CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #8

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Here we go round the red headed mulberry bush.
Are you in California? Cause I see them all over the place. I wouldn't blink twice at a redhead here, and yes most of them are natural, very few are dyed.

nope, in FL, but have been in CA plenty as well as other states, I stand my ground NATURAL RED HEADS are FEW AND FAR between. and it is very easy to spot natural versus dyed.
I am in the process of becoming a verified insider and then I will try to go into more details, but for now I will just answer your question.

I saw Bryce on Tuesday evening at his apartment and Wednesday evening at my apartment and he was acting weird both days. Monday everything was fine with us and Tuesday it was like he was a different person.

Thank you SO much, kslyfoxy - that is so very helpful to know. We appreciate this insight. Thank you for engaging in the process to become a verified insider. I can't imagine how your heart hurts, but we are here to help. Many minds can make a difference. :loveyou:

So Monday night or Tuesday day (after finishing the Madden xbox game at 9:55 AM?) something had changed in him.... and it lasted.
I would like to know how his fair skin would look after 2 months if he were not living with a roof over his head. I've seen many homeless people in Santa Clarita and they have an over exposed, leathery look. And if he were living this lifestyle, I would think his face would be thinner. I guess my question is, would we recognize him if we saw him on the street as a transient?
I would like to know how his fair skin would look after 2 months if he were not living with a roof over his head. I've seen many homeless people in Santa Clarita and they have an over exposed, leathery look. And if he were living this lifestyle, I would think his face would be thinner. I guess my question is, would we recognize him if we saw him on the street as a transient?

I always thought pale people burned and not tanned. Therefore he'd probably look the same. I could be wrong though.

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I would like to know how his fair skin would look after 2 months if he were not living with a roof over his head. I've seen many homeless people in Santa Clarita and they have an over exposed, leathery look. And if he were living this lifestyle, I would think his face would be thinner. I guess my question is, would we recognize him if we saw him on the street as a transient?

I've wondered this too. Like AmandaFest mentioned I think he's probably more prone to burning than tanning based on people I've known with similarly fair skin. I wonder what would happen if someone who's got the typical fair/easy to burn skin got several sunburns from being out... I don't know.

I definitely agree his face would be thinner.

Following this line of thinking for a minute, I assume he wouldn't have much access to things like hair dye, so his bright red hair should still be noticeable, and that tattoo should as well if it's not covered by clothing. Guessing he might have some facial hair as well. I think someone on the Find Bryce page did a sort of mock up photo with facial hair awhile back but I'm having trouble finding it. Anyone else remember seeing it or want to help look for it?
bl.jpg Is this the one you're referring to?

i've wondered this too. Like amandafest mentioned i think he's probably more prone to burning than tanning based on people i've known with similarly fair skin. I wonder what would happen if someone who's got the typical fair/easy to burn skin got several sunburns from being out... I don't know.

I definitely agree his face would be thinner.

Following this line of thinking for a minute, i assume he wouldn't have much access to things like hair dye, so his bright red hair should still be noticeable, and that tattoo should as well if it's not covered by clothing. Guessing he might have some facial hair as well. I think someone on the find bryce page did a sort of mock up photo with facial hair awhile back but i'm having trouble finding it. Anyone else remember seeing it or want to help look for it?
My son has the exact same color hair, eyes and complexion as Bryce. I put very strong sunscreen on him every single day (and he always wears a baseball hat) regardless of the weather however sometimes he does end up with more sun exposure on his skin than is optimal for such a fair skinned kid. His arms and neck have a more "tanned" look to them than his legs and other less exposed portions of his body as he loves to play outside. So to answer your question, after a lot of sun exposure I imagine, since he is identical to my son in coloring, that he would get a bit darker though he would still be easily identifiable as a redhead. HTH
If in fact he is "hiding" I would think his hair would be the first thing to go. And if not, if he is alive and "lost", his hair will still be bright red, which would make him stand out among the street populations, IMO. Of course he would look rough, but the hair would be the same, maybe longer.

But neither of the above ring true to me...not at two-plus months.
I've wondered this too. Like AmandaFest mentioned I think he's probably more prone to burning than tanning based on people I've known with similarly fair skin. I wonder what would happen if someone who's got the typical fair/easy to burn skin got several sunburns from being out... I don't know.

I definitely agree his face would be thinner.

