innocent man would make.
Thanks, that’s very important. So…Bob and Agnes spoke earlier that day and Bob told Agnes Jeff was coming, but Jeff did not know Agnes was coming that day.

I didn't read that into it. See below...

Angelo said:
Exactly. Also, Mr. Harrod did not have time to make his bed that morning. That tells me whatever happened to Mr. Harrod happened early.

I know those intimately familiar with following Bob's case from the start can help me with this (please). :)

Re the above in bold, and the unmade bed.

Did Agnes actually say that she had spoke to Bob Monday morning? The appt. could have been set before Monday, IMO.

When did Fontelle last speak to Bob (presumably via phone from her home out-of-state)?

IF Agnes did not speak to Bob Monday morning, it's possible that something happened anytime after Fontelle last spoke to Bob, IMO. So not necessarily early Monday, but on Sunday? Couldn't Bob's bed have been made from early Sunday and later messed up by someone else to make it look like he had slept in it? (I'm not even wanting to revisit the sheets debacle rite now)

I'm wondering what Bob's neighbors have said about various comings and goings of vehicles at Bob's home those couple of days.

I'm not trying to split hairs, but trying to understand the timeline (no small task) and not make assumptions.

The "Disappeared" clip (narrator) says that Agnes arrived at 10:00 and Jeff arrived about 15 minutes later. That fits with one of the early versions of the timeframe stated by the family, IIRC. If it comes down to discrepancies between Agnes' and Jeff's/family's timelines, then I sure hope that Agnes had a cell phone with her that was tracked.

Complicating matters (for me) is that I've seen posts claiming that the "Disappeared" program doesn't always get the facts straight and even embellishes a bit. I keep reminding myself that it's a television show so must have salt shaker on hand. That said, I'm still looking forward to seeing Bob's episode.
JeM has been in a couple of videos his wife JuM took at their house with their dogs, and posted on her Youtube page.

I'll be very curious to see whether JeM agreed to be interviewed for this show about his missing father-in-law.

I was thinking the same thing. It will be very telling if JuM and JeM declined to be interviewed for the Disappeared episode.

I didn't read that into it. See below...


I know those intimately familiar with following Bob's case from the start can help me with this (please). :)

Re the above in bold, and the unmade bed.

Did Agnes actually say that she had spoke to Bob Monday morning? The appt. could have been set before Monday, IMO.

When did Fontelle last speak to Bob (presumably via phone from her home out-of-state)?

IF Agnes did not speak to Bob Monday morning, it's possible that something happened anytime after Fontelle last spoke to Bob, IMO. So not necessarily early Monday, but on Sunday? Couldn't Bob's bed have been made from early Sunday and later messed up by someone else to make it look like he had slept in it? (I'm not even wanting to revisit the sheets debacle rite now)

I'm wondering what Bob's neighbors have said about various comings and goings of vehicles at Bob's home those couple of days.

I'm not trying to split hairs, but trying to understand the timeline (no small task) and not make assumptions.

The "Disappeared" clip (narrator) says that Agnes arrived at 10:00 and Jeff arrived about 15 minutes later. That fits with one of the early versions of the timeframe stated by the family, IIRC. If it comes down to discrepancies between Agnes' and Jeff's/family's timelines, then I sure hope that Agnes had a cell phone with her that was tracked.

Complicating matters (for me) is that I've seen posts claiming that the "Disappeared" program doesn't always get the facts straight and even embellishes a bit. I keep reminding myself that it's a television show so must have salt shaker on hand. That said, I'm still looking forward to seeing Bob's episode.

It is verified that Mr. Harrod was alive Monday morning according to LE. Fontelle and Mr. Harrod last spoke Sunday night.

It says Agnes arrived around noon. Supposedly JeM had arrived earlier at the house and was returning to the house from a trip out when he found Agnes waiting.

"Michaels said he returned to the house after 3 p.m. to find the Harrods' longtime maid sitting on the front stoop, saying the door was locked. Bob Harrod talked to the housekeeper on the phone earlier that morning and told her to come."
It is verified that Mr. Harrod was alive Monday morning according to LE. Fontelle and Mr. Harrod last spoke Sunday night.

It says Agnes arrived around noon. Supposedly JeM had arrived earlier at the house and was returning to the house from a trip out when he found Agnes waiting.

"Michaels said he returned to the house after 3 p.m. to find the Harrods' longtime maid sitting on the front stoop, saying the door was locked. Bob Harrod talked to the housekeeper on the phone earlier that morning and told her to come."

"Disappeared" clip said "noon"?...oops, I heard "ten" (but typed 10:00). :blush: Narrator also said that Agnes was there for about 3 hours.

I'd missed where LE verified that Bob was alive Monday morning.

Re the bolded at your link, the article doesn't state whether the source was LE or Agnes, but I guess it's implied by context. At least, unlike many online news articles in these cases, that one has a by-line. Obviously it probably originated from Agnes. If Agnes said "noon" and JeM said "after 3", then that does not mesh.

Wish we knew which bits of the Bob's timeline are substantiated by multiple sources (and what they are). I'm confident that LE pulled the various phone records.
I am grateful to A for proving that Fontelle and a group of strangers on the www are not the only ones grieved by the disappearance, presumed homicide of this special man.
Wish we knew which bits of the Bob's timeline are substantiated by multiple sources (and what they are). I'm confident that LE pulled the various phone records.

