CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #9

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Geo22 - sounds like you have insider information. You might want to get the "verified insider" status from one of the mods. Just send them a PM and they can help you.

As interesting as your post is (it is, thank you), it doesn't really change the current status. We don't know whether Bryce is alive, or not. What is your suggestion, based on all your info, as to the best place to look? Thanks in advance for your reply, and all the information you posted. Very interesting, indeed!

Where should LE be placing their focus?
I do not believe that I am an insider as defined in the TOS. I simply determined early on that there was a family issue which may have contributed to Bryce's disappearance. The information can be obtained with a simple Intelius search. Frankly, it jumps out at you.
Geo22 - sounds like you have insider information. You might want to get the "verified insider" status from one of the mods. Just send them a PM and they can help you.

As interesting as your post is (it is, thank you), it doesn't really change the current status. We don't know whether Bryce is alive, or not. What is your suggestion, based on all your info, as to the best place to look? Thanks in advance for your reply, and all the information you posted. Very interesting, indeed!

Where should LE be placing their focus?

Was the post removed Geo22? I wanted to read it.
I do not believe that I am an insider as defined in the TOS. I simply determined early on that there was a family issue which may have contributed to Bryce's disappearance. The information can be obtained with a simple Intelius search. Frankly, it jumps out at you.

I did look at Intelius, and I don't get it. Please explain? Are you suggesting he is adopted because there seems to be a random woman's name? Intelius has that frequently, and unexplained. My name has some random guy mentioned I've never heard of.

On a separate note, Castaic lake was in the news today because the water is so low, and a backpack that was lost 20 years ago was found. Oddly enough it was the backpack of an FBI agent who had been fishing. Strange stuff that Castaic lake!
I do not believe that I am an insider as defined in the TOS. I simply determined early on that there was a family issue which may have contributed to Bryce's disappearance. The information can be obtained with a simple Intelius search. Frankly, it jumps out at you.
Are you talking about the places it listed for where he has lived? I am not familiar enough with his case to know what should be jumping out at me.
I agree that, especially with the water level so low, the lake deserves another thorough does the surrounding area, especially to the east.

I also agree with those here who think that his actions in the 5 or so days leading up to his disappearance hold the key to his whereabouts. I would like the family to disclose if Bryce was suicidal or had made mention of wanting to take his own life on the days leading up to his disappearance. His text messages to his roommate, his abrupt departure from his relationship, his refusal to take anyone's phone calls and him leaving everything inside his wrecked car may very well indicate he was looking to end his life. Add a large amounts of drugs to that picture and he might have done just that. If so, he isn't far from where his car crashed.

I would also like more information on the young guy who brought him gas. There were unconfirmed rumors floating around that Bryce was hanging out with him in Buttonwillow. If there is any truth to that, he would know more than anyone what Bryce's state of mind was directly before his crash.

If he is alive and suffering from a mental illness and wandering around I don't necessarily think he would have been spotted by now. I live in Southern California and very few people even know about his disappearance. From the Facebook page it might seem like a lot of people but it really isn't.

Hoping his family is able to receive the closure they deserve, one way or another.
This is my previous post with the final paragraph containing the unacceptable content deleted. I will add a new final paragraph.

I have followed the BL disappearance from the beginning, mostly because it was well-publicized in the Naperville, IL area. As many of you know, BL graduated from Naperville Central HS in May 2012. At about the same time, Mr and Mrs L retired, sold their Naperville home and moved to a condo in Southern CA with BL. The Ls appeared to be quite anxious to move in that they dropped the price of their home significantly to accomplish the sale. It appears that BL lived most of his life in the Naperville home and online information indicates that he was unhappy with the move and missed his Naperville friends.
Shortly after the Ls arrived in CA, BL began his first year at Sierra Community College, in Northern CA over 400 miles from his parents. Online information indicates that his first year was problematic and that during the Spring 2013 session he was expelled from the college dorm for an unspecified reason. Online information indicates also indicates that he had a difficult relationship with his dorm roommate. However, BL did have a slightly older girlfriend.
When BL returned to Sierra Community College in August 2013, he moved into an apartment with a new roommate since he could not live in the dorm. His older girlfriend had graduated and moved to Cal State in Chico to continue her studies. Clearly, at this point, BL had a lot of stress factors in life. It does not seem that BL wanted to be in CA, he did not want to be in college and he was separated from his girlfriend. He has only been back at college for several days before his final return trip to Southern CA to visit his parents.
I won’t recount all of the circumstances surrounding his final return trip to Southern CA since they are well known. However, it’s clear that as BL began his trip he had undertaken actions which disturbed his fellow college students, his girlfriend and his mother. He then began an extended trip to Southern CA with lengthy stops along the way and then disappeared near Castaic Lake. A video surveillance camera showed his Toyota Highlander passing the camera three times in a three hour period as he apparently drove down to the lake and back. On the third drive, the vehicle overturned and BL disappeared. Without being more specific, this suggests that BL was trying to make a decision involving being down near the lake. In August 2013, the lake was several hundred feet deep and formed behind a 300 foot dam. Dogs initially detected his scent near the water. Dogs later detected his scent on the dam and possibly leaving the area.
The preceding narrative may point to an unfortunate conclusion. However, BL’s last text to a college friend seemed upbeat but cryptic. I don’t believe that his college friend has been forthcoming in explaining the text. BL had a lot of stress factors in life but were they really sufficient to lead to an unfortunate conclusion? Also, no remains or material clues have ever been found.