Following this line of thinking for a minute, I assume he wouldn't have much access to things like hair dye, so his bright red hair should still be noticeable, and that tattoo should as well if it's not covered by clothing. Guessing he might have some facial hair as well. I think someone on the Find Bryce page did a sort of mock up photo with facial hair awhile back but I'm having trouble finding it. Anyone else remember seeing it or want to help look for it?
Jumping off your post.

FWIW, with three redheads in our family, they can tan, burn or do nothing. My son does not burn or tan, just stays pale, but wears long sleeves and a hat nearly all the time. Even when exposed to the sun, he can go for three hours and not burn. 20 minutes in the sun without sunscreen and I'm fried. Spousey is somewhere in between-burns then tans.

A slouching teenager in a hoodie would not be noticed or stared at. It would be normal, so it's really easy to hide if you want to. If Bryce is in Northern Ca, Oregon or further north, it is already long sleeve shirt weather time, so the tattoos would not be noticed. He would also not be burning, especially if he has gotten to any wooded area. I, from my own experience, would not think he has gotten thin yet, but that would be coming. Up until the end of October, food isn't that scarce if you are a clean, friendly sort in a campground. Plus, in Washington, there were still berries, apples, corn and other fruits and vegetables around for the picking free in many state parks and open land. (blackberries are rather a weed in cooler climes)

While I agree, red hair is not that common on average, there can be pockets where there are more redheads than usual. In our family alone with no grandparents with red hair and only one great grandparent with red hair, ended up with 3 of 5 grandchildren with red hair. The genetic predisposition was there and popped out for that generation.

I guess my point is that while some people cannot see how he could hide, I see many ways he could hide, survive, and even thrive depending on where he is. I have met so many really kind individuals in my travels (lousy ones, too, don't get me wrong), I have no problem believing that Bryce may have found some himself, even some like myself who would have no idea who was considered missing if I didn't come to this website.

(I also don't discount foul play after Bryce escaped the crash, someone else coming and getting him, and a host of other possibilities, BTW. I embrace all kinds of possibilities until any have been ruled out.)
I just text my red-headed granddaughter and she said that she will tan a little bit, but not much, mostly she just burns. She's going to a tanning salon now for a wedding this weekend and said that she has a slight tan. FWIW
I always thought pale people burned and not tanned. Therefore he'd probably look the same. I could be wrong though.

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He could have a lot of freckles. Freckles come out from the sun.
I personally didn't recognize mental illness behavior in my own son. In fact I accused him of drug usage on numerous occasions. I didn't find out that there was no drug use until Drs did hair follicle tests (they too thought his behavior was drug related). I accused my son because he was curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth and saying "I'm scared, I'm scared" breaks my heart now that I know it was the voices in his head and the delusions he was experiencing that scared him, and not brought on by drugs :(

I'm not saying that this is what Bryce was experiencing. Just expressing my own experience. At the time, there was no way anyone could convince me that my son was not doing drugs. His behavior completely mimicked that of someone who was. JMO

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Everything above is JMO!

This scenario is heartbreaking.
"I did then what I knew how to do. Know that I know better, I do better." Maya Angelou.

My bil, in his fifties now, tells me how painful it was for him when he was always getting in trouble as a kid. He was often blamed for things his goody two shoes sister started or did.
All she had to do was point and say, 'he did it'.
Even though, when he was just a boy, he wasn't cognizant that anything was wrong with him exactly, he mentioned that he believed everyone felt the same as he did (which I can't understand what he means completely because he doesn't describe specifically how he felt).
My impression is that he talks to me because he discovered I'll listen.
When I suggested to his sister that she put herself in his shoes, she fell silent.
There's so much unspoken and I sense refusal to embrace the truth. The person who is supposed to be the sane one, seems the sickest sometimes imo. Afterall, when you find out there's a reason for madness, that's no fault of the person, show some compassion, understanding and say you're sorry that, in your ignorance, you made things worse.
I'll never understand people who refuse to accept the truth of a matter after its been firmly established.
All my bil wants is to feel he's being heard. That's all.
When he's annoying, tell him politely, and he's the first one to say, 'oh, I'm sorry'. When some sane person might turn a comment around back on you. In other words, they live in their own head according to their own rules and are never willing to adapt or really listen to another person.
Sorry, rambling.
I would like to know how his fair skin would look after 2 months if he were not living with a roof over his head. I've seen many homeless people in Santa Clarita and they have an over exposed, leathery look. And if he were living this lifestyle, I would think his face would be thinner. I guess my question is, would we recognize him if we saw him on the street as a transient?