Respectfully shortened. Oh, I'm sure LE has pulled multiple phone records, checked multiple sources of both phone, survelliance and receipts. This late after Mr. Harrods disappearance, I strongly believe they have deciphered the various accounts from various players and the truth will come out via trial - at some point - versus publicly clarifying the timeline and revealing their hand too soon.

What I believe we can safely assume, is SIL JeM arrived sometime in the am, prior to Bob having time to make his bed, something occured, JeM left once and returned to find the housekeeper, then left a second time obtaining the time stamped receipt about 3pm.

It would be very interesting to know what both the housekeeper and Mrs. Harrod had to say about said home repairs being necessary prior to SIL JeM's arrival the day of Mr. Harrods disappearance.

Time will tell, though we may not have any solid answers until a time at which this case eventually goes to trial.

IF Agnes did not speak to Bob Monday morning, it's possible that something happened anytime after Fontelle last spoke to Bob, IMO.


IIRC LE said there was a documented phone call from someone outside of family (Agnes?). Thats why we figured he was killed :-( anytime after that phone call.
Personally knowing R's husband (ex) I can vouch for him being a Purple Heart recipient from Vietnam and a hell of a nice guy.
He is back in Texas now.

Thanks charminglane-I was alluding to the lack of success in the marriage. Both times, if I recall correctly.

He was a Purple Heart recipient! I thank him for his service for sure. I have known many Korea and Vietnam vets, as well as the two Gulf Wars. Vietnam appears to have been especially painful for those who returned, but I am sincerely grateful to him.

Just so you know, charminglane has been verified folks. :)
I would think the new timeline provided by the Disappeared teaser sort of calls into question the assertion of PB that she spoke with her father that morning....jmvho.
Looks like Bob's story will be on Disappeared (Season 5). A clip of the show is posted on their website (watch video at link below). Agnes the housekeeper is interviewed and appears in clip. I did my best to transcribe the clip below.


Disappeared Season 5 - Sign of Trouble (Bob Harrod)

Clip (3:23) – Posted 4/26/12

(transcribed below)

Narrator: But Jeff was not the only person at Bob’s house that day. Agnes, Bob’s housekeeper of more than 10 years, arrived around Noon. Normally, she cleans Bob’s house on Tuesday, but this week she’d arranged to come on Monday.

Agnes: And he said that will be fine, I will be here, and Jeff is coming and he’s gonna to take care of a couple of things in the house before Fontelle comes. So I went to the house, knocked on the door, nobody answered, I looked in the mailbox because that’s where he normally leaves me the key, the key wasn’t there, so I sat on the bench in front of the house.

Narrator: The situation made her very uneasy. Nothing like this had ever happened before.

Agnes: Bob always was home when I went over there, or if, him and Georgia, they would always always tell me if they would not be home, and they put a key in the mailbox. But it was a very rare occasion that they were not home.

Narrator: After about 15 minutes, Jeff drove up to the house.

Agnes: I told him right away that, you know, that where Bob is, because he’s not answering the door. And Jeff was just asking me, “Are you supposed to be here today?” I said, “Yeah, Bob knew that I’m coming today.”

Narrator: Agnes was surprised to hear that Bob didn’t tell Jeff that she would be coming that day. As Jeff let her in the house, she began to feel that something was very wrong.

Agnes: I was really concerned at that point, I was afraid to go upstairs, I didn’t want to find anything. So I asked Jeff if he would go upstairs and see if Bob was there.

Narrator: Agnes waited at the bottom of the stairs while Jeff went up to have a look around.

Agnes: I thought he’s just going to look into the room, it takes a minute to go up, look into the room, and just see if Bob was there or not. But he actually ended up spending a couple of minutes there, so I thought maybe, you know, he find something, he find him there or something. So I yelled up, I said, “Is he there, is he ok?” And he said, ‘No, he’s not here.” And then he came back.

Narrator: Uncertain about what to do next, Agnes began cleaning, while Jeff resumed his repairs. As she worked her way around the house, she noticed something disturbing.

Agnes: When I went upstairs, I saw that in his bedroom, the bed was unmade, and never in the 10 years I worked for them, that happened before. It was just so out of character for him to not to make the bed, I just thought it was very strange.

Narrator: Deeply troubled, Agnes finished up and left, shortly after Jeff, who had also completed his work.

Agnes: I was there all together about 3 hours. I can honestly tell you that during the whole time I was there, I was very concerned. I kept thinking, where is he at?

Video Clip:

Bumpity...just to help out those who are viewing the thread...
I would think the new timeline provided by the Disappeared teaser sort of calls into question the assertion of PB that she spoke with her father that morning....jmvho.

I had the same thought.

"He was at home and seemed in good spirits when I last spoke to him somewhere between 11 a.m. - 12pm. His son-in-law was there doing odd jobs as Dads new wife was returning from Missouri on Wed. 7/29/09. Heard son-in-law say he was going to the hardware store. When he returned the housekeeper was waiting outside and Dad was gone."
Wonder if some of you guys that have followed Bob's case from the start...or near the start....would mind posting a couple links for new folks who might be visiting for the first time. Where could a new person find the basics about Bob's disappearance?
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