CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #1

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I am really hoping hard it's not him. Please please please. Earlier I had a weird thought that probably isn't realistic but if by chance it is him and is a suicide, why fire when water is so close? Got me thinking about drugs and body temperature. Here there was a case of a man on bath salts running around naked and literally biting another man's face. Is it chilly there at night to where he could have done something crazy? Also if he left belongings, it would assume it was planned because he would need a lighter or something.

Random crazy thoughts. This has given me major anxiety.

Yeah, but the reports of bath salts causing death and mayhem are greatly exaggerated. The guy in Florida was stoned, not on bath salts:

But taking ones clothes off is definitely a symptom of drug induced psychosis and non-drug related psychosis.

The onset of mental illness is sadly not uncommon at this age. But it seems many are quite reluctant to look at that posdibility in such cases.

Anything is possible I know but I tend to consider the more obvious as the most likely.
I wonder when his parents last saw him in person. As much as you think you know your child, you really don't know all. When they go away to school, and have other influences, I think parents only know what their child wants them to know. I still think he had a mental issue developing that may have been rushed along by the meds. I think when someone goes missing, the family is afraid of releasing too much personal info in case they do come back.
I also want to add that sometimes families can be in denial as well.

Broke my heart listening to the mom. She sounds so caring and loving towards her son. I hope the best for Bryce and his family.
NOTE: I have not been able to verify this. This is what one news anchor on Twitter is reporting:

Jack Noyes KNBC
"Sheriff spokesman just said Castaic burned body discovered this morning NOT related to missing person Bryce Laspisa of Laguna Niguel."

Boy I hope that's right!!! Let it be true!!!

Missed it, but I'm assuming she's saying no depression that she knew about. It sounds like there were definitely some things he may have been keeping from her.

Yes and mental illness can surface quickly. Especially if there's some sudden intense pressure of some sort.
I wonder when his parents last saw him in person. As much as you think you know your child, you really don't know all. When they go away to school, and have other influences, I think parents only know what their child wants them to know. I still think he had a mental issue developing that may have been rushed along by the meds. I think when someone goes missing, the family is afraid of releasing too much personal info in case they do come back.

The mom's FB page talks about she & his dad helping him move into his first apartment on Aug 12th & getting ready to fly back home. Not sure where he was living for the '12-'13 school year. His FB pics clearly show he spent a lot of time at Sierra College during that time & seemed to be going there then. IDK.
All of that time passing between locations, as well as his going back and forth to the crash site beforehand, could be indicative of someone who was contemplating suicide and building up the nerve. As he got closer and closer to home, perhaps his fears (whatever they were) overwhelmed him to the point wher he ultimately decided to carry it out. When he purposely wrecked and didn't die, perhaps he then kicked out the back door to begin the path toward completion, culminating in a death via self-immolation.

Or, he had the wreck, was injured, and walked until he passed.Then, a freak event happened where his body ignited during decomp.

I just don't see anything up to this point that alludes to evil being perpetrated on him.

ETA: Just saw the unconfirmed update about the Sheriff saying they are unrelated. Hope it's true, as it changes everything.
A short time ago, on the live radio broadcast posted just up-thread ...

BL's Mom said that BL's SUV's airbag did NOT deploy.
I am having a very hard time buying into the suicide by lighting himself
on fire theory. I guess it is just easier for me to believe, from all of the terrible things that people do to others, that if the burning body was his that it was someone else that did that to him.
It's possible that BL has a friend unknown to his family who could have picked him up, or he may have been able to hitch a ride. I hope he's okay and just hiding out somewhere.
Boy I hope that's right!!! Let it be true!!!

Yes and mental illness can surface quickly. Especially if there's some sudden intense pressure of some sort.

That's for certain. My own son had some minor rebellion issues as a teen (home after curfew etc) nothing awful or horrible. Then he disappeared for 4mos right after he turned 20. We found him in a catatonic state. I thought he was doing drugs and that caused his conditions. Doctors ran tests and no drugs in his system, also did hair follicle test. No prior drug use at all. He simply stopped sleeping, got anxious, hallucinations began, and he just spiraled. It's been 5 yrs now and he has never been the same since. He's been diagnosed with schizophrenic effective. I've been told that each time he goes off his meds and hallucinations start it gets worse and worse.

My prayers for this family and Bryce. I hope it is NOT mental illness, and that he is found safe soon!
A short time ago, on the live radio broadcast posted just up-thread ...

BL's Mom said that BL's SUV's airbag did NOT deploy.

Wow! So Im wondering how severe this crash actually was? I had gotten hit at 60mph on the passenger side about 10 years ago - my airbags all deployed and the engine was shoved damn near into the front seat. I only went into a drainage ditch from being sideswiped by a woman attempting to kill herself and her kids by going the wrong way down I-65. I wasn't hurt, but jesus i felt like it.

