CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #4

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Sorry, no.

Elisa Lam Video - YouTube

The suspect gets Elisa fully off camera. If this was a sex crime, or if murder was the intent, then the video would have ended here.

The suspect allows her to leave, and gives her 20-seconds to leave.

Okay, I've read your posts outlining this theory. I disagree with them. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but I don't understand the logistics of the elevator video if she's talking to someone and in her right mind.

Still, I don't claim to know with certainty what happened, so I can't say you're definitely wrong.

PS: You seem to be disagreeing with an assertion I never made. Maybe I should have been more clear. I don't think there was anyone in the hall in that video. I think Elisa was not in her right mind, possibly due to her medications, to Ambien, or to some other drug like Ecstasy or LSD. I've posted the link to the LA Weekly article before, with an expert saying that her behavior suggests drug use... It seems to me that she was not in a good mental state, and that this left her vulnerable, then, some time after the surveillance video was taken, she encountered someone who took advantage of that. Maybe someone she had met there before. Most likely staff or a long-term resident, but maybe just a guest or tourist. But, again, that's just my view of the most plausible theory. I just don't have enough facts to be very certain.
I can confirm that's Effexor, from personal experience.

Not a good drug, imo. Caused me to have weird thoughts, like intentionally burning my hand on a stove just to see if I could feel it.

I would like to express my thoughts that her medication cocktail probably only proves her aversion to alcohol.

Effexor was horrible for me, too--it induced bipolar III mania in me, and I'm not normally bipolar or manic. I did a lot of crazy stuff that I regret (impulsiveness, promiscuity, etc). Withdrawals are quick and horrendous. Dexedrine and Wellbutrin induce mania for me too. However, that's just MY brain chemistry. I know that for someone who has mania and ADHD, those same drugs can calm them down.
Doesn't the "hold door" button work as long as it's not manually deactivated/disabled? You would have at least to push it twice, one time to actually hold the door and a second time to close it again.

Good point. I was looking for the old fashioned "Door Hold" button that has a pull out knob. These held the elevator, door open, until someone manually reset the knob. It makes sense to have these in a hotel with a residential section so people can move in and out without using the freight elevator.

This would mean she intended to hold the door open or hit it in error but did not realize it. The weirder thing is how the door closed without someone releasing the door hold button inside the elevator?
Effexor was horrible for me, too--it induced bipolar III mania in me, and I'm not normally bipolar or manic. I did a lot of crazy stuff that I regret (impulsiveness, promiscuity, etc). Withdrawals are quick and horrendous. Dexedrine and Wellbutrin induce mania for me too. However, that's just MY brain chemistry. I know that for someone who has mania and ADHD, those same drugs can calm them down.

No, many people expressed mania from withdrawal from Effexor. I went through it a bit myself, and I was only on it for a few months.
Sorry, no.

Elisa Lam Video - YouTube

The suspect gets Elisa fully off camera. If this was a sex crime, or if murder was the intent, then the video would have ended here.

The suspect allows her to leave, and gives her 20-seconds to leave.

Well, you assume that the crime (if there was one, and I agree that there was) happens in part during the video. We have no idea if the video is actually linked to her demise.
Well, you assume that the crime (if there was one, and I agree that there was) happens in part during the video. We have no idea if the video is actually linked to her demise.

Yes, I agree this is all just my thought, but it's a heck of a thought.
No, many people expressed mania from withdrawal from Effexor. I went through it a bit myself, and I was only on it for a few months.

Hmm? I didn't say they didn't--I'm confused! When I said that bipolar people could be calmed down by some speedy meds, I didn't mean that it worked for all of them, and I didn't mean that they couldn't have mania from withdrawing. I was given Effexor for regular depression. I had mania on it, but I can't remember if I did when I was withdrawing--it made me too miserable to notice. Stuttering, tingling all over, restless limbs--that's what I remember about withdrawing.
Hmm? I didn't say they didn't--I'm confused! When I said that bipolar people could be calmed down by some speedy meds, I didn't mean that it worked for all of them, and I didn't mean that they couldn't have mania from withdrawing. I was given Effexor for regular depression. I had mania on it, but I can't remember if I did when I was withdrawing--it made me too miserable to notice. Stuttering, tingling all over, restless limbs--that's what I remember about withdrawing.

Yeah, the stuttering is a pain, huh?
A couple of things my mind keeps coming back to:

1. Her arm swing when she first comes in the elevator.

If that was yourself, it would be indicative about feeling up or good about some recent or impending experience or event.

For Elisa, maybe she'd recently met or spent some time (I don't necessarily mean sexual) with someone she liked, or she'd just had a positive experience, like interacting with one or more people on the roof, or she was on her way to meet one or more people that she liked, or she was looking forward to going to a speakeasy in a little while. Or the cocktail of drugs in her were affecting her emotions, and she was feeling up for no reason, except for the drugs.

Or maybe she's just come back from the roof, after finding a good way to off herself? When she is 3/4 blind without her glasses? Not.

2. No glasses, on the 14th floor?

Was her vision as bad as her behavior in the elevator would lead us to believe? Or was it impaired even further than normal by something in her? If her vision was as bad as it looked, it's really hard to believe that she would leave her room without wearing her glasses.

I'm sure I saw a news report that all her belongings were in her room, including her glasses and computer.

And I haven't seen anything to confirm the floor she was staying on. So what's she doing up there by herself?

3. The splayed hand movements.

They initially look really, really strange, even when considering her overly, and overtly, expressive nature.

So come on everybody, close your eyes, or turn off the lights, and make those motions yourself. Let's do it all together. And what are you doing? You're searching around in the dark for something. Glasses maybe? Room key/card?