I agree with recent posters that the family should be forthcoming with BL's apparent state of mind prior to his disappearance. What pushed BL over the brink? Until that happens, this matter will never be resolved. I also agree that the person who likely knows what BL planned was the last person he texted. The last text was quite cryptic. What did the text mean?

Last November, after reviewing all of the information, I concluded that BL entered the water in a distressed and probably drugged state of mind and did not exit. When a person drowns the body sinks. It does not float until the body fills with decomposition gasses. If a person drowns in a deep lake, it may sink into a layer of water where the temperature is a constant 39 degrees. This greatly slows the rate of decomposition and may prevent the body from floating and keep it at great depths. This has happened before at Castaic where a drowning victim was only located with special sonar. 14 months later it is unclear whether remains will ever be found. Possibly a red shoe will be found at some point.

This is a sad situation. But, unfortunately, young people often don't have an adequate perspective on life. They don't realize that life has many ups and downs and that if you wait a bit and work ai it things will usually improve.
Thank you so much for all the information Geo. I can't find the text but I do remember that along with all the other clues led me to the same conclusion. Bryce had been having erratic behavior and decision making according to his GF one day he was breaking up with her and the next day waiting outside her apt talking about marriage. This was the days leading up to his disappearance. Sadly, the drugs made his thought process screwy, messed up and a contributing factor to all this that went down. That's why GF and roomate took his keys. His GF moving and him not wanting to go to college anymore along with other stuff maybe not knowing how to tell his parents felt no end to his problems decided to find the way out by way of lake. IIRC he told his Mom he needed to talk to her about something. Maybe dropping out of school ??? He could have thought they would be upset especially since the move from Naperville. Age 20 is a common age for suicide and mental illness showing up in mainly young men reaching adulthood. Taking extreme measures such as suicide instead of seeking help when life gets to unbearable and can't handle it. The Vyvenes is a stimulant which acts like speed I believe he had been awake for three days. He was coming down from it when he was on his way back home. The downside symptom is being VERY depressed (suicidal) and tired that's the scariest time after crash and burn from speed, the downward deep fall into the depression.
Poor Bryce. He's going to be lost longer than Bob unless somebody starts searching in the right place to find him, and bring his remains home. I don't think there's any chance of that, myself. It's sad.

You don't find a deceased person by looking for a living one.
Seems like we need to search out more on this JL. If he had a sister, where is she? Wouldn't people in Naperville know there was another child of the L's? This could be a factor in what happened to Bryce. Whatever happened with her could be what lead to Bryce's disappearance. IMO.
Poor Bryce. He's going to be lost longer than Bob unless somebody starts searching in the right place to find him, and bring his remains home. I don't think there's any chance of that, myself. It's sad.

You don't find a deceased person by looking for a living one.


If there was clear evidence that Bryce was dead then that would make sense to me. The alleged drug use and possible but not verified mental health issues doesn't mean that he's dead in my opinion.

I think that it's a good idea to keep looking for an "alive" Bryce and also continue to search the Castaic Lake area. If Bryce committed suicide or accidentally drowned he will be in that area.

I support the Laspisa family in their search for Bryce. I will not second guess anything that they have done and they don't owe me any explanation for what they have done or haven't done in this case. They need support and not criticism.

I never feel that anyone in these cases owes me anything. I am here by my own will. I have no expectations of anyone involved. I do not do this for payback or anything like that. I help where I can and accept that I may never know the details or outcomes of many of these cases. IMO, JMO.
I never feel that anyone in these cases owes me anything. I am here by my own will. I have no expectations of anyone involved. I do not do this for payback or anything like that. I help where I can and accept that I may never know the details or outcomes of many of these cases. IMO, JMO.

Thanks Seajay. I think that attitudes like yours is the proper way cases like this should be looked at. I'm sure that the families of the missing would agree.

Its obvious everyone cares a great deal, despite various theories.
Im interested in this purported sibling. Perhaps they are deceased or disabled?
Its obvious everyone cares a great deal, despite various theories.
Im interested in this purported sibling. Perhaps they are deceased or disabled?

I guess if a connection could be made about a family member to Bryce's disappearance then it would be okay to research and post about them. A MSM link may be needed though.

Websleuths usually keeps family members out of the discussion unless they are clearly involved in the case. JMO.
Its obvious everyone cares a great deal, despite various theories.
Im interested in this purported sibling. Perhaps they are deceased or disabled?

I don't know where this secret sibling came from but what bearing would this have on the disappearance? I'm sure if there was such a mysterious sibling with any possible link to Bryce the family would have had this investigated by the PI.

Now that Castaic lake level is very low down 151 feet it would be good time to bring in search teams with advanced sonar equipment, divers, and by foot. Animals can dig, move and scatter human remains from their original location even in shallow graves. At least by doing this new evidence may turn up.
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