Bryce is covered in hundreds of freckles on his arms, legs, and chest (and a little bit on his face but not that many) so he doesn't really have the typical pale skin of a normal red head. I spent 17 days with him and his parents this summer and Bryce and I tanned every single day and he actually got fairly tan for a redhead. If he is outside somewhere now he would not be very pale. As far as his hair goes, his hair grows pretty fast and his facial hair would grow enough that he would shave like once or twice a week. He had a chin strap when I last saw him.
I could see in some of the pictures that Bryce had a decent tan.
Did Bryce use something to make his hair appear brighter red?
In a picture of a younger him, his hair doesn't look as red. Of course, that
could be because of lighting or picture quality.
The hair thing though would be the easiest to change if someone wanted to change the way they look.
Was Bryce ever rebellious or confused about the direction of his life at all?
@ kslyfoxy: Can you give us more of a general description of Bryces’ likes/dislikes? TIA
For example:
Favorite place to visit? (ex: ocean, mountains, lakes, cities, small towns, etc)
Did he prefer warm weather to cold, or vice-verse, or liked both equally?
Favorite foods?
Morning person or night owl?
Did he like to drive?
Was he a boy scout growing up?
Did he play team sports or individual sports?
Was he good at talking though disagreements or did he need to take time outs?
What were his biggest dreams for his future?

Bryce and I visited Folsom Lake near Sierra College once while we lived there and we liked to go to swimming pools all the time. When I went to visit him and his parents during the school year we went to the ocean a few times. He is a strong swimmer which is why I feel strongly (and hope greatly) that he is not at the bottom of the lake. I know he really missed Naperville and all his friends there and would talk to me about it all the time.
I believe he prefers warm weather because I remember him complaining about how cold it used to be in Naperville.
Bryce likes most food and is not very picky, but as far as his favorites I know he liked Taco Bell a lot because we used to go there frequently.
Bryce is more of a morning person.
He didn't like driving more than the average person. He drove where he needed to go, but he and I would take turns driving so I don't think it was a hobby of his by any means.
He was not a boy scout growing up and he has only gone camping one weekend of his life. He is not a very outdoorsy person. However, he used to go to the gym every single day. He loves working out and is in fantastic physical shape.
He played team sports through high school. He was on the football team and I think he did soccer and other similar sports while growing up, but did not do any in college because college sports take a lot of time and are a lot more competitive.
He and I did not have very many disagreements because we always got along really well, but the few times we did disagree we were able to talk it out really quickly and he didn't seem to have any problems with that.
His biggest dreams for his future were to do well in college, transfer to a good 4 year university after he was done at Sierra, get married and have kids. He and I had talked about our future together in great detail and had a lot of things planned together, which is why him breaking up with me was so out of the blue. Everything had been perfectly fine with us and then he all of the sudden broke up with me and then disappeared. He was acting so strangely when all of this happened, that his parents and I believe that he didn't really mean it when he broke up with me. That is why I personally find it kind of offensive when people on here refer to me as his "ex-girlfriend" because as far as me and his parents are concerned I am still his girlfriend and I am doing my best to help find him.
@ kslyfoxy: Can you give us more of a general description of Bryces’ likes/dislikes? TIA
For example:
Favorite place to visit? (ex: ocean, mountains, lakes, cities, small towns, etc)
Did he prefer warm weather to cold, or vice-verse, or liked both equally?
Favorite foods?
Morning person or night owl?
Did he like to drive?
Was he a boy scout growing up?
Did he play team sports or individual sports?
Was he good at talking though disagreements or did he need to take time outs?
What were his biggest dreams for his future?

Good questions, Quester.

nope, in FL, but have been in CA plenty as well as other states, I stand my ground NATURAL RED HEADS are FEW AND FAR between. and it is very easy to spot natural versus dyed.

I think being a redhead is a feature that could make him easier to spot. That's the bottom line. Sure, there are redheads but it is a unique hair color and that's why a few red headed young men in southern California have been stopped or photographed or questioned.

If Bryce is out there with a cognitive/neurolgoical or psych impairment, he may not have dyed his hair. And i think that's something a lot of guys may not think of anyhow, if trying to hide. So the hair may be a good way to find him.
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