4. Why did the maintenance guy go to the roof, climb up the ladder, lift the lid and look into the tank when there was a problem/complaint about water pressure?

He would probably have taken a flashlight too, because there wouldn't be enough natural light from the lid opening to see to the bottom of the tank.

It wasn't because the water was black or stinky. Those comments came up later, only after the body was found. Probably from people looking for a law suit.

It was initially reported that he looked into the tank because of the low water pressure issue.

In a hotel that historically has had complaints about low water pressure?

In a hotel where one resident reported flooding 2-3 weeks before he looked into the tank?

Maybe there had been earlier events where someone had put something into a tank and it had blocked or obscured the outlet.

Maybe because he knew that people regularily went up to the roof and the lids on the tanks weren't locked (they are in big trouble with the health authority on that one, and the law suit will be successful).

If he was long-term, he would be aware of the graffiti, the bottles, and either knew residents who went up there or had encountered people up on the roof himself. And yet he told, or didn't contradict other hotel staff who told the police that the only way up to the roof was through a locked and alarmed door.

Or maybe because the maintenance guy had heard a rumour amongst hotel residents, or knew himself, that there was something in that tank.
Anybody who dresses up like that and plays the double bass is obviously, I mean obviously, into drugs and crime.
Here's the timeline as I see it, some may disagree

Assuming LAPD's purported Time Of Death is Feb 14-16

And all contact from her stops on Jan 31, he parents said she had daily contact on the phone, then all contact stops on Jan 31

No one else hears from or sees Elisa after Jan 31

We have the mystery elevator video on Jan 31 where she might've met her killer and the last person to see her alive. In the video we see her for several minutes either play acting out some prescription or illegal drug induced mannerisms or she's explaining problems to someone, either a resident, tourist or hotel employee. It also looks like she's counting on her hand something bothering her and it appears slightly someone might've pulled her hair as a threat or sexual advance

Weeks later in Feb, she's found totally naked in the tank and it was posted here purportedly LAFD/LAPD believe her clothes may have been dangling inside the drainage valve and they had to be pulled out

Note: It has'nt been verified if there were actually clothes in the tank or if they belonged to Elisa

Weird pig latin type graffiti's on/around the water tank where she was found and some posters deciphered the cryptic drawings as a sex reference of a woman

LAPD/LAFD believe Elisa entered the roof to get in the tanks by the fire escape ladders or the exit door that had an alarm, but it has'nt been verified if the alarm was working. The Chinese group of sleuthers completed a walk thru of the roof and found the exit door alarm not working. They also saw no hallway video cams at the Cecil hotel. We also don't know if the Chinese group interviewed anyone at the Cecil per Elisa's death

Where is this case now? A medical examiner's toxicology report's due very soon and the coroner has no cause of death, but apparently does have some things -- evidence - that they're looking into from the autopsy

Let me know if I missed anything, thanks
If she was indeed murdered her killer was somewhat organized. He had a dump site in mind in advance or has thought about the water tank for sometime.
Lives or works at the Cecil Hotel or close by.
One or two organized offenders, possibly young and/or strong to carry the body up the ladder or a flight of stairs or a fire escape.
Intelligent to clean up leave a clean crime scene and dump site. Is knowledgeable about DNA and chlorine in the water.
Has some college education, graduated high school.
Possible superstitious? Put her in a sealed tank of water to prevent her spirit from seeking revenge? Not many cases in involve a body in a water cistern on top of a hotel only in Asian countries, some by gangs and they call it a "planted lotus."
Watched Dark Water was obsessed with Asian horror/ghost movies?
Worked at the hotel in the past? Was a former discharged military vet?
Dosed or lured by killer onto roof, suffocated later before deposing?

Another thought lured by a friendly young couple?
Elisa Lam Video - YouTube

The suspect gives Elisa exactly 20-seconds to leave the 14th floor, but she keeps pressing the "HOLD DOOR" button thinking it reads, "CLOSE DOOR". The suspect, not being able to see which buttons she's pressing, believes this confirms Elisa as being a threat.

If this is correct, what do you believe the chances are the suspect wears a wristwatch?

Actually, the original video posted was slowed down for some reason. Even though you can't see the date/time stamp you can tell as the seconds tick off. I sped the video up so that it is "normal" time here:
I see your point, thank you for pointing that out. I'll be more careful.

My only excuse is I'm passionate about catching this guy.

edit: and I'm terrified that he's going to get away with this.

Futz, here's where I totally agree with you. You and I agree that this (probably) not just an accident or suicide. And, like, you, I'm outraged by the murder of this girl. And what's even worse is that someone who has killed one young woman might well do it again (whether he is, as I suspect, a sexual predator, or as you believe a paranoid schizophrenic who wrongly believed he was under threat). And I'm concerned that the police will give up on this and move on to the next case.

And I hope the LAPD does consider your theory. Even though I don't think it's the most plausible one, you've at least constructed a theory that fits the facts as we know them. So it would be irrational to rule it out.
She called her parents every day until Jan. 31.

Someone posted LAPD thinks Elisa time of death was Feb 14-16

Since this is only "hearsay" (no confirmation yet, I think?) , I am wondering why she would stop calling her parents all of a sudden for another 2 weeks (assuming she was alive and not dead/killed back then)?

I don't know exactly what kind of mental problems she had, but I and her close friends know that she had some strange episodes before ( and she has disappeared before too). However,her family was always reluctant to talk about her problems like in this case when they refused to release any information regarding her mental problems. Once we found out that she was going though some therapy for 3 weeks and she has regular depressions. I didn't talk to her for a year so I didn't know why she was going to LA. I suspect it is connected to schizophrenia or some mental problems rather than recreation drug use. She was traveling alone and it is suspicious too...

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