Imagine going into a 15 foot drop! I mean, a car doesn't just lightly fall over - given the dynamics of speed and such. I am really nosy to see the photographs of the accident because nothing is adding up.

Im wondering if they airbags were faulty? Had the car been in an accident prior and already deployed? I don't know if that would make a difference.

Regarding suicide by fire: I only know of suicide by fire concerning a monk that did it during a protest and a few rare exceptions. I don't believe anyone can willingly do that when there are many other ways to end your life with less pain. After all suicide is intended to stop the pain a person is feeing - not create more - and quickly.

It sounds more and more like it's either a random fluke that person was murdered and disposed of there or someone really took advantage of the situation entirely.

here's a random bone to toss:

Ever read about people who fake their own deaths? Almost all of them use fire and a body of someone of the same sex.Obviously they do it in a manner which it's considered beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's them and typically not requiring of a dna test or dental records (people go to Mexico to do it as well). Im not saying that's what happened here, but it's just a random thing that popped in my head.

I think he committed suicide :( and or survived the accident and wandered off severely injured. im just going back to the law enforcement tossing out "we are investigating this as a homicide". This means that there is evidence of trauma and extensive blood loss inside the vehicle.

This news source says it is "likely not" him. Thank goodness, although still tragic for whomever it is.

This spins an entire other situation into the realm though. Someone locally knew that area and there's no way they avoided the news if they are local. Whomever they found is being missed right now and I hope their family finds peace soon. I also hope that they didn't perish in the fire, that's a terrible suffering i cannot imagine. Any word on any persons reported missing since Sunday? Im guessing the person found was likely killed tuesday - people don't typically hang onto dead bodies.
A short time ago, on the live radio broadcast posted just up-thread ...

BL's Mom said that BL's SUV's airbag did NOT deploy.

:banghead: WHAT?!?!?! Vehicle goes down an incline and lands on it's side and the air bags don't deploy?? This gets weirder and weirder!

Going to jump back to an earlier post, where he says he's going talk to her later. In teenagers, something small can seem a big deal to them. Perhaps he wanted to change career plans, or colleges (Especially if he wanted to go to that college because the gf lived near, and if he wanted to breakup, maybe didn't want to live near her?) or he didn't like the roommate... could be a million reasons that's a HUGE deal for them, but as a parent doesn't seem like a big deal at all. Look how many teenagers are afraid of telling their parents they are pregnant, or their gf is. Most kids don't want to disappoint their if they think their actions would disappoint, they tend to hide it. Most parents love unconditionally, and no matter what's going on, it can be worked through. Not all parents though. Some have very high expectations, and that really puts pressure on some kids.

I keep hearing something my Mom has said many times. "We only know a person from the time we know them." My husband knows things about me that my Mom doesn't. My Mom knows things about me that my husband doesn't. Both know things my kids don't know about me. Mom knows things Dad doesn't. Dad knows things Mom doesn't. Friends know things the rest don't know. Each person we interact with knows things about us that others may not know.

Back to Bryce...someone reported on the findbyrce fb that the radio broadcast had his mother stating she was getting information from media, fb, etc. and not the investigator. That is sad if true! Knowing the media is reporting lots about him being missing, and the body of whoever found... someone should be in contact with that family to ease their worries, or give them some update of what's going on!!! What a terrible way to hear anything!
If it's not him, which I'm really rooting for, I wonder if there is any connection? Ill keep my theories quiet until we know it is not him. Not that I have many theories but probably am over thinking tonight due to all the craziness of this. :-(
A short time ago, on the live radio broadcast posted just up-thread ...

BL's Mom said that BL's SUV's airbag did NOT deploy.

Wonder if this lends credence to the staged crash theory... besides the bags being faulty, if the car was off with no one inside and pushed down the ravine instead of driven? Doesn't explain the blood found inside though.

I hate the waiting for details to surface. I wonder why they think the body isn't his.
Also on the radio earlier ...

BL's Mom said she was told, something to the effect, that there was some blood in the SUV but that that sounded worse than it actually was.
Also on the radio earlier ...

BL's Mom said she was told, something to the effect, that there was some blood in the SUV but that that sounded worse than it actually was.

Im wondering if she's either not filled in or the msm reports are way off. It was reported that it's being treated as a homicide case, I can only assume that it's because of what they found inside or around the vehicle. I would only guess they'd claim a death by bodily fluids or blood that is left behind.

I cannot imagine the sadness and fear his love ones are experiencing.

This news source says it is "likely not" him. Thank goodness, although still tragic for whomever it is.

Just to add a bit of sad reality to this situation, oftentimes this kind of information turns out to be wrong. There are many cases on Websleuths alone where initial IDs are faulty and it turns out to be the missing individual upon further analysis.

It's just hard for me to imagine this being someone else considering the proximity to the crash and the relatively low density area.
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